Appendix I

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1. Scene 1 I know I'm not an ordinary ten-year- The word “I” refer to Auggie who was
(00:00:47- old kid. I mean, I do ordinary things. talk about himself or monologue. The
00:04:29) Eat ice cream. Ride my bike. I'm really utterance is addressee to the watchers.
good at playing sports. Well... on my Person Auggie described himself as 10th years
Xbox. I love Minecraft, science and old kids who did ordinary things like
dressing up for Halloween. other kids.

I love to lightsaber fight with my dad The word “Him” refer to his father Nate
and watch Star Wars movies with him. Person who always accompanied Auggie to do
that things.
And drive my big sister crazy. The word “My” refer to Auggie and
Person addressee to his sister Via who disturbed
by Auggie and makes her upset.
I just don't look ordinary when I'm The word “I” refer to Auggie when he
doing these things. Person doing ordinary thing but pretend not
Not even my birth was ordinary. It The word “Not even my birth” refer to
was... hilarious. the time when Auggie was born, and the
word “it” refer to his birth.
Now, how can a birth be hilarious, The word “now” refer to the time when
you ask? he started to tells about his birth, and the
word “You” refer to the watchers.
But to really be funny, The word “You” refer to the watchers. It
you need what all the best jokes have: Person is when Auggie tells the history of his
a punch line. birth.
I've had 27 surgeries since then. The word “I” refer to Auggie. he tells
Person about his face had been through 27
Time surgeries, and the word “then” refer to
the time since he was born.
They've helped me to breathe, to see, The word “they” refer to the doctors
to hear without a hearing aid, and helped him to did those things well.
some even helped me look a bit better.

But none of them have made me look The word “them” refer to the people who
ordinary. do not look Auggie ordinary.
I know I'll never just be an ordinary The word “I” refer to Auggie do not look
kid. Ordinary kids don't make other Person ordinary and may make other kids run
kids run away from playgrounds. away if they see his face.
Ordinary kids don't get stared at The word “they” refer to ordinary kids.
wherever they go.
But it's okay if you wanna stare too. The word “you” refer to the watchers in
Auggie’s monologue.
Next week, I start fifth grade. The word “next week” refer to his first
day attended in the real school.
And since I've never been to real The word “before” refer to his previous
school before... I'm pretty much Time time when he had been home schooling.
totally and completely petrified. Person The real school makes him very perified.
2. Scene 2 Um... who are they? The word “they” refer to Julian, Jack and
(00:04:30 – Charlotte the students in Beecher prep.
00:10:19) Other kids now? The word “now” refer to the time when
he should meets some kids in that school.
So I usually look down. You can The word “I” refer to Auggie, the word
learn a lot about people from their “you” refer to the watchers, and the word
shoes. I think these three are: “they” refer to Julian, Jack and
Person Charlotte. It is when Auggie first meet
with Julian, Jack and Charlotte. And he
try to guess what kinds of people they
Yeah, I know what an eraser is. Is-- The word “I” refer to Auggie and “your”
is your name Jack or Jack Will? Person refer to Jack. Auggie asking about Jack
real name.
No, I wasn't in a fire. The word “I” refer to Auggie. he
Person answering Julian’s inappropriate
You said that science is The word “you” refer to Julian. It is when
"supposably really hard." Twice. Julian tried to flirt Auggie. Auggie
The word's "supposedly." With a. corrected Julian’s misspelling
Maybe my mom can home school from"supposedly" to "supposably”
you, too. and suggest him to take home
3. Scene 3 Yeah, I guess. The word “I” refer to Auggie. his parents
(00:10:20 – asked about Julian who acts one way in
00:11:58) front of grownups and then another
way in front of kids.
Why are we whispering? The word “we” is refer to Auggie and
and Nate in the conversation. Auggie
Person was replied Nate when he suggested
Auggie to fight everyone who pushed
him while whispering each other.
Well they have a really good The word “they” is refer to school
science elective. authorities. Auggie decided to go to
And I need a better science teacher. Person school because there were complete
science elecive and a better science
4. Scene 4 Love you, too. The word “you” refers to his mother
person who says that she loves Auggie.
(00:11:59 –
00:14:56) But you're cool. The word “you” refer to his father
who says if Auggie does not look cool
Person if he walk up with his parents then
Auggie replied it back that his father
My mom always said... "If you Auggie recalls his mother's message
don't like where you are...just saying that if he doesn't like where he
picture where you wanna be." is, just imagine a place he likes. So,
the word “you” is refer to Auggie.
5. Scene 5 Hi. My name's August Pullman. Auggie was asked to mention two
(00:14:57 – "Auggie." I have a sister named Via things are important but he already
00:18:54) and a dog named Daisy. I love Star Person mentioned three on the sentences.
Wars. And I just said three things.
Yeah. Sorry.”
6. Scene 6
(00:18:55 – - - -
7. Scene 7
(00:19:00 –
8. Scene 8 -It was good, okay? I just don't That is when his parents ask him how his
(00:20:00 – know what you want me to say! It day at school was, and Auggie just
00:26:26) was good! replies that it's good but his face looks
gloomy. when his father asked him
again , Auggi get upset and left the
-Why can't I just say "good" like Person
dining table.
anybody else?
The word “I” refer to Auggie and that
sentence addressed to his patrents who
was try to talk with him.
-Why do I have to be so ugly? The word “I” refer to Auggie and that
- You just have to say that because sentences addressed to his mother. He
you're my mom. asked his mother why he looks ugly
person makes everyone does not be nice to him.
- They won't even talk to me. It
matters that I look different.
- Is it always gonna matter?
But what about your gray hair? The word “your” refer to Isabel who tries
to comfort him and said he is not ugly but
Person it is marks on everyone face that
shows us where they were going.
Then Auggie ask about her hair.
How was your day? The word “your” refer to Nate who asked
Person about how Auggie’s day was first.
9. Scene 9
(00:26:27 – - - -
10. Scene 10
(00:28:44 – - - -
11. Scene 11
(00:30:18 – - - -
12. Scene 12
(00:32:24 – - - -
13. Scene 13 But my least favorite zone at school Person Auggie was talk about his favorite zone
(00:30:40 – is courtyard. Because the whole Place at school. The word “there” refer to
00:34:37) school's there. courtyard where at that time he was there.
They all just look, then look away, The word “they” refer to kids in the
then look back. They're just being Person courtyard who just being normal kids.
normal kids.
I kinda wanna tell them, The word “them” refer to the kids who
"Hey, I know I look weird, but it's Person look Auggie differently from other kids.
I mean, if Chewbacca started Person This sentences consists three deixis. The
going to school here one day, I'd Place word “him” refer to Chewbacca, the
probably stare at him a bit, too. Time word “here” refer to courtyard,-
The word “one day” refer to the time in
the future. Auggie has imagine if one day
Chewbacca attended in his school, he
will stare at him too like the way other
kids look at him.
I'm sorry if my staring made you The word “you” refer to someone behind
feel weird. Person the costume like Chewbacca.

