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Coal Bed Methane PETROGATE Academy Coal Bed Methane (CBM) CBM isa form of natural gas that is trapped: SItis a naturally occurring methane with small hydrocarbon gases that are contained in th ‘Often a coal seam is saturat pressure. “Currently, natural gas (om 4 -counts for approsimatelyi79 of total natural gas productio aye tn 2135 rock derived from plant material (peat) that accumulated in ergs cat wamps pd was subsequently buried by ongoing geological processes. creasing depth of burial, the plant material undergoes coalification, releasing as it vdfatile matter begins to transform into coal. With ongoing coalification, the coal becomes progressively enriched in carbon and continues to expel volatile matter Generation of methane and other hydrocarbons is a result of thermal maturation in coals, and begins around the sub-bituminous ‘A" to high volatile bitumninous “C* rank stag mediutii'to low volatile bituminous coalranks. Office Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Contact No: 8780679522/9410186470. Email ID: ‘Website: www.petrogatein 1 Scanned with CamScanner “tie Geological Basis of Coal Formation are + Origin of peat swamp + Peat growth, compression and the time es cy of coal formation eee + Development of coal facies ee ‘Stage of Coal Formation + Diagenesis of peat and coalification Different Geochemical Stage Of Transfod@pat ples of coals and originate from the ‘Ss ; Ss Funen bight iS pamed aS 7 * Degree of coalification (which is essentially a change brought to the o predominantly by chemical parameters suche: ep Carbon, Hydrogen. Oxygen & Volatile matter or by optical maceral groups are: Vitr eVitrinite macerals form the bright baydin ‘woody and cellulose portions of pl A Uptinite-rich coals have a waxy ag and athe product of spores resins, and algne. 7 Mnertinite-rich cools have? Bal BIA luster and are composed of oxidized grnicmatter: tamed ) + ‘enot * These differences agg th&yasis Hp classifying coal types by their appearance (such as bright banded or dult- Cy" Fomposition|(such'as humicorsapropelic)s, 7 + Coal SPRtionally assumed to be either of biogenic, thermogenic, or mixed ? igenic¥Eoalbed gas is generated by the breakdown of coalvGiganieMmattersbywr hermogenic gas is produced from coal organic matter by chemical degradation and thermal cracking mainly above 100°C. Above the thermal threshold, microbial methanogenic activity becomes impossible. a Thermogenic gas generation commences at the high-volatile bituminous coal rank wit + Thermogenic methane production from coal reaches a maximum at R,>1.2% and becomes negligible at R,>3.0%. cuca Scanned with CamScanner "TROGATE Aca * After this organic hydrogen pool in coal ha been severely depleted and remaining ‘organic carbon is largely present in condensed aromatic structures. wo Therefo than relatively lower rank coal, * AAS HAS HIONbeEMlostey w= Microbial gas is found in shallow coal seams at lower temperature close to basin margins, where the organic matter {s likely less mature ani ‘faster gas extraction » higher rank coal is expected to have generated more thermogenic CBM = Thermogenic coalbed gas accumulations likely occur in deeper, more al mature coal seams eal centage of the coal. Answer: 1.3 Ri scsigeCalecaty (GCs CHSCHae GH ¢ intage at the atmospheric temperature and pressure ed by 15% ash and 10% moisture. Estimate the p |v Ve a ty fertnt {tv sens of goer perrted amass Bf siete ws Ba pent: Hine — (29528) ee G2) vR] ses ot sg rc th eng ain NA, ‘ I i. vernca aca, Uta Compl OMS Ron, Ne allupur Chowk, Dehradun Uttarakhand Scanned with CamScanner Storage of Methane in Coal e in coal are largely controlled by and v : the abundance and geometry of openseleats? anid fractures iW eoalbeds, 7 Wwatey . Elevated permeability facilitates the flow of Ascot ay ~ desorbed gas and producibility of CBM, but very high permeability may result in enhanced water production. (Ge Produced formation water is often saline and may pose an environmental hazard if not rreinjected underground, @ Process of Gas Transport in Coal Bed Methane R Transport of gas in coal Is a three stage process: 1. Desorption from coal surface due ‘o lowering orpressure. it 2.