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Law 1

SY 2019-2020
By Lawst Students
Jamaika Ina Cruz
Wilson Siason
Alexandria Torillo
Mary Louise Ramirez
Shekainah Yunque
Nicole Cliano
Elaika Orio
Michelle Dawn Ramirez
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University


THE 1987 CONSTITUTION persons for private purposes, is null and void
(took effect on Feb. 2, 1987 by a Constitutional and without any force and effect
Commission, Pres. Corazon C. Aquino)
CONSTITUTION. a written instrument by which legislative, the executive nor the judiciary has
the fundamental powers of the government are the power to act beyond the Constitution’s
established, limited and defined, and by which mandate
these powers are distributed among several
departments, for their safe and useful exercise, ➢ Constitution prevails over ordinary laws.
for the benefit of the body politic ➢ As between the letter of the Constitution and
the interpretation of the Supreme Court, the
SOCIAL CONTRACT. the Constitution is a latter prevails.
social contract wherewith the people
➢ Constitutional law is superior to a
surrendered their sovereign powers to the state
constitutional provision
for the common good. The social covenant
becomes effective upon ratification by the
people of the Constitution.
We, the sovereign Filipino people,
imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order
CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREMACY. if a lower to build a just and humane society and
contract promulgated by the legislative or by the establish a Government that shall embody
executive brands or entered into by private our ideals and aspirations, promote the
persons violates any norm of the Constitution, common good, conserve and develop our
that law or contract is null and void. patrimony, and secure to ourselves and
our posterity the blessings of
ESSENTIAL PARTS: independence and democracy under the
• Constitution of Liberty (Art III, 1987 rule of law and a regime of truth, justice,
Constitution) freedom, love, equality, and peace, do
ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
• Constitution of Government (Arts VI, VII,
& VIII, 1987 Constitution)
 Sets the origin, scope and purposes of
• Constitution of Sovereignty (Art XVII,
the Constitution
1987 Constitution)
 Useful in ascertaining ambiguous
provisions of the Constitution
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. body of rules from
 Important part of the 1987 Constitution
the interpretation by a high court of cases which
but not indispensable
the validity, in relation to the constitutional
instrument, of some governmental power has  In the “aid of Almighty God”, it did not
been challenged exclude the Filipino people of non-
CONSTITTUTIONAL SUPREMACY  Cannot be the basis of a right or
SUPREMACY. if a law or contract violates the
norm of the Constitution, that law or contract, ARTICLE I. NATIONAL TERRITORY
whether promulgated by the legislative or Sec. 1 The national territory comprises the
executive branch or entered into by private Philippine Archipelago, with all the islands
and waters embraced therin, and all other
territories, consisting of its terrestrial,
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
fluvial, an aerial domains, including its recognized by the coastal State where
territorial seas, the seabed, the subsoil, width of territorial sea is measured from
the insular shelves, and other submarine  maximum of 125mm
areas. The waters around, between, and  conforming to archipelago’s general
connecting the islands of the archipelago,
regardless of their breadth and
dimensions, from part of the internal  other state’s territorial sea must not be
waters of the Philippines. cut off
 (equidistance rule – the dividing line is a
Points of Reference: median line equidistant from the
1. Treaty of Paris –US & Spain (Dec. 10, opposite baseline)
2. Treaty of Washington – US & Spain Normal baseline method.
(Nov. 7, 1900)  one drawing baseline
3. Treaty between US & GB (Jan. 2, 1930)  follows the sinousities of the coast; do
4. “All territory which the present not consist straight lines
Government of the Philippine Islands  most favorable of the coastal states and
exercises jurisdiction” clearly shows the character of territorial
Archipelago. unit of water studded with islands. waters appurtenant to the land territory

Group of islands, including parts of islands, Straight baseline. connecting selected points
interconnecting waters and other natural on the coast without appreciable departure from
features which are closely interrelated that such the general shape of the coast (RA 306 & RA
islands waters and other natural features which 5446)
are so closely interrelated that such islands,
waters and other natural features form an
intrinsic geographical, economic and political Maritime Zone
entity, or which historically have been regarded
as such Territorial Sea/Waters
- consists of a marginal belt of maritime
Archipelagic Principle. “the waters around, waters adjacent to the baselines
between, and connecting the islands of the extending 12nn outward (12mm from
archipelago, irrespective of their breadth and baseline)
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of - subject to right innocent passage
the Philippines” (passage not prejudicial to the interests
of the coastal state nor contrary to
Archipelagic State. a State constituted wholly
recognized principles of international
by one or more archipelagos and may include
other islands
- high seas – outside territorial sea
Municipal Law. international law, the Philippine
Constitution is a municipal law with binding Internal/Inland Waters
effects only within its territorial jurisdiction (Art. I - all parts of the sea landwards from the
– to know the extent of its sovereign) baseline as well as inland rivers and
Baseline. - not subject to right of innocent passage
 the low water line along the coast as by other states
marked on large scale charts officially
Insular Shelf
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
- (Continental shelf, archipelagic/insular - Scarborough Shoal, Gaven Reef
shelf for archipelago: (North), Mc Kennan Reef, Johnson
A. Seabed and subsoil of the Reef, Cuarteron Reef, and Fiery Cross
submarine areas adjacent to the Reef, in their national condition, are
coastal state but outside the rocks that cannot sustain human
territorial sea, to a depth of 200m, or habitation or economic life of their own.
beyond that limit to where depth - None of the high-tide features in the
allows exploitation Spratly Islands, in their natural condition,
B. Seabed and subsoil adjacent to are capable of sustaining human
islands coastal state has the right to habitation ore economic life of their own
explore and exploit natural within the meaning of Article 121(3) of
resources, to erect installations the Convention.
needed, and to erect safety zones - Does China have overlapping
over its installations with a radius of entitlements to an EEZ or continental
500m shelf in the areas of Mischief Reef or
Second Thomas Shoal?
Continental Shelf o No. Mischief Reef and Second
- Extend to the outer edge of the Thomas Shoal are within the PH
continental margin, or to a distance of EEZ and continental shelf.
200mm - Who has better right over the fishing
- Exclusively belong to use of State grounds of Scarborough Shoal: Chinese
fishermen or Filipino fishermen?
Contiguous Zone o Scarborough Shoal has been a
- 24nm from the baselines; jurisdiction traditional fishing ground for
where we can enforce customs, fiscal, fishermen of many nationalities.
immigration ad sanitation laws
Exclusive Economic Zone AND STATE POLICIES
- 200nmfrom the baselines where we can
have the right to exploit the living and Principles. Binding rules which must be
non-living resources observed in the conduct of government.
Policies. Guideline for the orientation of the
Philippines vs China State(elements: People, Government, Territory,
- UNCLOS superseded any Chinese Sovereignty)
historic/sovereign rights with respect to
the maritime areas of the South China Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS: All provisions of
Sea encompassed by the Chinese “nine- the Constitution is presumed to be self-
dash line”, in excess of the limits executing, because to treat them as requiring
imposed therein by UNCLOS. legislation would result to giving the legislature
“the power to ignore and practically nullify the
- Subi Reef, Gaven Reef (South), Hughes
mandate of the fundamental law”. (Syllabus, p.
Reef, Mischief Reef, and Second
Thomas Shoal, are low-tide elevations
(LTEs). They do not constitute fully Enabling provision
entitled islands which have the capacity  A constitutional provision which lays
to generate entitlement to EEZ. down a general principle, such as those
found in Article 2.
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
 Requires a law to be enacted What are the constituent and ministrant
 Congress cannot be compelled to enact functions of the government? (Bernas, p. 44)
laws and, in turn, they cannot enact laws  Constituent-compulsory functions which
in violation of the Constitution constitute the very bonds of society
o Remedy of the People: by the  Ministrant-optional functions of gov’t
ballot intended for achieving a better life for the
o Same rule applies to the community
Sovereignty. The right to exercise the functions
Self-executing provision of a State to the exclusion of any other State.
 A provision which is complete in itself
and becomes operative without the aid Cruz v. Secretary: Dominion or dominium (as
of supplementary or enabling legislation, opposed to sovereignty). The capacity of the
such as those found in article iii, is self- State to own or acquire such lands and natural
executory. resources.

