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Section A

A1. Using Hofstede’s Cultural dimensions, compare and contrast perspectives of European
and Asian (lecture 2)
a) Uncertainty avoidance
For European countries, they have a low uncertainty avoidance societies. They accept
and feel comfortable in unstructured situations or changeable environments. They are
more pragmatic and tolerant of change.
For Asian countries like Singapore, they have strict beliefs and behavioural codes and
prefer to follow formal rules.

b) Indulgence and Restraint

A2. Major demands > Management demands of Internationalisation (Chapter 2)

A3. (i) Staffing approach (Chapter 3)

(ii) Reasons to staffing approach
(iii) Disadvantages to staffing approach
(iv) Explain why companies choose one approach over the other

A4. Factors that influence staffing choices (Chapter 3)

Section B (Chapter 4)
B1. Explain what is a recruitment strategy and what it involves. (Chapter 4)
A recruitment strategy is a comprehensive blueprint that defines the competitive advantage of
an organisation in the job market. It involves:
a) Aligning its recruitment strategy to the overall business strategy, considering any
planned changes of direction
b) Deciding when and how recruitment should take place (local or global recruitment?)
c) Choosing the right mix of recruitment methods, recruitment messages and recruitment
sources for your target candidate groups.

B2. Explain the terms: (Chapter 4)

(i) Employee Value Proposition
An EVP communicates a company’s values and culture, as well as the rewards,
opportunities and experience of working for your company.

(ii) Employer branding

Ongoing process to enhance the image of the company to current employees, new
and future employees and key stakeholders.

B3. Explain the relationship between both

When employee value proposition decreases, the global employer branding increases

B4. 2 EVP components that BreadTalk has exhibited.

B5. Explain the 3 reasons why companies choose to use international assignments
(6 marks)
a) Position Filling. “In order to remain competitive in today's fast-changing workplace, we
nurture our employees to have both knowledge and skills that are relevant, current and sought
- Key positions
- Specific skills gap

b) Management Development
- Capabilities development of a potential leader > career development for employees

c) Organisation development

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