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Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)

F ED BFPT: An Efficient Federated Learning Framework for BERT Further


Xin’ao Wang , Huan Li ∗ , Ke Chen ∗ and Lidan Shou

Key Lab of Intelligent Computing Based Big Data of Zhejiang Province
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
{, lihuan.cs, chenk, should}

Abstract al., 2018], GPT [Radford et al., 2018], BERT [Devlin et

al., 2019], and RoBERTa [Liu et al., 2019]. These models
This study proposes F ED BFPT (Federated BERT are typically trained on general corpora but can yield better
Further Pre-Training), a Federated Learning (FL) performance on specialized domain tasks after undergoing
framework for further pre-training the BERT lan- further pre-training [Beltagy et al., 2019] using specialized
guage model in specialized domains while address- datasets. However, collecting such specialized datasets cen-
ing privacy concerns. F ED BFPT enables multiple trally poses privacy concerns, making it infeasible.
clients to collaboratively train the shallower lay- Previous research has shown that neural networks tend
ers of BERT, which are crucial in the pre-training to stabilize from shallower to deeper layers during train-
stage, without the need to share private data. To ing [Raghu et al., 2017]. This has been observed in the popu-
achieve this, F ED BFPT involves building a lo- lar pre-trained language model BERT, where shallower layers
cal model for each client, progressively training have been shown to capture phrase-level information, which
the shallower layers of local models while sam- holds greater significance in model pre-training compared to
pling deeper layers, and aggregating trained pa- the deeper layers [Jawahar et al., 2019; Hao et al., 2019;
rameters on a server to create the final global Manginas et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2022b]. The observa-
model. This approach utilizes multiple smaller tion suggests that it might be feasible to train only a subset
local models to further pre-train a global model of layers on the client side initially and gradually increase the
targeted at specific tasks via fine-tuning, resulting number of trained layers, thereby achieving efficient training
in a reduction in resource usage while maintain- of large models in an FL setting.
ing model accuracy. Theoretical analysis is con-
In this paper, we focus on the cost-effectiveness of BERT’s
ducted to support the efficiency of F ED BFPT, and
pre-training in FL by asking the following questions: (1)
experiments are conducted on corpora across do-
Can we design a computational and communication efficient
mains such as medicine, biology, and computer
method to complete the training of large models in resource-
science. Results indicate that F ED BFPT achieves
constrained clients? (2) Can such a method achieve the accu-
performance levels comparable to traditional FL
racy of traditional FL or even centralized training?
methods while reducing computation and commu-
nication costs by 46.70% and 7.04%, respectively, Our answers to both questions are ”Yes.” Through investi-
even approaching the performance of centralized gation, we propose F ED BFPT (Federated BERT Further Pre-
training models. The Source code is released at Training), an efficient framework that trains only part of the layers of BERT to reduce the computational and communica-
tion costs. F ED BFPT allows for training a large global model
using FL by creating small local models for each client to
1 Introduction train partial layers of the global model, incurring less com-
Federated Learning (FL) [McMahan et al., 2017] is a tech- putational resources and fewer weights to transmit. Within
nique that enables multiple clients to jointly train a global F ED BFPT, we also propose a method PL-SDL (Progressive
model without sharing private data. However, training meth- Learning with Sampled Deeper Layers), which can train the
ods in FL suffer from high communication and computa- crucial layers of the global model efficiently on local models
tional costs, as client devices often possess limited hard- with small capacity.
ware resources and network bandwidth. Consequently, train- We perform downstream tasks via fine-tuning the resultant
ing complex models within the FL framework becomes chal- global model on specialized domains such as medicine, bi-
lenging, especially when dealing with pre-trained language ology, and computer science, and show that F ED BFPT can
models that have demonstrated significant advancements in achieve similar performance to traditional FL while using
natural language processing tasks, such as ELMo [Peters et 46.70% and 7.04% of the original model’s computational and
communication costs, respectively, and can even approach the

Ke Chen and Huan Li are the corresponding authors. accuracy of centralized trained models.

