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A Summer Night’s


By: R.A.G. Dunton

In 2010, during my second year of

college in the Philippines, I had a
strange and unsettling experience at my
grandparents' house. My family had
recently moved into a two-story house,
occupying the second floor, which had been

empty for years. The house was eerily
quiet, and it even had bats living there.

It was the summer vacation, and I was

back home. My sister and I were alone in
the house, as my parents and two of my
siblings were away at a summer camp for a
night. My sister and I were chatting, but
she eventually dozed off on our bunk bed.
We were sharing the room just catching up
since I’ve been so busy with school.

While she was happily dreaming in her

sleep, I was busy with my laptop, working
on some assignments, and playing music at
a higher volume than I probably should

Suddenly, all the lights went off and my

brand-new laptop malfunctioned, abruptly
closing all programs and stopping the
music. It all happened simultaneously. At
that very moment, I heard a whisper in my
ear, “pssstt!” I heard someone if
calling my attention, sending shivers down
my spine. I stood up facing the top of the
bed, to my sister, whom I thought was
playing a prank on me... She could be
heard snoring as silence filled the air.
With a deafening blast, my phone rang. It
was well past midnight, wondering who was
calling me in the middle of the night I
grabbed my phone and surprisingly the
caller's name was my sister, the same
sister sleeping soundly in the room with
me. I looked across the room, and there
was her phone on the table leaning among
stacks of books at the far end of the
room, illuminating the area as if someone
was using it. I stood there frozen, my
eyes trying to get a glimpse of what was
the content of the phone, and for a few
seconds I was able to discern that someone
was calling her too.. the phone was
registering my name on the display.

Unintentionally, I jumped back in bed,

curled up, hiding under my blanket, and
eventually passed out from fear. When I
brought up the strange incident the next
morning during breakfast, my sister wore a
puzzled face and showed me her phone,
which displayed my name as the caller. I
was the one calling her and on the other
hand my phone log was showing me that she
called me. It was a chilling realization
that something inexplicable had occurred
that night.

A few days later, I returned to my

college dorm as the new school year began.
A few weeks after my departure, my mother
called me, telling me about a disturbing
incident. She said that someone had
knocked on their door in the middle of the
night. They assumed it was my sister
again, given the previous night's bizarre
events it was likely that she was scared.
My father asked “Is that you El” but the
response they received was a muffled "uh

When they opened the door, there was no

one outside. They even went to her room,
knocked on her room, and found out that it
was locked. Using a spare key, they went
in and found that she was, fast asleep and
was snoring very loudly.

These inexplicable occurrences left us

all in bewilderment. Was it some sort of
entity playing tricks on us, or was it
someone who didn't want us living in that
house? The mysteries of that summer night
and the peculiar events that followed
continued to haunt us, making us question
the unseen forces in the old house.

Now, working as a young professional I

fill my days with productive activities,
but somehow when I am alone, there's a
thought at the back of my head, wondering
if that entity is still living among us..

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