Defective Contracts

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There must be, in the beginning, a valid or

voidable contract.

2. There is an economic or financial

prejudice to someone
Rescission of contract creates an obligation
of mutual restitution of the objects of the
When applicable
contract, their fruits, and the price with

3. Requires Mutual Restitution

1. Creditor did not receive anything from

When not applicable

contract; or
2. Thing already in possession of third
persons in good faith; subject to indemnity
only, if there are two or more alienations –
liability of first infractor.

If no Lesion Valid
With Judicial Approval
If Suffered Lesion by more than 1/4 of its
Acts of Ownership - Affects ownership Judicial approval value

1. Entered into by guardians whenever the Without Judicial Approval

A void or inexistent contract is one which has wards whom they represent suffer lesion Two kinds of Contracts
no force and effect from the very beginning, by more than ¼ of value of the property
With Judicial Approval Valid, Regardless of Lesion
as if it had never been entered into, and Acts of Administration - Involves
which cannot be validated by either by time Judicial approval
or ratification. Without Judicial Approval Rescissible, regardless of Lesion

This definition includes not only those If no Lesion Valid

contracts in which one of the essential
With Judicial Approval
requisites is totally wanting, but also those Definition
If Suffered Lesion by more than 1/4 of its
which are declared by positive provision of Rescissible
Acts of Ownership - Affects ownership Judicial approval value
law or statute. RESCISSIBLE
2. Agreed upon in representation of Without Judicial Approval
A void or inexistent contract is equivalent to absentees, if absentee suffers lesion by Two kinds of Contracts
nothing; it is absolutely wanting in civil more than ¼ of value of property
effects With Judicial Approval Valid, Regardless of Lesion
Acts of Administration - Involves
Judicial approval
1. The contract produces no effect Without Judicial Approval Rescissible, regardless of Lesion
whatsoever either against or in favor of
anyone; hence it does not create, modify, or
extinguish the juridical relation to which it There must be a credit existing prior to the
refers constitution of the said fraudulent contract

2. No action for annulment is necessary, There must be fraud, or at least, the intent to
because the nullity exists ipso jure; a commit fraud to the prejudice of the creditor
Characteristics of Void Contracts seeking rescission
judgment of nullity would merely be
declaratory Requisites before a Contract Entered into in
Fraud of the Creditors may be Rescinded
VOID There must be fraud, or at least, the intent to
3. It cannot be confirmed or ratified; commit fraud to the prejudice of the creditor
seeking rescission

4. If it has been performed, the restoration of

what has been given is in order. There must be fraud, or at least, the intent to
commit fraud to the prejudice of the creditor
seeking rescission
1. Those whose cause, object or purpose is
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
order or public policy When a debtor donates his property without
reserving sufficient property to pay all his
Alienation by gratuitous title pre-existing debts, the law presumes that the
2. Those which are absolutely simulated or gratuitous dispositions are made in fraud of
fictitious creditors.
Presumptions of Fraud (Art 1387)
3. Those whose cause or object did not exist The contract is presumed fraudulent if at the
3. Contracts where rescission is based on
at the time of the transaction; time of alienation, some judgement has been
CONTRACTS THAT MAY BE RESCINDED fraud committed on creditor and cannot
collect the claim due rendered against him, whether it is on appeal
Alienation by onerous title
4. Those whose object is outside the or has already become final and executory;
Kinds of Void Contracts or some writ of attachment has been issued
commerce of men
against him in any case.

5. Those which contemplate an impossible

service; Consideration for the conveyance of the
property is inadequate or fictitious

6. Those where the intention of the parties

relative to the principal object of the contract Transfer was made by the debtor after a suit
cannot be ascertained hascommenced and during its pending
against him

7. Those expressly prohibited or declared

void by law. Sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor

DEFECTIVE Badges of Fraud

Presumption that contracts entered in these
The presence of evidence of large
indebtedness or complete insolvency of the
cases have the intent to defraud Creditors
Unenforceable contracts are those contracts
which cannot be enforced by action or CONTRACTS debtor

complaint, unless they have been ratified by Definition

Transfer of all his property by a debtor when
the party or parties who did not give consent
he is financially embarrassed or insolvent

1. It cannot be enforced by a proper action in Transfer is made between father and son,
court where there are present some or any of the
above circumstances

2. It may be ratified
Failure of the vendee to take exclusive
possession of the property
3. It cannot be assailed by third person;
Characteristics 4. Contracts where the object involved is the
4. May only be assailed as a way of defense, subject of litigation; contract entered into
not by direct action; by defendant without knowledge or
approval of litigants or judicial authority
5. The defect of an unenforceable contract is
of a permanent nature and it will exist as 5. Payment by an insolvent – on debts which
long as the contract is not duly ratified. The are not yet due; prejudices the claim of
mere lapse of time cannot give efficacy to others
the contract.
6. Provided for by law/Others
Those entered into the name of another
person by one who has been given no
Unauthorized Contracts
authority/legal representation or acted
beyond his powers.
1. Effective until set aside

To prevent fraud, and not to encourage the

2. Can be ratified
Certain agreements are required to be in 3. Can be assailed only by the party whose
UNENFORCEABLE Characteristics
writing so that they may be enforced. consent was defective or his heirs or assigns.

1. Only applies to executory Contracts 4. A voidable contract, unlike unenforceable

and void contracts may be attacked
indirectly or collaterally, by way of defense
2. Action instituted must be for specific
to an action under the contract by way of a
performance or damages

3. Exclusive, it applies only to certain 1. Those where one of the parties is

agreements incapable of giving consent
Kinds of Voidable Contracts
4. Defense using SoF may be waived 2. Those where the consent is vitiated by
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue
5. The SoF is a personal defense Principles influence or fraud.

6. Contracts infringing the SoF are only VOIDABLE 1. Real party in interest – All who are
unenforceable principally or subsidiarily liable
Who may institute An Action for Annulment
7. The SoF is a rule of Exclusion 1. Real party in interest – All who are
principally or subsidiarily liable

8. The SoF does not determine the credibility

Those that do not comply with the Statute of 1. The contract involved must be voidable
of evidence but only its admissibility Statute of Frauds

9. The SoF does not apply to contracts that 2. Person ratifying must know the reason for
does not express the true agreement of the the voidability
parties. Requisites
3. The cause for the voidability must
An agreement that by its terms is not to be immediately cease after the ratification
performed within a year from the making Kinds of Unenforceable Contracts
thereof 4. Ratification must be express or through an
Ratification act implying a waiver of the action to annul
A special promise to answer for the debt,
default, or miscarriage of another Guardian
Entered into incapacitated persons
An agreement made in consideration of Injured party himself
marriage, other than a mutual promise to Persons who may ratify
Ground is mistake Party whose consent was vitiated

An agreement for the sale of goods, chattels

or things in action, at a price not less than
five hundred pesos,

unless the buyer accept and receive part of

such goods and chattels, or the evidences,
or some ofthem, of such things in action or
pay at the time some part of the purchase

but when a sale is made by auction and

entry is made by the auctioneer in his sales
book, at the time of the sale, of the amount
and kind of property sold, terms of sale,
price, names of the purchasers and person
on whose account the sale is made, it is a
sufficient memorandum

An agreement for the leasing for a longer

period than one year, or for the sale of real
property or of an
interest therein

A representation as to the credit of a third


Those where both parties are incapable of

giving consent to a contract.

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