STATE PRINCIPLES Sec. 2: The Philippines renounces was as

Sec. 1: The Philippines is a democratic an instrument of national policy, adopts
and republican state. Sovereignty resides the generally accepted principles of
in the people and government authority international law as part of the law of the
emanates from them. land and adheres to the policy of peace,
equality, justice, freedom, cooperation,
How is the Philippines a Democratic and a and amity with all nations. (SELF-
Republican state? EXECUTING)
 Democratic state. One wherein the
people themselves collectively exercise, Does the 1987 Constitution prohibit the
perform and discharge the sovereign Philippines from going into war?
functions of the government. The  It only renounces wars of aggression.
Philippines has a people’s initiative and The power to wage a defensive war is
referendum (Sec 32, Art. VI). basic and essential for the state.
 Republican state. A representative type (Bernas, p. 60)
of government. Filipinos of age have the
power/right to elect. Does the Philippines accept generally
accepted principles of international laws?
What is a State?  Yes. The Philippines only adopts the
 Community of persons, more or less generally accepted principles of
numerous (PEOPLE), permanently international law by making it part of the
law of the land through the doctrine of
occupying a definite portion of territory
(TERRITORY), independent of external
o Under the Doctrine of
control (GOVERNMENT), and
Incorporation, rules of
possessing an organized government to international laws are given a
which the great body inhabitants render standing equal, not superior, to
habitual obedience (SOVEREIGNTY). national laws. It applies only to
o Its size and number of people customary law and treaties which
must correlate to some extend so have become part of customary
it can operate as a State. law (those that don’t need
ratification). (Bernas, p. 61)

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Jus cogens norms (Latin, in relation to Forces of the Philippines is the protector
everyone) in international law has been used as of the people and the state. Its goal is to
a legal term describing obligations owed by secure the sovereignty of the state and the
States towards the community of states as a integrity of the national territory. (SELF-

Erga omnes obligations (international law If the AFP is the protector of the people and
concept, compelling law) refers to norms that the State, does PNP have the same
command peremptory authority, superseding mandate?
conflicting treaties and custom.  No. The PNP is not part of the AFP. It is
civilian in character (not military) but
AC: Saguisag vs. Ochoa, G.R. No. 212426, national in scope even if they carry
etc., Jan. 12, 2016: firearms.
For allowing the U.S a rent-free access and
use of Philippine bases and other “agreed As the “protector of the people and the
locations” around the country by the U.S state” is the AFP authorized to topple a
troops and its vessels and with authority to corrupt and ineffective government?
construct facilities threat and to preposition  No. It has to start with the people, by the
and store defense equipment, supplies, and ballot.
materials at these Philippine bases and other
 Congress enacted R.A. No. 6968 An Act
“agreed locations”, is EDCA consistent with
Punishing the Crime of Coup d’ etat
the content, purpose, and framework of the
MDT and the VFA and not violate of Philippine
sovereignty? Sec. 4: The prime duty of the government
is to serve and protect the people. The
Ruling: Yes. Enhanced Defense Cooperation government may call upon the people to
Agreement (EDCA) is consistent with the defend the State and, in the fulfillment
content, purpose, and framework of the MDT thereof, all citizens may be required, under
and FVA and not violative of Philippine the conditions provided by law, to render
Sovereignty. EDCA is not constitutionally personal military or civil service.
infirm. As an executive agreement, it remains (ENABLING)
consistent with existing laws and treaties that
it purports to implement. The EDCA allows Can the government compel its citizens to serve
the use of Philippine bases and other "agreed in military?
locations" around the country for the U.S  Qualify. All citizens may be required to
troops regardless of what the reason for the render personal, military, or civil service.
allowance is, be it non-combat activities or This is a consequence of the
borne out of military necessity. The Court's government’s duty to protect its people.
jurisprudence established in certain terms
 Exception: Discretion is implied upon the
that non-combat activities (as opposed to
Congress by the phrase “provided by
actual combat) were allowed under the MDT
and VFA. The EDCA also allows the law
temporary stationing of U.S. military o Conscientious objectors are
personnel in constructed physical locations allowed
with permanent facilities just like how the VFA
allowed construction of facilities for the benefit Note: Includes citizens who have retired from
of U.S. forces during their visits. And just like military service (Parreño vs COA)
the VFA, EDCA also allows the prepositioning
military materiel. Defense of the State
 The right of the government to require
Sec. 3: Civilian authority is, at all times, compulsory military service is a
supreme over the military. The Armed
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
consequence of its duty to defend the mandated to attend the mass and it is at their
State and its people. own volition to profess their faith in any form.
 But discretion is implied by the following Furthermore, no public resource was spent
phraseology: “may call upon” and “may for the purpose of spreading the Catholic faith
as the building stays operational during such
be required.”
mass. Therefore, the City Hall of Justice was
no converted to a Catholic Chapel and does
Sec. 5: The maintenance of peace and not prejudice other religious.
order, the protection of life, liberty and
property, and promotion of general AC: Imbong vs. Ochoa, 204819, April 8,
welfare are essential for the enjoyment by 2014:
all the people of the blessings of Does R.A. No. 10354, “The Responsible
democracy. (ENABLING) Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of
2012, violate the principle of separation of the
Blessings of Democracy church and the state?

Maintenance of Peace and Order Ruling: No. The principle of separation of

- Protection Church and State is enshrined in Article II,
- Promotion of common good/general Section 6 of 1987 Constitution which states
welfare that the separation of the Church and State
shall be inviolable. Generally, the State
- Hierarchy of rights: (1) life, (2) liberty, (3)
cannot meddle in the internal affairs of the
property church, much less question its faith and
dogmas or dictate upon it. On the other hand,
Sec. 6: The separation of the Church and the church cannot impose its beliefs and
State shall be inviolable. (SELF- convictions on the State and the rest of the
EXECUTING) citizenry.

What is the significance of the separation of STATE POLICIES

the church and state?
 The principle of separation of Church Sec. 7: The State shall pursue an
and State is based on mutual respect: independent foreign policy. In its relations
the State cannot meddle in the internal with other states, the paramount
affairs of the church nor favor one consideration shall be national
religion and discriminate against sovereignty, territorial integrity, national
another; while the church cannot impose interest, and the right to self-
determination. (ENABLING)
its beliefs and convictions on the State
and the rest of the citizenry nor demand
What are some important independent and
that the nation follow its beliefs, even if it
foreign policies of the Philippines?
sincerely believes that they are good for
the country. (Imbong vs Ochoa)  Three pillars (R.A. No. 7157, Ph
Foreign Service Act of 1991. Overseas
Filipino will continue to be recognized for
AC: Re: Letter of Valenciano, A.M. No. 10-4-
19-SC, March 7,2017: their crucial role in the country’s
Does the holding of masses at the basement economic and social stability)
of the Quezon city hall of justice violate the o Preservation and enhancement of
constitutional principle of separation of church national security
and state? o Protection of the rights and promotion
of the welfare of overseas Filipino
Ruling: No. Holding masses at the City Hall o Promotion and attainment of
merely constitutes accommodation. It is not economic security
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
 Visiting Forces Agreement Can nuclear arms be resorted to in self-
o Is the instrument agreed upon to defense?
provide for the joint RP-US military  The entitlement to resort to self-defense
exercises is subject to the conditions of necessity
o Is simply an implementing agreement and proportionality. The proportionality
to the main RP-US Military Defense principle may thus not in itself exclude
Treaty the use of nuclear weapons in self-
 Balikatan Exercises (aka Joint RP-US defense in all circumstances.
military exercises)
o For the purpose of developing of Is this also a ban for peaceful uses of nuclear
developing the capability to resist an energy? (Bernas, p. 73)
armed attack fall squarely under the  No. It is not. Nor is it a ban on all
provisions of the RP-US Mutual “nuclear-capable vessels”. For a vessel
Defense Treaty. to be banned, it is not enough that it is
capable of carrying nuclear arms; it must
International agreements need not only be in actually carry nuclear arms.
the form of a treaty or an executive agreement,  Commissioner Azcuna further states
unless the Constitution or a statute requires that the ban covers possession,
otherwise. controlling and manufacturing nuclear
weapons. It bans nuclear tests and
Sec. 8: The Philippines, consistent with dumping radioactive wastes in the
the national interest, adopts and pursues Philippine territory.
a policy of freedom from nuclear weapons
in its territory. (ENABLING) AC: Saguisag vs. Ochoa, G.R. No. 212426,
etc., Jan. 12, 2016:
Nuclear Free Philippines For allowing nuclear weapons in the
“consistent with national interest” = “subject to Philippines, is EDCA invalid and
national interest” unconstitutional?
- Ban is only on nuclear arms – that is, the
use and stockpiling of nuclear weapons, Ruling: No. The charge that EDCA allows
devices, and parts thereof. This includes nuclear weapons within the Philippine territory
is entirely speculative. The agreement in fact
not only possessing, controlling and
specifies that the prepositioned materiel shall
manufacturing nuclear weapons, but not include nuclear weapons. The general
also nuclear tests in our territory, as well prohibition on nuclear weapons, whether
as the use of our territory as dumping prepositioned or not, is already expressed in
ground for radioactive wastes. the 1987 Constitution. It would be
- It is not a ban on the peaceful use of unnecessary or superfluous to include
nuclear energy. Nor is it a bann on all already in the Constitution or in the law
through a document like the EDCA.
“nuclear-capable vessels”
Sec. 9: The State shall promote a just and
Is there customary or conventional dynamic social order that will ensure the
international law specifically authorizing the prosperity and independence of the nation
threat or use of nuclear weapons? and free the people from poverty through
 No. There is neither customary or policies that provide adequate social
conventional int’l law specifically services, promote full employment, a
authorizing nor prohibiting the threat or rising standard of living, and an improved
use of nuclear weapons. quality of life for all. (ENABLING)

