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Hi, welcomed to this YouTube channel

Se inicia la grabación Sonido de called “Books and Coffee”. My name is
1 1 Plano desde un plano Cámara fondo Fade Diego Luna Ramirez and I am a student 60
medio medio para la fija instrumental at the Pedagogical Teachers Training segundos
presentación en piano School “Simon Bolivar” in the specialty
personal y también of Communication and languages:
para la descripción foreign language – English, 5th Year. If
de las características you like reading books of different
y objetivo del canal genres like novel, myth, tales, history
de YouTube. and so on, this is the right channel for
Zoom in Slash you. This booktuber channel is part of a
Primer Inserción de props: project called Books’ Squad that intends
plano to develop or strength the reading
Texto en pantalla habits. Reading is quite important for
Diego luna Ramírez our daily life because it opens a wide
ESFM Simón Bolívar range of knowledge. It creates a
5th year timeless link between authors and us.
Communication and Nowadays, this habit is left aside due
languages: foreign the development of social media and
language - English technological devices. We must not
Books squad allow reading disappear, that's why this
Books and coffee project is carried out as a way to fight
Zoom in Distorsión against this tendency.
Primer Imágenes In this first video I will talk to you about
plano Portada del libro the book “In Cold Blood” by the
Fotografía del autor American author Truman Capote. In
del libro truman order to enter into context, let's check
capote the biography of the author.
Fotografías de la Truman Capote was born on September
niñez de truman Eco 30th, 1924 in New Orleans United States.
capote He was a novelist, screenwriter, author
PPP and journalist. He got huge success due
Fotografías de la two books he wrote: Breakfast at
adolescencia etapa Tiffany’s and In Cold blood. His parents
escolar de truman Delay got divorced when he was a little child,
Plano capote spending most of his childhood living
detalle with relatives. His real name was
Fotografías de la Truman Streckfus Parsons but it
edad adulta de officially changed to Truman Capote
truman capote when his mother got married to Joseph
mientras se Garcia Capote, a Cuban bookkeeper. He
desempeñaba como Ecualizació attended private schools and finished
reportero y escritor n his secondary education at Greenwich
Plano de periódicos High School. After that he didn’t receive
general further formal education. Capote began
to write since he was 9 or 10 years old.
Breves cortes de The experiences of his childhood were
video tomados de la useful for many of his early works of
película capote del Impacto fiction. During most of his life, Capote
año 2005 worked as a journalist, that’s why he
Plano wanted to link up the news report style
entero to literary novel. There result was a new
style called nonfiction novel,
materialized in the book titled In Cold
Zumbido Blood. This is an account of the murders
of four members of the Clutter family,
committed in Holcomb in 1959. Its
critical and popular success pushed
Fotografías de los Capote to a celebrity status. It was also
últimos años de vida adapted a movie in 1967, two years
de truman capote Aplauso after its publication
Capote’s later writings never
approached the success of his earlier
ones mainly due his growing
dependence on drugs and alcohol, what
affected his health and writing skills. He
died in Los Angeles, on August 25, 1984.
Now we have a good insight into the life
of th author we were home we will talk
about the book itself among the main
characteristics I can mention works
there are for example the book is
written and divided into four chapters
they are the last to see them alive
chapter number 2 versus unknown
chapter number 3 I swear and chapter
number 4 the corner as I mentioned
before the book was published in 1965
and immediately it gained hush success
because it showed a new style of
writing that caught the attention not
only of people involved in the literary
world but it was good except by
common people in this book has around
400 pages in some additions it has from
to 300 50 to 520 pages so this is a big
book as you can see.

