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Cultivating The SEED of Communication:

An Advanced Technical Writing and Communication Skills Training

Interpersonal Communication and Presentation Skills

Facilitator: Ms. Zhenie F. Velasco, RND,MAP,REB

Leveling & Learning Objectives

 To develop interpersonal skills and relationship building skills to establish a more
efficient system when working with stakeholders
Learning Outcomes:
1.To be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with media partners, and
internal or external stakeholders;
2. To be able to establish harmonious working relationships with colleagues; and,
3. To be able to establish and maintain working systems in place.

 Activity – What motivated you to attend the workshop TODAY?

Note : Rewards are Motivating
Tangible versus Intangible Rewards
What do you thinks of Mike? Get a partner and share your thoughts.
List 2 tangible rewards you would like to receive. ______________________
List 2 intangible rewards you would like to have. ______________________

Without the will to do the tasks, skills and knowledge alone won’t lead to
performance. D ________ I _________ D __________

SMART SWAM BEHAVIOR - 3CS (Communication, Coordination, Copy)

Psychology and Behavior in the Work place

 Each individual acts differently which affects group dynamics and the
organization as a whole. Human behavior is complex.
In your personal opinion is the work environment HAPPY or TOXIC?

Happy 1 ___________________5_________________________10 Toxic

 TRIAD of Work place Behavior (PIC)
Personality Differences- stable patterns of behavior,thoughts and emotion
Individual Difference- unique
Cognitive Ability- the capacity to Learn

Ikaw ba ay? Group yourselves according to your answers.

KAKAIBA ____________________________________________

 Intrapersonal versus Interpersonal Relationship (You / You-Others)


 Common Work place Behaviors:


 Points to Ponder:
@It is what people do or not do that ultimately determines what the
organization CAN and CAN NOT not become.
@Organizational excellence can only be achieved through people
@What is the enemy of productivity = COMPLACENCY

 Write your personal core value by defining

A. Work is

B. Para kanino ka bumabangon?
Improving empathy and emotional intelligence in the workplace

The basic message- that effectiveness in organizations is at least as much about EQ as

Why are Filipinos emotional? How do we react when we are angry? Gallup SURVEY 140
COUNTRIES survey 60% of Flipinos experience the full range of emotions.

Most Emotionally Aware 60% Philipines,innate to be intelligent emotionally.

EI Summit Asia - first in the Philippines speaker Dr. Ben Palmer developed
the first Australian model of EI. Singapore.

And where did we learn EQ? from the family. Games that they play as a child.
Separation Anxiety is REAL.SAD.

 Empathy
3 Types of Empathy
1, Cognitive
2. Affecruve
3. Kinesthetic- Highest level

 Emotional Intelligence
 Walk in other person’s Shoes
 Quality Characteristics Important to your Customer
 What you need to Level Up K_______ A ________ S _________ and V

 GAME on Word Power – Complete the 6 words (refer to power point slide)

 Who are your Clients? Profiling

I. Demographics
Civil Status
Educational Attainment
Socio-Economic Status
2. Psychographics
Perception of a Good Hospital
Value for Money
Preference for a Health Care Provider

 What are your Client’s expectations?

The patient’s PERCEPTION becomes the reality of the QUALITY of their
experience and the measure of our performance as health care providers.

Quality Perception:
1. I was treated as a person
2. They took care of me
3. They kept me informed
4. I got what I wanted

 What do Ckients Want?

Accurate _______________
_______________ Service
Positive _______________
 S__ L __ T __ O __ N
 R __ C __ V __ R ___
 C __ R __ N __ G SERVICE
 F __ E __I ___ I __ I ___ Y

GOLDEN RULE : Treat the CLIENT the way you want to be treated.

 Causes of Client’s Dissatisfaction : Check if Yes or No

Yes __ No ___ 1. Waiting Time (Delays)
Yes __ No ___ 2. Comfort
Yes __ No ___ 3. Communications (instructions)
Yes __ No ___ 4. Facilities (not fixed, dirty and noisy)
Yes __ No ___ 5. Staff (attitude, courtesy, personality)
Yes __ No ___ 6. Slow Action

Others: _________________________________________________________

 Types of Client’s Service: Proactive and Reactive

1.Proactive – Tem A makes job easier.
Check the Team A Characteristics you have
 Positive
 Proactive
 Confident
 Competent
 Compassionate
 Communicate well
 Team Member
 Trustworthy
 Does whatever it takes- going the extra mile
 Sense of humor

2.Reactive- Team B makes job difficult.