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Sec. 10: The State shall promote justice in dismissed. Furthermore, on the topic of
all phases of national development. separation pay, the court holds that
(ENABLING) separation pay shall be allowed as a measure
of social justice for causes other than serious
What is the difference between Social Order misconduct or those reflecting on the
and Social Justice? employee’s moral character. Those who
 Social order (Sec. 9) ensures the invoke social justice may do so only if their
prosperity and independence of the nation hands are clean and their motives blameless
and not simply because they happen to be
and free the people from the poverty
underprivileged. Therefore, Santos will only
through policies that provide adequate be entitled to separation pay in view of the
social services, promote full employment, a length of her service with the School prior to
rising standard of living, and an improved the events that led to the termination of her
quality of life for all. employment.
 Social justice (Sec. 10) covers all phases
of national development but with emphasis Sec. 11: The State values the dignity of
not just on the socio-economic but also on every human person and guarantees full
political and cultural inequities. respect for human rights. (ENABLING)
o It allows the law to bend over backward
to accommodate the interests of the  Maria Clara Doctrine-natural instinct to
working class on the humane protect their honor.
justification that those with less privilege
in life should have more in law (Mary’s Note: Further explained in Bill of Rights and
Academy vs Palacio). human rights provision of Article XIII.
o But it does not countenance wrongdoing
simply because it is committed by the Sec. 12: The State recognizes the sanctity
underprivileged, only mitigates the of family life and shall protect and
penalty at best (ISM vs ISAE, G.R. No. strengthen the family as a basic
167286) autonomous social institution. It shall
 Rule of thumb: equally protect the life of the mother and
o In case of doubt in the interpretation of the life of the unborn from conception. The
natural and primary right and duty of the
the law, it should be interpreted in favor
parents in the rearing of the youth for civic
of the poor as against rich. efficiency and the development of moral
o However, social justice should be used character shall receive the support of the
only to correct an injustice. Government. (ENABLING)
o To the rich and poor alike, dura lex sed
lex (Latin, the law is harsh but it is the  State acts as parens patriae to aid parents
law) in the moral dev’t of the youth and their
important role in nation-building.
AC: Int’l. School Manila vs. ISEA, G.R. No.  Everything that prevents fertilization is not
167286, Feb. 5, 2014: prohibited.
Shall separation pay be allowed as a measure
of social justice to all employees who have
Abortifacient. Any drug or device that either:
been dismissed?
- Induces abortion
Ruling: It depends. The court recognized - Induces the destruction of a fetus inside the
Santos’ gross and habitual neglect as serious mother’s womb
misconduct, which is a ground for dismissal - Prevents the fertilized ovum to reach and be
as stated in Article 282 of the Labor Code. implanted in the mother’s womb
This court ruled that the lower court erred in
finding that the respondent was illegally
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
AC: Imbong vs. Ochoa, G.R.No. 204819, inheres in her as an intangible and inalienable
April 8, 2014: right as stated in R.A. No. 9710, Magna Carta
Does R.A. No. 10354, “The Responsible of Women, that protects her against
Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of discrimination in all matters relating to
2012, violate the constitutional right to life of marriage and family relations. The condition,
the unborn? therefore, to contract a marriage to be
reinstated is coercive, oppressive and
Ruling: No. The RH Law specifically and discriminatory. So the court cannot uphold the
expressly prohibits drugs or devices which validity of the condition.
induce abortion and any drug or device which
will sever the fetus from the womb of the AC: Garcia vs. Drilon, G.R. No. 179267, June
mother. It also expressly provides that the 25, 2013:
contraceptives allowed are those that prevent Is R.A. 9262, An Act Defining Violence
the egg cell and the sperm cell from meeting, Against Women and Their Children, violative
which is in line with Section 12, Article II. of fundamental equality between men and
Since life begins at fertilization, when the egg women?
cell and sperm cell meet, there is no life to
protect yet. Ruling: No. The guaranty of equal protection
of the laws is not a guaranty of equality in the
Sec. 13: The State recognizes the vital role application of the laws upon all citizens of the
of the youth in nation-building and shall state. In fact, the Constitution does not require
promote and protect their physical, moral, that thing which are different in fact be treated
spiritual, intellectual and social wellbeing. in law as though they were the same. The
It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism equal protection clause does not forbid
and nationalism, and encourage their discrimination as to things that are different.
involvement in public and civic affairs. Therefore, it does not prohibit legislation
(ENABLING) which is limited either in the object to which it
is directed or by the territory within which it is
Sec. 14 The State recognizes the role of to operate.
women in nation-building, and shall
ensure the fundamental equality before Sec. 15: The State shall protect and
the law of women and men. (ENABLING) promote the right to health of the people
and instill health consciousness among
 Intention was not to advocate absolute them. (SELF-EXECUTING)
sameness because there are obvious
biological differences between men and AC: Imbong vs. Ochoa, No. 204819, April 8,
women 2014:
Does R.A. No. 10354, “The Responsible
Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of
AC: Cadiz vs. Brent Hospital and Colleges,
2012, violate the constitutional right to health
G.R. No. 187417, February 24, 2016:
and the right to protection against hazardous
Is the condition imposed on Cadiz by Brent
Hospital and Colleges that “she subsequently
contract marriage with her then boyfriend for
Ruling: No. R.A. No 10354 includes the use
her to be reinstated” in consonance with “the
of contraceptives and drugs that are
policy against encouraging illicit or common-
expressly approved by the FDA as safe and
law relations that would subvert the
not harmful to the body. It further says that
sacrament of marriage”?
drugs and contraceptives that are
abortifacient are not allowed. The provisions
Ruling: No. There is no rhyme or reason for
of the law also say that both spouses can
it. It forces Cadiz to marry for economic
decided which of the many modern family
reasons and deprives her of the freedom to
choose her status, which is a privilege that
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
planning methods to engage in. Therefore, it human, cultural, political and even industrial
is not restrictive. development.

Sec. 16: The State shall protect and Sec. 22: The State recognizes and
advance the right of the people to a promotes the rights of indigenous cultural
balanced and healthful ecology in accord communities within the framework of
with the rhythm and harmony of nature. national unity and development.