(ditson from wicro_pores to macro pores. ( OND Bed % +13 (Dareys flow) through ‘ea (cat ractures/asures 7 Cleat spacing typically ranges from a decimeter to ‘ decimeter Jess than a millimeter and generally decreases as dus 40 < Metherms nny rie cat nee Computer > 80 Hite OPER sa) f 4) NOTE: Joints in shale, sandstone, and {arbonate resemble cleats geometrically, but i Spacing tends to be greater by least an order of magnitude (1-10 m), } ae | | / i Oe Addr PETROGATE Acaemy, Usha Complex, CMS Red. Near Balupur Chowk Dehradun, Utara q ; Contact No: 8780679522/9410188470 Email ID: ss wf ‘Website: Basi f Scanned with CamScanner ene cee Meme ERR NY ABUSE = Physical properties of coal > At + Compressibilty + Rink (Reflectance R) + Fixed carbon or heating value Porosity (Aug 1-2 + Dual porosity system SerF Bue and face cleats porosity of coal "of medium volatile Bituminous through. anthracite rank is typically Tes than S% nos Fos methine Porosity 9 Fon pee Unique qualities of coal %s Coals are extremely friable; ie, they crumble and break easily. It creates problem in hydrau fracturing of coal prior to production. ‘Intrusive properties . measurement early % Nearly impossible to recover a whole core. att impossible (permeability, porosity, galt and relative permeability) must iy’ on Wygjeéct ‘measurement. urate meacurement of p@tea.phusicadtoperties ‘require long core analysis, er. Two main phenomena ity fservoir compaction, 3 ~~ Gas desorption (mainly methane} ae > Vaavorbe ig Re’ en 8 : Zs 2 fe causing reduction of coal Gas dvomet in proouuction cook Te soho (Kd > 0 pew sing Squid 4 s & S E a Bota re Office Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Koad, Near Ballypur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand FOQO% Contact No:8780679522/9410108470 EiallID:perogatesu@graiLconn ‘Website: www petrogatein 5 peste Scanned with CamScanner ity ranges from 0.5% to 5%, with 1-2% being the most common + Typical coal porosity range: for current coals with commercial production. ny water and “free” gas This porasity isthe “open space” within the cleats themselves. Any 6 it rvoir pressure dnequilibrium:with:thes» will be stored within the cleat porosity at reservoir pressure. “FileFopore concentration.’ Are “Face cleats are the dominant cleats generally aligned in the direction of th Sprineipal stresser ‘Set ace-leat permeability is almost always higher than the butt-cleat permeal Extraction of methane from A coal seam; Ye se? Since COM travels 2 Seams, extractign or gBMinvolves pumping re that holds gas in the seam, a CBM is CBM has very Ione. allowing it to be pipe eS a5 pressure decreases, ter, edu ayes yas migration toward de atone 2 ned Jon @wand> (the eat stom is CS PQ, Produce an economically viable CLEA Office Addres "ETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, Contact No: 8780679522/9410108470 'MS Road, Near Hallupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Website: Ennail ID: petrogatesu@gmailcony www Scanned with CamScanner ‘TOTAL GAS-IN-PLACE | Sorbed mas ae eal Plot of gas content vs depth showing major variability Of gas Gramm wey content and estimated gas saturation GAS CONTENT ‘Total gas content of the core is the sum of residual gas, desorbed gas in the canister and lost gas. The relationship is given below G = gas content of the coal in the forma} residual gas of core. scf/ton Ve + “Lost gas as released (desorbed) by the’ he canister. sef/ton process before the coregamplg cape sealed in desorption canister + "Residual gas” is the ga canister desorpt} ¢he desorption tests jfferential equation describes stant Nemperature diffusion following ntaneaus change in boundary gas «+ Comulative desorbed gas is proportional to the square root of the elapsed time since the inception of gas desorption - The inception of gas desorption is referred to as “time zero” which usually occurs uring the core recovery process + Proper estimation of the “time zero” has a significant impact on the accuracy of the estimated lost gas volume lfice Address: PETROGATE Academy, Gontact No: 8780679522/9430188470 12 Complex, GMS Roa ‘Website: Scanned with CamScanner \j, Near Ballupur Chowk, Debradun, Uttarakhand ‘ial ID: 7 nS Restduat tire desorption sample Crush the sample to SOSWE30 « fstimated by crushing the leased @ the reservoir temperature. coal sample. The lost gas J Freasure the gas volume Fel ‘Acanister desorption test was performed on the ae enaien the test was found to be 10 Scf/ton. The volume of gas produced after one yeaa production from the well was calculated to be 200 Sef/ton. What will the ‘amount of cumulative gas (Sef/ton) that will be produced from it at the end of year. Answer: 580 Scf/ton What Is Sorption? * Caused by high surface area to pore volume ratio: + An attraction between solid and fluid moleg GAS CONTENT VS. STORAGE CAPA + Gas storage capacity: Gas sto Pygtenti + Gas content: Gas contgfhed wit she coal “=O caftiry Isothg nts + eefiygmed oAiprushed samples . * RepPentative split from single desorption sample (relatively low ash content) 3 posite sample to represent average of interval of interest anh +20 + Simple must be fresh G =) 3 2) * $ . © Oxidation reduces storage capacity oe DAF - * Difficult to determine correct equilibrium moisture content Langmuir Isotherm G,= Gas storage capacity ston P= Presiure, psia Fe= Langmuir volume constant, ston Pc= Langmuir pressure constant, psia Contato: B700679522/4t0raHHTO