Now we’re going to review the that

story of the book but don’t worry I will
give no spoils about the final outcome
of the plot
In Cold Blood tells the true story of the
murder of the Clutter family in
Holcomb, Kansas, in 1959. The book is
written as if it were a novel, complete
with dialog, and is what Truman Capote
referred to as "New Journalism" — the
nonfiction novel. Although this writing
style had been used before, the craft
and success of In Cold Blood led to its
being considered the true masterwork
of the genre. In Cold Blood was
originally published in four parts in The
New Yorker and then released as a
novel in 1965. In Cold Blood took six
years for Capote to research and write,
and it took an incredible toll on Capote,
personally — so much so that he never
published another book again. In Cold
Blood is said to have been his undoing.
The book tells the story of the murder
of the Clutter family, consisting of Mr.
and Mrs. Clutter and their two teenage
children, Kenyon and Nancy (two older
daughters were grown and out of the
house), and the events that lead the
killers to murder. The family was living
in Holcomb, Kansas, and in November
1959, they were brutally killed, with no
apparent motive, by Dick Hickock and
Perry Smith. The family was discovered
bound and shot to death, with only
small items missing from the home.
Capote read about the crime in The
New York Times soon after it happened,
and before the killers were caught, he
began his work in Kansas, interviewing
the people of Holcomb and doing
extensive research with the help of his
friend Harper Lee, who would go on to
write the classic To Kill a Mockingbird.
Perry and Dick initially get away with
the murder, leaving behind scant clues
and having no personal connection with
the murdered family. Capote explores
the motive again and again within his
text, eventually concluding that any real
motive for the crime lays within Perry —
his feelings of inadequacy, his
ambiguous sexuality, and his anger at
the world and at his family because of
his bad childhood. Dick plays the role of
true outlaw, but the impact of the
killings weighs heavily on him, and his
own role in the murders remains
unexplained and unclear.
The townspeople of Holcomb and other
friends of the Clutters are deeply
affected by the murders. This includes
Nancy's best friend, Sue, and Nancy's
boyfriend, Bobby. The townspeople
perceived the Clutters as the family
"least likely" in the world to be
murdered. Unable to conceive that the
killers were strangers, many of them
become suspicious of everyone and
anxious about their own safety in the
company of their neighbors. The man
who heads the murder investigation, Al
Dewey, becomes obsessed with both
the murderers and the Clutter family.
His need to find the killers becomes his
driving force in life.
While the anxiety in Holcomb grows,
the killers move on with their lives. The
book follows Perry and Dick to Mexico
and back, and incredibly, it seems that
they might never be found out and
brought to justice. Ultimately, a living
witness who can tie the two men to the
Clutters, footprints at the crime scene,
and the possession of a pair of
binoculars and a radio from the Clutter
home become the pair's undoing. They
are arrested and both confess to their
part in the crime. They are tried for
murder and convicted; after many years
on death row, both men are hanged.
During their time on death row, Perry
slowly reveals his personal thoughts, his
ambitions, and the motives that
contributed to his life choices, including
the fateful night he and Dick entered
the Clutter home.

For me the main message is that the

author wants to share with us with the
readers is that money is not everything
in life life is more precious and worth
your than anything else that’s why we
have to left aside our great an hour the
side of money in order to understand
what real meaning of life.
Another message that I want to listen is
about the action of taking care each
other. Nowadays we live in a world or in
a situation that never happened before
in the past 100 years a situation ruled
by the pandemic where people live
under the threaten of covid-19. We can
lean cup the message of security in this
case citizen security and the health
security. All human beings must
understand that protection is not
individual action but a social and group
action so if you take care of me I will
take care of you if you are healthy I am
healthy that’s why we must understand
that the current situation demand from
all of us the action of looking for people
around us no matter if you know him or
So if you have time don't forget to read
this book because I bet you will like it
because there are many things that can
rescue for our life as I said mainly in the
action of protect each other against
different threatenings in life.
My final advice is that you must read
not just this book but other ones that
the author has written during his
lifetime as well I advise you that you
may watch the movie call it just Capote
this is a masterpiece of filming where
you will see the events describe in the
book in Cold blood and how they offer
got involved in the actions itself through
the relationship to the criminals dick
peacock and Paris meat.
Well this is it for this first video in books
and coffee don’t forget to subscribe and
check for the following video take care
and goodbye.

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