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Problem Description
Geocaching is a interactive activity that provide hide and seek features that
enable the user to have fun while solving, decision- analysis, analysis of the
Geocaching offers fun interactive geographic puzzles, containing nodes for
adventurers to open and receive clues to solve greater mysteries. One of the
engaging features of geocaching are varying difficulties and unique scenarios with
each puzzle.

Geocaching innovate the fun experience of outdoor fun in a Treasure hunt: puzzle
game, A great way to bring friends and family together while exploring various
trails and conquering challenges.

However, because of increasing variety of problem, it brings inevitable confusion

to the participants’ who wants to either be a seeker or a node creator. This

1. Clues location tracking

2. Recording Clues
3. Route Planning
4. Node tracking

System Capabilities
• Multipurpose Map (Creator)
I. Choosing to be a Seeker or Creator
II. Real-time player tracking
III. Player-to- Node distance tracking
IV. Clue mapping
V. Quest log
i. Node Type
ii. Difficulty
iii. Completion Rate
iv. Personal Notes
• Multipurpose Map (Seeker)
I. Choosing to be a Seeker or Creator
II. Node Creation on Map
III. Creator-to- Node distance tracking
IV. Node Information
i. Node Type
ii. Difficulty
iii. Personal Notes
Business Benefits
The expected launching of the new and upgraded system will benefit the following
business in terms of:

• Study the behavior of user through real-time tracking, increasing company

understanding of user to quickly make adjustment and know their desire.
• Increase user engagement by forming trends-based on behavioral analysis.
Day 1

Task 1-1
Feature: Area Mapping

The map grids and details the nodes as are icons, providing an overall view. The
nodes, when clicked, allows user to track their distance to it. This also provides
a customizable log containing the given information about a node, and a sub-log
where they can write and upload their observation. The are map relieves the burden
of memorization and complies the given and personal information.

Feature: Toggle Node Creation node

The creator mode are for those that want to make their own puzzle for others to
solve, detailing the map with their own node and overall view of them. Once toggled
the none created would be hidden and creators can add an icon that when clicked,
provides a customizable log where they can create basic information. The node
creation mode allows users that a break from puzzle solving and seeking, gaining
the opportunity to be the puzzle makers.

Task 1-2: Work Breakdown Structure

I. Analyze and understand the needs and prioritize the equipment needed for the
1. Development and planning of the geocaching system. - 4 hours
2. Identify and gathering information required. - 3 hours
3. Identifying the system requirements. - 3 hours
II. Formulation and designing the required layout of the system
1. Developing the layout interface. - 2 hours
2. Designing, gathering, and building database. - 4 hours
3. Forming the system architectures. - 1 hours
4. Creating specific program details. - 1 hours
5. Framing the program workflow. - 3 hours
III. Design implementation.
1. Code and testing the application GUI. - 7 hours
2. Coding and testing logical operation. - 5 hours
1. Application trial run and overall assessment - 8 hours
2. Feedback testing - 3 hours

Task 2-1: Area Mapping

Use Case Description
Create Main Node Fills out basic information about the puzzle and makes an icon others
can click to access.
Update Main Node Updates existing main node information.
Create Sub-Node Clicking the plus button, a sub node that can be filled with personal
observation and findings are generated.
Update Sub-Node Update existing Sub-Node information.

Task 2-2:
Object Classes Attributes
Main Node Puzzle name, Type, Difficulty, Hint, Coordinate, Completion Rate,
Sub Node Observation notes, images, Description

Task 2-3:

Task 2-4:

Day 3
Task 3-1 & 3-2:
Task 3-3:
Day 4
Task 4-1:
MAIN_NODE PuzzleID: Interger{key}
PuzzleName: String
Type: String
Hint: String
Coord: Integer
SUB_NODE SubLogID: Integer {key}
PuzzleID: Integer{Foreign key}
Title: String
Description: String
Observation: String

Task 4-2:
As part of the planning for the geocache system, we have gathered a lot of data
related to the project that relates to the needs and requirements of the client
(Eros), and we have determined that the Desktop System is the ideal method for the
system that we will construct. This following list will enumerate those things.
• The end user will have the ability to use the system wherever they
• The system will have the ability to be utilize independently.
• Less use of RAM
• More convenient one-time search for user.
• Provide the whole application features.
• Time consuming file download.
• Requires specific MB space and device version.

 More use of ram.
 Another ram consumption once the new tab triggers.
 System loads depends to the number of user and signal of the users.
Day 5
Task 5-1:
Java offers significant advantages for creating a geocaching application. Its
cross-platform capabilities allow you to develop your app once and run it
seamlessly on various operating systems, ensuring accessibility to a wide audience.
Additionally, Java's prowess in mobile development makes it an excellent choice for
building geocaching apps for Android devices. With a strong standard library,
robust security features, and a vibrant developer community, Java simplifies
geocaching app development while delivering reliability and performance across
different platforms.
TASK 6-1
User testing is the process weather your target audience able to be satisfy to the
product the programmer produces. However, it may also be tested to see if there is
a need for your product and to see how the consumer would interact with it. In the
other hand, Programmer testing, focuses to the functionality of the system code to
the system output, where they create lots of test to determine the possible
circumstances that the system will produce, once the system started.

TASK 6-2

There is no perfect system but rather system perfection can address by developing
and updating the system, Once the system deploy, geocaching system might encounter
some disadvantage for the first launch. It might be from the area mapping, device
GPS, device compatibility, some unwanted bugs, availability of the following
geocaching activities and its mode, or the user’s information and account.

TASK 6-3
Launching a website like involves several critical considerations.
Security is paramount to safeguard user data, requiring SSL certificates and
regular updates. Robustness ensures the site can handle high traffic, demanding
performance optimization and caching. Financial protection is vital for secure
transactions through encrypted gateways and compliance. Managing high volumes
necessitates scalable hosting and load balancing. Uptime must be maintained via
performance monitoring and reliable hosting. Compatibility with various browsers is
essential, achieved through responsive design and accessibility measures.
Addressing these factors assures a secure, reliable, and accessible website.

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