Eien eat eran Scanned with CamScanner + Langmuir volume ist Cota adsorption capaci ea adsorption capacity ofa substance at infinite pressure, qe Fangmuir volume describes Provides important infor he helght ofthe isotherm, whereas Langinuir pressure on on shape, * Alladsorption isotherms have steep slope near the Storer origin that flatter i volt tri ene ee pe wrote OF tend tobe fatat elevated pressures UANTOR OSA8 2. eres tose with hgh snd to maintain EHO OIE onc atcleated enn 7 G: At regen odnorxbton~only a ino, mettle? = rnoishuil’e D "Question: an ndin coal he carbon and volte matter copia gestinated tobe €) ‘around 60 96, The pressure in the reservoir was estimat(a to A200 psi. Also the eWedimate the gas storage ‘TWO COMPONENT ISOTHERM, 5 CaM - |. ‘ (Cox has Oily 7 ee ee if Fowowls Caen) — Office Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Comples, GMS Road, Near Balupur Chowk, Dead, Uttarakhand ‘Contact No: 8780679522/9410188470 Email): petrogatesu@gmailcom Websitg: won petrogatein Langunatn isoruun Atootbe Ho moudnum piiwaheeas es iad Can hold & A S poc7 fied pune ond Lamencdwee - Scanned with CamScanner > Gas In Fracture System Fluid Flow In Coal Coal is aheterogeneous:andranisotropic,porous:media which is characterized by two distinct porosity systems (dual porosity): macropores and micropores. ‘The'niaeroporesnalso, known-as:cleats, constitute the natural fractures common to all coal seams. Micropores, or the matrix, contain the vast majority of the gas. {77S gle phase gas diffusion through coal matrix qqe@80o phase Mid flow through the fracture system + Gas desorption from the matrix surface in turn causes molecular diffusion to occur within the coal matrix. + Diffusion through the coal can happen by bulk diffusion in large diameter pores, y Knudsen-type diffusion in sgffl capillaries, ( -Lavtony) . “Bie micropore ikea liquid. .d shape factor are usually combined into one parameter referred to as Ton s De, TD = HH Ya05 ‘c" is the value of sorption fime, “S" is the cleat spacing (ft) and Diffusion utivit “pwhere? ficient (De) ({t2/day). + Sorption Time denoted by (t) provides an indication of the rate at which gas diffuses out of the coal. * Errors in sorption time esikimatignacanyeflectionedictinnnferesenyessandynpoductio rates, * 4 + The sorption time is the value of the cumulative time at that point when the fraction of volume desorbed has a value of 0.632, -TROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Gtfiew Address: Scanned with CamScanner Hast fxishnun * Question: Calculate the Sorption time (hours) if the cleat spacing is 0.1 ft and Ao oe day Aisin co-fcent forthe methane given a 40008 f2/a0p, n * The tworphase flow in the cleat system can be adequately represented by Darcy's law, Typical Production History Of A CBM Reservoir + A canter desorption test was performed an the shale sample. 7 Cyrene os data was bain from thts C VolofGas (Sefton) Time ays a 2 + 20 45 answer 3-TESCH/ fan + 30 9 Calculate the lost gas If the ot Produetyy time from the well in five year. Scanned with CamScanner Gas Hydrates PETROGATE Academy What are Hydrates? AS * Gas Hydrates are also called "elathFates!: + These are mainly CH,) ranged in a compressed latticework, appearing very peoot'Gs Hydrates are an extremely f energy for the future, = Often cause plugging of lines and equipment (like an “ice” plug) © In drilling, under well control situations;hydrates may:plug lines and.chokes> ©The presence of clathrates at a given site can often be determined by observation of a ‘*Bottomnisimulating)Reflector's(BSR), which is a seismic reflection at the sediment to clathrates stability zone interface caused by the unequal densities of normal sediments and those laced with clathrates, Otfice Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Contact No: 8780679522/9410188470 Email [D: Website: 1 Scanned with CamScanner Cibeds enero \ et than 9096 of the ocean floors, , ANatural Gas Resoure! ‘ satistied in more ; ydrate formation are . ‘onditions for hydrate formatio sof natural gas and 2 StTUCTUFE , here is a source Dut hydrates will only be present i accumulation, areas much as fOR : i e resources ichas heen estimated that total worldwide hydrate resoure suitable for g9 1 hydrate resource is below the world's oceans ossibly as much as 98% of th eA tw “The remaining 2% that is found on land, below permafast, is estimated to be the size of the conventional natural gas resource. or twice as large the combined fossil fuel resourt Os Natural gas has been produced from hydrates for decades in Russia. Hydrate formation: : + It isa result of theliydrogen bond that water can form weep + The hydrogen bond causes the water molecules to al far orientations. cgithe presence of certain compounds causgs“the align molecules to stabilize and a solid mixture