Hammurabi's Code Activity

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Close Read: What can we learn about Babylonia from

Hammurabi’s Code?


Hammurabi’s Code (also referred to as the

Code of Hammurabi) is the earliest known
example of written laws. A list of laws is called
a law code. Hammurabi was the king of
Babylonia which was located in the Fertile
Crescent (also referred to as Mesopotamia).
His law code was written around 1780 B.C.E.
and was found by archeologists in 1901 C.E.
Hammurabi had stone carvers create eight foot
tall pillars called steles on which the code was
written. The pillars were placed throughout
Babylonia to make the laws clear to inhabitants
and visitors.

The following selection is from the introduction of

Hammurabi’s Code that was written on the same stone pillars as
Hammurabi’s laws to explain why the king had the right to rule
and why those in Babylonia should follow his code.

As you read, pay attention to the religion of Babylonia. What

did people believe in? Who were their gods?
Document 1: Hammurabi’s Code—Religion (Modified) (10 points each)
1 When Anu the Sublime [greatest]. . . and Bel, the lord of Heaven and earth, who
2 decreed [ordered] the fate of the land, assigned to Marduk, the overruling son
3 of Ea, God of righteousness, power over earthly man, and made him great..they
4 called Babylon by his celebrated name, made it great on the earth, and founded an
5 everlasting kingdom in it. Then Anu and Bel called by naming me, Hammurabi,
6 the exalted [highly thought of] prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of
7 righteousness [quality of being morally right] in the land, to destroy the wicked and
8 the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak; so that I should rule
9 over the black-headed people like Shamash [a Babylonian god], and enlighten the
10 land, to further the well-being of mankind.

1a. According to this document, from whom did Hammurabi get his power as king?He
got his power from Anu and Bel.

1b. According to Document 1, was Babylonia a monotheistic society or a polytheistic

society? How do you know this from Hammurabi’s Code? Babylonian is a polytheistic
society I know this because in Hammurabi’s code it talks about many gods, not just one.

1c. Based on lines 7-10 of this excerpt what did Hammurabi want to accomplish by using
this code? He wanted to destroy the wicked and help those in need and help mankind and
just do whats right.
Document 2: Hammurabi’s Code—Economy (10 points each)

The following selections from Hammurabi’s Code discuss the economy in Babylonia.
Babylonia was located in the Fertile Crescent, a section of land in the Middle East
between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This land was excellent for agriculture.

1 53. If any one be too lazy to keep his dam in proper condition, and does not so
2 keep it; if then the dam break and all the fields be flooded, then shall he in whose
3 dam the break occurred be sold for money, and the money shall replace the corn
4 which he has caused to be ruined.
5 54. If he be not able to replace the corn, then he and his possessions shall be
6 divided among the farmers whose corn he has flooded.
8 59. If any man, without the knowledge of the owner of a garden, fell [cause to fall]
9 a tree in a garden he shall pay half a mina in money.

2a. Who is punished for the damage caused by flooding if a dam breaks? The person who
owns the dam.

2b. Based on Document 2, identify one consequence for damaging someone else’s
property in Babylonia.If the person can not pay for the damages then he and his pssesson
shall be divided among the farmers.
Document 3: Hammurabi’s Code—Social Classes (10 points each)

The following selections from Hammurabi’s Code discuss rules for Babylonian society. As you
read, pay attention to how society was structured.

1 199. If [a free-born man] put out the eye of a man's slave, or break the bone of a
2 man's slave, he shall pay one-half of its value.
4 202. If any one strike the body of a man higher in rank than he, he shall receive
5 sixty blows with an ox-whip in public.
7 203. If a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man of equal rank, he
8 shall pay one gold mind.

3a. How do the punishments differ if a man “strike the body” of “another free-born man”
or a man higher in rank than he?” Which punishment is more severe?Strike the bodys of a
man higher rank than you the punishment is worse because you could get really hurt or
even die.

3b. According to this document, was everyone equal in Babylonia? Provide two pieces of
evidence from the text and explain how they support your claim.No people were not
equal.A piece of evidence that supports that is “ a man higher in rank than he, he shall
receive” another one strikes the body of another free-born man of equal rank, he shall pay one
gold mind”.These show that if you were higher in rank than you were seen as more important
and worth more while if you were lower in rank you were not seen as important. Such as if you
hit someone higher the punishment was worse while if you hit someone equal rank you would
have a more reasonable punishment.
Document 4: Hammurabi’s Code—Women (10 points each)

The following selections from Hammurabi’s Code discuss rules for Babylonian society. As you
read, pay attention to how society was structured.

1 138. If a man wishes to separate from his wife who has borne him no children,
2 he shall give her the amount of her purchase money and the dowry [ money or
3 property that a wife’s family gives to her husband when they marry] which she
4 brought from her father's house, and let her go.
6 141. If a man's wife, who lives in his house, wishes to leave it, plunges into debt,
7 tries to ruin her house, neglects her husband, and is judicially convicted: if her
8 husband offer her release, she may go on her way, and he gives her nothing as a
9 gift of release. If her husband does not wish to release her, and if he take another
10 wife, she shall remain as servant in her husband's house.

4a. According to law 141, what happens if a woman wants to leave her marriage but her
husband refuses to release her? The wife would have to remain as a servant in her
husband’s house.

4b. According to law 138, what happens to a dowry if a man leaves his wife? What does
this suggest about the position of women in Babylonian society? What happens he has to
give her the amount of her purchase money and the dowry. That woman were properties.
Section 5: Hammurabi’s Code as a Historical Source (10 points)

Who wrote this document? Hammurabi

When was it written? 1754BC
Where was it written? Mesopotamia
Why was this document written?
To rule over the people

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