MgSiO3 Structure

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Reports consistent with earlier observations on the

elastic properties of stishovite and MgSiO,

ilmenite, where silicon is in sixfold coordi-
nation and which also exhibit a large shear
modulus as compared with other oxides in
the same crystal structures (6). Theoretical
Elasticity of MgSiOJ in the Perovskite Structure predictions of single-crystal elastic moduli
with the potential induced breathing model
A. MEGA tEH-SRI, D. J. EIDNER, E. I'ro (7) suggest that MgSiO, perovskite has a
high shear modulus, consistent with our
The single-crystal elastic moduli of MgSiO in the perovskite structure, the high- experimental data.
pressure polymorph of MgSiO pyroxene, have been determined. The data indicate Earlier measurements of the bulk modu-
that a mantle with either pyrolite or pyroxene stoichiomctry is compatible with the lus for MgS ' 3 w rovskite have been pres-
seismic models appropriate to the cartii’s lower mantle, provided that the shear sure-volume compression studies of samples
modulus of MgSiO pcrovskite exhibits a strong negative temperature derivative. Such with up to 1196 iron replacing magnesium
a temperature derivative falls outside of the range expected for a well-behaved (8-10). Our measurement compares reason-
refractory ceramic and could result if the pressure-temperature regime of the earth’s ably well with these values when the uncer-
lower mantle is near that required for a ferroelastic phase transformation of the tainties of the compression studies are con-
perovskite phase. sidered (Table 3).
A material is considered to be ferroelastic
if it possesses two or more possible orienta-

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HE MAJOR MINERALS OF THB ideal arrangement. This variant results from tion states (twin domains) that are related
earth’s upper mantle undergo succes- small distortions of the unit cell and reduc- by a macroscopic strain (11). For the
sive phase transitions to progressive- tion of the overall symmetry from cubic. twinned orthorhombic perovskite crystals
ly higher density polymorphs and ultimately Such distortions from the ideal arrangement that we grew, the twinning is consistent
crystallize as a mixture of (Mg,Fe)O magne- commonly have large effects on the physical with an unit cell rotation of 90° about the r
siowustite and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 the perov- properties, and most likely produce the co- axis, such that the u axis in one set of
skite structure under lower mantle condi- operative Jahn-Teller, ferroelectric, ferro- domains lies parallel to the 6 axis in the
tions [1). Perovskite dominates the proper- magnetic, and ferroelastic properties of per- other. Transformation from one twin state
ties of the earth’s lower mantle and consti- ovskites (3). At ambient conditions, the to the other, however, is accomplished by
tutes as much as half of the volume of the 5iO octahedra in MgSiO3 perovskite are reversing the sense of one of the orthorhom-
earth. Some workers have suggested that the rotated and tilted to an orthorhombically bic distortions with an effective shear strain
formation of perovskite is the cause of the distorted perovskite structure. of only a few degrees. This style offerroelas-
670-km seismic discontinuity. Tests of Nine elastic moduli are required for the tic behavior is common in many distorted
whether the mantle is chemically layered and complete definition of the elastic properties perovskite-type compounds, including the
of specific mineralogical models rely on of MgS' 3 P•rovskite (space group Pram). distorted rare-earth orthoaluminate- and
comparisons of seismic observations with We determined each elastic modulus with orthoferrite-type perovskites, which are iso-
elastic properties of these high-pressure Brillouin spectroscopy on single crystals (4) structural wich MgSiOt perovskite (12).
phases. We have determined the adiabatic that were grown from a melt at a peak These materials generally exhibit ferroelas-
single-crystal elastic moduli of MgSiO3 per- pressure of 27 GPa and temperature of tic-type phase transformations (either of first
ovskite under ambient conditions. In this l830°C with a large volume, high-pressure
report, we describe this measurement and uniaxial split-sphere apparatus (USSA-
discuss the significance of these results for the 5000) (/. The crystals were 50 to 200 tern
chemical composition of the lower mantle. in diameter, optically transparent, colorless,
A large number of compounds with and had (110)- and (001)-type growth faces.