precipitates. Pitre water molecules are referred tas yg “host’ molecules, and the other compounds, which stabilize the crystal, are tag the “gest” molecules. jest molecule is postulated to be due to vanider ‘The right combination of temperature and pressure. Hydrate formation is favored by low temperature and high pressure. oF Rapmarmntarmanetst be present. liydrate formers include methane, ethane, and carbon dioxide. cago Wuticientamount of water = not too much, not too little, + To prevent hydrate formation, one merely has to eliminate one of the three conditions stated previously. é Office Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, MS Road, Nes Ballypr Chowk, Dehradun, Contact No: 8780679522/9410100470 mail Ds petrogatev@emalLcom Scanned with CamScanner Other phenomena thatenhianice iydrate formation inclider” oe Tarbulence + A.High Velocity + b. Agitation Lo Nasleation sites er Bree Mater 7 Noistanota contradiction to earlier statements. 7 madditio Phase-diagram of typical gas hydratéPy + These crystalline solids form under moderate pressure (for instance, at water depths greater than 300 meters) and temperatures that are low but aboypAthe freezing point of water in nature. + Hydrate forshations are very Hand ice like, and they may conyain mO\eulB® of substances other than nigthar Olfice Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand ‘Contact No: 8780679522/9410188470 Email ID: petrogatedu@gmallcom es ‘Website: www.petrogatein 3 Scanned with CamScanner structure of Methane Hydrates ‘512 een Structure I: This type of structure has 2 hydrate structure is composed apolphedval™eages” (6 large and 2 small). Hydrate cavity is formed by 46 water molecules forming an arrangement 8G - 46 H, where G & H represents the guest & host molecule, anes fy Oege: eros usually a small molecule and prominent guest molecule are meth: Se sulphide and carbon dioxide. Structure * This hydrate structure have a ‘Polyhedral’cages (8 large and 16 small) which are 136 water molecules, * This typical arrangement can be represens@@as 24 Gy836 H, + The 16 smaller cavities are jgrted ppMtagonal dodecahedra and the 8 larger cavities are hexadecahe, ing 4 hexagonal faces and twelve pentagonal ¢ faces. cell hp84 water molecules forminga’hexagonallattices Sprccure-H has three different types of cavities, three 512, two newelsfaces ‘F996 cavities and one new large 51267 cavity, ‘The 4°S%6* cavity has three square faces, six pentagonal faces, and three hexagonal faces, whereas the 52268 cavity has 12 pentagonal faces and ei ht hexagonal fac ‘The large cavity in 's structure can accommodate even larger molecules, Smaller guest molecules, such as City, Npand CO, occupy 51” cavities, and large guest molecules such as 2-methylbutane, methylcyclopentane, methyleyclohexane, ethyleyclohexane and cyclooctane oceupy 425% cavities aoe es ee Acadeny Usha Complex, GMS Roi Near Balupur Chowk Deradun, Usarakhiand Contac No: STSQgHasaE@AAOEEATO:: < Eual 0: pevousetu@galoomee Websites wew:petrogatein Scanned with CamScanner [Hydrate Crystal Structure 1 1 " [cavity Small | Large | Smail | Large | Small [Medium] Large [Cavity deseription st [ste [5 [stot [st [ste | stot [Numberofeavitiesperunitestt| 2 | 6 | 16 | 8 | 3 | 2 | 1 [Average cavity radius, A aes [433 | 301 | ams [Coordination number 20 | 2 | a | 28 | 2 | a | 36 |Namber of water molecules per eee 46 136 4 feeystal type: Cubic Diamond Hexagonal + number of oxygen toms atthe border of each cavity ** estimated from geometric models ° When the hydrate is formed, GD One mol of methane hydrate weighs 988 grams. O The unit cell of structure I has a volume of 12.03A3y° (2D 50 one mole occupies 6.022 x 10° times asgfftth, or 1090 cm?. O The density of the hydrate is then easilyéfgul DPaboutO.95ig/em* between ice and Ques Hydr§¥és of methane have been found on the ocean floor in various ighout the world. In this case, the pressure for hydrate formation is due fatjons thi rostatic head of the water, Assuming that hydrates form at the same rressife and temperature in seawater as they do in pure water, estimate the depth at hich you would have to go before encountering methane hydrates. Assume the seawater is at 2° C (35.6 ° F) and has a density of 1040 kg/m* (64.9 lb/ft’). Also assume there is sufficient methane present to form a hydrate. Given that the hydrate forming pressure for methane at 2° Cis 3.17 Mpa. ‘Answer: 301m Scanned with CamScanner LE ‘Together. we wil Where ?