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district, the 25th, extends along Hunter on Wheels
New Bills Introduced Opponents Are tjhe west side of Manhattan from
2th to 102nd Sts. Clarksville, Ark. </Pt — Most
Marshall, 30. unsuccessfully hunters tramp through the
Named to Seek ought- election to the assembly wbods in search of a deer. Not

111 State Legislature Mahoney's Seat

rom 'the fifth district of Man- so| with Wood row Rogers of
a t t a n last fall. A bachelor, he Clarksville. A paraplegic since
jholds a H a r v a r d law degree, is he was wounded in World W a r
a native of New York, and saw 2. Rogers hunts deer from a ear.
Albany, N . Y., J a n . 24 <JPh—In- groups, working independently,
to come ur. with a formula t h a t New York, J a n . 24 (J& - D e m o - service as a combat infantryman Last year was the first since 1948
tt'nsified efforts to work out a cratic Assemblyman John H. in World War 2. that he failed to bag a deer and
would satisfy both chiropractor
compromise in t h e drawn-out and physician. Farxell and Richard M. Marshall, he has a good excuse for missing.
b a t t l e over licensing chiroprac- T h e main stumbling block, he a Republican, have been nom- The Polynesians who live on Two paraplegic friends were
tors is underway in s t a t e govern- said, h a s been to define w h a t the most easterly of the Pacific visiting him and he gave them
inated as opponents for the state islands are among the tallest; the "shooting side" of the car—
ment circles. duties a c h i r o p r a c t o r can or can
not perform. Senate seat left vacant by the people in the world. i t h e right.
Republican Sen. Dutton S. Pe- death of minority leader Francis
terson of Odessa introduced a One of t h e two groups, com-
prised of education d e p a r t m e n t J. Mahoncy, Democrat'.
bill in t h e Legislature yesterday oilicials, is expected t o report PULLED BY T H E NOSE—"Schnozzola" could b e the name for this Air Force C-124 Globe-
that would create an eight-man Farrell and Marshall were for-
master. It sports a P r a t t and Whitney T-57 engine in its nose; The company is using t h e

soon to t h e Board of Regents. mally ' designated by their par-
board of examiners and spell c u t T h e o t h e r is t h e interdepart- aircraft as a test bed for the n e w propeller-turbine engine intended for transcontinental t r a n s -
lieensirig and practice provisions. ports of the Air Force. The entire forward s t r u c t u r e of the huge olane had to be altered for ties at county committee meet-
m e n t a l H e a l t h Resources Board, ings last night. A special elec-
T h e board would work within t h e c r e a t e d last y e a r by the Legis- the testing at East Hartford, Conn.
Education Department. lature. It is required to report tion is scheduled for Feb. 14.
Chance* B n t e r
For years, chiropractors have
sought the same recognition the
s t a t ? gives physicians. Such leg-
to Gov. H a r r i m a n and the law-
m a k e r s by Feb. 15.
Bonding Bill
Among o t h e r bills introduced
s t a n d a r d s . " H e said t h e aver- of t h e membership of either
age private employment agency house agrees.
usually has advance fees from Desmond's proposal would pro-
job applicants in excess of the vide also, if a fourth of the mem- •/Pi—One New York man was
T w o D i e in Crash
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Jan. 24
No Eleetetlon Possible
However, the election may
never come off. A bill making it
unnecessary is pending in the
Furniture a TV Murl
islation, opposed vehemently by
t h e medical profession, has been
was one by Assemblyman An-
thony Savarese Jr.. Queens Re-
$1,000 covered by the required bership approves, that a bill electrocuted and another was
legislature at Albany. It is spon-
sored by Republican leaders, and ROUTE 209—ACCORD. N. Y.
killed c insistently in Republican- kept in committee be b r o u g h t [ c r u s h e d to death today in a Democratic Gov. Avcrell Harri- (Just a few minutes drive from Kingston)
publican, t h a t would increase Sen. T h o m a s C. Desmond, o u t l o r consideration by the en freak automobile accident here.
controlled committees. bonding requirements of em- N e w b u r g h Republican, proposed l i r e house. Another suggestion The dead were Kenneth Nelson, man has indicated he will ap-
Peterson told a reporter that ployment agencies from $1,000 a constitutional a m e n d m e n t w a s t h a t t h e legislature meet 45 prove it if there is no wide- Name Brand Furniture for Every Room in the House
chances "were better than ever" to S3.000. that would require a legislative ' 24. of (801 72nd street) Brook- spread public objection. Under j
for passage this year. days a l t e r the close of the regu- lyn and Ernest von Seelen, 51, the proposed measure, a vacan- | PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE — VALENTINE SEAVER —
committee to hold a public lar session to consider bills ve-
S a v a r e s e said in a s t a t e m e n t
He said he was optimistic over that the legislation was needed hearing on any 'bill under con- of (119 S. Indiana avenue) Wa- cy would be filled by a vote of | BASIC-WITZ — F A S H I O N T R E N D — LANE TABLES
"in keeping with today's salary toed by the governor. tertown, N. Y. Lt. John Sherlock the members of a House of the j
the chances of two governmental sideration, provided a q u a r t e r
Similar proposals by Desmond of the Fort Lauderdale police same party as the member SEALY MATTRESSES — and other famous brands
were killed in the judiciary com- said von Seelen was driving the chosen in a previous election. L a r g e Selection of Living Room and Bedroom Suites
mittee last year. car "in excess of 70 miles an Thus the Democrats in the Sen- and Dinettes.
PHONE 8001 FREE DELIVERY 9 WURTS ST. Would Repeal Act hour" when it failed to m a k e a a t e would ballot on a successor
to Mahoney. HIGH QUALITY — LOW P R I C E S
R e p u b l i c a n Assemblyman curve on a new causeway and
Grant YV. Johnson ol* Fssex , crashed into an electric light Farrelly Seen Choice

