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Babysit: cuidar a los niños

(+): Maria babysits of her sister's baby every afternoon.
(-): I can't babysit of the children because I work all day.
(?): Who could babysit of the baby tonight?
2. Begin: empezar, comenzar, iniciar
(+): I began my yoga classes yesterday.
(-): I didn't begin the fight at school
(?): What time does the movie begin?
3. Blow: soplar
(+): The wind blows very hard.
(-): The wind didn´t blow the fallen leaves
(?): Why don't you blow out the candle on the cake?
4. Break: romper
(+): Joel broke his right arm playing football
(-): I didn't break my grandmother's base
(?): How did they break the television?
5. Burn: quemar
(+): My mother burned her hand cooking yesterday.
(-): I don't burn the old papers.
(?): Who burned the curtains in the house?
6. Catch: Atrapar
(+): My friend catches flies in his room
(-): Jeremy doesn't catch any fish
(?): When did you catch the mouse?
7. Choose: escoger
(+): Jeremy chooses clothes for the party.
(-): I can't choose between my mother and you.
(?): What profession did you choose at university?
8. Cost: costar
(+): The plane ticket costs $300.
(-): The operation did not cost much money.
(?): How much does it cost to travel to Spain?
9. Do: Hacer
(+): Carolina does the shopping
(-): My brother doesn't do exercises
(?): What do you like to do in the afternoons?
10. Draw: dibujar
(+): I drew a landscape at my school.
(-): My little sister doesn't draw on the walls of my house
(?): Who drew that beautiful painting?

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