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Date Topic Readings & Assignments

09/08/2023 Introduction to the Course No readings today

- Presentation of Professor/Students,
- What is Assurance?
- The Assurance Universe
- The Assurance Sequence
- Why study A&A?
16/08/2023 Conceptual Framework of Assurance I & II: R1: Klein
- Assurance Universe R2: Minnis
- Assurance Demand MGP: Chapter 1
23/08/2023 Overview of the Attestation Process and Alternative Risk Models BPS: Chapters 1 and 2
- Focus on Traditional Audit Risk Model and Generic Business Risk Model MGP: Chapter 3 and 4
- Corporate Auditing Assessment Framework
30/08/2023 Auditing Assessment Framework MGP: Chapter 5 In-class Quiz today
- Analytical procedures
06/09/2023 Recess (Semana da Pátria)
13/09/2023 Internal Control Evaluation, Types of Assertions MGP: Chapters 6 and 7
Based on Strategic Analysis of a Client and its Business Processes
20/09/2023 Planning Verification of Management Assertion MGP: Chapter 8 & 9 (Including Revision in view of Midterm Exam)
27/09/2023 Midterm exam
04/10/2023 Significant Business Processes: Inventory/Revenue (Accounts Receivable) MGP: Chapter 10 & 13 In-class Quiz today
11/10/2023 Forensic Accounting, Expert Accounting & Arbitration Imoniana, Antunes & Formigoni (2013) In-class Quiz
18/10/2023 Completing the Attest Engagement MGP: Chapter 17
25/10/2023 Corporate Fraud, Corruption & Money Laundering R5: Bowlin R7: Imoniana & Murcia; R10 Lima et al. Presentation #1

01/11/2023 State of the Art R3: Lennox and Pittman Group Presentation #2
- Internal to firms – Engagement Quality Review
- Peer reviews – Quality Review Among Firms

08/11/2023 Current Topics in Assurance: Compliance Issues R4: DeFond Group Presentation #3
- Regulatory Inspections – Quality Review as per PCAOB
15/11/2023 Public Holiday (Proclamação da República)
22/11/2023 Current Topics in Assurance: CSR, ESG, SDG, social and sustainability reporting R8: O’Dwyer & Owen Group Presentation #4
conducted in accordance with AA1000AS:2008 (AA1000-Assurance Standard 2008).
29/11/2023 Revision in view of Final exam
06/12/2023 Final exam
13/12/2023 Resit exam
MGP: Messier, W. F., S. M. Glover, and D. F. Prawitt. (2014). Auditing and Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach. Ninth Edition. McGraw Hill.
BPS:Bell, T. B., M. E. Peecher, and I. Solomon. (2005). The 21st Century Public Company Audit: Conceptual Elements of KPMG’s Global Audit Methodology. KPMG LLP. Available at or on the course website. And http://www.ted_talks
ISA, International Standards on Auditing.
R: Outside Readings:
R1_Klein, D. B. (2002). The Demand for and Supply of Assurance. In Market Failure or Success: The New Debate. Eds. Cowen, T. and E. Crampton. Edward Elgar: Northampton, MA.
R2_Minnis, M. (2011). The Value of Financial Statement Verification in Debt Financing. Journal of Accounting Research 49 (2): 457-506.
R3_Lennox, C. and J. Pittman. (2010). Auditing the Auditors: Evidence on the Recent Reforms to the External Monitoring of Audit Firms. Journal of Accounting and Economics 49 (1-2): 84-
R4_DeFond, M. (2010). How Should the Auditors be Audited? Comparing the PCAOB Inspections with the AICPA Peer Reviews. Journal of Accounting and Economics 49 (1-2): 104-108.
R5_Bowlin. K. (2011). Risk-Based Auditing, Strategic Prompts, and Auditor Sensitivity to the Strategic Risk of Fraud. The Accounting Review 86 (4): 1231-1253.
R6_ Alles, M; Vasarhelyi, M. (2014). Thick Data: adding context to Big Data to enhance auditability. International Journal of Auditing Technology 2(2):95-108.
R7_Imoniana, J.O; Murcia, F.D.R (2016), Patterns of similarity of corporate frauds. The Qualitative Report 21(1): 143-162.
R8_O’Dwyer, B; Owen, D. (2005). Assurance statement practice in environmental, social and sustainability reporting: critical evaluation. The British Accounting Review 37 (1) 205-229.
R9_Imoniana, Jo; Antunes, MTP and Formigoni, H. (2013) Forensic Accounting and corporate Fraud. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 10 (1), 119-144.
R10_Lima, RS; Serrano, ALM; Imoniana, JO; Cupertino, CM (2021). Identifying financial patterns of money laundering with social network analysis: a Brazilian case study. Journal of Money
Laundering Control (Ahead of Print).

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