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Historic American Outline

I. Hook- a quote or rhetorical question about or from the famous person

A. Explain the quote or question in your own words
B. Thesis statement- “______________ was an important figure in American History
because __________________.”
C. Preview your main points- “His/her early life and childhood, career and significant
accomplishments led him/her to become the person he/she was and influenced
his/her impact on the United States/world.”

II. Early Life/Childhood

A. Birth information
1. When?
2. Where?
3. Parents & siblings
B. Education
C. Significant events that impacted the person they would become

III. Beginning of career/young adulthood

A. Who influenced the person to become who they were?
B. Details about how their career got started
C. Did they have any obstacles to overcome

IV. Significant accomplishments

A. What did they do to become famous?
B. Explain one event or accomplishment, describe what they did.
C. Explain another event or accomplishment, describe what they did.

V. Impact on the United States/world

A. How is America or the world different because of them?
B. Explain how their field (war, entertainment, sports, politics, etc.) changed because
of them.
C. Describe and explain any awards they received
D. Describe and explain any monuments built for them
E. Describe the details and circumstances of their death.

VI. Conclusion - Your opinion about the person and lessons we can learn from them.
A. What personality traits did the person have that made them great? (Think lifeskills.)
B. How can you apply those lessons to your life?
C. What makes this person someone to look up to?
D. How is America or the world different because of this person?
E. Final statement- This sentence should come back to your hook sentence in the

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