/ Geology Ocean Hyetrates «Continental ‘margin ADE (Biogenic hydrates) “Baenting (Ther mogenic hydrates) 2 Permafrost Hyurates 3.FreeMethane 4 is an indication of a physical ween the upper x { hydrate bearing sediments and of eer stability . * The depth of stability depends on the JL temperature and the pressure. Der OFS fa ax “J = SS eng CO» Siza of | molec, inowans JIS Sony te > ' Chagnon, Psi | : aon | 24S Sb | Oe Adres PETROGATE Aan sha com GMS Roane Contact No: 8780679522/04101 pee OMS Road lupe Chowk, Dena, te4u@gmacom radun, Uttarakhand Website: 4 Scanned with CamScanner Locating and studying Hydrates Several methods jeismic Technique: BSR represents the Gas lydrate stability zone, l.the interface boundary. _ Fi care Sampling: Where nove methane present cove sapling have revested r ssence of hydrates. Symthesize hydrates in the lab: Hydrates can be manufactured in laboratories, where its properties can be evaluated and its potential explored. pS computer motels ai imtatons sen tyg the Estimated amount of gas hydrates Concentration of metha e® Absolute amount is obviously unknown, but there is an esti ‘meters of methane in hydrates. ‘ger Theoretically 1 cc of pure methane hydrate should water, ith reservoir rock, the concentration of met the methane in hydrate will be considg E methane. — ‘ee For instance, in a reservoir with 304Agrosity Wy depth less than S000 ft, one ft rock would generally contain 50 ft? of gas ff theigrm of methane hydrate ould generally contain $0. of gas ith thane hydrat ee — = sg@ 10-201 of conventional g oor 8-168 of coal bed pane eter 5-10 f of ga art fe amount of carbon bound in gas hydrates is frequently amount of carbon to be found in all known fossil fuels on “Depressurization — PXOMAUA'S seletwud - "Thermal processes such as hot water or steam flooding > WeadTs SuppPLi2d + = Solvent/chemical injection to decrease the stability of the hydrate lattice. (donot eee af “ useuass )- ox Schematic of proposed gas hydrate production hod: G) thermal injection; lepressurization; inhibitor injection. fice Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Road, Near BallupuChowk, Debradun, Uttarakhand Contact No: 8740679522,/9410100470 Email D: petroghtetu@gmailcom ‘Website: wwnw:petrgatein % “ ne t - in Ga, =O i sine 9 a by Spansion ion tS produce: neal gm jon tayo cond hen 2 9} conto) peru 1S popu grand 22 2dAUd TR Orennen Scanned with CamScanner rr Cansgetsat 10 MPR cucrfor) - jation or reservoir, thermal stimulation hydrate-bearing form a duced into the hydrate-bearing + Inthese methods, heat is introduced into the hy 8. causing destabilization ofthe hydrate particles by the ergy may be achieved from the surface by +The introduction of thermal en ine, or steam, injection of hot fluids, including water, brine, or ste ion or electric and situ combustion oF + or may involve a downhole process, such as in-si clectromagnetic heat + Thermal methods for production are adversely + In this technique, the pressure of the fluids in qpgtact Yyighfuydrate is lowered, pushing the hydrate out of its stability region and | its decomposition. + Because no ektra heat is introduced into ‘must be supplied from the surrounding reserviis, the heat of decomposition ion, qertis is an attractive for producti sarily When a large surface area exists for heat transfer and decompositi +The most common depressu technique envisions drilling through the hydrate layer and compjéfthg th ellin the free-gas zone, + Gas production from tig lage the overlying hy. Ns, Such as alcohol, glycol, and ionic salts, such as common table salt, are it the formation of gas hydrates, tant to note that they 'y do not prevent hydrate formation, they inhibit it, That Teduce the temperatur €or increase the pressure at which a hydrate will form. Gre mere presence ofan inhibitor does not mean that a hydrate will not form. fhe inhibitor must be present is he inhi Present in some minimum concentration to avoid hydrate * Injecting inhibitors causes de composition of a i thermodynamic equilibrium curves ane eating ts * However, their application is limit ; ited to small volumes becau i associated with inhibitors, ee + Ieis reported alimluneland cau chloride solution were successfully injected» Scanned with CamScanner "gyi Deion Shing Use of Hydrates for other purposes #®Mternative to pipeline transmission (both offshore & o -ol A (both offshore & onshore) Ee & toRaA, . eo patch leaks in underwater pipelines (at appropriate pr&temp) | FON tout : May be used as a vehicular fuel especially for relatively large vehicles such as ships. Ised to drive machinery ( Hydrate and Global “Climat mous dong us hen Coz - TUS res ban veda CUE ptedfon) olid hydrates can plug up subséa risers, choke and kill lines, and BOPS 42 h 5 during well shut-in are particularly favorable for hydrate formation if high jrresStres are combined with falling temperatures and there is sufficient time for rquilibrium to be reached. © Large amount of cuttings generated from the hydrate zone may release large volumes of gas at the surface, threatening the safety ofthe personnel andthe surface equipment. ease off immediately with high-olapse strength casing, (Sin edat distunbunte 0 ae uns dissociation