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Interna'onal Management and Business in Brazil (2º semestre - 2023)

Cases Opening Case and Closing case of the text of chapter 12 : Strategic Human Resource
Management of International Assignments.
Prof Dr Edson Luiz Riccio
Cedric Brull
In this situa'on, receiving a leOer offering an overseas posi'on in Kenya as a marke'ng
manager in the subsidiary of a large interna'onal company is both exci'ng and daun'ng. As
an individual, I would take the following steps to evaluate this opportunity:

Assess the Professional Opportunity: I would carefully evaluate the poten'al benefits and
growth opportuni'es associated with the overseas posi'on. This includes considering the
career progression, skill development, and the chance to work in a different cultural and
business environment.
Consider Family Dynamics: Given my family situa'on, being married with two children and
ac'vely engaged in various ac'vi'es, I would need to consider the impact of the move on my
family. It's crucial to ensure that this change aligns with the well-being and overall stability of
my family members.
Evaluate Lifestyle and Cultural Adjustment: Moving to Kenya from my current loca'on
implies a significant lifestyle change. I would consider how well my family and I can adapt to
the new culture, language, and lifestyle in Kenya. Understanding the cultural differences and
poten'al challenges in adjustment is essen'al.
Assess Financial Implica'ons: Analyzing the financial aspect, considering the cost of living in
Kenya, compensa'on package, and poten'al savings, is vital. It's crucial to ensure that the
new posi'on provides adequate financial security and meets the needs of my family.


Major Concerns:
Family Well-being: My primary concern is the well-being and adjustment of my family,
especially the well-being and educa'on of my children.
Work-Life Balance: Balancing the demands of the new job with my family commitments and
maintaining a work-life balance is a significant concern.
Cultural Adapta'on: Adap'ng to a new culture and ensuring a smooth transi'on for my
family in a different country is a major concern.
Financial Security: Ensuring that the new posi'on offers financial security and aligns with my
family's financial needs is crucial.

Reasons to Accept:
Professional Growth: The opportunity for professional growth and career advancement in an
interna'onal se_ng is compelling and aligns with my career goals.
Global Experience: Working in Kenya provides invaluable global experience, broadening my
perspec've and enhancing my skills in an interna'onal market.
Networking and Connec'ons: Building a network in a different country can open doors to
new opportuni'es and collabora'ons in the future.
Adventure and Learning: Embracing the adventure and learning experience that comes with
living and working in a new country is an exci'ng prospect for personal and professional

Reasons to Decline:
Family Priori'es: If the move significantly disrupts my family's stability and well-being, it
might be prudent to decline the offer in favor of their best interests.
Unsa'sfactory Terms: If the terms of the offer, including compensa'on and benefits, do not
meet my family's financial needs and expecta'ons, it may be a reason to decline.
Lack of Cultural Comfort: If I foresee challenges in adap'ng to the new culture and believe it
would nega'vely impact my family's happiness and well-being, declining the offer may be

These considera'ons would guide my decision-making process in responding to the offer of

an overseas posi'on in Kenya.
Closing case:

1. Recruitment of an International Employee for the German Subsidiary

Given the context and requirements for the position (TQM, Career Development, and
Training activities), recruiting a HCN (Host Country National) would be a suitable choice.
Here's a breakdown of the cross-cultural issues and job context for this position:
Cross-cultural Issues:
Communication Styles: Adapting to the communication style prevalent in the UAE
headquarters and understanding the local communication nuances in Munich is essential.
HCNs should be adept at effectively communicating and bridging any potential
communication gaps between the headquarters and the German subsidiary.
Working Styles: Understanding the work culture in both UAE and Germany is crucial. While
UAE MNE emphasizes autonomy and distinct markets, Germany typically follows a
structured and process-oriented work approach. The HCN should navigate and integrate
these different working styles for optimal performance.
Leadership and Decision-making: Aligning with the management styles of both HQ and the
German subsidiary is vital. HCNs need to understand the decision-making hierarchy and
cultural expectations related to leadership and management.
Job Context:
TQM Responsibilities: Implementing TQM principles effectively within the German
subsidiary, aligning them with the broader company goals and ensuring smooth coordination
with the UAE headquarters.
Career Development and Training: Overseeing the career development programs, ensuring
employees are nurtured and guided for growth within the organization. Creating and
implementing training initiatives to enhance skill sets and align with the company's strategic
Cross-functional Collaboration: Working closely with various departments and teams,
fostering collaboration, and ensuring seamless integration of TQM practices and career
development initiatives across the organization.
2. Preparation of a PCN (Parent Country National) for International Assignment
If a PCN is selected for this international assignment, thorough preparation is crucial to
ensure a successful integration into the German subsidiary. Here's how you can prepare the
Cross-cultural Training: Provide extensive cross-cultural training to familiarize the PCN with
the German work culture, business etiquette, and communication styles. Emphasize
understanding and respecting local customs and traditions.
Language Training: Offer language courses or training in German to facilitate effective
communication and interaction with the local team and stakeholders. Language proficiency
is vital for building relationships and managing teams in a foreign context.
Understanding German Employment Laws and Regulations: Ensure the PCN is well-versed
with German labor laws, regulations, and HR practices to adhere to legal requirements and
maintain compliance within the German subsidiary.
Mentoring and Guidance: Assign a mentor or coach who is knowledgeable about the
German subsidiary and its operations to guide the PCN throughout the assignment. This
mentor should assist in understanding local nuances and navigating any challenges.
Intercultural Sensitivity Workshops: Conduct workshops to enhance the PCN's intercultural
sensitivity, focusing on empathy, adaptability, and open-mindedness, which are critical for
building successful relationships with the local team.
By adequately preparing the PCN in these aspects, you can increase the likelihood of a
successful assignment in the German subsidiary, supporting the HR department during this
critical period.

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