14. Scene 14
(00:34:38– - - -
15. Scene 15 I'm not worried. The worst they can The word “they” refer to the school.
(00:36:35 – do is kick me out. Auggie says it does not matter if he gets
00:38:16) kicked out from school because of
Then Why'd you come here? The word “you” refer to Jack, and the
word “here” refer to the table where
Auggie has lunch in the canteen.
Auggie asked him why suddenly
come to there.
Well, if you need help in science. The word “you” refer to Jack. Auggie
offers to help Jack in science.
You can come to my house after The word “After school” refer to the
school. You know, if you want. Time time when they come home from
Now there's tuna on your face. The word “now” refer to the time
when Auggie’s having his lunch. The
word “your” refer to Jack face.
No, no, no, let me show you how The word “you” refer to Jack. Auggie
it's done. Person showed him how to eat like a tuna
16. Scene 16 I'm going as Boba Fett this year. The word “you” refer to Jack, and the
(00:38:17 – Person word “this year” refer to the the
00:39:58) Time current year. Auggie said that he will
wearing Boba Fett costume that year.
But you can get snow on The word “there” is refer to Alaska.
Halloween. If you live in Alaska or Person Auggie told to Jack there is snow on
there's a blizzard. Time Halloween even we all know that
there is snow all the time.
No, I've never thought about it. The word “this” is refer to his facial
Why? Dude, this is after plastic Person area. He was answering Jack question
surgery. It takes a lotta work to Time and said that his facial right now is
look this good. after surgery.
17. Scene 17
(00:39:59 – - - -
18. Scene 18 She threw up all over it. The word “she” refer to his dog
(00:43:04 – But I told Jack I was going as Boba Daisy, and the word “it” refer to hhis
00:44:17) Fett, not Ghostface. costume. Daisy had been ruined his
costume for Halloween. His mother
suggest him to wearing his old
costume told Jack to wear Boba Fett.
19. Scene 19 I don't care what Jack Will says The word “I” refer to Auggie’s
(00:44:18 – about Christmas. monologue. He want to the researcher
00:45:55) For me, Halloween is the best know the reason why is Halloween
holiday in the world. become his favorite holiday.
The word “he” refer to a stranger behind
It's so awesome, when I'm wearing
the costume who did hi five with
the costume. Auggie.the word “they” refer to the
I usually walk with my head down people who think that Auggie is
to avoid being seen. contagious.
But on Halloween, I walk with my
head up high.
I don't even know who that was.
He didn't even know who I was.
It's so cool. Especially because
people don't like to touch me
because they
think I'm contagious.
20. Scene 20 -You're supposed to knock! The word “you” is refer to Via. It is when
(00:45:56 – - It's none of your business! Person Via entered Auggie room and ask what
00:51:06) happened with him made him upset.
I heard Jack Will talking about me The word “he” and “himself” refer to
behind my back. He said he'd kill Jack. Via ask Auggie what happened
himself if he looked like me with him, then Auggie said that he heard
Jack talking about himself behind.
There are no nice ones! I wish I'd The word “there” refer to the school.
never gone to school in the first Person Auggie regrets his decision to go to
place! Place school because there is nothing good for
I hate it, okay? I hate it him.
Bad days? Do people avoid The word “you” is refer to Via who
touching you? When a person compared her bad day school to Auggie.
accidentally touches you, do they
call it "the plague"?
So just don't compare your bad
days at school to mine, okay?
21. Scene 21 I'm okay, Jack, okay? It is Auggie utterance when Jack will
(00:51:06 – Person asked what’s wrong with him.
22. Scene 22 I know. We're in the same The word “you” is refer to Summer a girl
(00:53:58 – homeroom. You don't have to do who suddenly came to Auggie to having
00:55:48) this. Person lunch together. Aggie thinks that she is
You don't have to be my friend. I asked by Mr. Thusman to be friend with
know Tushman talked to you.
Yeah, he did. The word “you” is refer to Mr.Thusman.
Person Auggie thinks that he to do that.
He really didn't talk to you?
Okay, okay. You don't have to get The word “you” is refer to Summer. She
mad. Person got upset because Auggie still distrusted
Okay, I just-- Why are you sitting The word “you” is refer to Summer, and
here then? the word “here” is refer to the seat in
front of him.
Promise you won't tell? The word “you” is refer to Summer,
Person Auggie started to told her what happened
between Jack and him.
23. Scene 23 (00:55:47
– 00:57:08)
- - -
24. Scene 24 Hey. What's that in your case? A The word “you” and “your” is refer to
(00:55:47 – machine gun? Justin. He is a man introduced by Via.
00:59:10) You should tell people it's a Person Auggie asked about a case behind his
machine gun. That's way cooler. back that is a fiddle. He suggested Justin
to tell it machin gun to hear more cooler.
25. Scene 25 Sorry, Via's not here. The word “here” refer to Auggie’s house.
(00: 59:10 – Place Miranda were ask where is Via that was
01:06:05) not in the house.
Did you know I'm going to a The word “you” refer to Miranda and he
regular school now? tells about his new school. The word
No. But I made one friend. Her Person “now” refer to the time going on.
name's Summer. We started a Time
summer names club. Summer,
August. Get it?
She's out with her boyfriend. The words “she” and “her” rever to Via
who go out with her boyfriend.
Yeah. We met him last week. He's The word “we” refer to Auggie and
super nice. Isabel. “him” refer to Justin, and “last
week” refer to previous week.
Well, but why don't you just tell her The word “you” and “your” refer to
yourself? Miranda. The word “her” refer to Via.
Person Miranda want to Auggie tells Via that she
missed her, then Auggie ask why not
26. Scene 26
(01:06:05– - -
27. Scene 27
(01:06:35– - - -
28. Scene 28
(01:07:38– - - -
29. Scene 29 What are they saying down there? The word “they” refer to Via and Isabel
(01:10:15– and the word “there” refer to the ground
01:16:43) floor. They were tlking serious on the
ground floor then Auggie asked his father
what is their talking about.
So, are we going to see the play? The word “we” refer to Auggie and his
parents to show Via’s play.
Are you and dad going? The word “you” refer to Isabel or
Person Auggie’s mother. He asked his mother
are they will going to see Via’s show.
What are you talking about? The word “you” refer to Via and Isabel
Person who are arguing.
You're lying.
-You just don't want your fancy The words “you” and “yours” refer to
high school friends to know your Via. Auggie was pissed off. He thinks
brother's a freak, huh? that his sister does not want him going to
-Stop lying to me. I'm not an idiot, I her shows, because it will ambarassing
know what's going on! Person
-It's okay, I don't wanna go to your
stupid high school anyway. I don't