during setting of cement. on coe ese i U Lrothwnic }202Kon once Ades: PETROCATE AcxenyUnbConpioCHS Read Ner aap Chowk Dahan. Utarthant Cy Fang ‘the hydrate zone should b before drilling continues to deeper formations. © Another concern is the risk of hydrate ‘Contact No: 8760679522/3410188470 Email D: petrogatedu@gmalcom Website: wwrw.petrogate in 9, gantucckeok Me iS ’ cen Scanned with CamScanner “Sy tes ee 2 0 meters or ‘AProblem in Drilling? ds and Hebrides rapidly reach 1,00 tlands st Sh 4 Water depths near the West Shei °C res more, with seabed temperatu . In the deep-water regions of the Gulf of Mexico Sr a ate formation. Jont. Compoun afon « ‘© Such extreme conditions present risks of hyd Corneal, ah ei rma seabed temperature is typically e © Choke and Kill line plugging ‘© Plugging of wellbore below the BOPs puree / iser, ed é ‘Plug formed around the drillpipe inside casing, in the BOPs or in the ri drilsting movement * Plug formed inthe BOPs preventing full BOP closure * Plug keeping 80Ps fom opening a sea ion) ‘There are two basic types of hydrate-related drilling problee oot © ® Drilling through formations already containing na Cn, ee Experiencing drilling conditions that may begonduclto formation of hydrates | Schematicar eg cones | constant-volume TT bm sents eel a: [experiment yl preoeeSsodats ‘The probability othydgae Increases as nquas h ore eae tempera PUY youre ae pera ae ey Wa Q aves ‘or drilling through Zones containing Hydrates pce wSyomperature ofthe ding mud C heatis hot aLloused ) . l atJeontrolied” dri 'ng rates (not too fast- to reduce heat generation rates) Increase mud weight- if possible ‘erease mud circulation rate to ensure turbulent flow to achieve better cooling and to Femove any gas, ° Keeping the temperature above, or the pressure below hydrate formation conditions ° Using chemicals to depress the hydrate formation point, Inhibitors” such as methanol, glycols and salts (methanol is very (Otter Adres: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Roa, | Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Contact No: 8780679522/941010mns¢ Email D: petrogatedu@gmatlcomn Website: wuw.petrogatein 10 i cee Scanned with CamScanner ing Hydrate Formation while Drilling - cont'd Techniques for av = © Adding chemicals that reduce the rate of nucleation of hydrate crystals, © © Adding chemicals to reduce the rate of growth of hydrate crystals which have nucleated. not form (kinetic inhibitors)” ‘Basically, thermodynamic inhibitars reduce the temperature at which hydrates will form. ter © The inhibitor dissolves in the water phase, increasing the stability of the liquid, with respect to the hydrate, # An inhibitor like methanol will also enter She gas and liquid hydrocarbon; Sine mokeouty ¢ 4 Sita one rate) h : . Cooter) ‘Thermodynamic Inhibitors © Aimmonia was once suggested as an inhibitor for hydrate etthas a relatively low molar mass, 17.03 g/mol vi for methanol, which as we have seen is advantageous for an inhibitor. Based on the Hammerschmidt equ; Celsius depression in the hydrate 1. formation temperature requires 6 Ammonia solution vs. a 19.8 wt% methanol solution. ®t is toxic and maybe diffy ag oil field applications. in addition, it reacts wap bOMycArbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in the aqueous phase. oe C2 H50H ‘of hate inhibition, one exception is acetone, jolar compound that is liquid at room temperature. an acetone solution formed at a higher hat %, for a given pressure the hydrate ii remperature than in pure water. = Gnly at high concentrations did the acetone begin to inhibit the formation of the hydrate, ° out 1S each Laws Zon * Contact No: 8780679522/9410188470 Email ID: petrogate¢, Website: uw Scanned with CamScanner o = perocaresckeny Thermodynamic Inhibitors cont'd used inhibitors: NaCl, KCLand CaCl, urated NaCl (2696) provid water the ono Seti) oP Geos and gyerlscan also be wed HH * Mixed inhibitors can be used and thet effec is approximately adltive women {2 (DEC) « 2020 poymer muds most common used or deepwater di * Kinetic inhibitors work by reducing the rate of nucle: of the crystals, or the agglomeration of the crystals © Saltsare the most comm 21°K margin relative to pure of hydrates, the * They cannot prevent hydrate formation, but they may increase the delay between th {ime when a uid enters the hydrate zone and the formation ofa blockage dips the Hime takaq ° Thesehave notbeen tested indriling, x (45 une “Coin, TS and) juyorene forester rilling, growth rate fe merous @ Kinetic Inhibitors & * Kinet inhibitors work by educng the rte of eaton of yates, the gow te of the Cra othe agglomeration ofthe ryt They cannot prevent hydrate format they may increase the delay bet when tweey a uid enters the hydrate af formati ofa blockage Oo Se q & i © mar “Pression of hydrate-formation temperatures