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Unit Plan

Subject: ELA 9
Unit Focus: “Overcoming Oneself”
Dates: September

Intern: Stephanie Hedges

Teacher Mentor: Justin Clark

Table of Contents

I. Overview……………………………………………………………………………… 2

II. Rationale……………………………………………………………………………… 2

III. Objectives/Learner Outcomes……………………………………………………… 2

IV. Assessment and Evaluation………………………………………………………... 4

V. Key Teaching and Learning Activities …………………………………………….. 7

VI. Resources……………………………………………………………………………. 7

VII. Planning for Diversity……………………………………………………………….. 7

VIII. Calendar……………………………………………………………………………… 8

I. Overview:

This unit will delve into various texts to explore various internal struggles and, more
importantly, how people are able to overcome these struggles and challenges. The novel
Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen will serve as the anchor text as it touches on finding
personal strength in spite of anger and aggression through forgiveness and a drive to do what is
right. Supplemental texts will include a variety of print and non print forms to allow students to
experience how many texts can teach the theme of overcoming personal struggles.
The assessments for the unit will focus on applying the literature and texts to one’s
personal life to help make the texts not only interesting, but meaningful. The multimedia project
will allow for students to apply what they have learned in a way that they can best portray what
they learned as they can choose the format and medium of the project.

II. Rationale:

In a post-pandemic world, Canadian youth continue to face increased mental health

challenges and struggles. Canadian Paediatric Society found that 20% of Canadian youth will
experience mental illness (2023), and a report from Statistics Canada found that just over 40%
of Canadian youth reported having very good mental health. While many of the personal
struggles facing youth today require medical help, this unit will focus on teaching youth
additional sources to find inspiration to overcome challenges in literature and texts.

III. Focused Objectives/Learner Outcomes:

● 1.1.1 Express ideas and develop understanding

○ talk with others and experience a variety of oral, print and other media texts to
explore, develop and justify own opinions and points of view
○ explore and explain how interactions with others and with oral, print and other
media texts affect personal understandings
○ extend understanding by taking different points of view when rereading and
reflecting on oral, print and other media texts
● 2.1.1 use prior knowledge
○ discuss how interpretations of the same text might vary, according to the prior
knowledge and experiences of various readers
○ use previous reading experiences, personal experiences and prior knowledge as
a basis for reflecting on and interpreting ideas encountered in texts
● 2.1.2 use comprehension strategies
○ identify explicit and implicit ideas and information in texts; listen and respond to
various interpretations of the same text
○ select appropriate reading rate and strategies for comprehending texts less
closely connected to prior knowledge and personal experiences
○ preview complex texts as to their intent, content and structure, and use this
information to set a purpose and select strategies for reading
● 2.2.2 construct meaning from text

○ analyze how the choices and motives of characters portrayed in oral, print and
other media texts provide insight into those of self and others
○ identify and discuss theme and point of view in oral, print and other media texts
○ discuss and explain various interpretations of the same oral, print or other media
○ relate the themes, emotions and experiences portrayed in oral, print and other
media texts to issues of personal interest or significance
● 2.4.1 generate ideas
○ generalize from own experience to create oral, print and other media texts on a
● 2.4.2 elaborate on the expression of ideas
○ create oral, print and other media texts on common literary themes
● 4.1.3 enhance legibility
○ develop personal handwriting styles appropriate for a variety of purposes
○ identify and experiment with some principles of design that enhance the
presentation of texts
● 4.1.4 expand knowledge of language
○ distinguish between the denotative and connotative meaning of words, and
discuss effectiveness for achieving purpose and affecting audience
○ explore the derivation and use of words, phrases and jargon, including variations
in language, accent and dialect in Canadian communities and regions
● 4.3.1 present information
○ select, organize and present information to appeal to the interests and
background knowledge of various readers or audiences
● 4.3.2 enhance presentation
○ choose appropriate types of evidence and strategies to clarify ideas and
information, and to convince various readers and audiences
● 4.3.3 use effective oral and visual communication
○ integrate a variety of media and display techniques, as appropriate, to enhance
the appeal, accuracy and persuasiveness of presentations
IV. Assessment and Evaluation:

Learning Assessments

Title Writing Journal Inferences & Class Collaborative Tracking Quotes Multimedia Vocabulary
(Best 10 marked) Background Discussion & Analysis Project Quizzes

Type F/S S F S S S S

Weight 15% 15% 20% 10% 30% 10%

1.1.1 X X X

2.1.1 X X

2.1.2 X X

2.2.2 X X X X

2.4.1 X X

2.4.2 X X X X

4.1.3 X

4.1.4 X X

4.3.1 X

4.3.2 X

4.3.3 X

Assessment Brief Description Formative/ Outcomes ELA Strand

Tool Summative

Multimedia This project will allow S 2.4.1 Representing

Project students to further explore 2.4.2 Viewing
meaning from a text and 4.1.3
elaborate on the 4.3.1
expression of ideas and 4.3.2
themes presented in 4.3.3
Touching Spirit Bear.
Students will be allowed to
choose how they present
this information either by
poetry, poster, music,
essay, podcast, etc.

Tracking Quotes Students will collect a S 2.1.2 Writing

minimum of five quotes 2.2.2 Reading
from various texts studied
through the unit that reflect
on how characters
overcome their inner
struggles. Students will
write a paragraph reflecting
on the quote and will then
be able to have this as a
resource to include in their
multimedia project.

Touching Spirit Before reading the anchor S 2.1.1 Writing

Bear Inferences text, students will infer 2.1.2 Viewing
and Background what the book will be about Reading
based on chapter titles,
book jackets, and any
illustrations. Students will
then answer some
background questions
relating to spirit bears,
Circle Justice programs,
and juvenile delinquency

Writing Journal The writing journal will F 1.1.1 Writing

allow students to reflect 2.2.2
and elaborate on ideas as 2.4.1
well as allows them to 2.4.2
practice their writing. 4.1.4

Best 10 Writing Students will pick their best S 1.1.1 Writing


Journal 10 journal responses to be 2.2.2

graded. 2.4.1

Vocabulary Students will receive 10 S 4.1.4 Writing

vocabulary words each
week taken from the texts.
The words will be reviewed
throughout the week and
quizzed on Friday.
Students will be marked for
definitions and spelling.

Classroom Class discussions will F 1.1.1 Speaking

Discussion & happen everyday and 2.1.1 Listening
Think/Pair/Share provide an opportunity for 2.2.2
an in depth analysis and 2.4.2
expression of ideas.

Collaborative Students will meet with the S 1.1.1 Speaking

Analysis teacher in groups of 3 to 2.2.2 Listening
discuss their understanding 2.4.2
of general outcomes in the
context of Touching Spirit
Bear. This will happen
before their final project.

V. Key Teaching and Learning Activities:

● Cloze reading
● Think/Pair/Share and Class Discussions
● Group work
● Individual Journal Writing
● Panels
● Presentations

VI. Resources:

● Touching Spirit Bear (novel), Ben Mikaelsen

● Hair Love, animated short
● “Wheat Kings”, The Tragically Hip
● “Hunting”, Vera Wabegijig
● “Good Timber”, Douglas Malloch
● “The Quitter”, Robert Service
● The Scream, Edvard Munch

VII. Planning for Diversity:

This unit will explore perspectives on internal struggles from indigenous, Canadian,
American, and Norwegian authors using many text forms such as a novel, animated shorts,
songs, poetry, and paintings. Hearing about different struggles and challenges from different
backgrounds allows students to better connect and understand the world around them. The
diversity chosen will help students develop empathy towards.
The multimedia project allows for students to choose which medium or form to present
their final projects in. This method is designed to allow students to show what they have learned
in a manner that best suits their abilities and knowledge.
VIII. Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4. Labour Day 5. First Day 6. Hair Love 7. “Wheat Kings” 8. “Hunting”


-None 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2

Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:

-Get to know you paper -Hair Love -”Wheat Kings” -”Hunting” (poem)
-Introduction powerpoint -The Scream, Munch
Opening: Opening:
Opening: Opening: -Background on Tragically -Review figurative
- Introduction powerpoint -Show The Scream Hip language
Mind map on struggles and
Body: hard things Body: Body:
-Classroom rules and -Show headlines and read -Background on author
expectations Body: newspaper articles on -predict what the poem will
-Introduce Goals -Watch Hair Love David Milgaard be about
-Name game -Think/pair/share on what -Listen to “What Kings” -Read Poem
-Get to know you papers the challenges were? How -Group project: Visual -Think/pair/share on the
-Text we will be covering did people overcome Image on how he found meaning
them? Where did they turn faith in himself to -Journal Writing
Conclusion: to? What helped? What persevere
-Prep for tomorrow: start of didn’t help? Did they Conclusion:
unit overcome them in the end? Conclusion: -Class Discussion
-Writing Journal: Where did -Small Gallery Walk
Assessments: people find help or Assessments:
-None inspiration to overcome Assessments: -Writing Journal
their struggles? -Class Discussion

-Class Discussion on Mind

-Writing Journal

11. “Good Timber” & 12. Intro to TSB 13. Inferences and 14. Inferences and 15. Inferences &
“The Quitter” Background Background Background
SLOs: 2.1.1, 2.1.2 SLOs: SLOs: SLOs:
1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 2.1.1, 2.1.2 4.1.4, 2.1.1, 2.1.2
4.1.4 Resources:
Resources: -Touching Spirit Bear Resources: Resources: Resources:
-”Good Timber” -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear
-”The Quitter” Opening:
-Review vocabulary words Opening: Opening: Opening:
Opening: -Review vocabulary with a -Review vocabulary words -Vocabulary Quiz
-Vocabulary Words Body: partner
-Introduce title of book Body: Body:
Body: -Talk about spirit bear Body: -Finish background and -Review what was read
-Read “Good Timber” -show map -Work on inferences and inferences -Start chapter 2
-Think/pair/share: apply to -author background background -Start chapter 1 -Class Discussions
life - what does this mean -Discuss the outline for the -Background on Circle -Think/Pair/Share
to you. unit and the assignments Justice and statistics on -Writing Journal Conclusion:
-Read “The Quitter” -Hand out inferences and juvenile delinquents in -Turn to a neighbor and
-Think/pair/share: Why do background assignment Canada Conclusion: discuss where do laws
people quit? When is it -Show various book covers -Writing Journal: Why do -Reminder of vocabulary come from?
okay to quit? And when is and movie posters for the some youth act out? quiz tomorrow
it not okay to quit? novel. Assessments:
-Make inferences Conclusion: Assessments: Vocabulary Quiz
Conclusion: -Share writing journal -Writing Journal Inferences and
-Writing Journal: What can Conclusion: (optional) -Think/pair/share Background
you tell yourself to not give -Think/pair/share:
up when you want to quit? Inferences Assessments:
-Writing Journal
Assessments: Assessments:
-Think/Pair/Share -Think/pair/share

18. Introduce tracking 19. TSB 20. TSB - Justice Panel 21. TSB 22. Division PD Day
SLOs: 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 1.1.1, 2.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.2 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2
2.1.2, 2.2.2
Resources: Resources: Resources:
Resources: -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear
-Touching Spirit Bear
Opening: Opening: Opening:
Opening: -Mind map of Cole’s -Review what happened -Review
-How people did on decisions and quotes from the
vocabulary quiz various people from the Body:
Body: Justice Circle -Writing Journal: poem on
Body: -Read 5 and 6 Cole’s character
-Tracking quotes -Think/pair/share Body: -Chapters 9-10
-Theme -Panel on justice
-Read chapter 3 and 4 Conclusion: -What should happen to Conclusion:
-class discussion -Writing Journal: choose a Cole? -Share poem (optional)
quote from your tracking -Read Chapters 7-8
Conclusion: sheet and discuss how that Assessments:
-Writing journal: what do can lead to overcoming or Conclusion: Writing Journal
you do when no one is not lead to overcoming -Class Discussion Class Discussion
Assessments: Assessments:
Assessments: -Writing Journal -Class Discussion
-Writing Journal -Class Discussion
-Class Discussion

