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Notes for Midterms Examination

History comes from the Greek concept “Estoria”, Latin word “Historia” and French word “Historie”
which means: Inquiry, Investigation and Research.
In studying history, we get to learn to develop the ability to be critical at every account we heard. We
learn to examine and assess every documents or sources we came across with.
History- is a branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.
Historiography- the process of writing history or the practice of writing historical writing.
Historian- is the person or individual who writes or study history.
Historical Accounts- are collection of historical writings and documents.
Oral History- an oral account recounted by an individual through the intervention of historian.

Allied Fields of History- these people supports and provides documents and hard evidences to history.
They also aid historians in studying the past.
Archaeologist- they are the one responsible for providing hard evidences in history. They usually
unearth, exhumed and excavate these evidences.
Chemist- they analyze and study specimens or hard evidences provided by archaeologist. They identify
the dates of through the process called “Carbon Dating”.
Oral Historians- they collect and gather oral accounts from people who witnessed the events transpired.
It is usually oral historian who performs or records the recounted events. The documents gathered are
called oral accounts.
Linguist- the one responsible for studying the complexities of language. They are also the one who
translates and decipher meanings on texts.
Anthropologist- they study human behaviour or observe the culture of certain individuals.

Sources of History- sources or documentation in history is very vital. These historical sources are
divided into two general kind: Primary and Secondary. Primary sources are given much importance by
historians and researchers due to its nearness or closeness to truth. Nonetheless, it is still subject to
historical criticism in order to validate and examine its truthfulness or accuracy.
Primary Sources- refer to documents, physical objects, and oral/video accounts made by an individual
or a group present at the time and place being described. These materials provide facts from people
who actually witnessed the event.
Diaries, Poetry, Oral Histories, Personal Interviews, Government Documents, Autobiographies, artifacts,
Secondary Sources- are materials made by people long after the events being described had taken place.
It is also a by-product of interpretation and analysis of the primary sources. These sources are usually
taken from primary sources such as documentary of Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon and report of
an individual about a certain individual.
Textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines and etc.

Historical Criticism- in proving the genuineness and reliability of sources we need to examine and
scrutinize its content and physical attributes. Criticism is among the things employed by historian in
historical writing in order to prove the validity and truthfulness of the story.

External Criticism- also known as the lower thinking criticism. It examines the physical aspect of the
documents. It answers concerns and questions pertinent to the authenticity of a historical source by
identifying that composed the historical material, locating when and where the historical material was
produced, and establishing the material’s evidential value.

Internal Criticism- it is known as the higher thinking criticism. It examines the coherence of the
content. It deals with the credibility and reliability of the content of a given historical source. This kind
of criticism focuses on understanding the substance and message that the historical materials wants to
convey by examining how the author frame the intent and meaning of a composed material.

Ferdinand Magellan-Juan Sebastian dEl cano Cicumnavigation (09/20/1519- 09/06/1522)