Do you think the vet can fix her? Person The word “her” refer to his dog named--
Daisy. Daisy was in a lot of pain and she
was taken to the vet.
Every time I came home from the The word “she” refer to Daisy, and the
hospital, Daisy was here. Person word “here” refer to the house. When
She was a real friend. Place Auggie came from hospital, Daisy always
stay there waiting for Auggie.
30. Scene 30 You were great, Via! Amazing! The word “you” refer to Via. Auggie
(01:16:43– compliment her show.
31. Scene 31 Follow me, you'll see The word “you” refer to Via, Miranda,
(01:23:56– Person and Justin. Auggie invited them to see his
01:25:00) science fair project.
We're gonna open the apertures in The word “we” refer to Miranda and
3, 2, 1. Person Auggie who opened the cover from the
32. Scene 32
(01:25:00– - - -
33. Scene 33 I'm late for class. It is when Auggie looks gloomy. Mr.
(01:26:17– I know. Browne then asking him. He see the
01:27:29) photo edited by photoshop Auggie was
removed from that class photo.
34. Scene 34
(01:27:29– - - -
35. Scene 35 Look at that. The word “that” refer to the sky. He
(01:30:36– Place suddenly tells to Jack that he will go
01:38:15) up there.
I'm going up there someday The word “there” refer to the sky and the
word “someday” refer to the time in the
I gotta go too now. The word “now” refer to the time when
Auggie pee.
Hey! Leave him alone. The word “him” refer to Jack. Strangers
Person attacked Jack so Auggie asked them to
leave Jack.
Are you okay? The word “you” refer to Jack. He is
36. Scene 36 Good. And guess what? I got in a Auggie tells his parents, he was in a fight
(01:38:15- fight. with strangers in seven grade. The word
Person “they” refer to the strangers.
01:39:01) That's terrible. I'm sorry.
They were seven grade.
37. Scene 37 You didn't think I would, did you? The word “you” refer to Nate. They talks
(01:39:01– I love that helmet. I wish I knew Person about astronaut helmet.
01:40:44) where it was.
38. Scene 38 Thank you. Making me go to The word “you” refer to Isabel.
(01:40:44 – school. I was so mad at you The word “sometimes” refer to the time
01:45:35) sometimes. But I'm really Person occasionally
happy to be here. Time The word “here” refer to the school.
Place Auggie thankfull to his mother because
of her, he can go to school even though
he was mad to her sometimes.