Check the Team B Characteristics you may have.

o Lazy
o Late
o Negative
o Confused
o No Team work
o Complainer
o Poor Communication
o “Can’t Do” person
o Always surprised
o Slow Response (delayed)
o Lacks patience
o Looks for mistakes

Strategies for building rapport and trust with colleagues

The Cornerstone- Good Human Relations
1. Empathy
2. Communicate effectively
3. Motivate oneself and others
4. Show a satisfactory degree of responsibility
5. Successfully deal with problems in the work place
6. Display ethical and professional behavior

Five Behaviors Model, trust, conflict, commitment, accountability

and results. Patrick Lencioni in the New York Times bestselling
book,The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

1. Knowledge Foundation – up-to-date, accurate and closely aligned with

customer’s need

A. High Tech..High Touch (Inter-active and Fun)

Assess: What are the Frequently Asked Questions from your customers?

 Activity: List Down the Top 10 FAQs in your Department/Section


2. Service Chain – the sequence on how we do business

 A. The PPMC Customer Service Chain

Identify the Patient Discover Needs Present the Solution
Negotiate the Close Build Relationship
A. Group according to Department or Section: Write your answers in the
Manila Paper


 B. Customer Service Recovery –Right Time, Right Words

No matter how superb your product or service is, every company needs a service
recovery process with the goal of restoring (or even enhancing) customer
satisfaction, as well as reducing the possibility of a recurrence.
L.E.A.D. to Restore Balance:
Listen – the most important skill
Do something right
Quote: : “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
Bill Gates

No matter how superb your product or service is, every company needs a service
recovery process with the goal of restoring (or even enhancing) customer
satisfaction, as well as reducing the possibility of a recurrence.

 C. Dealing with Difficult Patients, Care Givers – Personal Contact

1.Scripting patient’s encounter
2.Different Folks, Different Strokes
3. People Tolerance Factor= Tolerance is harmony in difference. It’s about
respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures,
our forms of expression and ways of being human.

3. Channels of Communication
 Communication begins even before you open your mouth.
A. Visual – how you look on “face to face” interactions
B. Non-Verbal – all aspects of communication other than words

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word

or a listening ear… all of which have a potential to turn life around.”
 Styles of Communication
Assertive- protect the interests of both parties in the communication – yours and
the other person’s .Deliver the message in a non-threatening way.

Aggressive - you communicate in a way that protects your interests at the

expense of the other person’s

Passive - you communicate in a way that protects the other person’s

interests at the expense of yours

Depending on WHO is the person we exchange communication with, we

adapt a communication continuum an consider the RIKS – physical and


 Killer Words in Customer Service

 Dealing with Difficult Patients, Care Givers

A. Scripting patient’s encounter


4. Customer Service Audit – The KPIs and the KRAs

K__ P__F___M_____
K_Y R_S__T A___A

1. Gap Analysis
2. Survey/Exit Interview
3. Focus Group Discussion
4. Intradepartmental review
5. Benchmark or “Futuremark”
6. Customer Service Posters -Customer Creed
7. Standard Fees

5. Creating the Wow Customer Service Experience

Experience - it involves the whole process in an activity that touches the
human’s emotional side

Have you overlooked the two most important customer service moments as far
as a customer’s memory is concerned–the beginning and the end of their interaction
with you?

 Service Beyond Customer’s Expectations

1. Operational Excellence
A. Personalized your service
B. Inform, Educate, Inspire and Empower
2. Service Innovation
A. Do the unexpected
3. Customer Intimacy
A. Discover and Delight
4. Create a Theme: Example of Companies:
You’re in Good Hands _______________
We find ways __________
Making everyday life a Celebration _________
We’ve got it All for you ____________
It’s time everyone flies ___________

 Food for Thought

1. No complaints DOES NOT MEAN Customer satisfaction
2. Stay always connected with the customer- feedback loop
3. NO hidden charges
4. Customer is not always right, but is always the customer
5. Wow experience starts with You
6. True loyal customers “are your best advertising because they become
advocates for your company.”
7. Extra service does not cost anything
8. It takes 10x more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep a
current one