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)

In summary, our main contributions are as follows. Symbol Meaning

• We propose F ED BFPT, an efficient FL framework for Ck The k-th client
further pre-training the BERT language model on the Dk The local dataset at Ck
client without sharing private corpora (cf. Section 3.2). Pk The local parameter pool at Ck
• We propose PL-SDL, a method for efficiently training ℓ The layer index number
the important layers of the global model on the client mG The number of T-layers in the global model
side with small-capacity local models (cf. Section 3.3). mL k The number of T-layers in the k-th local model
• We conduct the analysis on the computational and com- i, I The current FL iteration and iteration threshold
munication costs (cf. Section 4); We also conduct exper-
iments on specialized domains corpus such as medicine, Table 1: Notation
biology, and computer science, validating the efficiency
and effectiveness of F ED BFPT in comparison with
many baseline methods (cf. Section 5). 2018], facial attribute editing [Wu et al., 2020], and represen-
tation learning [Li et al., 2020b]. The core idea is to start
2 Related Work training on easier tasks, such as low-resolution outputs or
shallower models, and gradually progress to more difficult
Federated Learning. Federated Learning (FL) [McMahan but desired tasks, such as high-resolution outputs or deeper
et al., 2017] is a technique that enables multiple clients to models [Wang et al., 2022a]. The cost-saving benefit of pro-
work collaboratively to train a model without sharing their gressive learning, i.e., using shallower models during initial
private data. The general FL process typically involves two training stages, has not been explored in the context of FL.
types of updates, namely local updates and global updates.
Particularly, local updates focus on minimizing a local loss Further Pre-Training. Pre-trained language models are
function, whereas global updates consider aggregating local usually trained on general text corpora, which makes them
weights from clients and synchronizing the model changes perform well in general domains tasks but poorly in special-
across all clients at each communication iteration. ized scientific domains tasks. Some studies, such as SciB-
In FL, clients typically have limited resources, includ- ERT [Beltagy et al., 2019], BioBERT [Lee et al., 2020],
ing less powerful hardware and limited network bandwidth, have demonstrated that further pre-training using specialized
which can hinder training large models. To address these domain-specific corpus can improve performance in those do-
challenges, researchers have developed techniques from vari- mains tasks. However, in specialized scientific domains, data
ous perspectives [Wang et al., 2022a], including: is often stored in different professional institutions, leading
1. Message Compression that represents gradients (or pa- to privacy concerns during the collection process. Motivated
rameters) with fewer bits to achieve reduced communi- by this, we propose to use FL to protect user privacy, as well
cation cost. Prominent examples are quantization [Alis- as competent techniques to address the issue of limited re-
tarh et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2018; Fu et al., 2020] and sources of FL clients and their inability to train large models.
sparsification [Stich et al., 2018; Konečnỳ et al., 2016].
2. Model Pruning that identifies (much smaller) sub- 3 F ED BFPT
networks within the original model for less computa-
tional cost at the inference phase [Li and Wang, 2019; Below, we go through the concepts, present the overall frame-
Lin et al., 2020]. work, and detail the internal designs.
3. Model Distillation [Hinton et al., 2015] that allows the
server to extract knowledge from clients using hold-out 3.1 Definitions and Notation
datasets [Li and Wang, 2019; Lin et al., 2020]. The commonly used notation is listed in Table 1.
Message compression helps reduce communication costs, In Federated Learning (FL), a centralized server and mul-
but it does not address the main bottleneck in FL, which is tiple clients (labeled as Ck , where 1 ≤ k ≤ N ) are used. Ini-
the cost of computerization on the client side. Techniques on tially, the server has a global (BERT) model that has already
model pruning and knowledge distillation can create small, been pre-trained from large-scale general corpora. A BERT
accurate models to speed up inference, but they are ineffec- model consists of an embedding layer, a sequence of the in-
tive in training large models. Our approach employs the local termediate transformer layers (T-layers), and an output layer.
model to train only the important layers of the global model Typically, the size of the output layer is much smaller than
and use the resultant global model for fine-tuning. By us- those of the embedding layer and T-layers. Meanwhile, each
ing small models during training, we save computational re- client Ck has a non-shared, domain-specific corpus (dataset),
sources and only transmit the important layer parameters to labeled as Dk , that can be used to further pre-train the global
save on communication costs. This way balances the use of model for increased accuracy at that domain-specific task.
small models for computational efficiency and large models To achieve this, each client Ck runs a local (BERT) model
for effectiveness. and the Masked Language Modelling (MLM) [Devlin et al.,
Progressive Learning. Progressive Learning, a paradigm 2019] task is performed to update the weights of the local
initially proposed to stabilize the training process, has been model using the domain-specific corpus. Later, the weights
widely used in computer vision tasks such as image synthe- of all local models are uploaded to the server to generate the
sis [Karras et al., 2018], image super-resolution [Wang et al., further pre-trained global model, which needs to be fine-tuned

