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When you begin writing your (4) Select a descriptive title to in-

Webdesigning For The Future article, avoid using your standard trigue your readers. Use a powerful
by Shelley Lowery word processing programs, as they headline that demands attention
do not allow for proper format- and try to keep it all on one line.
ting. Instead, use a text editor such
as NotePad. It should already be (5) Use proper grammar and spell-
If you’re looking for a powerful installed on your desktop. ing. Publishers will not take the
way to get free publicity and build time to edit your article. Make sure
your credibility at the same time, When you begin typing your arti- you read your article several times
then writing articles may be your cle, use a hard carriage return (hit and use spellcheck.
answer. enter) when your text reaches 65
characters, including spaces, and (6) Avoid articles that are nothing
If you’ve been on the Internet leave a space between your para- more than a sales letter. Publishers
for a while, you’ve probably sub- graphs. This will enable publishers want quality content and will sim-
scribed to a few ezines. Many ezine to easily copy and paste your article ply delete an article that is written
publishers will include an article into their publication. By taking the like a sales letter.
written by a guest author. At the time to properly format your arti-
(7) Avoid referring readers to an
end of the article are a few lines of cle, you will increase your chance of
affiliate URL. Articles containing
text about the author referred to as being published significantly.
affiliate links may make your article
bylines or resource box. These lines Getting Your Article Published
appear to be biased and untrust-
of text are basically just an adver-
tisement for the writer. They usu- Most publishers receive many arti-
ally contain a couple of lines about cle submissions each week and only
(8) Write your articles with a
the author and a web address. select a few to be published. Here
sincere desire to teach and inform.
are some basic guidelines to assist
Talk to your readers and share your
The writer gives the publisher you in getting published:
permission to publish their article,
free of charge, in exchange for the (1) Make sure you follow the pub-
Developing a List of Publishers
publisher including the author’s lishers’ submission guidelines. Ar-
Once you’ve written your article,
bylines. ticles submitted to publishers that
you’ll need to develop a list of
don’t follow the submission guide-
publishers that may be interested
By writing articles and allowing lines will most likely be deleted.
in publishing it. The best way to
them to be freely published, your
accomplish this is to display your
articles will have the potential to be (2) Make sure your article is prop-
articles on your website. Place a
viewed by millions of Internet us- erly formatted. Publishers won’t
subscription box on each of your
ers. They may be published by sev- take the time to format your article.
article pages to enable your visitors
eral ezines with subscriber bases of They’ll simply delete it and move
to subscribe. This list should be
a few hundred to several thousand. on to the next article submission.
used to send your new articles to
In addition, they may be displayed
your list of publishers.
in ezine archives or on high traffic (3) Keep your bylines down to 6
websites. lines or less. Publishers will not
Article Formatting publish articles that contain exces-
Most ezine publishers prefer short sively long bylines. Copyright © Shelley Lowery
articles between 500 and 750 words.
Short “tip” articles of just a couple
of paragraphs are also very popular.
Articles should be formatted to 65
characters per line or less, including
spaces, and written in short para-
graph sections.

Creating Graphics Basics
by Shelley Lowery

Graphic design is an intimidating sub- Graphic Interchange Format, better

ject for many Internet entrepreneurs. known as GIF, uses a maximum of 256
However, most of us must learn some colors and is best suited for images
Images saved in the 89a GIF format
basic design techniques in order to such as logos, buttons and bullets.
can be saved as interlaced. This will en-
avoid the high costs of hiring a profes-
able your image to display as it is being
sional designer. GIF images can be saved in two differ-
loaded into a web page. The image will
ent formats:
gradually become clearer as the page
In order to create or edit your graphics,
you’ll need to invest in a good graph- - 87
ics-editing program. The most popular - 89a
program used by Internet marketers is
Paint Shop Pro. This powerful program The 89a format is the preferred GIF
is the only program you’ll need to format, as it has the following benefits:
design professional looking graphics.
You can download a free 30-day trial Transparency
and register the software for only $99. Images saved in the 89a GIF format
Image Formats can have a transparent background.
The most popular image formats used This will enable the canvas of an image
on the Internet are GIF and JPEG. to be transparent and enable the back-
ground to show through.

Animation Editing Images Resizing Images

Images saved in the 89a GIF format When working with images in Paint If you’d like to resize an image in
can be used to create animated images. Shop Pro, you will have the ability JPEG format, you can do so in
Animated images are simply several to save your image in PSP format. one of two ways -- through your
GIF images compiled into one GIF im- This format will enable you to begin graphics program or within your
age file that loops. In order to create an
working on an image, save it in PSP HTML. You can resize your image
animated image, you’ll need a special
format and finish the image at a lat- within your HTML by changing the
editing program.
er time. It will preserve all of your HEIGHT and WIDTH values. To
Joint Photographic Expert Group, bet- work without any changes. retain your images original charac-
ter known as JPEG, is the best format teristics, make sure you adjust the
for photographs. JPEG images can If you would like to edit an image height and the width equally. In
contain millions of colors and allow that has been previously saved other words, if your original image
you to specify the degree of compres- in the GIF format, you must first dimensions are 50x100 (width 50
sion. increase the image’s colors to 16 and height 100), to reduce your im-
million. If you don’t, your colors age to one half the size, change the
Although there are many graphics pro- will be limited. Go to “Colors” - width to 25 and the height to 50.
grams available on the Internet, this
“Increase Color Depth”- “16 mil-
tutorial will focus on using Paint Shop
lion colors (24 bit)” to increase
Pro 7.01. If you are using a different
version of Paint Shop Pro or another your image’s colors.

