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Action research in education

1. What morpheme means?

a. What we have been describing as “elements” in the form of a linguistic message.
b. The factors that determine the rhythm (also known a prosody), the volume, staying on topic, formulating syntax,
and more.
c. It’s the study of syntax
d. None of them

2. Morphology can improve your reading comprehension…

a. by helping you understand the meanings of words you’ve never seen before
b. by listening English sounds of language
c. by staying on topic, formulating syntax, etc.
d. None of them

3. Identify the word which has one morpheme

a. Child
b. Childish
c. Childishness
d. All of them

4. Complete: Write an example of a word with two morphemes: Nation+al

5. Complete: Write an example of a word with three morphemes: Nation+al+ize
6. Complete: Write an example of a word with four morphemes: De+nation+al+ize
7. Complete: Write an example of a word with three morphemes: De+nation+al+iz+ation

8. How many types of morphemes do you know? Choose a number and write their numbers
a. 1: _____________
b. 2: Free morphemes Bound morphemes
c. 3: _____________ ________________ ____________
d. 4:______________ _________________ ____________ ______________

9. What are free morphemes?

a. They do not exist independently as individual words
b. They exist independently as individual words
c. They are not combined with more morphemes to make new and more advanced words
d. None of them

10. What are bound morphemes?

a. They do not exist independently as individual words
b. They exist independently as individual words
c. They make new and more advanced words
d. None of them
11. An affix is a … Bound morpheme that occurs before or after a base.
a. Free morpheme that occurs before or after a base.
b. Bound morpheme that occurs before or after a base.
c. Free/Bound morpheme that occurs before or after a base.
d. None of them

12. An affix that comes before a base is called a:

a. Affix
b. Prefix
c. Suffix
d. All of them

13. An affix that comes after a base is called a:

a. Affix
b. Prefix
c. Suffix
d. All of them

14. Derivational affixes

a. They are words that don’t correlate with any sound when a particular words spoken
b. They are sounds when a particular word is spoken
c. It serves to alter the meaning of a word by building on a base
d. None of them

15. Inflectional analysis

a. They are words that don’t correlate with any sound when a particular words spoken
b. They change the type of a word
c. They do not change the type a word
d. None of them
16. Write an example of a derivational affix: Colorful
17. Write an example of an inflectional affix: Cats

18. Write the correct answer. (Use the word inside of parenthesis as a reference)
18. profitable
19. underestimated
20. crossly
21. wonderful
22. unfairly
23. disappeared
19. Write two sentences with derivational affixes and two sentences with inflectional affixes.
1. Jessi is a person who is always full of happiness – D
2. During exam week I am unhappy because I am very stressed – D
3. My sister Joana is bigger than me – I
4. My dog Solin and my cat Gary are my pets and I love them – I

20. Complete their equivalence

-´s Pronoun plural
-s Noun plural
-ing Verb (Gerund)
-ed Verb (Past)
-en _____________
-er ______________
-est ______________

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