The king and queen of Spain supported the circumnavigation of Ferdinand Magellan simply because of
these three reasons: God, Glory and Gold (3 Gs)
God- they wanted to propagate Christianity all over the world. They wanted to spread and baptized or
convert the people on the places they have discovered. Spain, being a catholic country stands together
with the goal of the church.
Glory- having to prove the world is spherical in shape, able to find new route going to spice island
(Moluccas) and ending the hegemony of Portugal in terms of trade, and expanding its territories and
influence to places it discovered or conquered. Spain, becomes the only super power after it gained access
to spice island through the new routes and accomplish the feat which other explorers never had.
Gold- it becomes apparent already that Spain, being the only super power after its accomplishment,
influence the course of trade. Trade with spices is a very luxurious business at that time considering the
exorbitant prices; by selling spices one can amassed massive wealth due to its high demand. The
monopoly of these trade was overtaken by Spain gradually from Portugal. Thus, causing its economy to
Ferdinand Magellan- the leading figure of the circumnavigation. He is a born in Sarbosa, Portugal on
1480. He was killed in the Battle of Mactan on April 27/29, 1521. At the age of 25, he was sent to
Mollucas where he acquired his slave, Enrique. Together with his 270 crew left Spain on September
20, 1519.
1. Victoria
2. San Antonio
3. Concepcion
4. Santiago
5. Trinidad
Juan Sebastian Del Cano- the person who assumed the power and position of Ferdinand Magellan right
after he was killed in the battle of Mactan. He led the remaining people bact to Spain on September 06,
Antonio Pigafetta- the official writer or chronicler of the expedition.
Father Pedro Valderrama- the priest who officiated the First Mass at Limasawa, Southern Leyte on
March 31, 1521.
Enrique de Malacca- Magellan’s slave acquired during his travel to Moluccas.
Archipelago of Saint Lazarus- The name that Ferdinand Magellan gave to Philippines during his arrival
at Zamal ( Samal) on March 17, 1521.
Limasawa- it is the sight of the first mass. This mass signifies that Christianity was able to reach the
soil of our country that’s why the National Historical Commission of the Philippines expends its
resources to find the location of the mass. This place marks the spread of Catholicism teachings in our
country which is also the reason why it is relevant in our history.
The Limasawa claims is actually supported by these individuals, namely: Renato Humoc, Francisco
Combes,and Francisco Alco, except Francisco Colins who vehemently rejected the claim that the site
of the first mass should be in Masao, Butuan.
LapuLapu- the sultan of Mactan who defeated and killed Ferdinand Magellan in a battle.
Rajah Humabon- the rajah of Zebu (Cebu) who welcomed Ferdinand Magellan and among the first
native to accept the Christian faith.
Pacific Ocean (Mar/El Pacifico)- the ocean named by Ferdinand Magellan derived from the stillness
and calmness of the ocean.
Strait of Magellan- a narrow passage or route discovered by Ferdinand Magellan located on the
southern part of Latin America formerly known as “New World”.
Legacy of Magellan-Del Cano Expedition
1. There were able to prove that the world is actually spherical in shape and that it is possible to travel
in the seas.
2. They were able to spread Christianity to places they conquered.
3. They were able to find new routes going towards Moluccas/Malacca.
4. It ended the supremacy of Portugal in terms of trade and access to resources in the areas.
Spanish Colonial Rule
Philippines was easily conquered by the colonizers because the natives were not united during that
time and they are separated by their differences and cultural beliefs aside from the conflict within the
communities. With that, we need to take into account the lack of centralized form of governance. We
also have to reconsider that the natives are using indigenous materials during the war which actually
highlighted the difference between their armaments.
What will happen if Ferdinand Magellan did not land in Philippines?
Most probably Philippines will become an Islamic country given the dominance and prevalence of Islam
faith in the country. The natives of our country had contacts with Chinese Traders, Muslim Traders as
far as the Middle east and of course from the neighboring countries such as Moluccas, Borneo and
Malaysian. We need to take note of the presence of the Islam is already entrenched in the country which
explains why the Spaniards had a hard time subjugating the natives in Mindanao.

Declaration of Independence
June 12, 1898- Philippines gained independence when Emilio Aguinaldo waived the Philippines Flag
on Kawit, Cavite.
Emilio Aguinaldo- the first president of the Revolutionary Government of the Philippines.
Apolinario Mabini- the brain of revolution and the one who suggested to Emilio Aguinaldo to use the
Revolutionary Government.
Emilio Jacinto- the brain of Katipunan.
The three Martyred Priest killed through a Garote: Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto
Zamora (GOMBURZA).
The killing of GOMBURZA ultimately resulted to Cavite Mutiny due to strong dissatisfaction of the
Filipinos to the Spanish government and mounting distrust over the rulers who favors only those with
Spanish decent.
Cavity Mutiny- is a coup staged by the Filipino armed personnel in a Spanish Garrison due to
maltreatment and waiving of its privileges. It is also marked the start of Filipinos revolting against Spain
in a united way. Nationalist views and ideals flourish already in the country and filipino consciousness
was ignited by liberal viewpoints. Thus, leading to Cavity Mutiny.
Battle of Manila Bay- the battle between Spain and America in Manila Bay which ended the control of
Spain over Philippines.
Spanish-American War- the war between Spain and America which resulted to ceding Philippines to
America for only 20 million dollar through the Treaty of Paris.
Prior to the “Cry of Pugadlawin” there are prior events that took place: Cavity Mutiny, Martyrdom of
the GOMBURZA, Jose Rizal’s Exile in Dapitan then the foundation of KKK.
During the “Cry of Pugadlawin”, the Katipuneros tore their “Cedulas” as a sign of defiance against
Spanish Colonial Rule. The cry also signifies the unity and thirst for independence of the Filipinos.
August 1896- Andres Bonifacio convened the Katipuneros in the country and tore their cedulas which
resulted to what so called “Cry of Balintawak and Cry of Pugadlawin”.

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