Trabajo Grupal English

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 Reyshell Yismaira López Dávila
 Moshe Evanan Coaboy Mera
 Fiorella Nicole Mendoza Sevillano
 Karen Melissa Sánchez Mendoza

Lcda. Kátherin Vera

Philosophy, letters and educational sciences
Pedagogy of national and foreign languages

Paragraph 1:
Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a girl named Emily. She was a happy and kind
girl, always willing to help others. Her respectful and considerate behavior made her well-
liked by everyone in the community. Emily was known for her gentleness and
compassionate attitude toward others.

Paragraph 2:
One sunny day, Emily decided to explore the nearby forest. With a determined step and a
smile on her face, she walked with grace and confidence. Her bright eyes reflected her
enthusiasm for discovering new wonders in nature. She was a curious and brave young
woman, always willing to seek adventure and learn from each experience.

Paragraph 3:
As Emily walked among the tall trees, she encountered a mysterious creature. He was a
lost and scared little bunny. Tenderly and patiently, Emily slowly approached the bunny,
speaking in a soft, comforting voice. With her delicate hands, she picked him up and
carried him to safety. Her gentleness and kindness were evident in every action she took.

Paragraph 4:
Emily's story spread quickly through the town. Everyone talked about her kindness and
generosity. Her friendly nature and positive attitude were contagious. Emily was a living
example of how personal qualities can make a difference in the lives of others. Her story
inspired many to act with more empathy and compassion toward others.
Carla and the animals
Paragraph 1:
Carla has always loved animals. She has volunteered at the local animal shelter for years,
where she has cared for countless furry friends. She has adopted a dog named Max, who
has brought so much joy to her life. Carla has also fostered several kittens, finding them
loving homes. Her dedication to animals has made a positive impact on her community.

Paragraph 2:
Have you ever seen a baby turtle hatch from its shell? Carla visited a tropical island last
summer, where she witnessed this incredible event. It was a magical sight as the tiny
turtles made their way to the sea. She had never seen anything quite like it before. The
experience left her in awe of nature's wonders.

Paragraph 3:
What is the most challenging animal Carla has encountered? Once, she came face to face
with a majestic lion during a safari in Africa. It was both terrifying and exhilarating. The
lion's roar echoed through the vast savannah, sending shivers down her spine. She had
never felt so alive in that moment.

Paragraph 4:
Throughout her animal adventures, Carla has met extraordinary people who share her
passion. She has formed lasting friendships with fellow volunteers and conservationists.
Together, they have worked tirelessly to protect endangered species and raise awareness
about animal welfare. Carla's love for animals has shaped her life in ways she couldn't
have imagined.
My beloved city
Paragraph 1:

In the heart of the bustling city, there stood the tallest skyscraper, its sleek facade
reaching towards the clouds. How did architects envision and construct this towering
marvel that dominates the skyline? The city below buzzed with life, but all eyes were
drawn upward to the pinnacle of modern architecture, leaving passersby in awe of its
towering grandeur.

Paragraph 2:
Nestled on the edge of a serene lake, surrounded by lush greenery, was the nicest cottage
in the quaint countryside. How did the owners create such a charming abode, where every
detail seemed to whisper comfort and warmth? The cottage exuded an inviting ambiance,
making it the perfect retreat for those seeking solace and the simple pleasures of life,
leaving visitors wondering about the secrets of its cozy charm.

Paragraph 3:
Amidst the sprawling meadows, there stood the biggest oak tree, its branches stretching
wide and providing a canopy of shade. How did this majestic giant withstand the test of
time and become a symbol of strength in the heart of nature? Birds nestled in its
branches, and wildflowers adorned its base, creating a natural haven that showcased the
beauty of the outdoors in all its grandiosity.

Paragraph 4:
In the heart of a bustling market, a vibrant carnival unfolded, showcasing the liveliest
celebration in the entire region. How did the organizers manage to create such a colorful
spectacle that brought joy to every corner of the square? The aroma of exotic foods filled
the air, laughter echoed through the crowd, and the carousel spun with the brightest
lights, leaving revelers immersed in the magic of the grandest carnival the town had ever

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