 The right to a balanced and healthful Sec. 23: The State shall encourage non-
ecology carries with it the correlative duty to governmental, community-based, or
refrain from impairing the environment sectoral organizations that promote the
(Laguna Lake Dev. Authority vs CA) welfare of the nation. (ENABLING)

Sec. 17: The State shall give priority to  Volunteerism and participation of non-
education, science and technology, arts, governmental organizations in national
culture, and sports to foster patriotism development should be encouraged.
and nationalism, accelerate social
progress, and promote total human Sec. 24: The State recognizes the vital role
liberation and development. (ENABLING) of communication and information in
nation-building. (ENABLING)
Sec. 18: The State affirms labor as a
primary social economic force. It shall Sec. 25: The State shall ensure the
protect the rights of workers and promote autonomy of local governments.
their welfare. (ENABLING) (ENABLING)

Sec. 19: The state shall develop a self- Principle of local autonomy. Means
reliant and independent national economy decentralization, autonomous in the sense that
effectively controlled by Filipinos. it is given more powers, authority,
(ENABLING) responsibilities and resources thereby enabling
them to develop in their own pace, discretion,
- The objective is to simply prohibit foreign resources and assets, which is in contrary to
powers or interests from maneuvering our before when powers were highly concentrated
economic policies and ensure that Filipinos in Manila (Alvarez vs Guingona).
are given preference in all areas of
development. Principle of local fiscal autonomy. The power
Sec. 20: The State recognizes the of LGUs to create their own sources of revenue
indispensable role of the private sector, in addition to their equitable share in the national
encourages private enterprise, and taxes released by the national government, as
provides incentives to needed well as the power to allocate their resources in
investments. (ENABLING) accordance with their own priorities. It extends
to the preparation of their budgets, and local
Sec. 21: The State shall promote a officials in turn have to work within the
comprehensive rural development and constraints thereof (Pimentel vs Aguirre).
agrarian reform. (ENABLING)
AC: FDCP vs. Colon Heritage, G.R. No.
 Rural development is not just agricultural 203754, June 16, 2015:
development but rather it encompasses a Are Secs. 13 and 14 of RA 9167 invalid for
broad spectrum of social, economic, being unconstitutional and violate of local
fiscal autonomy?
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
and prohibit political dynasties as may be
Ruling: Yes. Section 5, Article XI of the 1973 defined by law. (ENABLING)
Constitution gave LGUs the "power to create
its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, Sec. 27: The State shall maintain honesty
subject to such limitations as may be provided and integrity in the public service and take
by law.'' This authority was further positive and effective measures against
strengthened in the 1987 Constitution, graft and corruption. (ENABLING)
through the inclusion in Section5, Article X
thereof of the condition that " such taxes, fees, Sec. 28: Subject to reasonable conditions
and charges shall accrue exclusively to local prescribed by law, the State adopts and
governments." In the case at bar, through the implements a policy of full public
application and enforcement of Sec. 14 of RA disclosure of all its transactions involving
9167, the income from the amusement taxes public interest. (ENABLING)
levied by the covered LGUs did not and will
under no circumstance accrue to them, not
 Right of access to information on matters
even partially, despite being the taxing
authority therefor. of public concern (Bill of Rights)
 The right to information guarantees the
AC: Alta Vista Golf and Country Club vs. right of people to demand information; this
Cebu City, G.R. No. 180235. Jan. 20, 2016: provision recognizes the duty of
Is section 42 of the Revised Omnibus Tax officialdom to give information even if
Ordinance, as amended imposing nobody demands.
amusement tax on golf courses within the
authority Of Cebu City to enact under the AC: Sereno vs. Committee on Trade and
Local Government Code? Related Matters, G.R. No. 175210, Feb.
Ruling: No. A golf course cannot be Whether or not the CTRM may be compelled
considered a place of amusement. As by mandamus to furnish the petitioner with a
petitioner asserted, people do not enter a golf copy of the minutes of the May 23, 2005
course to see or view a show or performance. meeting based on the constitutional right to
Petitioner also, as proprietor or operator of the information on matters of public concern and
golf course, does not actively display, stage, State’s policy of full public disclosure?
or present a show or performance. People go
to a golf course to engage themselves in a Ruling: No. Two requisites must concur
physical sport activity, i.e., to play golf; the before the right to information may be
same reason why people go to a gym or court compelled by writ of mandamus. Firstly, the
to play badminton or tennis or to a shooting information sought must be in relation to
range for target practice, yet there is no matters of public concern or public interest.
showing herein that such gym, court, or And, secondly, it must not be exempt by law
shooting range is similarly considered an from the operation of the constitutional
amusement place subject to amusement tax. guarantee. The position of the petrochemical
There is no basis for singling out golf courses industry as an essential contributor to the
for amusement tax purposes from other overall growth of our country’s economy
places where people go to play sports. This is easily makes the information sought a matter
in contravention of one of the fundamental of public concern or interest. But in Chavez v.
principles of local taxation: that the "[t]axation Public Estates Authority, the Court has ruled
shall be uniform in each local government that the right to information does not extend to
unit. matters acknowledged as "privileged
information under the separation of powers,"
Sec. 26: The State shall guarantee equal which include "Presidential conversations,
access to opportunities for public service correspondences, or discussions during
closed-door Cabinet meetings."

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Can Congress give to the President veto
ARTICLE VI: THE LEGISLATIVE power over laws passed through initiative
DEPARTMENT and referendum?
The President can have a role in
Section 1. The legislative power shall be “initiative and referendum” only if given a
vested in the Congress of the Philippines role by law.
which shall consist of a Senate and a
House of Representatives, except to the Separation of Powers. In essence means that
extent reserved to the people by the legislation belongs to Congress, execution to
provision on initiative and referendum. the executive, settlement of legal controversies
to the judiciary. Each is prevented from invading
Nature of Legislative Power the domain of the others. The separation is not
total. The system allows for “checks and
Legislative power. The authority to make laws balances”
and to alter and repeal them. Otherwise stated, - Legislative: enact, amend, or repeal
it is the power or competence of the legislature
to enact, ordain alter or modify.
- Executive: enforce and execute laws
- Judicial: interpret the laws when
Informing Function. Power of the Congress,
when it investigates, is either in aid of legislation challenged
or by way of oversight. What appears to have
been forgotten is an equally important and Checks and Balance. As an adjunct to, and
fundamental power and duty of Congress and consequence of, the principle of separation of
that is its informing function by way of powers, “checks and balance” serves as a
investigating for the purpose of enlightening the mechanism for one branch of government to
electorate. (ABADA vs. PURISIMA) examine the other branch without necessarily
invading the domain of others.
Limits on Legislative Power. The legislative - Legislative: enact, amend or repeal laws
power is subject to substantive and procedural - Executive: vetoes the laws
limitations - Judicial: declares the laws
- Substantive limitations - circumscribe both unconstitutional
the exercise of the power itself and the
allowable subjects of legislation. Chiefly Purpose of separation of powers and
found in the Bill of Rights “checks and balances” – to prevent
- Procedural limitations – prescribing the concentration of powers in one department and
manner of passing bills and the form they thereby to avoid tyranny.
should take
New Modality: Checks and Balance
- Legislative: enact GAA and SAA
Initiative and Referendum. The power of the
people directly to “propose and enact laws or - Executive: approves GAA or SAA &
approve or reject any act or law or part thereof disburse
passed by Congress or local legislative body. - Constitutional Commission: (COA)
suspends or disallows
Purpose: To institutionalize “people power” by
providing for an instrument which can be used - Judicial: convicts for an election offense
should the legislative show itself indifferent to - Executive: pardons the convict
the needs of the people. - Constitutional Commission: (COMELEC)
unfavorable recommendation