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)

subsequently to accomplish a specific task, e.g., classifica- Algorithm 1 F ED BFPT

tion [Collier and Kim, 2004] or Named Entity Recognition Input: datasets {D1 , . . . , DN }, global model G with initial
(NER) [Luan et al., 2018]. model parameters W (0) , epoch threshold I, local MLM training
In total, three training processes are involved, namely pre- epoch ek and layer index number ℓ.
training that generates the pre-trained BERT model from the Output: final model parameters W (I) of G.
general corpora, further pre-training that generates a fur- Initialize: parameter pool Pk of each client Ck ; ℓ ← 0.
ther pre-trained BERT model from the domain-specific cor- // FL training for I iterations
pus, and fine-tuning that generates a fine-tuned model that for i = 1 to I do
targets a domain-specific task. In this study, we focus on // Parallel executions at clients
the further pre-training process and aim to propose an FL- for each client Ck do
based framework for further pre-training the global model at if i > 1 then
the server using local datasets distributed at the clients. update Pk with W (i−1) fetched from the server
Considering practical needs, the framework should have end if
// Train ℓ-th T-layer and the output
low computational and communication costs for clients, layer of the local model and obtain the
while preserving the performance of the global BERT model weights
after being further pre-trained. To ensure fair and repro- (i)
Wk ← MLM Train(Dk , Pk , ℓ, ek )
ducible comparisons with previous work, we define (i)
upload Wk to the server
• computational cost of a client as the training time of end for
the local model in a fixed setting of hyperparameters, // Merge clients’ weights at server
training data size, and hardware specification; (i)
W (i) ← Merge(W1 , . . . , WN )
• communication cost of a client as the size of the pa- determine the next layer index number ℓ
rameters that a client sends to the server; sent W (i) and ℓ to each client
• final performance of the global model as the effective- end for
ness at the downstream task (e.g., accuracy in classifica-
tion or F1 in NER) after a fixed round of fine-tuning.
We identify two variables that are related to the above per- process is formalized in Algorithm 1.
formance indicators, namely the number of layers of the local S1 Each client Ck fetches the parameters of the global
model and the number of layers to be trained and transmit- model from the server and persists the fetched param-
ted at client Ck , denoted as mL T
k and mk , respectively. Intu-
eters in the local parameter pool. Simultaneously, an
itively, a smaller mk will reduce Ck ’s computational cost as index number ℓ is received from the server, which indi-
well as the final performance of the global model. Likewise, cates the specific ℓ-th T-layer to be trained and updated
a smaller mTk will reduce Ck ’s communication cost while re- for the local model at Ck . The determination of the layer
ducing the final performance of the global model as well. index number ℓ is to be detailed in Section 3.3.
Next, we will present our overall FL-based framework (cf. S2 With the other layers including the embedding layer kept
Section 3.2) and the associated techniques (cf. Section 3.3), frozen, the ℓ-th T-layer and the output layer at each client
which can maintain the final performance of the global model Ck are trained using the local data Dk . Specifically, the
with small mL T MLM task [Devlin et al., 2019] is performed for a num-
k and mk .
ber ek of epochs (cf. MLM Train(Dk , Pk , ℓ, ek ) in Al-
3.2 Framework Overview gorithm 1). How to train the ℓ-th T-layer in the small-
The proposed F ED BFPT framework is illustrated in Figure 1. capacity local model will be presented in Section 3.3.
Specifically, the server runs a global model while each S3 Each client Ck uploads the weights of the trained ℓ-th
client runs a local model that keeps the same embedding and T-layer and the output layer to the server.
output layers as the global model but a reduced sequence of S4 The server merges the weights uploaded by all clients.
T-layers in between. Let mG and mL k be the number of T-
There are many approaches for merging the weights
layers in the global model and the k-th local model, respec- in FL, such as FedAvg [McMahan et al., 2017], Fed-
tively. We stipulate that mG > mL k is such that the local
Prox [Li et al., 2020a], and FedAdam [Reddi et al.,
model can be deployed and trained at resource-constrained 2020]. In our implementation, we choose the typical ap-
end devices. In the implementation, we set mG = 12 and proach FedAvg, which obtains the merged weights W (i)
mL L
1 = . . . = mN = 6. Nevertheless, our proposed frame- at the i-th FL training iteration as follows.
work supports using different mL k for the local models at dif- 1 XN (i)
ferent clients. Moreover, each local model is associated with W (i) = Wk , (1)
N k=1
a parameter pool, which is implemented as a dictionary that
organizes model parameters as key-value pairs. It is used to where Wk is the weights uploaded by client Ck at the
help create the local model and will be updated in each it- i-th iteration.
eration of FL. At the initial stage, each client stores a local S5 The server updates the global model using the merged
dataset that will be used to further pre-train the global model weights and determines the next index number ℓ.
at the server in a collaborative manner. S6 Resume to S1 if the current FL training iteration number
We proceed to go through the steps of the further pre- i does not exceed the user-specified threshold I. Oth-
training of the global BERT model in Figure 1. The whole erwise, we terminate the further pre-training process,

