I Can See With My Nose I Can Smell With My Hand I Can Eat With My Ears I Can Hear With My Mouth I Can Touch With My Eyes

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Match the phrases and rewrite.

I can see with my nose

I can smell with my hand

I can eat with my ears

I can hear with my mouth

I can touch with my eyes

Rewrite the address. Use capital letters. (5m)

Tulis semula alamat menggunakan huruf besar.

dina hassan,

b 122 lorong wangi 1,

taman seri wangi,

68000 sungai petani,

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. (5m)
Isi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang

girl reading Melaka Sofia teacher

Hi, my name is . I am
eight years old and I am a .
I come from . I like
story book very much.

My ambition is to be a .
Match the signs with the phrases correctly. (5m)
Padankan dengan jawapan yang betul

No littering

Please queue up

Traffic light

No smoking

Keep off the grass

Number the correct rules for each picture. (4m)
Susun mengikut turutan yang betul.

1 You must sweep the floor.

2 You must not write on the desk.
3 You must clean the board.
4 You must not eat in the classroom.
Write ai or ee for each picture shown. (6m)

Tuliskan ai atau ee untuk setiap gambar.

sh p

r n

tr n

qu n

sl p

j l
Rearrange and write the correct words. (5m)
Susunkan menjadi perkataan yang betul.

t b oa

igh n t

p oa s

t igh l

oa g t

Write ‘must’ or ‘must not’.

We queue up when We throw the
boarding the bus. rubbish on the ground.

We stand at We throw the

attention during assembly. rubbish into the dustbin.

We clean the We eat and drink in

blackboard after use it. the classroom.

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