ABX z stoichiometry (A and B are cations; X We examined each specimen for twinning
represents the anion) crystallize in the per- with a four-circle x-ray ditfractometer and
ovskite structure (Fig. 1). This structure can procession x-ray photography and selected
be imagined as a network of regular B< 6 only twin-free transparent single crystals.
octahedra linked by their comers that extend The majority of the crystals were not twinned.
symmetrically in three dimensions. The A We recorded a total of d5 spectra and
cation occupies the cubical cavity formed by averaged them into 34 compressional and
the eight octahedra and each is surrounded shear acoustic velocities in 26 distinct crys-
by 12 nearest neighbor anions (2). The ideal tallographic directions to define the velocity
cubic structure occurs in only a few com- surface. These data were inverted to give the
pounds. Because of variations in ionic size single-crystal elastic moduli (Table 1) and
and small displacements of atoms, the most aggregate elastic properties (Table 2).
common structure for perovskite-type com- The large magnitudes of the single-crystal
pounds is a pseudosymmetric variant of the elastic moduli reflect the rigidity of the SiO 6
octahedron under compression and shear. In Fly. 1. Three-dimensional view of the ideal per-
A. Ycganch-Hacri and D D f particular, the ratio of the shear modulus to ovskite structure, illustrating chains of BXz octa-
Earth and Space Sciences, )t:Ie UnivJrity o New York, hedra. The rotations of these octahedra about
Stony Brmk, NY 11794. bulk modulus for MgSiO is larger than has their respective axis (as shown by the arrows)
E. Ito, Institute for Study of the Earth’s Interior, Okaya-
ma Univwsity, Misasa, Tottori-Ken 682-02, Japan. been reported for any other compound in result in distortions of the unit cell and reduction
the perovskite structure. This behavior is of the overall symmetry from cubic.
IO £'BBRL/ARY 1989
Table 1. Single-crystal elastic moduli, Cf, of
MgSiO, perovskite. Errors (* 1 SD) are in paren- energy of the laser line. The 6471 A krypton the seismic data are similar to what would be
thèses. ion laser radiation did not cause the crystals expected on the basis of the behavior of
to twin whereas the 4880 A Argon laser line other silicates. On the other hand, if the
Cii induced twinning in a few days at this low temperature derivative of the shear modulus
(GPa) power. Acoustic velocities obtained from of pcrovskite is similar to those of other
11 515 (5) wavelengths ranging from 4880 A to 6764 silicates, it will yield a mantle that is too stiff
22 525 (5) Â did not show any systematic depcndence to match the seismic data. If we adjust the
33 435 (5) on wavelength. Single-crystal x-ray studies temperature derivative of the shear modulus
44 179 (4) ( 13 j have shown that twin-free crystals of
55 202 (3) to match the observed seismic velocities,
175 (4) perovskite spontaneously twin at tempera- then the ratio of the temperature derivative
12 117 (5) tures above l00°C. These observations fur- of the shear modulus to that of the bulk
13 117 (5) ther indicate that pcrovskite is ferroelastic modulus must be about 3, as opposed to
23 \39 (6) and that a second-order phase transition at values of less than 1, which are more com-
elevated temperatures might occur; such a monly observed in other silicates.
transition would decrease the shear modu- Recent results from seismic tomography
Table 2. Aggregate elascic propcrùes in gigapas- lus.
cals and acoustic velocitics in kilomctcrs per studies (JJ also indicate that there are
ond for MgSiO3 r<rovskite. The density is 4.108 Estimates of the composition of the anomalously large variations in shear veloci-
g/cm’, and the root-mcan-square crror is 0.11 km/ earth’s lower mantle have ranged from pyro- ty relative to longitudinal velocity in the
s; number of data is 34. The Voigt bound is the lite (silica-poor) to pyroxene (silica-rich) lower mantle. If the lateral variations are
upper limit of the aggregate property, whereas the stoichiomctrics. At lower mantle conditions, induced by variations in temperature, then
Reuss bound represents the lower limit and the these compositions correspond to mineral
Hill average is the arithmetic average of the two.
