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Renee Yeo (p2102090)

One (1) skill you have learnt during the project that will help you to develop into industry-
ready employees
I’ve found my project to be quite challenging thus far. My group’s problem statement given
by the school was “Enable a talent marketplace that promotes matching of skills and
opportunities within the organisation”. However, when we met with our clients at Enterprise
Singapore, they wanted us to focus more on finding out what kind of skills future Enterprise
SG officers will have in 2030. The kind of skills they would need, and how they can get there.
Therefore, one of the skills I learnt during this project is being adaptable.
It took be a while to adapt to their new statement as my teammates and we already came
up with a few questions and ideas to ask our interviewees as we had to interview some of
the employees from Enterprise to find out more about the company. However, after meeting
with our clients, we had to change some of the questions to relate to their statement
instead. It was quite last minute and I was very stressed because in addition to my other
modules, I had to spend time redoing some of the questions to ask the interviewees.
At the start, I was nervous trying to adapt to the new statement brought up by our clients as
I was not sure if it was something my group and I would do well in or satisfy their needs.
However, I do know that being adaptable is a crucial and unavoidable skill in the current
work environment. After a while I felt pretty confident as I had to overcome the obstacles by
adjusting to changes, which gave me a sense of accomplishment and resilience.
Although this was not ideal, it helped my team members and I be more innovative and think
outside the box.
One thing that could have been done better was staying calm. I think my nerves affected my
thought process when Enterprise told how they wanted to our project to be. If I stayed
composed I would have more confidence in navigating the shift of the statement.

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