Ogl343 m4 Essay 2

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Changing Paradigms

Jenna Johnston

Arizona State University

OGL 343

Professor Bill Erwin

April 13, 2023


Changing Paradigms

Correct Parts

In the video, part of the discussion is true based on the prevailing situation in the

education sector. The author notes that a standard education system adversely affects children

and their learning process. In the past, the education process mainly focused on getting the

correct answers that would enable students to pass their exams. Things have changed, and the

modern student does not agree with this standardized system. They are no longer willing to go to

school just to pass exams; they desire to develop critical thinking capabilities to become better

individuals in modern society.

Resolving such an issue requires incorporating all the stakeholders involved in an

education system. There is a need to mediate with students and reason with them. Changes

happen over time which means that the system that has been in use for an extended period needs

adjustments to ensure that it aligns with ideologies prevailing in the modern world (Robinson,

2010, 24:15). The author states that a paradigm shift is needed to clear the current education

system and improve its working process. Organizing students by age is good because it enables

them to develop together. There is a minimal difference in learners’ thinking and reasoning

abilities in the same age category. Therefore, organizing them by age is good, for the plan

enables them to develop in an environment where they feel appreciated.

Parts not Correct

Some weakness areas include the claims that the present education is not fit for the

future. The future should have a foundation which are the activities happening in the modern

world. The latest education system is the basis upon which the future will be based, which helps

to highlight the importance of the present-day learning process. Current education is crucial to

the future of the sector. It has been used before and offered quality returns and will be used in

laying the groundwork for the activities undertaken in the future.

The modern system is making children become critical thinkers, enabling them to handle

the various issues arising in the future. Improvements in their reasoning capabilities are the skills

they need to handle their future operations. Claims that the education system is not fit for the

future is making misinformed statements. There is a possibility that the education system will

change with time, but the fact that it will lay the foundation for future growth means it has a huge

role in how students will undertake their learning process. The future education systems will

have traces of the past learning procedures, which help to show that various learning processes

are useful at any given time irrespective of changes.

It is wrong for the author to claim that education is killing creativity. Students cannot

engage in divergent thinking without being introduced to an education system. Learning enables

students to reason and have a chance to see things from different angles. It is a move that helps

their brain grow and improve their reasoning ability. The claim that education limits students’

ability to reason is a fallacy, and their thinking ability deteriorates when they are denied

education. It is a concept explained by the fact that the students that do not perform well in

school are referred to as “non-academic,” which means they are not intelligent. Therefore,

divergent thinkers are students first and should acquire education to gain the skills needed to

thrive in their field. Education and training process triggers a learner to analyze a working

process and determine the other ways in which activities can be undertaken.

The talk was given 15 years ago, and it is crucial to realize that changes happen daily.

However, some alterations take an extended period before there are noticeable changes. The

education system takes time before changes can be realized, meaning not much has changed

within that one and half decade ago. The minimal alterations noted have improved the education

systems, for more learners are moving towards divergent thinking. They are no more into

learning to pass exams but rather in using the knowledge gained to develop life and help their

community. They want to understand how things work to enable them to apply real life skills. It

is a concept that raises innovations enabling them to improve the quality of their working



RSA. (2010). Sir Ken Robinson - Changing Paradigms. You Tube.

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