Bruchholz Market
county submitted two bids on pole. Nelson was thrown out of Political observers in Albany
the new youth court act. One j the car and fell across live wires regarded it as a certainty that Emerson — RCA-Victor — Sylvania TV Sets
j would repeal it. The second ! from the fallen pole. S e n a t e Democrats would elect
would postpone the effective If you don't have time to take the candidate of the Manhattan Phone Kerhonkson 2711 Open Weekdays 9 to 5:30
d a t e to April 1, 1958. a quick trip to the classified ad I Democratic organization to fill Ample Parking Space Fridays 9 to 9
Other lawmakers have pro- counter of the Kingston Daily | that vacancy. Farrell. they say, Convenient Terms Saturdays 9 to 9
posed that the act be . delayed Freeman, call 5000 and insert would be the likely choice.
Lean Trimmed—12-!b. avg. Homemade—Hick. Smoked until J a n . 1 or April 1 of next your classified ad.

59 69
I Mahoney died last Dec. 21. His
year. Both Gov. Harriman and
Fresh H a m . . »• Tenderloins.. the GOP leadership have agreed
on the Jan. 1 date,
Whole or Shank Half 2"'2 -3-Pound Avg. In r e g a r d to the chiropractor

F r e s h Killed

Fresh Killed

Fresh Killed

bill, Peterson said he expected a
companion measure would be in-
troduced shortly in the assembly.
Peterson's bill is in behalf of
: the S t a t e Chiropractic Assn.,
6 1b. Avg. 3 5 C y
c which claims a membership of
6 ? lb. Avg. 4 5 1 3-3'2-lb
39 15. about 1,200. The Chiropractic
Guild, which Peterson said had
about 1UU imembers, also is con-
r. s. GOV. CHOICE Boneless — S-Ib. Average ^ ^ _ ^m^ sidering legislation.

