Photo Essay CA1

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Leading Photo

Experiencing a wide range of emotions (use balloon?) at once and feeling stuck in her own
Isolation and Loneliness- solitary figures in crowded places, symbolising the feeling of
isolation. Use images of empty chairs, standing in the crowd (disconnected from the world)
Scene Setting Shot: Masking Pain
Façade the inner pain

Main Sequence shot 1

Hopelessness- empty rooms/dark
Use of shadows, low lighting and muted colours to evoke a sense of despair and emotional
Main Sequence shot 2
Photos of mood board
Planning for shoot

Main Sequence shot 3 (happy clothes)

- Photo frame
- Highlighter
- Crumpled pieces of paper
- Journal
- Pens
- Notebook
- Story book
- Phone
- Laptop

Photos for mood board

Planning for shoot

Summing up shot: Seeking help and support (happy clothes)

Concluding Shot (happy clothes)


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