Secrets for Creating
Headlines That Sell
by Shelley Lowery

We all know the importance of Physiological - Basic human needs When writing your headlines,
a powerful headline. However, writ- include hunger, thirst, shelter, keep in mind, you only have a few
ing a great headline isn’t as easy as clothing and sex. seconds to grab your potential
it sounds. Safety (Security) - Human need for customers’ attention. If your head-
An effective headline will literally physical, emotional and financial line doesn’t immediately catch their
force your potential customers to security. attention, they’ll simply move on
learn more. It will instantly ignite a Social (Affiliation) - Human need and never return.
certain emotion and intrigue them for love, affection, companionship
to read on. and acceptance. Below are several different formulas
Esteem (Self Esteem) - Human used by professional copywriters to
In order to write an effective head- need for achievement, recognition, write compelling headlines.
line, you must learn how to use attention and respect.
specific words to achieve a specific Self-actualization - Human need to
reaction. reach their full potential.
How to
Before writing your headline, you When you are aware of the basic
must first learn a little bit about the human needs, you can incorporate “How to Increase Your Sales Up to
basic human motivators. According these needs into your writing. A 500% by Using This One Simple
to psychologist Abraham Maslow, great headline will appeal to your Strategy”
human behavior is always the result potential customers’ emotions.
of one or more of five basic needs. Youmust feel their needs, wants and Headlines beginning with ‘how to’
He listed these needs in a sequence desires and write your headlines are very successful, as the Internet
that he refers to as “the hierarchy of with passion and emotion. is all about information. Internet
human needs.” users have a strong desire to learn.
A headline beginning with ‘how to’
He believes that until a less import- immediately grabs your potential
ant need is met there won’t be any customers’ attention and forces
desire to pursue a more important them to read on.
need. Below are the five human
motivators, beginning with the Question
basic needs and continuing to the
most important needs. “Are You Sick and Tired of Working
For Someone Else?”

Headlines written in the form of a

question are very effective, as they
appeal to your potential customers’
emotions. When they read a head-
line written as a question, they’ll
answer the question in their mind.

10 Steps to Sucess
by Shelley Lowery

If you’re looking for a lucrative home- Set your goals, write them down and 6. SCHEDULE YOUR TIME WISELY
based business, direct marketing may set a target date for reaching them. Set A schedule is your roadmap to success.
be just what you’ve been looking for -- short term reachable goals and long If you have no direction, you’ll travel
offering you the possibilities of making term higher goals, yet don’t set them in circles and ultimately never reach
your dreams come true. too high. This will cause you to be- your goals. Plan your work then work
come discour aged if you don’t achieve your plan.
WHAT IS DIRECT MARKETING? them. Work consistently towards
accomplishing your goals each day, 7. HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE
Direct marketing is offering a product each week and each month until you Success is 90 percent attitude and 10
or service directly to the consumer reach your short term goals. When you percent aptitude. Learn the art of posi-
via mail order, Internet sales, personal have attained your short term goals, set tive thinking. You can do whatever you
sales, etc., with no middleman in- them a little higher each time. Ulti- put your mind to. It’s mind over mat-
volved. Many direct marketing compa- mately you will achieve your long term ter. Your attitude will either guarantee
nies are now being operated right out goals. Goal-setting is a must in every your success or guarantee your failure.
of the home. Home based business is area of life. Remember ... you’re only a failure if
the waive of the future and can offer you give up.
you a wonderful opportunity to actu- 2. BE SELF DISCIPLINED
ally be able to compete with the large, Get up early each day. Get ready for 8. SET UP AN OFFICE AREA
well established companies with large your job as if you were working out- Most direct marketers work from their
bank accounts. That’s what is so won- side your home. Have a list of all the own homes, but it is still essential
derful about the Internet. You don’t things you want to accomplish during to set up a specified work area. Take
have to have a large bank account to the day. This will give you an organized pride in your business to ensure your
succeed. You just have to have a little approach to each day. It’s amazing how success.
“know how.” much you can get done using a “To
* 10 Steps to insure your success Set up a written budget. Set aside a
percentage of your business income to
3. BE SELF MOTIVATED put back into your business. This is a
Set up a schedule and stick to it. Be must. Failure to reinvest your money
Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm generates its will result in the failure of your busi-
own energy. Energy and good health ness.
are synonymous with motivated, happy
people -- achievers. 10. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF
Get plenty of sleep, eat right and take
4. BE ENTHUSIASTIC some time to stop and smell the roses...
Positive thinking will literally be your Be Persistent... Persistence Pays Off...
key to success. You have to convince Don’t Give Up... Most Businesses fail
yourself that you can succeed at what- Just At The Moment They Are About
ever you desire, because you can. To Succeed...

5. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO Sales is one of the highest paid of all

BECOME DISCOURAGED professions. “Give a man a fish and
Remember... The more “NO’s” you get, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish
the closer to a “YES” you become. and he’ll eat for a lifetime.”

Copyright © Shelley Lowery


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