Eye Round, Top Rd.,

Top Sirloin . . . lb. 89 Lean Trimmed

100% PURE B E E F
$75,000 School Fire
Stamford, Conn., Jan. 24 <.P>—
A four-alarm fire swept through
the 80-year-old main building of
King School here today, doing
damages estimated at $75,000 by
Fire Chiel F. R. Richardson. It
SPARERIBS Ground Chuck BEEF STEW was the second foul-alarm (ire
hi re m a week. Last Saturday
»53e »59 *69c an overheated boilei started a
$100,000 fire in the a i d e r s .Ma-
rine Construction Co! plant. To-

dav's fire wiped out 13 class-
WE CARRY A FULL UNE OF HOMEMADE BOLOGNA and COLD CUTS rooms in the 2li storj building
at one of the state's foremost
private da\ school-. A portion
P&GWHITESOAP 3 for 25c ALASKA SALMON 1 lb. can 65c of the building had been re-
modeled to conform tq s t a t e lire
Evershine Furniture Polish . . 2 bott. 49c NESTLES QUICK 1 lb. can 49c code regulations. Gifts for Year 'Round Pleasure
AJAX CLEANSER 2 for 25c Snowball PORK & BEANS, 21 '2 can, 2-45c Smuggler
Oklahoma City iJP) — Police
CHARMIN TISSUE 4 rolls 39c EVAPORATED MILK 2 cans 29c caught a shoplifter "flatfooted."
The 42-year-old ' m a n was ar-
JUMBO LENTILS box 21c EAGLE SARDINES 4 cans 49c rested walking out of a grocery
store carrying a pound of coffee
inside his wooden leg.

Regardless of Age, Make or Condition
Reg. 29.95 C L O C K RADIO Toward One of These Fine Watches
Just set timer when you go to ^% ^ OO

A ^
bed . . . wakes you gently to
music. 4 tubes plus rectifier.
Built-in aerial. " L
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If Allowance Is 2 0 . 0 0

"They both drive!"

PAY 49?°
Plus Old Watch

• 17 Jewels • Waterproof Self-winding (Man's)

a Studebaker-Packard FIRST BULOVA
so good other cars will copy it WATCHES
WHAT IS IT? Twin-Traction Differential gives you new pavement- SUNBEAM Shavemaster Reduced Reg. Price 59.50
gripping traction and new safe control impossible with conventional Trade In Old Shaver 4f cf\ If Allowance Is 20.00
differentials. The secret lies in the fact that the Twin-Traction Differ- Get closer, smoother more com- m kw% a?(J
ential delivers the major part of the engine's power to the rear wheel
with the best traction—instead of the wheel with the poorest traction
fortable shaves with this wide
head shaver. 5-year free service
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no skin too tender for this fine A N D OLD SHAVER

PAY 39.50 EA.
Plus Old Watch
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• Unbreakable
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1 . In ice, snow or mud, Twin Traction gets 4 . On rough or washboard roads, it reduces
vou out of spots where cars with conventional t h e rear-end b o u n c e , sidesway or swerve
differentials would "spin their wheels." which results from a fast-spinning wheel sud-
2 . In h i g h w a y d r i v i n g , it protects against
denly hitting the pavement again. K * LAST
skids that might otherwise occur when one 5 . When one rear wheel goes off the pave- CHANCE
ment onto a soft shoulder, Twin Traction
rear wheel hits a slippery spot.
3 . On sharp turns, it improves roadability by
directs the driving force to the other rear TO BUY THIS
applying the major driving force to the inside
wheel, assuring safe, positive control. CLEANER AT
rear wheel. This also tends to compensate for
6 . In ordinary driving, Twin Traction cuts
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Test it, yourself, today. See your
Studebaker-Packard Dealer for a demonstration drivel
Reg. to T 1.75
Many styles for men 2-99 Reg. $1
and women. Gold
filled, stainless backs.


S tudeb aker -Packard
Hurryl Supply Limited.
This is your last chance to save on
this handy Roll-Around cleaner
w i t h 360* swivel top—no need to
JlAeteyitide a? tiezAmandrtfe ccm& i£td£./ budge cleaner while you do a WITH 8
whole room. Extra-large throw- ATTACHMENTS
a w a y bags. Toe-touch switch. 1.50 Weekly

Shop Tomorrow 'TO 9 P. M. 294 WALL STREET

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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