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
the surnames by which they will be known.
Blending of Powers. In essence, blending of The use of the word “shall” in the IRR of RA
powers is the confluence of the exercise of two 9255 is of no moment.
(2) or more powers of the three (3) branches of
government to bring about an institutional THE SENATE
mandate or to complete a constitutional
process. Section 2. The Senate shall be composed
- Congress enacts a law + President signs of twenty-four Senators who shall be
a law = Republic Act elected at large by the qualified voters of
the Philippines, as may be provided by
- President enters into Treaty + Senate
concurs = Binding Treaty
- President nominates presidential Section 3. No person shall be a Senator
appointees + Commission on unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
Appointment confirms = Presidential Philippines and, on the day of the election,
Appointment is at least thirty-five years of age, able to
read and write, a registered voter, and a
Delegation of Powers. resident of the Philippines for not less
than two years immediately preceding the
General rule. Delegata potestas non potest
day of the election.
delegari (Delegated power can not be re-
Section 4. The term of office of the
Exception. The legislative branch of
Senators shall be six years and shall
government for purposes of expediency commence, unless otherwise provided by
 Delegation of emergency power to the law, at noon on the thirtieth day of June
President next following their election. No Senator
 Delegation of tariff power to the shall serve for more than two consecutive
President terms. Voluntary renunciation of the office
 Delegation to the people-at-large (Sec. for any length of time shall not be
32, Art. VI) considered as an interruption in the
continuity of his service for the full term of
 Delegation to local government (Art. X) which he was elected
 Delegation to administrative bodies
Section 5. (1) The House of
The statute making the delegation must be: Representatives shall be composed of not
(1) Complete in itself (it must set forth the more than two hundred and fifty members,
policy to be carried out or implemented); unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall
and be elected from legislative districts
(2) Fix a standard (the limits of which are apportioned among the provinces, cities,
and the Metropolitan Manila area in
sufficiently determinable) to which the
accordance with the number of their
delegate must conform. respective inhabitants, and on the basis of
a uniform and progressive ratio, and those
AC: Belgica vs. Alcantara, G.R. No. 208566, who, as provided by law, shall be elected
etc., November 19, 2013 through a party-list system of registered
Are these measures violative of the non- national, regional, and sectoral parties or
delegability of legislative functions? organizations.
Ruling: No, they are null and void. The clear,
unambiguous, and unequivocal use of “may” (2) The party-list representatives shall
in Art. 176 rendering the use of an illegitimate constitute twenty per centum of the total
father’s surname discretionary controls, and number of representatives including those
illegitimate children are given the choice on under the party list. For three consecutive
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
terms after the ratification of this Representatives shall be held on the
Constitution, one-half of the seats second Monday of May.
allocated to party-list representatives
shall be filled, as provided by law, by Section 9. In case of vacancy in the Senate
selection or election from the labor, or in the House of Representatives, a
peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural special election may be called to fill such
communities, women, youth, and such vacancy in the manner prescribed by law,
other sectors as may be provided by law, but the Senator or Member of the House of
except the religious sector. Representatives thus elected shall serve
only for the unexpired term.
(3) Each legislative district shall comprise,
as far as practicable, contiguous, Senator Congressman
compact, and adjacent territory. Each city Natural-born citizen, able to read and write
with a population of at least two hundred
fifty thousand, or each province, shall 35 years of age 25 years of age
have at least one representative.
2-year residence, 1-year residence,
registered voter registered voter
(4) Within three years following the return
6-year term up to 2 3-year term up to 3
of every census, the Congress shall make
consecutive terms consecutive terms
a reapportionment of legislative districts
based on the standards provided in this
section. - The residence requirement is satisfied if
one is domiciled in the Philippines even if
Section 6. No person shall be a Member of not physically present in the Philippines
the House of Representatives unless he is during the two-year period.
a natural-born citizen of the Philippines - The age qualification must be possessed
and, on the day of the election, is at least on the day the votes are cast.
twenty-five years of age, able to read and
write, and, except the party-list
Q: What is “gerrymandering”? Is it allowed?
representatives, a registered voter in the
A: “Gerrymandering” is the formation of one
district in which he shall be elected, and a
legislative district out of separate territories for
resident thereof for a period of not less
the purpose of favouring a candidate or a
than one year immediately preceding the
party is not allowed. The constitution says that
day of the election.
each district shall “comprise as far as
practicable, contiguous, compact and
Section 7. The Members of the House of adjacent territory”.
Representatives shall be elected for a term
of three years which shall begin, unless
otherwise provided by law, at noon on the
Should national and regional parties or
thirtieth day of June next following their
organizations represent the “marginalized
election. No Member of the House of
and underrepresented” sectors?
Representatives shall serve for more than
Ruling: R.A. No. 7941 does not require
three consecutive terms. Voluntary
national and regional parties or organizations
renunciation of the office for any length of
to represent the “marginalized and
time shall not be considered as an
underrepresented” sectors.
interruption in the continuity of his service
for the full term for which he was elected
Must the nominees of the party-list group
either belong to the sector, or must have a
Section 8. Unless otherwise provided by track record of advocacy for the sector
law, the regular election of the Senators represented?
and the Members of the House of Ruling: These nominees must either belong
to their respective sectors or must have a
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
track record of advocacy for their - Senators and Congressmen: P204,000.00
representative sectors. - Senate President/Speaker: P240,000.00

Can major political parties should participate Current Annual Salaries (2010):
in party-list elections? - Senators and Congressmen: P420,000.00
Ruling: Yes. But major political parties should - Senate President/Speaker: P480, 000.00
participate in party-list elections only through
their sectoral wings. Such sectoral wing of a
These are subject to change by law. No
must have its own constitution, by-laws,
platform or program of government, officers, increase in said compensation shall take effect
and members, etc. until after the expiration of the full term of ALL
(including the six year term of the Senators) the
Without amending the Constitution: Members of the Senate and the House of
• Can a law change the numerical Representatives approving such increase.
composition of Senators and The purpose is to place a legal bar to the
Congressmen? NO, EXCEPT HR. legislators yielding to the natural temptation to
increase their salaries.
• Can a law change the manner of electing
Senators and Congressmen? NO, EXCEPT
Privilege from Arrest
 A legislator is privileged from arrest even for
• Can the qualifications of Senators and
a criminal offense provided that the offense
Congressmen be changed, by law? NO,
was not punishable by a penalty of more
than six years imprisonment.
• Can the terms and limits be changed, by
 This privilege is available only while
law? NO.
congress is in session. Hence it is not
available while congress is in recess
 Members of Congress NOT exempt from
A special election for the vacancy int eh Senate
detention for crime, they may be arrested,
or in the House may be held on occasion of a
even when the House is in session, for
regular election provided that the electorate
shall be accordingly notified of such fact. crimes punishable by a penalty of more
than six months
Section 10. The salaries of Senators and  There is no basis whatsoever for treating
Members of the House of Representatives him or her differently from other convicts
shall be determined by law. No increase in
said compensation shall take effect until Parliamentary freedom of speech and debate
after the expiration of the full term of all the (AKA Parliamentary privilege of speech)
Members of the Senate and the House of  “speech and debate” – includes
Representatives approving such increase.
utterances made in the performance of
official functions, such as speeches
Section 11. A Senator or Member of the
House of Representatives shall, in all delivered, statements made, votes cast as
offenses punishable by not more than six well as bills introduced and other acts done
years imprisonment, be privileged from in the performance of his duties.
arrest while the Congress is in session. No  Not essential that the Congress be in
Member shall be questioned nor be held session when the utterance was made.
liable in any other place for any speech or What is essential is that the utterance must
debate in the Congress or in any
constitute “legislative action” that is it must
committee thereof.
be part of the deliberative and
Initial Annual Salaries (1987): communicative process by which