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)

Server T-Layer Training Transformer Layers







T-Layer Frozen Transformer Layers

Model T-Layer Global Transformer Layers
Upload weights S5: l Layer Index Number
Output S4: Output
Update weights and
Merge weights Output l=2
S2: T-Layer T-Layer determines l T-Layer (Updated)
Train local model
l-th Layer
S1: Local Model Local Model S6: Local Model
Download C1 CK Resume to S1 CN
Output Output Output
new weights T-Layer T-Layer or terminate T-Layer
Parameter T-Layer Parameter T-Layer Parameter T-Layer
and the index Pool Pool Pool
T-Layer T-Layer T-Layer
number, and T-Layer T-Layer T-Layer
l l l
create local T-Layer T-Layer T-Layer
mode Lk T-Layer T-Layer T-Layer
Local Data Embedding Local Data Embedding Local Data Embedding

Figure 1: F ED BFPT framework where the FL-based further pre-training process with the current layer index number ℓ = 2 is depicted. For
all local models, the 0-th and 1-st T-layers have been trained and synchronized with the global model at the server.

and consequently, the further pre-trained global model In line with Progressive Learning [Wang et al., 2022a], we
is ready to be fine-tuned for downstream tasks. train the T-layers one by one, starting from the most shallow
To minimize computational expenses for clients with lim- T-layer and working our way to the deeper T-layers. This ap-
ited resources, we opt to train only a single T-layer and output proach raises two technical questions: (1) how to determine
layer while keeping the remaining parts of the model frozen. the index number of the T-layer to be trained in each itera-
However, choosing which T-layer to train (i.e., determining ℓ) tion and (2) how to handle the rest of the T-layers when pre-
and how to efficiently train on smaller capacity local models training the local model with limited capacity. We discuss the
(cf. step S2) are critical procedures. To resolve these, we pro- questions below with a running example in Figure 2.
pose the Progressive Learning with Sampled Deeper Layers
Determination of the Layer Index Number. Our prelim-
(PL-SDL) method in Section 3.3.
inary experiments indicate that shallower T-layers are more
cost-effective to train. Therefore, for a given number I of
3.3 Progressive Learning with Sampled Deeper FL iterations to train the model, we propose assigning more
Layers (PL-SDL) iterations to shallower T-layers. Specifically, we assign the
As introduced in Section 3.2, a local model uses fewer T- first ⌈I/2⌉ FL iterations to train the 0-th T-layer of the local
layers than the global model due to the resource constraints of model, the next half of the remaining (I − ⌈I/2⌉) FL itera-
the clients. In this sense, we must train the model parameters tions to train the 1-th T-layer, and so on. Once the FL iter-
more efficiently. This requests us to find and train partial T- ations assigned to the ℓ-th T-layer are completed, the server
layers that have a higher potential to boost the global model’s increments ℓ by 1, with ℓ always being smaller than mL k , the
final performance. Previous studies [Jawahar et al., 2019; number of T-layers in client Ck . This mechanism prioritizes
Hao et al., 2019; Manginas et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2022b] training the most important T-layers in the overall FL process.
have pointed out shallower T-layers of the BERT model ex-
Handling the Rest T-layers. Before training the ℓ-th T-
cel at capturing phrase-level information, which plays a more
layer in the client Ck , the rest (mLk − 1) T-layers must be
important role in the pre-training, compared to those deeper
selected from the local parameter pool. In simpler terms, the
T-layers. Inspired by this, we decide to focus on training the
0-th to the (ℓ − 1)-th T-layers are mapped from the corre-
shallower T-layers of the local models and only upload the
sponding T-layers in the parameter pool. On the other hand,
corresponding weights to the server. More specifically, in
the deeper T-layers, i.e., the (ℓ + 1)-th to the (mL k − 1)-th
each FL iteration, we choose only one specific T-layer 1 and
T-layers, are randomly sampled from the (ℓ + 1)-th to the
synchronize the training results of the clients with the global
(mG −1)-th T-layers in the parameter pool; it should be noted
model. As outlined in the cost analysis to be discussed in Sec-
that the mapped layer number of a shallower T-layer must be
tion 4, this approach effectively reduces both computational
no larger than that of a deeper T-layer. Take the local model
and communication costs for individual clients.
training in Figure 2 as an example, suppose ℓ = 2, mL k = 6,
It is feasible to train more than one T-layer at an iteration. How- and mG = 12; the shallower layers, i.e., the 0-th to 2-nd T-
ever, our preliminary experiments show that this does not bring layers are directly mapped from the local parameter pool; for
much performance gain but increase the client’s computational and the sampled deeper layers from the 3-rd to 5-th T-layers, a
communication cost significantly. possible mappling list could be [5, 5, 9], while [5, 9, 5] is not.

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)