25. 26. 27. Introduce Multimedia 28. Collaborative 29. Collaborative

Project Analysis Meetings Analysis Meetings
4.1.4, 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 SLOs: SLOs: SLOs:
2.4.2 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 1.1.1, 2,2,2, 2.4.2 4.1.4, 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.2
Resources: -Touching Spirit Bear Resources: Resources: Resources:
-Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear
Opening: -Writing Journal: What Opening: Opening: Opening:
-Vocabulary Words does Cole turn to for help? -Review -Review vocabulary -Vocabulary Quiz

Body: Body: Body: Body: Body:

-Quick review -Read chapter14-15 -Introduce multimedia -Individual Reading -Individual Reading 19-23
-Read 11, 12, 13 -Group - Make a character project chapter 19-23 -Collaborative analysis
analysis on Cole -rubric -Collaborative analysis meetings
Conclusion: -Read chapters 16-18 meetings -Writing Journal: during the
-Think/pair/share: What Conclusion: anger dance, he says, “I
does Cole think about -Think/pair/share Conclusion: Conclusion: didn’t mean to hurt Peter”.
death? Has Cole changed? -Reminder to start thinking -Think/pair/share: fair vs Is this true?
Assessments: about ideas unfair
Assessments: -Think/pair/share -Review ideas as a class Assessments: Conclusion:
-Think/pair/share -Writing Journal Collaborative Analysis -Class discussion on
Assessments: writing journal
-Class Discussion
Vocabulary Quiz
Collaborative Analysis
Writing Journal

2. TSB 3. TSB 4. TSB 5. Multimedia Project 6. Multimedia project


4.1.4, 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 1.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 4.1.3 4.1.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 4.1.3
Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:
Resources: -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear -Touching Spirit Bear
-Touching Spirit Bear
Opening: Opening: Opening: Opening:
Opening: -Writing Journal: Will Peter -Writing Journal: Response -Review vocabulary -Vocabulary Quiz
-Vocabulary Words change? to a tracking quote
Body: Body:
Body: Body: Body: -Writing Journal: So what? -Multimedia project
-Read Chapter -Read Chapters 26-27 -Finish book -work on multimedia -circulate and give
-Read 24-25 -Class Discussion -Think/pair/share: project feedback
-Class vote: should Peter Thoughts on the book
come to the island? Conclusion: Conclusion: Conclusion:
-Class Discussion Conclusion: -Share writing journal -reminder on due dates
Conclusion: -Think/pair/share: Would (optional)
-Writing Journal: What Assessments: you recommend this to a Assessments:
helped Cole change? -Writing Journal friend Assessments: Vocabulary Quiz
-Writing Journal
Assessments: Assessments: -Multimedia project
-Writing Journal -Think/pair/share
-Class Discussion -Writing Journal

9. Thanksgiving 10. Finalize projects 11. MMP Presentations 12. MMP Presentations 13. MMP Presentations


2.4.1, 2.4.2, 4.1.3 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3

Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:

-Touching Spirit Bear -Student Presentations -Student Presentations -Student Presentations

Opening: Opening: Opening: Opening:

-Reminder on due dates -mini lesson on how to be -reminder on how to be a -Reminder on how to be a
a good audience good audience good audience
-multimedia project work Body: Body: Body:
-Presentations -Presentations -Presentations
-Celebrate the good work Conclusion: Conclusion: Conclusion:
-Who presents tomorrow -Who presents tomorrow -Who presents tomorrow
Multimedia Project Due Assessments: Assessments: Assessments:
Tracking Quotes Due -MMP presentations -MMP presentations -MMP presentations
Writing Journal Due

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