Test Unit 2 VOCABULARY 2023 Final Version

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Test Unit 2 – VOCABULARY

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct school subject.

1. One of the reasons I didn’t like ____________________

was because of the lab work which sometimes involved

dissection of dead animals.

2. I’ve always enjoyed learning about how chemicals react with one another, so I

decided to choose ____________________ as one of my main subjects.

3. One of his favourite subjects at primary school was __________________. That

was when he first began to see how electricity could be used to help with

everyday work on the farm.

4. I always loved studying maps. We spent a lot of time in our

____________________ lessons tracing the borders of countries and learning

about the capital cities of different countries.

5. Mrs. Louis teaches oil and portrait painting in our _______ lessons at school.

Exercise 2: Answer the following questions.

a) What is your favourite school subject? Why?



b) Which school supplies do you need for that subject? What do you need them for?
Mention at least 2 objects.



Exercise 2: Complete the blog post with the following verbs in the correct tense.

explain // tell // pronounce // repeat // say // speak (x2)

translate // understand (x2)

Poulet or Chicken
I’m so excited to finally be in Paris! I’m learning to _____________ French, but at the
moment people often don’t _____________ what I 3) _____________ to them. When I
go to a restaurant, for example, I need to _____________ several times the name of

the food I want.

The other day I felt so embarrassed! I read “poulet” in the menu and instead I
_____________ “p-a-u-l-i-t”. It was so noisy that the waiter did not _____________
what I was saying, so I had to _____________ louder: “P-A-U-L-I-T”. Fortunately, a
8) 9)
woman next to my table came over and _____________ to me what that word
_____________: chicken! She also _____________ me that she was a French

teacher and invited me to one of her classes at school! Isn’t she awesome?

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb in the correct tense.

make a mistake // fall behind // go over // borrow // catch up with

lend // hand out // pass // look up // miss

1) He was a smart boy in school, but he ________________ due to his illness and
gave up.
2) The teacher opened a folder she’d brought with her and ________________
sheets of paper to everyone.
3) I’m not sure if my figures are accurate, can we ________________ them one
more time?

4) She ________________ some important points in her essay, that is why she got a
low mark.
5) She ________________ a book from the library to study for her history exam.
6) Lydia studied hard, so she ________________ the test easily.
7) I didn’t know the meaning of ‘loquacious’ and had to _________it _____ in a
8) She's doing extra work to ________________ the rest of the class.
9) I will ask Mr. Hale to ________________ me the letter, so that I can make a copy
of it for you.
10) If we collaborate on the task, we will be less likely to ________________.

Exercise 4: Mike wrote an email to his friend Greta telling her about Education in
England. Read the email and choose the correct option.

Dear Greta,

In your last email you asked me about the education system in our country. I'm still 1
at the school / at school because it is 2 necessary / compulsory here up to the 3
age / year of 15. Most of us go to a kindergarten first, and when we're about six we 4
start / join primary school, where we stay for 7 years.

At the moment I am writing this email in the 5 library / canteen of a school, where
there are a lot of books and it is really quiet. I am 6 attending / visiting this
secondary school, which has about 800 pupils, who have to 7 wear / carry a uniform.
Luckily, it is not a 8 boarding school / college as they return home after a hard
day’s work. The students here have up to 7 9 teachers / lessons every day, and
each one is 10 taught / learnt by a different teacher. They have a lot of work to do
and several 11 goals / projects to achieve. If they 12 fail / miss an important class
they have to stay after school to finish the 13 homework / chores.

At 16 they 14 pass / take some exams. After that they can either 15 stay / leave
school or continue for two more years. During the last two years they only have to 16
study / teach three subjects. The school offers vocational courses like sports or
drama clubs so I can 17 decide / choose from a wide variety of activities.

That is what education is like where I live. I hope I have given you an insight on how
it works.


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