Output Backward
Iteration E Layer I
Ouput weights * Backward
Parameter Pool Local model Xl-1 Forward
Backward + Xl
Output Output
Sampling and
T-Layer T-Layer
T-Layer mapping b Backward
T-Layer deep layer: Figure 3: Example of neural network calculations. The yellow circle
T-Layer [5, 5, 9] T-Layer represents a forward propagation calculation whereas the green line
T-Layer T-Layer represents a backward calculation to update weights and bias.
T-Layer T-Layer
Embedding mapping Embedding
MLM training
l In training a BERT model, two calculation processes are
Local datasets involved, namely the forward propagation to obtain results,
and the backward propagation to update model parameters.
An example is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 2: Local model training with the layer index number ℓ = 2, Based on the above information, we have the overall time
number of local T-layers mL k = 6, and number of global T-layers complexity of the model as follows. First, the embedding
mG = 12. The 2-nd T-layers and those beneath are mapped directly
from the T-layers stored in the parameter pool. The deeper T-layer time cost is in the complexity of O((V + S) · H). Then, the
(the 3-rd to 5-th T-layers) are mapped from the sampled T-layers (the forward propagation time cost, including Self-attention, Feed
3-rd to 11-th T-layers). The embedding and output layers are also Forward, and Add&Norm, is in O(mf · (S 2 · H 2 + S 2 · H 2 +
directly mapped from the counterparts stored in the parameter pool. S · H)) ≈ O(mf · S 2 · H 2 ) where mf denotes the number
of T-layers participating in forward propagation. Third, the
backward propagation time cost, similar to the forward coun-
terpart, is in O(mb·S 2 ·H 2 ) where mb refers to the number of
4 Cost Analysis T-layers participating in backward propagation. Finally, the
overall time cost is in O((V + S) · H + mf · S 2 · H 2 + mb ·
We perform a theoretical analysis of the computational cost S 2 · H 2 ) and we have (V + S) · H ≪ (mf + mb) · S 2 · H 2 .
and communication cost of F ED BFPT in Section 4.1 and In F ED BFPT, we have mf = mb = mG (typically 12) for
Section 4.2, respectively. To ease the theoretical analysis, the the global model and mf = mL k (typically 6) and mb = 1 for
following setups are established: the local model. Comparing the global model and the local
• To accurately assess the impact of the local model on model, it is clear that F ED BFPT saves a lot of computations.
the global model during FL iterations, we assume that
all clients use the same learning rate, batch size, sen- 4.2 Communication Cost
tence length, and other hyperparameters and train the Following studies [Vaswani et al., 2017; Devlin et al., 2019],