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
legislators participate in committee or have been created or the emoluments
congressional proceedings thereof increased thereof during the term
for which was elected.
Purpose of the privileges. Intended to leave
the legislator unimpeded in the performance of Prohibited Employment
his duties and free from fear of harassment from No senator or Member of the house of
outside. Representatives may hold any other office:
- In government, or any subdivision, agency,
Trillanes IV vs. Pimentel. Are the statements instrumentality, GOCCs or their
of Trillanes been made in the course of the subsidiaries
performance of his duties as a Senator and thus - Which may have been created or
covered by his parliamentary immunity? emoluments thereof increased thereof
No, as they were made in response to during the term for which he was elected
media interviews during gaps and
breaks in plenary and committee Before or after his term, can a legislator be
hearings in the Senate, they fell outside appointed to an office created during his
the privilege of speech and debate. term?
- Military offices can but offices in the
Sec. 12 All Members of the Senate and the government, subdivisions, GOCC, and etc.
House of Representatives shall, upon cannot.
assumption of office, make a full
disclosure of their financial and business
interests. They shall notify the House LIBAN vs. GORDON
concerned a potential conflict of interest By accepting the PNRC Chair, did Gordon forfeit
that may arise from the filing of a his Senate seat?
proposed legislation of which they are No. The PNRC Chairman is not an
authors. official or employee of the Executive branch
since his appointment does not fall under Sec.
Potential conflict of interest. A “Potential 26, Art. VII of the Constitution. PNRC is a private
conflict of interest” on a proposed legislation organization performing public functions.
exists when the proponent bill, his family or his The structure of the PNRC is sui generis
company will directly or indirectly benefit from being neither strictly private nor public in nature,
the proposed bill if enacted into law. RA No. 95 remains valid and constitutional in its
entirety. The constitutionality of RA No. 95, as
Is a legislator barred from filling a bill that amended, the charter f the Philippine National
may create a potential conflict of interest? Red Cross, was not raised by the parties as an
A legislator is not prevented from filing a bill issue and should not have been passed upon by
that may create a conflict of interest. The this Court.
advance disclosure would create a
favorable presumption in his behalf. Sec. 14 No Senator or Member of the
House of Representatives may personally
Sec. 13 No Senator or Member of the appear as counsel before any court of
House of Representatives may hold any justice or before the Electoral Tribunals, or
other office or employment I the quasi-judicial and other administrative
government, or any subdivision, agency, bodies. Neither shall he, directly or
or instrumentality thereof, including indirectly, be interested financially in any
government-owned or controlled contract with, or in any franchise or
corporations or their subsidiaries, during special privilege granted by the
his term without forfeiting his seat. Neither Government, or any subdivision, agency
shall be appointed to any office which may or instrumentality thereof, including any
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
government-owned or controlled publish the same, excepting such parts as
corporation, or its subsidiary, during his may, in its judgment, affect national
term of office. He shall not intervene in any security; and the yeas and nays on any
matter before any office of the question shall, at the present, be entered
Government for his pecuniary benefit or in the journal. Each House shall also keep
where he may be called upon to act on a record of its proceedings.
account of his office.
(5) Neither House during the session of the
Prohibited Appearance. No Senator or Congress shall, without the consent of the
Member of the House of Representatives may other, adjourn for more than three days,
personally appear as counsel before any court nor to any place than that in which the two
of justice or before the Electoral Tribunals, or Houses shall be sitting.
quasi-judicial and other administrative bodies.
The prohibition does not apply to court Santiago vs Guingona
appearance of the law office of the Senate - The only constitutionally mandated officers
Congressman. (Sec. 14, Art. VI). of Congress are the Senate President and
the Speaker of the House of
Sec. 15 The Congress shall convene once Representatives who are elected by a
every year on the 4th Monday of July for majority vote of all its respective members.
its regular session, unless a different date - The other congressional officers are
is fixed by law, and shall continue to be in specified and elected in the manner set
session until thirty days before the forth in the respective Rules of both houses.
opening of its next session, exclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.
The President may call a special session Section 16 (2). “Smaller Number”
at any time. The authority of “smaller number” and
imposable penalties must be provided in the
Sec 16 (1) The Senate shall elect its rules promulgated by Congress when quorum
President and the House of existed.
Representatives its Speaker, by a majority
voter of all its respective members. Each Section 16 (4). Congressional Records:
Hose shall choose such other officers as Legislative record – contains the word for word
it may deem necessary. transcript of the deliberation Congress
Legislative journal – contains the abbreviated
(2) A majority of each House shall account of the daily proceedings in Congress
constitute a quorum to do business, but a Enrolled bill – is an authenticated copy of a bill
smaller number may adjourn from day bearing the signatures of Senate President &
today and may compel the attendance of
Speaker of the House & certification of its
absent members ins such, manners, and
under such penalties, as such House may passage by the secretaries of both houses
provide. Banat vs COMELEC
Do Congress and the COMELEC en banc
(3) Each House may determine the rules of encroach upon the jurisdiction of the PET the
its proceedings, punish its members for SET and the HRET?
disorderly behavior, and with the o No. The powers of Congress and the
concurrence of two-thirds of all its COMELEC en banc are exercised before
members, suspend or expel a Member. A proclamation while the powers of the PET the
penalty of suspension, when imposed, SET and the HRET are exercised after
shall not exceed sixty days. proclamation.
(4) Each house shall keep a journal of its
AC: Delgado vs HRET
proceedings, and from time to time
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
As the sole judge of the election, returns, and each House on the basis of proportional
the qualifications of the members of the representation from the political parties
House of Representatives, can the judgment and partylist organizations.
of the HRET be reviewed? Who composed the Electoral Tribunal in
Ruling: Yes, when it commits grave abuse of Congress?
discretion as in this case when it failed to - Three whom shall be Justices of the
disqualify Pichay for his conviction for libel, a Supreme Court (designated by Chief
crime involving moral turpitude.
Justice) remaining six shall be members
of the Senate or house of
AC: Atty. Lico vs COMELEC
Who has jurisdiction over the expulsion of a Representatives
sitting party list member from Congress and
from his organization? Madigal vs Villar
Ruling: HRET has jurisdiction. The issue on Senator Madrigal’s primary recourse rests with
the validity of petitioner Lico’s expulsion for Congress and not with this Court. The doctrine
Ating Koop is integral to the issue of his of primary jurisdiction dictates that prior
qualifications to sit in Congress, thus, HRET recourse to the House is necessary before she
has jurisdiction. may bring her petition to court. Only when the
But a party-list organization owes its Senate fails to comply with the constitutional
existence to the State and the latter’s
mandate of CA’s proportional representation
approval must be obtained through its agent,
that she can come to Us.
the Comelec. Any challenges on its continued
existence is within the plenary power of the
Comelec. Sec. 18 There shall be a Commission on
Appointments consisting of the President
of the Senate, as ex-officio Chairman,
AC: Abayon vs COMELEC
twelve Senators and twelve Members of
Does HRET have the power to annul election
the House of the Representatives, elected
results on the ground of terrorism? Was there
by each House on the basis of
legal basis for the HRET to annul election
proportional representation from the
political parties and parties or
Ruling: Yes, HRET has the power to annul.
organizations registered under the party-
In this case, however, the claim of terrorism
list system represented therein. The
was not duly substantiated thus, the
Chairman of the Commission shall not
annulment of the election results did not have
vote, except in case of tie. The
legal basis.
Commission shall act on all appointments
submitted to it within thirty session days
AC: Reyes vs HRET of the Congress from their submission.
Are Rule 6(a), Rule 15, & Rule 6, in relation to The Commission shall rule a majority vote
Rule 69 of the 105 HRET Rules of all the members.
Ruling: Yes. The presence of at least one
Sec. 19 The Electoral Tribunals and the
Justice and four members of the HRET to
Commission on Appointments shall be
constitute a quorum ensures that
constituted within thirty days after the
representatives from both the Judicial and
Senate shall have been organized with the
Legislative departments are present to
election of the President and the Speaker.
constitute a quorum.
Is it mandatory to fill up entire 12 member
Sec. 17 There shall be a Commission on
Appointments consisting of the President contingent from the House and the Senate to the
of the Senate, as ex-officio Chairman, Commission on Appointments?
twelve Senators and twelve Members of - It’s okay, as long as it has a working
the House of Representatives, elected by quorum.
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
such power shall cease upon the next
Sec. 21 The Senate and the House adjournment.
Representatives or any of its respective
committees may conduct inquiries in aid War and Emergency. In times of war or other
of legislation in accordance with its duly national emergency, the Congress may, by law,
published rules of procedure. The rights of authorize the President, for a limited period and
persons appearing in or affected by such subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe,
inquiries shall be respected. to exercise such powers necessary and proper
to carry out a declared national policy.
Legislative Investigation
Limitations: David vs Arroyo
 It must be in aid of legislation Without congressional authority, can the
 It must be in accordance with duly President declare a state of national
published rules of procedure emergency?
 Rights of persons appearing in or - Sec. 18, Art. VII grants the President the
affected of such inquiries shall be power declare a state of emergency,
respected even without congressional authority.
 The power of the Congress to commit a
witness for contempt terminates upon Without congressional authority, can the
final adjournment President exercise emergency powers?
 Always subject to the expanded review - No. Under Sec. 23. (2), Art. VI, the
power of the Supreme Court President, in times of war or other
national emergency, may exercise
PHILCOMSAT vs Senate powers necessary and proper to carry
Is the power to conduct legislative inquiries out a declared national policy, by
vested only on the Senate or also on its authority of the Congress for a limited
committees? period and subject to such restrictions as
- Under Art. VI, Sec. 21, the “Senate or the it may prescribe.
House of Representatives or nay of its
respective committees may conduct Section 24. All appropriation, revenue or
inquiries in aid of legislation in tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the
accordance with its duly published rules public debt, bills of local application, and
private bills, shall originate exclusively in
of procedure.
the House of Representatives, but the
Senate may propose or concur with
Question Hour – Section 22 amendments.