wit and diethylene glycol th methanol cit bat vb poe (L) OLD + wore wv | | Scanned with CamScanner PETROGATE Academy Together, wewill make a difference So a oa Well Control Remediation Methods ® Prevent hydrocarbons from entering the wellbore (adequate mud weight, rapid °1F hydrocarbons enter the wellbore, prevent them from reaching the wellhead (monitoring, bull heading) © Ii hydrocarbons reach the wellhead and BOP, prevent formation of hydrates (high salinity mud; glycol mud standby) ® ithydrates do form, eliminate them (methanol on standby for pumping down kill line, heated seawater ready to be pumped up riser) ‘© Methods for removing hydrate blockages: © Depressurization to dissociate the hydrate ray stam) © Addition of chemical inhibitors to melt the hydrate (we tn © External heating to dissociate the hydrate »@ Mechanical (drilling) C Scanned with CamScanner Shale Gas PETROGATE Academy Hydrocarbon Generation i Teoccurs primarily by 3 process io n+ Bitumen (by product) + Diagenesis + Transformati + Catagenesis «a Kerogen + Bjaymen pore Transformation = Petroleum + Metagenesis -Diagenesis» It is the sum of all process: are brought about after its depositionbut ical, by which changes in a sediment fore {es final ithification (conversion to rack}. Because most sediments contain’ al mixtures in which not all the minerals are in chemical equilibrium with g&ch oghé, changes in interstitial water composition or changes in temperature or bofawhusuply lead to chemical alteration of one or more of the minerals present. he “B¥ysical and chemical alteration of sediments and pore fluids at igher than those of diagenesis, Catagenesis involves heating in 122° to 302°F]. At these temperatures/echemical-bonds:break i ‘At the high end of “ Metagenesise” The last stage of maturation and conversion of organic matter to res anWPpressures this femperature range, secondary cracking of oil molecules can generate gas molecu hydrocarbons. Metagenesis occurs at temperatures of #50™S'200°C'[302° to 392°F office Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Road, Near Balkipur Chowk Dehradun, Uttarakhand TCanmnet Nov 8780679522/9410108470 Email iD: Website petra Scanned with CamScanner ferme] [ eo Gas Types of Kerogen + paraffinic kerogens (produce ‘light oils’) + /C> 1.25 &0/C< 015 + found in boghead coals and shales + contain abundant green algae lerived from marine mentation, made + Type I- primarily oil prone on maturaffol + probably because the Type I curve m 2h Type 1 during maturation + can only be recognized a¢ fai ov tration levels 03% R, Methods for Kerogen Charcterzatlon up of detritus of Type 1 +Phy€oplankton + Zooplankton H/C < 1.3 O/C ~ 0,03 - 0.18 * the ‘reference’ kerogens generate a mix of oil and gas on maturation * immature analogs of the major kerogen ‘ypes foundimhighly productive oitand:ga lisids~ Dice Address: PETROGATE Aciemy, Uska Complex, GMS Road Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand ‘Gontact No: 8700679522/9410188470. . Email ID: petrogatesu@gmailcom — Website: ww. 2 Scanned with CamScanner Matha for Keren Charcetation + H/C (relatively low) + O/C ~ 0.04 0.3 (relatively high) ‘reference’ Type II samples * significant higherplancand-woody! materia | Introduction pci ou en aah of mudstones, tale rocks are not only the source rock but also 'servoir rock. + These are usually composed of clay minerpi@stuch toe * Unconventional gas reservoirs are cl low to ultra low permeability. + Reservoirs above 0.1 mD are cgnvehtioMalgeservoirs. + As per most recent definjgipn ol entional reservoir: Reservoir which does not produce up'to economi§limi %s reservoir is treated by special techniques such fo as well stimulatic Cs 1 multilateral wellbores. by which shale gas reservoirs differ from rstlypthey have very low matrix permeability. condly, in some instances they contain organiccrich rocks where gas can also be adsorbed, ye rere — Otfice Address: PETROGATE Academy, Usha Complex, GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Contact No: 8780679522/9410188470 Email 1D: petrogate4u@gmailcom Website: 3 Scanned with CamScanner How is shale B3 formed? vironment, under Pressure «+ organic rich shale fort ‘ocean oF fakes, in ano catles at the bottom of terial turn + Material s¢ .d temperature thi into kerogen and temperature thi st ‘om burial forces most of the natural ga o migrate from the ganic shales into more porous and permeable rock such 3$ sandst or nto r forming conventional reservoirs. : kerogen passes through @ FanBe, + Throughout the process of burial and matur pressure and temperatures. from keroggmke +: During process of ‘catagenesis first iquid petroleum is generated passes into dry gas’ as itburied deeper. This occurs during the Process @ sis! (03) ynal_ changes a material in sedimentary rocks undergoes numerous 0 hhich are