local models for the same number of epochs ek locally. we list the space complexity of the parameter size of different
• To accurately assess the effect of adjustments to the local components in a BERT model as follows.
model on the costs at the client, we analyze a specific • Embedding: O((V + S) · H);
client. As a result, the size of the local dataset Dk and • T-layers: O(m · (3 · H 2 + 4H · (2H + 1));
any effects from external factors such as the hardware • Output: O(H · C).
specification are excluded. If transmitting the model parameters fully in each itera-
tion, the communication cost will be in the complexity of
4.1 Computational Cost O((V + S) · H + mb · (3 · H 2 + 4H · (2H + 1)) + H · C).
Given a BERT model, let V be the vocabulary size, S the Here, we use mb, the number of T-layers in backward prop-
sentence length, H the word vector dimension size, C the agation, because only these T-layers will be uploaded to
number of classifications, and m the number of T-layers. A the global model in FL. Instead, our proposed F ED BFPT
local BERT model differs from a global BERT model only in only transmits as few as one T-layer and the output layer
the number of T-layers m. We use mG and mL to the server for updating. In this sense, a large fraction of
k to differen-
tiate the number of T-layers in the global model and the k-th parameters to be transmitted are saved for each client given
local model. A previous study [Vaswani et al., 2017] breaks that mb is usually 12 or more for the global model.
down the computation cost of a BERT model into the follow-
ing several parts: 5 Experiments
• Embedding in a time complexity of O((V + S) · H); 5.1 Setup
• Self-attention in a time complexity of O(m · S 2 · H 2 ); We outline the main implementation details of our approach.
• Feed Forward in a time complexity of O(m · S 2 · H 2 ); We use Pytorch 1.11 [Paszke et al., 2019] and an NVIDIA
• Add&Norm in a time complexity of O(m · S · H). RTX A6000 with 49140 MB Video Memory for training.

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)

The base model is selected as the BERT-base-uncased [De- Models Computational Cost (unit) Communication Cost (unit: MB)

vlin et al., 2019]. Each client performs further pre-training BERT

1237.37 (-)
1237.37 (-)
on the base model through the proposed F ED BFPT frame- BERT-FL 1237.37 (-) 417.83 (-)
work, resulting in a final global model for downstream tasks. DistilBERT 1241.18 (100.31%) 255.55 (61.16%)
TinyBERT-6 784.45 (63.40%) 255.57 (61.17%)
To simulate the FL setting, we generate 6 clients and build TinyBERT-4 373.59 (30.19%) 54.88 (13.13%)
a local BERT model for each client. The dataset for pre- F ED BFPT (ours) 577.85 (46.70%) 29.42 (7.04%)

training is evenly partitioned and then stored in these clients.