Sec. 23 (1) The Congress, by a vote of two Appropriation bills. Those whose purpose is to
thirds of both Houses in joint session set aside a sum of money for public use.
assembled, voting separately, shall have Revenue or tariff bills. Those which are strictly
the sole power to declare the existence of
for the raising of revenues.
a state of war.
(2) In times of war or other national Bills of local application. Those whose reach
emergency, the Congress may, by law, is limited to specific localities, such for instance
authorize the President, for a limited as the creation of a town or renaming of the
period and subject to such restrictions as same.
it may prescribe, to exercise such powers
necessary and proper to carry out a Will this provision allow the Senate version
declared national policy. Unless sooner prevail? Yes.
withdrawn by resolution of the Congress,
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Section 25. (1) The Congress may not Does this requirement apply to general
increase the appropriations appropriations bill? No.
recommended by the President for the
operation of the Government as specified Section 25. (5) No law shall be passed
in the budget. The form, content, and authorizing any transfer of appropriations;
manner of preparation of the budget shall however, the President, the President of
be prescribed by law. the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, the Chief Justice of the
- Jurisprudence and authorities make clear Supreme Court, and the heads of
that while authorities used “may not”, it is Constitutional Commissions may, by law,
understood to be taken as more of a be authorized to augment any item in the
directive “not to increase”. general appropriations law for their
respective offices from savings in other
- The Congress can decrease the
items of their respective appropriations.
Sanchez v. COA:
Section 25. (2) No provision or enactment The requirements for a valid transfer of
shall be embraced in the general appropriations for the corresponding funds to be
appropriations bill unless it relates
legally effects:
specifically to some particular
1. There must be savings in the programmed
appropriation therein. Any such provision
or enactment shall be limited in its appropriation of the transferring agency;
operation to the appropriation to which it and
relates. 2. There must be an existing item, project or
activity with an appropriation that has
Riders. Prohibited provisions unrelated to the been exhausted in the receiving agency to
appropriation bill. (Article VI, Section 25 (2) = which the savings will be transferred but
NO RIDERS) only within the specific branches.

Section 25. (3) The procedure in approving AC: Araullo vs Aquino

appropriations for the Congress shall Is a law required to adopt or implement the
strictly follow the procedure for approving DAP?
appropriations for other departments and Held: No. DAP was not an appropriation
agencies. (Procedural Uniformity) measure, just a program. Hence, no
appropriation law was required to adopt or to
Section 25. (4) A special appropriations implement it. DAP was a program designed to
bill shall specify the purpose for which it promote economic growth.
is intended, and shall be supported by
funds actually available as certified by the Are unreleased appropriations and withdrawn
National Treasurer, or to be raised by a unobligated allotments under the
corresponding revenue proposed therein. Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP)
What are the constitutional requirements for Held: No, they were not savings, and the use
a special appropriation? Must specify the of such appropriations contravened Sec.
purpose for which it is intended, and shall be 25(5), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution.
supported by funds actually available as The transfer of appropriated funds, to be valid
certified by the National Treasurer. must be made upon the concurrence of the ff:
- No money doesn’t necessarily mean to - A law authorizing the President, etc. to
borrow money.
- The funds to be transferred are savings
generated from their respective offices’
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
- The fund transfer is to augment an item Section 25. (7) If, by the end of any fiscal
in the general appropriations law for their year, the Congress shall have failed to
offices. pass the general appropriations bill for the
ensuing fiscal year, the general
Are cross border transfers, constitutionally appropriations law for the preceding fiscal
permissible? year shall be deemed reenacted and shall
Held: No. Funds appropriated for one office remain in force and effect until the general
are prohibited from crossing over to another appropriations bill is passed by the
office even in the guise of augmentation of a Congress.
deficient item or items. DAP violated cross-
border transfer prohibition under Sec. 25(5), SECTION 29. (1) No money shall be paid
Art. VI. out of the Treasury except in pursuance of
an appropriation made by law.
Does the prohibition against cross-border
transfer apply to appropriations and not to (2) No public money or property shall be
savings? appropriated, applied, paid, or employed,
Held: The prohibition applies to both directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit,
appropriations and savings. In view of the or support of any sect, church,
clarity of the text of Section 25(5), the Court denomination, sectarian institution, or
stands by its pronouncement, and will not system of religion, or of any priest,
brook any strained interpretations. preacher, minister, or other religious
teacher, or dignitary as such, except when
Does the Constitution require Congress to such priest, preacher, minister, or
create allotment classes within an item? dignitary is assigned to the armed forces,
Held: No. what is required is for Congress to or to any penal institution, or government
create items to comply with the line-item veto orphanage or leprosarium.
of the President.
(3) All money collected on any tax levied
- The interpretation of the GAA and its for a special purpose shall be treated as a
definition of savings is a foremost judicial special fund and paid out for such
function. purpose only. If the purpose for which a
special fund was created has been fulfilled
- Sourcing the DAP from unprogrammed
or abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be
funds despite the original revenue transferred to the general funds of the
targets not having been exceeded was Government.
Non-Sectarian, Section 29 (2).
Section 25. (6) Discretionary funds Can public funds be appropriated or used for
appropriated for particular officials shall a Church or priest? No, except if such priest is
be disbursed only for public purposes to part of a government agency.
be supported by appropriate vouchers and
subject to such guidelines as may be AC: Dela Cruz vs Ochoa, G.R. No. 219683,
prescribed by law. January 23, 2018
Whether or not the use of the appropriation
Discretionary funds vs Special funds. under 2014 GAA for the implementation of the
Discretionary funds [Section 25 (6)] are those MVPSP was constitutional or did it involve an
funds appropriated for particular officials that unconstitutional transfer of funds?
should be disbursed for public purposes only.
While special funds [Section 29 (3)] are those Ruling: It was constitutional. The use of funds
collected on any tax levied for a special purpose for plate registration is actually within the
that should be disbursed for such purpose only. modernization program. There is no specific
item for plate registration, but if it can be
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
covered in the general statement of SECTION 27. (1) Every bill passed by the
appropriation, it can be justified. In this case, Congress shall, before it becomes a law,
it was justified. There was an appropriation for be presented to the President. If he
MVPS under the 2014 GAA and the use of approves the same, he shall sign it;
such appropriation for implementation was otherwise, he shall veto it and return the
constitutional. same with his objections to the House
where it originated, which shall enter the
SECTION 26. (1) Every bill passed by the objections at large in its Journal and
Congress shall embrace only one subject proceed to reconsider it. (Approval or
which shall be expressed in the title Veto)
If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of
(2) No bill passed by either House shall all the Members of such House shall agree
become a law unless it has passed three to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together
readings on separate days, and printed with the objections, to the other House by
copies thereof in its final form have been which it shall likewise be reconsidered,
distributed to its Members three days and if approved by two-thirds of all the
before its passage, except when the Members of that House, it shall become a
President certifies to the necessity of its law. In all such cases, the votes of each
immediate enactment to meet a public House shall be determined by yeas or
calamity or emergency. Upon the last nays, and the names of the Members
reading of a bill, no amendment thereto voting for or against shall be entered in its
shall be allowed, and the vote thereon Journal. The President shall communicate
shall be taken immediately thereafter, and his veto of any bill to the House where it
the yeas and nays entered in the Journal. originated within thirty days after the date
of receipt thereof; otherwise, it shall
One-Subject, One-Title Rule. become a law as if he had signed it. (Veto
- Every bill passed by Congress shall Override)
embrace one subject which shall be
(2) The President shall have the power to
expressed in the title thereof. veto any particular item or items in an
- What is the effect of the violation of this appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but
provision? the veto shall not affect the item or items
to which he does not object. (Item veto)
AC: Imbong vs Ochoa
Does “The Responsible Parenthood and Presidential Veto.
Reproductive Health Act of 2012, violate Sec. - Ordinary bills have to be vetoed by the
26(!), Art. VI of the 1987 Constitution on the President in its entirety, and not specific
“one subject- one title” rule? provisions.
Held. No. Both “reproductive health” and - The President may exercise item veto for
responsible parenthood” are interrelated and
germane to the overriding objective to control appropriation bills. But he cannot veto a
the population growth. condition without at the same time vetoing
the particular item or items to which it
Three reading rule, Section 26 (2). relates, unless it is an inappropriate
Can the 3-reading rule be removed? provision.
- Yes, during any emergency. Economic
emergency is a basis for certification. Legislative Veto.
The printing of copies is also excused. - A legislative veto is a statutory provision
requiring the President or an administrative
agency to present the proposed