Up is the comprcssional velocity, U, is the shear assemblages of 8096 (by volume) perovskite
velocity, and Uq is the bulk sound speed; 1 SD and 2096 magnesiowustite to pure pcrov-
errors are in parentheses. skite. The compositional models can be test-
ed by a comparison of the elastic properties
Param- Voigt Reuss Hill implied by the composition with those de-
eter bound bound average duced from seismology. Although a large
K 247.10 245.70 246.4(5.0) data base is available for the pressure and
ts 184.90 183.50 184.2(4.0) temperature variation of the elastic proper-
Up 10.96 10.92 10.94 ties of magnesiowustite, we have insufficient
L", 6.71 6.68 6.69 data to extrapolate the pcrovskite data from
L’ 7.75 7.73 7.74
ambient conditions to mantle pressures and
temperatures. Instead, we calculated the
Table 3. Comparison of the bulk modulus, K, combinations of (dcd T)p, (b fi bP )s›
from this study with the bulk modulus and the (oKfi p, dnd (bKfb )s for perovskite that
assumed pressure derivative of bulk modulus, K’, are required to match the elastic properties
from compression studies for MgSiO pcrovskite; of the preliminary reference earth model,
DAC, diamond anvil cell; A, acoustic; errors (1
SD) are in parentheses. PREM (14), at the depth of 1071 km; we
did this calculation for both the pyrolite and
Maxi- the pyroxene compositional models with a
Ref- Fc/(Fe+Mg) ratlo of 0.1 and an adiabatic
(Gî’a) mantle temperature gradient that is l400°C
pe- od
Sufe at zero pressure. Here ts is the shear modu-
258(20) 3to5 8.2GPa DAC [8) lus, K is the bulk modulus, P is pressure, F is
266(6) 3.9 l27GPa DAC {9) temperature, and the subscripts P and S
247(l4) 4 9.6GPa DAC (JO) indicate di$erentiation at constant pressure
246.5(5) 0.1 MPa A › or entropy. As shown in Fig. 2, whether the
*This srudy.
lower mantle has a pyrolite or pyroxene
composition cannot be resolved on the basis
of these new elasticity data. Accurate pres-
or second order) at high temperatures to a sure derivatives of the bulk and shear moduli
paraelastic phase in which the two orienta- must be measured in order to determine
tion states become equivalent. At such a composition in this manner.
transition, depending on the symmetry of The variation of elastic modulus with Fig. 2. Trade-off curvcs for (A) (8K/ô T')p versus
the paraelastic phase, at least one shear depth can be expressed as an adiabatic pres-
modulus commonly goes to zero, and the sure derivative of that modulus if the tem- vdfîOilS cOmp JSitÎORûl models Of tile edfiit’S lOWef

shear modulus is anomalously low on both perature gradient is adiabatic. The pressure mantle. Fillcd triangle is for pyrolitc; open square
is for chondrite; filled square is for pyroxcne. The
sides of the transition as it must smoothly derivatives of K and ts deduced from the stippled area on the vertical axis denotes the range
approach zero at the transition temperature. PREM model are illustrated as hatched re- of temperature derivativcs for various silicate
We were able to transform MgSiO3 r< - gions in Fig. 2. The stippled area near the y phases. The region hatched as “Mande” illustrates
axis denotes the range of temperature deriv- the pressure and temperature dcpcndcnce of the
ovskite easily from one twin state to the bulk and shear moduli for thèse pctrological
other. Single crystals twin when exposed to atives for various silicate minerals. Thus, the models that are requircd to match the clastic
laser light levels as low as 5 mW. The pressure and temperature dependences of propertics of the PREM model (14 at a depth of
speed of this process is related directly the bulk modulus that are required to match 1071 km.
with the
again we must conclude that the tempera- High Pressure Science and Technology, D. Timmerhaus Burns, J. L. Bernstein, Solid State Common. 10, 379
ture derivative of the shear modulus must be and M. S. Barber, Eds. (Plenum, New York 1979), (1972).
at least three times that of the bulk modulus. vol. 2, pp. 85—90; M. T. Vaughan and J. D. Bass, 13. R. M. Hazen and N. L. Ross, Eos 69, 473 (1988).
Ph/s. Chem. Minerals 10, 62 (1983). 14. A. M. Dziewonski and D. L. Anderson, Phys. Eanh.