The uniform and skewed distributions of local datasets are Table 2: Costs in Further Pre-Training (The cost ratios compared to
compared in Section 5.4. For comparison use, we also BERT-FL are indicated in parentheses)
gather the local datasets at the server for centralized fur-
ther pre-training. The supplementary materials, including the Models JNLPBA (F1) SciERC (F1) Rct-20k (Accuracy)
codebase, datasets, and more experiments results are made BERT 0.7181 0.6223 0.8248
available online [Wang et al., 2023]. We use the S2ORC BERT-C 0.7244 0.6499 0.8121
BERT-FL 0.7224 0.6330 0.8185
dataset [Lo et al., 2020], which contains many general- DistillBERT 0.6556 0.4891 0.7787
purpose corpora for NLP and text mining research over scien- TinyBERT-6 0.7085 0.6089 0.8073
TinyBERT-4 0.6732 0.5664 0.7994
tific papers, for MLM further pre-training, and then fine-tune F ED BFPT (ours) 0.7198 0.6421 0.8312
the global BERT model on classification (CLS) and Named
Entity Recognition (NER) tasks of corresponding scientific Table 3: F1 or Accuracy Measures on Downstream Tasks
domains. In particular, we use the JNLPBA dataset [Collier
and Kim, 2004] in the Biology domain for NER and the Sci-
ERC [Luan et al., 2018] dataset in the Computer Science According to the experimental results, F ED BFPT achieves
domain for NER, and the Rct-20k [Beltagy et al., 2019] 2 comparable effectiveness to BERT-FL 3 while only using
dataset in the Medicine domain for CLS for fine-tuning. For 46.70% of the computational cost and 7.04% of the com-
MLM training, the corpus in the corresponding domain is se- munication cost of BERT-FL, an FL-based approach. Our
lected from S2ORC. For a direct comparison with previous method outperforms other lightweight BERT models and
studies, accuracy and F1 are considered as the effectiveness requires fewer resources. We accomplish this by using a
metric for CLS and NER, respectively. Corresponding to the smaller model on clients and updating and uploading only one
costs defined in Section 3.1, we measure the computational T-layer and the output layer. Additionally, we utilize the PL-
cost as the time to perform one epoch of MLM training on the SDL method (cf. Section 3.3), which prioritizes training the
S2ORC domain subset with batch size 256 and learning rate more important T-layers (i.e., the shallower T-layers) of the
5 × 10−5 , and the communication cost as the storage space global model and helps these shallower T-layers gain more
occupied by the trained parameters per client. knowledge from the deeper T-layers through sampling and
mapping. All these contribute to the decent model perfor-
5.2 Overall Comparisons mance of F ED BFPT with limited resources.
We include the following baseline methods for comparing
with the proposed F ED BFPT: 5.3 Ablation Study
• BERT is the original bert-based-uncased pre-trained We include the following variants for the ablation study:
model without any further pre-training. • F ED BFPT-ALL that always trains all layers of the lo-
• BERT-C is a global model resulting from further pre- cal model;
training on the gathered dataset on the server side. • F ED BFPT\PL that only trains the first T-layer of the
• BERT-FL is a model resulting from the FL-based fur- local model without Progressive Learning;
ther pre-training where all local models are the same as • F ED BFPT\M that always uses the first mL k T-layers in
the global model. the parameter pool to build the local model without a
• DistilBERT [Sanh et al., 2019] is a lightweight model mapping process.
using prediction-based distillation on BERT. • F ED BFPT\S that conducts a new deeper layer sam-
• TinyBERT [Jiao et al., 2020] is another lightweight pling only when ℓ increments. In contrast, F ED BFPT
model using layer-wise distillation on BERT. We test samples deeper layers in every FL iteration.
both the 6- and 4-layer checkpoints, which are denoted • F ED BFPT\SP that assigns the i-th iteration to the ℓ-th
as TinyBERT-6 and TinyBERT-4, respectively. T-layer (i ≤ mL
k ) for training.
Table 2 reports the computational and communication cost Using the SciERC dataset in the computer science domain
of a client when using different approaches for BERT further as our case study, we report the costs and F1 in Table 4.
pre-training. In this section, the best and the second best mea- The results disclose that our proposed framework, which
sures in tables are bold and underlined, respectively. utilizes PL-SDL, can efficiently complete further pre-training
After further pre-training, we fine-tune the resultant mod- with a minimal amount of resources. The PL-SDL method
els on downstream tasks for specific domains. The F1 or ac-
curacy measures are reported in Table 3, while detailed coun- 3
We conducted a t-test via fine-tuning F ED BFPT and BERT-FL
terparts with increased training epochs are shown in Figure 4. for downstream tasks over 10 random seeds. The obtained p-values,
i.e., 0.2922 on JNLPBA, 0.4173 on SciERC, and 0.4511 on Rct-20k
Rct-20k is very large, and we used 2% of it to fine-tune. all pass the t-test, showing that the two methods are comparable.