initially dictated by microbial activities and then ‘This process of thermal maturation is broadly dividogajnto Diagenesis RO< 0.5% 2 S50 Catagenesis 0.5% =ROAG 50°C= 150°C ‘Metagenesis T%< 150% C= 200° C Estimation of original gas-in-plgtig shale gas reservoirs requires. For free gas - a cqffftntio’§l volumetric method using porosity, bulk rock volume, porosi afulptions, and pressures. e: Sile gas reservoir show high gamma ray value. foration for gas shales is similar to exploration for conventional reservoirs ‘which, for an unexplored basin, usually includes: ff treview of existing inform: -Faerial surveys to gather data regarding magnetic fields, gravity and radiation C +seismic surveys to locate and define subsurface structures capable of trapping natural gas +exploration drilling to test subsurface structures for the presence of hydrocarbons f: +tlogging the wells to determine porosity, permeability and fluid composition Scanned with CamScanner ion/D sche Natural gas in shale reservoirs is present hoth as a free gas phase ané Natural gs fn sh gas phase and as an adsorbed gas + In shale gas reservoirs, gas or methane molecules. are «adsorbedstonthesearbonerich~ __gomponents called Kerogen.” + The adsorbed gas represents significant quantities of total yas reserves. + Organic-rich shale samples showed a sadsorbed gas and total orgaule.contents Toco Se ‘measurement Generally TOC for reservoir rocks varies between 2% to 10%. TOC above 10% are immature rocks. Shale contains both inorganic and organic carbon. Inorganic carbon is removed by phosphoric ack! wash. Then dried shale sediments are combusted temperature around 1350 degree C ip environment. CO, produced from combustion is then turned into carbon content of the Se, the organic mush will tend to stay put unless something allow: Fractures make shale permeable, To Frack or Not to Frack Shale is compact and impermeable. Gas that has been formed ay fe from cooking een rvoirs usually extend horizontally over many square kilometers, and + giffte gas cally very thin by comparison. {oteottal drilling is therefore used to plac more kilometres of reservoir compared to a uch smaller portion of the reservoir. «+ Avertical well is drilled to just a few meters a depth of greater than 5,000ft (1,500m). ‘e the borehole in contact with two or vertical well which could only contact a above the shale gas reservoir, normally to sea Paunnlex, GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Scanned with CamScanner 7 redetermined segments or Most of th tal portion of the well is perforated In pred tof the hori ‘ vals using a perforating tool orabrastve perforating methods. intervals using a ral Inche: he targeted reservoir ‘The perforations extend through the casing several Inches Into ‘zones to provide entry points for the fracturing fluid and proppant. ackward until the + Perforation begins at the bottom of the well and gradually moves back desired portions of the well are perforated. is essure into ead * A planned volume of fracturing fluid and proppant is pumped at high pressure into perforated interval, opening up and then propping open Induced and natural fractu horizontal portion of the well. * This staged process is repeated for each interval moving backwards thpaigh * Well it depends ~ partly on the width of the natural crack Aye ‘on the width of the cracks you hope to make. ( * the new cracks, heir width wil probably be olny the diameter of the sand ns that you're using to prop them opey . * So the volume represented by asinfle ¢ may not be much, but the volume of all the cracks added together coul large consuming a lot of water, * In fact during a high-voldme tigck)ap to 250 liters of water can well every second, ppear down the + So this is whys t of water and Proppant in a high-volume frack. Flow togtiig * Gate the MYpraulic fracturing operation is complete, the well is cleaned out, a tubing assembly is lowered into the well, and a wellhead is installed, ‘emPorary separator vessel is set up next to the well to separate and measure the lume of fracturing fluid that flows back up the well (flowback uid), and gas and/or oil from the reservoir, *Flowback of any residual proppant is separated in a sand trap upstream of the separator * Gas associated with produced water may be flared if no fas transportation pipelines are available. Scanned with CamScanner . Question: A canister desory residual gas obtained from produced after one Scf/ton. What will th two years ition test was performed on the the test was found to be 10 Sef/ta year of production from the well wi ie amount of gas t ale sample. The he volume of gas § calculated tw be 200 at will be produced from it at the end of * Gas adsorption capacity is pacity is affecte several factors, such 2s caumanlasroain,

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