Whereas the absolute value of the mantle 5. E. Ito and D. J. Weidner, Geophys Res. Leit. 13, 464 Planel. Inter. 25, 297 (1981).
shear modulus can be reconciled by much (1986). 15. J. H. Woodhom, A. M. Dzicwonski, D. Giardirù ,
higher temperatures than we assumed or by 6. D. J. Weidner and E. Ito, Ph/s. Eanh Plauci. lnter . X. D. Li, A. Morclli, No ó8, 356 (1987).
40, ó4 (1985); , J.D. Bass, A.E. Ringwood, 16. O. L. Anderson, T. Goto, D. Isaak, ibid., p. 1488
a lower mande F-e/Fe+Mg ratio of at least W. Sinclair, J. Creoph/s. Res. 87, 4740 (1982). (1987); E. K. Graham and E. G. Hilbert, ibid. 69,
0.3, the only conclusion that is also consist- 7. R. E. Cohen, Geoph/s. Res. Lett. 14, 1053 (I98TL 472 (1988).
g. T. Yagi, H. K. Mao, P. M. Bell, in Advances in l7. G. H. Wolf and M. S. T. Biikowinski, in I-tigh
ent with the seismic tomography is that the Physik:al C•eochemisiry, S. Saxina, Ed. (Springer-Ver- i fessure Research in Mineral Ph/sics, M. H. Manghnani
lower mantle exhibits an unusually large lag, New York, 1982), vol. 2, pp. 317—325. and Y. Syono, Eds. (Terra Scientific, Tokyo, and
9 E. Knittle and R. Jcanloz, Science 235, 668 (1987). American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC,
apparent temperature derivative of the shear
10. Y. Kudoh, E. Ito, H. Takeda, P'hys. Chem. Minerals 1987), pp. 315—331.
modulus as compared to that of the bulk l4, 350 (198Z). 18. This research was supported by NSF grane EAR-
modulus. Recent workers have calculated 11. K. Aizu, J. Phys. Soc. ]pn. 28, 706 (1970); J. 85942755.
ldj that this ratio cannot exceed unity if Sapriel, Ph/s. Rey. B 12, 5128 (1975).
12. S. C. Abrahams, J. L. Bernstein, J. P. Remeíka,
perovskite behaves as a normal refractory Mater . Res. Buh. 9, 1613 (1974); R.L. 8 August 1988; accepted 16 Dccembcr 1988
ceramic with a close-packed oxygen frame-
work. A ferroelastic phase transformation
could allow the effective temperature deriva-
tive of the shear modulus to be very large, The Manganese Site of the Photosynthetic
which would account for all of these obser- Water-Splitting Enzyme
vations. Such a large negative value will
result if the mantle temperature is su&cient- G N. GEORGE, ÀOGER C. PRINCE, STEPHEN P. CRAMER
ly close to that required for a ferroelastic-
paraelastic phase transformation in the per-
ovskite phase, so as to induce significant As the originator of the oxygen in our atmosphere, the photosynthetic water-splitting
shear mode softening. These transforma- enzyme of chloroplasts is vital for aerobic life on the earth. It has a manganese cluster
tions are common in perovskite-type com- at its active site, but it is poorly understood at the molecular level. Polarized
pounds and have been predicted theoretical- synchrotron radiation was used to examine the x-ray absorption of manganese in
ly for MgSiO3 (17). These phase transforma- oriented chloroplasts. The manganese site, in the "resting” (S ) state, is an asymmetric
cluster, which probably contains four manganese atoms, with interatomic separations
tions typically have shallow Clapeyron
slopes that could conceivably be parallel to
of 2.7 and 3.3 angstroms, the vector formed by the 3.3-angstrom manganese pair is
the geothermal gradient. Because other
oriented perpendicular to the membrane plane. Comparisons with model compounds
physical properties, including thermal ex-
suggest that the cluster contains bridging oxide or hydroxide ligands connecting the
pansion and theology, will be affected by manganese atoms, perhaps with carboxylate bridges connecting the 3.3-angstrom
these transformations, we need to broaden mangancse paiz.
