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Jay Mark B.



Activity in prof Ed 8

Test I. Multiple choice

1.The following are types of selected response items EXCEPT?

A.Binary response

B.Multiple choice

C. Matching items

D. Fill in the blank items

2. A response format in measurement with only two possible values (E,G,. Yes or No , True or False).

A. Binary response

B. Multiple choice

C. Matching items

D. Fill in the blank items

3.In multiple choice items, the problem is known as the ____?

A. Stem

B. Branch

C. Fruit

D. Leaf

4. Paper and pencils test has ___ general types .

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

5. It requires student to match a series of items or premises to a response or principle.

A. Matching items

B. Binary response

C. Multiple choice

D. Essay items

6.These are questions that may contain a sentence or even a paragraph with a blank space.

A. Binary response

B. Matching items

C. Fill in the blank items

D. Essay items

7. It is the questions that require the student to supply and develop the correct answer.

A. Binary response

B. Matching items

C. Fill in the blank items

D. Essay items

8. Essay has ____ types.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3


9.Learners are required to insert a word or words , to complete a sentence, or a series of sentences.

A. Binary response

B. Matching items

C. Completion or short answer items

D. Essay items

10. In multiple choice items, the alternatives is known as ___?

A. Incorrect

B. Inferior

C. Solutions

D. Distractions












Test II. Essay items (5 points each )

1. In a paragraph or two, explain what is paper and pencils test?

A paper and pencil test refers to a traditional form of assessment where students answer questions
using pen or pencil on a physical paper. This type of test is typically administered in a classroom setting
and is widely used in educational institutions.

The format of a paper and pencil test can vary depending on the subject and level of assessment. It may
include various types of questions such as multiple-choice, fill in the blanks, short answer, or essay
questions. The test can cover a wide range of topics, allowing instructors to evaluate students'
knowledge, understanding, and skills.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of paper and pencils test?


- Familiarity: Paper and pencil tests have been used for a long time, and students are generally familiar
with the format and expectations. This makes it easier for students to understand how to navigate the
test and focus on answering the questions.

- Ease of administration: Paper and pencil tests can be administered in a classroom with minimal
requirements. They do not require specialized technology or internet access, making them accessible in
various educational settings.

- Ease of grading: Grading paper and pencil tests can be relatively straightforward and efficient,
especially for multiple-choice questions. Scanning or manually grading the tests can provide quick
results for instructors.


- Limited scope: Paper and pencil tests often focus on assessing basic knowledge recall and
comprehension, which may not fully capture higher-order thinking skills such as critical thinking,
problem-solving, or creativity.

- Cheating possibilities: The physical nature of paper and pencil tests exposes the opportunity for
cheating, as students can easily share or copy answers. This can compromise the validity and fairness of
the assessment.

- Time constraints: Paper and pencil tests are bound by time limits, which can create pressure for some
students and impact their performance. Additionally, the limited time may not allow for in-depth
exploration of complex topics or the demonstration of comprehensive understanding.

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