Concept Check:

A. Demystifying Customer Service – Myth or Fact .

Instruction: Check the TRUE Statements
 (1) Customer is always right
 (2) Service is always costly
 (3) Good customer service is just plain common sense
 (4) Unhappy customers tell their stories to more people than happy
customers do
 (5) Some people are naturally good at customer service
 (6) You can satisfy all of the customers all of the time
 (7) If customers aren’t complaining, they must be happy
 (8) It’s enough just to satisfy the customer
 (9) The more you pay employees, the more committed they will be to
customer service
 (10) If you treat customers well, you teach them to be demanding and

(1) When is the customer not RIGHT?

a. Money isn’t everything
b. Rather than continually sacrificing your time, dignity and
emotional health, focus your efforts on actively pursuing new
customers or clients who respect your time and boundaries.
c. Abusive customers get better treatment and conditions than nice
d. It’s a Tug of War between Employees versus Customers
Consequences :
 Employees are not valued
 Treating employees fairly is not important
 Employees have no right to respect from customers
 Employees have to put up with everything from customers


One woman who frequently flew on Southwest was constantly disappointed with every aspect of
the company’s operation. In fact, she became known as the “Pen Pal” because after every flight
she wrote in with a complaint.
She didn’t like the fact that the company didn’t assign seats; she didn’t like the absence of a first-
class section; she didn’t like not having a meal in flight; she didn’t like Southwest’s boarding
procedure; she didn’t like the flight attendants’ sporty uniforms and the casual atmosphere.
Her last letter, reciting a litany of complaints, momentarily stumped Southwest’s customer
relations people. They bumped it up to Herb’s [Kelleher, CEO of Southwest at the time] desk,
with a note: ‘This one’s yours.’
In sixty seconds Kelleher wrote back and said, ‘Dear Mrs. Crabapple, We will miss you. Love,
he phrase “The customer is always right” was originally coined in 1909 by Harry Gordon
Selfridge, the founder of Selfridge’s department store in London, and is typically used by
businesses to convince customers that they will get good service at this company and convince
employees to give customers good service.
However, I think businesses should abandon this phrase once and for all — ironically, because it
leads to worse customer service.

B. Megatrends 2020 in Customer Service

Global Competition will drive up customer service standards –STAND OUT
Companies must learn to use the increased transparency in social media- FB
Customer expectations are evolving with the new technology - MOBILE
More companies will outsource customer service specialists - QCS

C. What is Customer Service?

Customer Service is not about handling customers, it’s about relationship with customers
who are an essential part of everything you do.

It is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction/delight with a product or service

and conforms to a cycle also known as the customer service chain, as in the case of
PRC. This will define how the organization takes care of its customers.

 Activity: Tabulate the PRC Customer Service Chain by Department

 Bridging Service Gaps

D. Communications – Verbal and Non-Verbal

Basic Communication Principles
Communication TRILOGY :
Gather Good Information *Give Good Information * Mutual Respect
E. Personal Contact Quality
F. Moments of Truth
G. Styles of Communication:
 Establishing Healthy Patterns of Communication
How will you work with someone that you do not like?

Answer: ___________________________________________________
Six Steps to Deal with Challenging People:

From Theory to Practice

6. Knowledge Foundation – up-to-date, accurate and closely aligned with
customer’s need
Assess: What are the FAQs from your customers?
 Activity: List Down the Top 10 FAQs in your Department/Section

The PRC Strategic Plan on Customer Service

A. Where we are Now
5  Activity : Do the SWOT Analysis

B. Where are we going

 What should be our Top 3 Priorities in Customer Care and Strategic Goals

C. How do I get there

 Setting SMART Objectives
 Crafting a Customer Care Plan

 How to Create the WOW Experience

 Service Beyond Customer’s Expectations
Compelling Reason
Common Service Language and Focus
Identifying Potential Barriers

1. Telephone Skills Audit

 Activity: How Good a Listener are You?

2. OTC O _ _ _ the C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Customer Interface

3. Written Communications
4. Vertical and Horizontal Communication Success
5. Handling Customer’s Complaints
6. Customer Feedback

 Case Studies

Workshop Facilitator: Ms. Zhenie Fainsan-Velasco, RND*02-788-6992
FB account zhenie velasco

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