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AD3 – Final Exam

Extra Class

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) extracted from each of the lists below.

admired for – although – as well as – loads - one of which – primarily – quite a few – since –

____________ of science fiction books exist, ______________ of which are _______________

their imaginative concepts and captivating storytelling. ________________ they may be distant one
from another in terms of setting and plot, these books share a common thread of exploring the
unknown. _____________ is the exploration of artificial intelligence and its impact on society.
______________ transporting readers to distant galaxies and future times, science fiction books
_____________ challenge our understanding of the world and provoke thought. ____________
science fiction authors are masters of speculation, they offer us glimpses into possible futures and
alternate realities. So, no matter ______________ you are, if you crave adventure and
contemplation, science fiction books are a must-read.

be – both – brought – even - like – much – so – up – while – written

Video games, _____________ like interactive stories and dynamic playgrounds, have
______________ a whole new dimension to entertainment. ________________ by talented
storytellers, they can ________________ immersive experiences that engage players on multiple
levels. Besides that, many companies invest their money in games _________________ Grand
Theft Auto or The Last of Us to bring the ultimate story-telling experience to players.
______________ though they are often associated with leisure, video games offer
______________ more than just simple fun. They can challenge players' skills and intellect,
______________ also providing a platform for social interaction and teamwork. ____________,
while video games have grown so much in popularity, they have also opened ______________ new
possibilities for creativity and technological advancements.

2. Rewrite the sentences below. Begin each sentence with the word given in parentheses.

a) I visit my grandparents. (RARELY)

b) They felt their lives would be turned upside down. (LITTLE)


c) The students can understand what is being taught. (HARDLY)


d) I have traveled to a distant place alone. (NEVER)


e) If he were to kiss me again, I would vomit. (WERE)


3. Rewrite the sentences below. Begin each sentence with the words given in parentheses.

a) For fear, I didn’t talk about my relationship with her. (I WAS AFRAID TO)


b) We were sad when we found out about our final grades. (IT WAS SAD TO)


c) You dumped Mary in your first year together. She was angry about it. (MARY WAS ANGRY THAT)


d) I don’t think starting a new company now is a good idea. (IT'S NOT WORTH)


e) Going home that way was an odd thing for him to do. (IT WAS ODD THAT)


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