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)


0.55 0.80


0.65 0.50 0.78
Bert TinyBert-4 Bert TinyBert-4 Bert TinyBert-4
Bert-Center TinyBert-6 0.45 Bert-Center TinyBert-6
0.76 Bert-Center TinyBert-6
Bert-FL Ours Bert-FL Ours Bert-FL Ours
0.60 DistillBert 0.40 DistillBert DistillBert
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Epochs Epochs Epochs

(a) JNLPBA (Biology) (b) SciERC (CS) (c) Rct-20k (Medicine)

Figure 4: The F1 (on JNLPBA and SciERC) and accuracy (on Ret-20k) measures vs training epochs.

Computational Cost Communication Cost F1 Datasets JNLPBA (F1) SciERC (F1) Rct-20k (Accuracy)
(unit: second) (unit: MB)
Uniform Datasets 0.7198 0.6421 0.8312
F ED BFPT-ALL 786.86 (63.59%) 255.57 (61.17%) 0.6393 Skewed Datasets 0.7188 0.6309 0.8232
F ED BFPT\PL 577.85 (46.70%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6407
F ED BFPT\M 577.85 (46.70%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6239
F ED BFPT\S 577.85 (46.70%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6038 Table 6: Skewed Datasets
F ED BFPT\SP 577.85 (46.70%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6418
F ED BFPT (ours) 577.85 (46.70%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6421
dataset according to the proportions specified by the normal
Table 4: Ablation Study distribution. The server then merges parameters by assigning
weights that are proportional to the sizes of the clients’ data.
Computational Cost Communication Cost F1 Importantly, the total sum of the partitioned datasets remains
(unit: second) (unit: MB) unchanged.
F ED BFPT-4 463.87 (37.49%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6201 The results of F ED BFPT, shown in Table 6, demonstrate
F ED BFPT-8 693.62 (56.05%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6267
F ED BFPT-6 (ours) 577.85 (46.70%) 29.42 (7.04%) 0.6421
that while the uneven distribution may result in some loss of
model performance, our method still performs well. We could
Table 5: Effect of Varying the Number of Trained T-layers further improve performance by using different numbers of
trained T-layers for different clients in the future. Neverthe-
less, our method has lower computational and communica-
specifically prioritizes training the shallower T-layers of the tion costs compared to other models, regardless of the data
local model, allowing them to gain more knowledge from distribution, as shown in the aforementioned experiments.
deeper T-layers through sampling and mapping. This is par-
ticularly important when working with limited resources, as 6 Conclusion and Future Work
it ensures that the shallower T-layers receive the necessary
information to improve their performance. Additionally, we In this study, we have built upon previous research to in-
found that sampling and mapping deeper T-layers on each it- vestigate the role of the shallow layer in federated learn-
eration are crucial for achieving good performance. ing (FL) based BERT further pre-training. To combat the
limited computational and communication resources on the
5.4 Parameter Study client side in FL, we proposed a novel framework, referred to
Effect of the Number of Trained T-layers as F ED BFPT, which allows for training a single transformer
We test the effect of varying the number of trained T-layers in layer of a global BERT model on clients. Moreover, we pro-
the local models and report the cost and F1 measures of the posed the Progressive Learning with Sampled Deeper Layers
SciERC in Table 5. F ED BFPT-4 and F ED BFPT-8 use local (PL-SDL) method as a means of effectively and efficiently
models with 4 and 8 T-layers in the clients, respectively. training the local BERT model with a focus on the shallower
The results show that the value of 6 we chose effectively layers. Through experiments on a variety of corpora across
balances the trade-off between overhead and performance. domains, including biology, computer science, and medicine,
Besides, our approach of focusing more on the shallow lay- we have demonstrated that our proposed F ED BFPT in com-
ers during the further pre-training phase and utilizing medium bination with PL-SDL, is capable of achieving accuracy lev-
numbers of T-layers on the local model is effective in allow- els comparable to traditional FL methods while significantly
ing the local model to gain more knowledge. reducing computational and communication costs.
In future work, we plan to implement various-sized local
Effect of Skewed Local Datasets models across clients to handle Non-IID (non-independent
To create a more realistic simulation, we introduce a nor- and identically distributed) data. We also aim to adapt
mal distribution to determine the sizes of datasets assigned F ED BFPT for downstream tasks by focusing on specific lay-
to clients. Each client receives a subset of the centralized ers that play a crucial role in fine-tuning specific tasks.

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)

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