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Nama : Adissha Ristifara

NIM : 122430022
Kelas : Bahasa Inggris T65


High school and college life are often considered as two distinct phases in a student's academic journey. While high
school provides a more structured and supervised environment, college fosters independence and self-responsibility. In
high school, students follow a fixed curriculum, attend classes for a set number of hours each day, and have a limited
range of elective courses. In contrast, college students have the flexibility to choose their own schedule, major, and even
design their course of study. The level of guidance and supervision decreases in college, and students are expected to
manage their time effectively to meet academic requirements. Additionally, the social dynamics differ; high school tends
to be more clique-oriented, while college encourages diverse social interactions.
1. High

2. Un-
3. Re-
4. In-

5. Dis-
1. -ed

2. -er
3. -ing
4. -ly

5. -s
1. School
2. Struct
3. Supervise
4. College
5. Manage
Topic :
Comparison and contrast between high school and college life.
Controlling Ideas:
The differences in structure, academic freedom, and social dynamics between high school and college life contribute to
distinct phases in a student's academic journey.
Supporting Ideas:
1. High school provides a more structured and supervised environment.
2. College fosters independence and self-responsibility.
3. High school students follow a fixed curriculum and have limited elective courses.
4. College students have flexibility in choosing their schedule and major.
5. Guidance and supervision decrease in college, and students are expected to manage their time effectively.
6. Social dynamics differ, with high school being more clique-oriented and college encouraging diverse social
Keyword indicating comparsion contrast :
1. While
2. In contrast
3. Differences
4. While on the other hand
5. Conversely

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