I felt like I was floating. My heart This sentences is the part of Auggie
was beating so fast. I didn't really Person monologue. He did not understand
understand why I was getting why himself was getting a medal.
A medal.
It's not like I blew up the Death This sentences is the part of Auggie
Star. All I did was get through monologue. He did not expected, he
fifth grade, just like everyone else not a star, he just through his fifth
here. grade like other kids at that school.
The word “here” refer to the school.
Maybe the truth is, I'm really not so This sentences is the part of Auggie
ordinary. monologue.
Maybe if we knew what other The word “we” refer to Auggie and
people were thinking we'd know Person every people.
that no one's ordinary. And we all The word “our”refer to Auggie and
deserve a standing ovation at least every people (possessive form for
once in our lives. we).
My friends do. My teachers do. My This sentences is the part of Auggie
sister does for always being there monologue. The word “us” refer to
for me. Auggie and his family, and the word
My dad does for always making us “there” refer to everyone who stays
laugh. And my mom does the most. besides him and always support him.
For never giving up... on anything. Auggie was grateful to have them all.
Especially, me.
It's like that last precept This sentences is the part of Auggie
Mr. Browne gave us. Be kind, for monologue. The word “us” refer to
everyone is fighting a hard battle. Auggie and his classmates. He
And ifyou really wanna see what throwback to the percepts of Mr.
people are, all you have to do... is Browne gave in the class “Be kind,
look. for everyone is fighting a hard battle.
And ifyou really wanna see what
people are, all you have to do is
look” which is the best ending of this

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