Diversity Q

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What is diversity?

Diversity comes from the word “diverse”. Diversity means inclusion of people who
are different from others. It is a range of human differences, including religious,
ethnicity, gender, and race. In a society, having people from different backgrounds
come together and are in the same environment and are living together. It is an
acceptance of people who is different from you. You are welcoming someone who
has different religion, ethnicity, gender, and race. You are accepting them for who
they are and letting them in the environment. By prospecting the perspective of
others, you can empathize with others and welcome them in the environment.

What are the disadvantages of diversity?

Even though there are several advantages in diversity, there are few other
disadvantages that diversity have. Some of them have difficulty maintaining their
own cultural identity. Some people might think that the other person’s culture is
obnoxious and so the other person will try their best to hide it. This goes to my next
point, they find it hard to accept themselves and maintain their own unique cultural
identity. If one person is not welcoming the other different person, it can lead to
arguments, altercations, and physical altercations amongst the many residents.
There is also a chance that different cultures and backgrounds might clash with each
other. It is because one person can think that their religion or culture is better than
the rest and one can think that their culture is better. This can encourage people the
mindset of “us and them” and not “we”.

What are the advantages of diversity?

Diversity helps people gain superior understanding towards each other. It can build a
close, open-minded community with each other. Being diverse can create respect
and tolerance for their differences. It also reminds us that we are equal human
beings. It guarantees that everyone, regardless of who they are, have access of
opportunities and resources like everyone else. It decreases unfair treatment and
allows equal participation. Thus, it can make another person feel seen and heard.
They will also have a feeling of belonging in the society, upgrade confidence, and
work on mental health.

Tell me 8 sentences about Indonesian diversity?

Indonesian society is inherently diverse. They have 1,340 recognized ethnic groups
in Indonesia. However, in total, they have more than 300 distinct ethnic groups in
Indonesia. The diversity of Indonesia's tribes, customs, cultures, and languages,
each contributing to the unique identity and traits of its people, is not accidental. The
people of Indonesia continue to work toward preserving their diversity and allowing it
to cohabit peacefully in spite of their differences. Several elements contribute to the
diversity that defines Indonesian society. Indonesian civilization is diverse due to a
combination of variables including strategic position, islands, climate, transportation,
and communication. Not only that, but one of the things contributing to Indonesian
society's variety is attitudes toward shifting values and cultures.
How does Indonesian keep their unity in diversity?
In order to keep their unity, Indonesians made five principles called the Pancasila. It
contains common understanding of all parts of the country. It guarantees
togetherness, diversity, and ideals for the whole nation. All the Indonesians speak
Bahasa Indonesia, and it is considered as the national language in Indonesia. It
helps people communicate with other people who are in different tribes. Indonesians
also allows people of different background to practice their religions freely. The
government also have a cultural festival to celebrate their diversity. School teach
student about their country’s different cultures and learn to accept them. They pass
the knowledge and kindness to young children, so that they can continue to
contribute to the diversity.

GoogleWhat is diversity?
Diversity comes from the word “diverse”. Diversity means inclusion of people who
are different from others. It is a range of human differences, including religious,
ethnicity, gender, and race. In a society, having people from different backgrounds
come together and are in the same environment and are living together. It is an
acceptance of people who is different from you. You are welcoming someone who
has different religion, ethnicity, gender, and race. You are accepting them for who
they are and letting them in the environment. By prospecting the perspective of
others, you can empathize with others and welcome them in the environment.

What are the disadvantages of diversity?

Even though there are several advantages in diversity, there are few other
disadvantages that diversity have. Some of them have difficulty maintaining their
own cultural identity. Some people might think that the other person’s culture is
obnoxious and so the other person will try their best to hide it. This goes to my next
point, they find it hard to accept themselves and maintain their own unique cultural
identity. If one person is not welcoming the other different person, it can lead to
arguments, altercations, and physical altercations amongst the many residents.
There is also a chance that different cultures and backgrounds might clash with each
other. It is because one person can think that their religion or culture is better than
the rest and one can think that their culture is better. This can encourage people the
mindset of “us and them” and not “we”.

What are the advantages of diversity?

Diversity helps people gain superior understanding towards each other. It can build a
close, open-minded community with each other. Being diverse can create respect
and tolerance for their differences. It also reminds us that we are equal human
beings. It guarantees that everyone, regardless of who they are, have access of
opportunities and resources like everyone else. It decreases unfair treatment and
allows equal participation. Thus, it can make another person feel seen and heard.
They will also have a feeling of belonging in the society, upgrade confidence, and
work on mental health.

Tell me 8 sentences about Indonesian diversity?

Indonesian society is inherently diverse. They have 1,340 recognized ethnic groups
in Indonesia. However, in total, they have more than 300 distinct ethnic groups in
Indonesia. The diversity of Indonesia's tribes, customs, cultures, and languages,
each contributing to the unique identity and traits of its people, is not accidental. The
people of Indonesia continue to work toward preserving their diversity and allowing it
to cohabit peacefully in spite of their differences. Several elements contribute to the
diversity that defines Indonesian society. Indonesian civilization is diverse due to a
combination of variables including strategic position, islands, climate, transportation,
and communication. Not only that, but one of the things contributing to Indonesian
society's variety is attitudes toward shifting values and cultures.

How does Indonesian keep their unity in diversity?

In order to keep their unity, Indonesians made five principles called the Pancasila. It
contains common understanding of all parts of the country. It guarantees
togetherness, diversity, and ideals for the whole nation. All the Indonesians speak
Bahasa Indonesia, and it is considered as the national language in Indonesia. It
helps people communicate with other people who are in different tribes. Indonesians
also allows people of different background to practice their religions freely. The
government also have a cultural festival to celebrate their diversity. School teach
student about their country’s different cultures and learn to accept them. They pass
the knowledge and kindness to young children, so that they can continue to
contribute to the diversity.

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