our understanding of this phenomena to

determine the physical and chemical proper- ESPITE EXTENSIVE STUDIES BY Z- Samples were kept dark at 4 K in an Oxford
ties of the earth’s lower mantle. ray (1—3), electron paramagnetic Instruments CF1204 cryostat during data
resonance (EPR) (4), and optical collection. A typical data set (one orienta-
spectroscopies (J, the structure of the man- tion) represents the average of four to ten
1. L. G. Liu, Naiure 258, 770 (1976); A. E. Ring- ganese (Mn) center of the water-splitting
wood, J. Geopbys. Res. 67, 4005 (1962); E. Ito, E.
scans, each 20 minutes in duration. The
Takahashi, Y. Matsui, Eanh Planei. Sir. Lett. ó 7, 283 enzyme remains unknown. The enzyme is oriented spinach chloroplast membranes (9)
( 1984); E. Ito and H. Yamada, in High Pressure located in the thylakoid membrane, and gave no adventitious Mn EPR signals and
Research in Ceophysio, S. Akimoto and M. H.
Manghnani, Eds. (Center for Academic Publishing,
during turnover it donates electrons to pho- showed full photoactivity within the reac-
Tokyo, 1982), pp. 405-419; T. Yagi, H-K. Mao, P. tosystem II, which are then recovered by the tion centers and their associated redox part-
M. Bell, Cumegi Inst. Washington Yearb. ó 14, 78 oxidation of H zO to liberate oxygen (d). ners (9). Samples were in the dark-adapted
( 1979); E. Ito and Y. Mauui, f•níi Planet. 5‹i. Lett.
38, 443 (1978). The enzyme cycles among five different oxi- 8; state, and their integrity and orientation
2. H. D. Megaw, Crysial Siruciures: A Worleing Approach dation levels, known as the S states, So were routinely assessed by EPR spectrosco-
(Saunders, Philadelphia, 1973); A. H. Glazer, Acta through Sz, which are thought to be reflec-
Crystallogr. Seu. B 28, 3384 (1972); iò id. Seu. A 31, PP-
756 (1975). tions of different oxidation levels of a multi- The extended x-ray absorption fine struc-
3. H. D. Megaw, A‹t« Crysiallogr. 5, 739 ( 1952); R. nuclear Mn cluster (d). X-ray absorption ture (EXAFS) oscillations y(#) for individ-
Rao and K. J. Rao, Phase Transifions in Solids
(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977); J. B. Gooden- spectroscopy should be capable of providing ual orientations were fitted by standard
oug¡h and J. M. Longo, in Landolt-Bornsiien New a detailed picture of the Mn environment, methods (10, 11). For oriented systems, the
Series, Group III (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1970), but, despite much effort [1—3), many ques- EXAFS intensity is approximately propor-
vol. 4A, pp. 125—315.
Brillouin spcctroscopy provides an optical mcthod tions remain. tional to cos2|3, where J3 is the angle between
for measuring acoustic vela:ities as a function of Experiments were performed at the Stan- the x-ray electric field vector, e, and the
crystallographic dircction in single crystals. Laser
hght that passcs through the samplc is Dopplcr-
ford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory on absorber-backscatterer vector. Transitions
shifted by the thermally generated acoustic waves. beam lines VI-2 and IV-2 with Si(400) to bound states of predominantly p charac-
The acousú c velocity is inferrcd from the measured double-crystal monochromators. X-ray ab- ter have a similar angular dependence,
frequency shift of the scattered light. We are able to
determine these properties on single crystals as small sorption was monitored as the x-ray fluores- where J3 is the angle between the axis of the
as 50 tsm, thus allowing these propcrties to be cence excitation spectrum by means of an
determined on materials synthesized at high pres- array of 13 germanium detectors (7), with G. N. George and R. C. Prince, EXXON Research and
sure. For additional details of the technique, see D. Enginecring Company, Annandalc, NJ 08801.
J. Weidner and H. R. Carlcton, J. Geoph/s. Res. 82, simultaneous measurement of a Mn foil S. P. Cramer, SchIumbcrgcr-Doll Research, Ridgefield,
1334 (1977); D. J. Weidncr and M. T. Vaughan, in standard [first inflection, 6539.0 eV (8) j. CT 06877.


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