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
implementing rules and regulations of a law shall evolve a progressive system of
to Congress for approval. taxation.
- A legislative veto is unconstitutional for
violating the separation of powers. (2) The Congress may, by law, authorize
the President to fix within specified limits,
and subject to such limitations and
Oversight Committees. restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates,
- To be valid, any post-enactment import and export quotas, tonnage and
congressional measure such as wharfage dues, and other duties or
Congressional Oversight Committees imposts within the framework of the
should be limited only to: national development program of the
- Scrutiny and/or investigation Government.

(3) Charitable institutions, churches and

Bicameral Conference Committee. parsonages or convents appurtenant
- Reconciles both versions of the Congress. thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries,
And after the reconciliation, it is sent to both and all lands, buildings, and
Houses for ratification. This is an exception improvements, actually, directly, and
to the No-Amendment Rule. exclusively used for religious, charitable,
or educational purposes shall be exempt

(4) No law granting any tax exemption

shall be passed without the concurrence
• Bill has to pass 3 readings of a majority of all the Members of the
• Referred to the senate Congress.
• Bill has to pass 3 readings Uniformity in Taxation.
• Referred to the President  Means that all taxable articles or kinds of
property of the same class shall be taxed at
the same rate
• Signs into law; or
 Different articles can be taxed at diff
• President vetoes the bill
• Referred back to the House or origin amounts provided the rates is uniform

PRESIDENT Equity in Taxation. Requires that the tax

• President vetoes the bill. imposed is to be determined on the basis of the
• Referred back to House or origin value of the property.
Equitability means it is progressive.
• House overrides veto by 2/3 vote. Delegated Tax Legislation, Section 28 (2).
• Referred to the Senate This is related to the President’s foreign
relations. President can use this for purposes of
SENATE trade negotiations for goods being imported and
• Senate overrides the veto by 2/3 vote. exported.
• Bill becomes a law
Tax Exemptions. Section 28 (3).
SECTION 28. (1) The rule of taxation shall
be uniform and equitable. The Congress Congressional Concurrence. Concurrence by

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Held. No, it is invalid and unconstitutional, for
If a treaty is granting tax exemption, does it increasing SC’s appellate jurisdiction without
need Congressional Concurrence? No. It will its advice and concurrence.
be treated as a treaty, which means it should be
voted upon 2/3 of the Senate under Article VII, SECTION 31. No law granting a title of
Section 21. royalty or nobility shall be enacted.

AC: La Suerte Cigarette vs CIR, GR SECTION 32. The Congress shall, as early
125346, November 11, 2014 as possible, provide for a system of
Whether the imposition of excise tax on initiative and referendum, and the
stemmed leaf tobacco under Section 141 of exceptions therefrom, whereby the people
the 1986 Tax Code constitutes double can directly propose and enact laws or
taxation? approve or reject any act or law or part
thereof passed by the Congress or local
Ruling: No. For double taxation in the legislative body after the registration of a
objectionable or prohibited sense to exist, the petition therefor signed by at least ten per
same property must be taxed twice, when it centum of the total number of registered
should be taxed but once. Both taxes must be voters, of which every legislative district
imposed on the same property or subject- must be represented by at least three per
matter, for the same purpose, by the same. . centum of the registered voters thereof.
. taxing authority, within the same jurisdiction
or taxing district, during the same taxing Titles of Royalty of Nobility. Section 31. Since
period, and they must be the same kind or the Philippines is a Republican country, it
character of tax. prohibits titles of royalty.
There is no double taxation in the prohibited
sense because the specific tax is imposed by Initiative and Referendum. Section 32.
explicit provisions of the Tax Code on two - Cannot deal with emergency measures.
different articles or products: (1) on the - We have to let the law address the
stemmed leaf tobacco; and (2) on cigar or
emergency which is intended to be
Note: There is no constitutional prohibition - Can it be vetoed by the President?
against double taxation. It is more like a o No. Because there is no viable
statutory prohibition. mechanism to override the veto
by the people-at-large, and it
SECTION 30. No law shall be passed shall be accordingly enacted in
increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the 15 days after publication in the
Supreme Court as provided in this Official Gazette or in a
Constitution without its advice and newspaper of general circulation.
- Can it be repealed by Congress?
o Yes, since there is an inherent
Supreme Court’s Appellate Jurisdiction.
Section 30. limitation of enactin “irrepealable
AC: Carpio-Morales vs Binay o Just like laws passed by
Is the 2nd par., Sec. 14, RA 6770 insofar as it Congress may be amended or
provides that no appeal or application for repealed by the people-at-large,
remedy may be heard against the decision or through initiative and
findings of the ombudsman (except with SC) referendum.
on questions of law, valid and constitutional?

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
ARTCLE VII: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Can executive privilege be invoked over
closed-doot meetings of CTRM whose two
SECTION 1. The executive power shall be members are not cabinet members? YES.
vested in the President of the Philippines. The fact that some members of the committee
were not part of the President’s Cabinet was of
Executive Power. no moment.
- Defines where executive power is vested –
only in the President of the Philippines. Immunity from suit. The President, during his
- Plainly, executive power is the power to tenure of office or actual incumbency, may not
enforce and determine and administer the be sued in any civil, administrative or criminal
laws bur it is actually more than this. case.


It would not be accurate to state that executive Can the President be impleaded as an
power is the power to enforce the laws, for the unwilling co-plaintiff/co-petittioner? NO.
President is head of state as well as head of the Impleading the former President as an unwilling
government and whatever powers inherent in co-petitioner, for an act she made in the
such position pertain to the office unless the performance of the functions of her office is
Constitution itself withholds it. (MARCOS V contrary to the public policy against embroiling
MANGLAPUS) the President in suits.

Presidential Perks. Executive privilege, AC: Lagman vs Pimentel

Immunity from suit, and Command Can the President be named respondent in
responsibility. this sui generis proceedings challenging his
declaration of martial law?
Held. NO. The petitioners committed a
Executive Privilege procedural misstep in including the President
o Power of the president to withhold certain as a respondent in their petitions because of
types of information from the courts, the the latter’s immunity from suit
Congress, and ultimately the public
o Invoked by the president or by the executive Rule of Thumb
secretary by “order of the president” the - The immunity from suit of the President may
consent of the president be invoked only by the President.
o A privilege over types of information, NOT - The immunity of the President from suit is
types of government officials concurrent only with his tenure and not
Privileged communication - Except in his impeachment, the President
- Conversations/correspondence between during his tenure of office, may not be sued
the President and the public official. in any case.
- Inter-government information prior to the
conclusion of treaties and executive Command Responsibility. It is the
agreements. responsibility of the commanders for crimes
- Discussions in close-door Cabinet committed by subordinate members of the
meetings. armed forces or other persons subject to their
- Matters affecting national security and control on international wars or domestic
public order. conflict. (Rubrico vs Arroyo)
Rodriguez vs Arroyo

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
The president, being the commander-in-chief of which would definitely exclude foundlings
all armed forces, necessarily possesses control either.
over the military that qualifies him as a superior Has Grace Poe satisfied the 10-year residence
within the purview of the command requirement to run for President?
responsibility doctrine. - YES. Petitioner’s claim that she will have
been a resident for 10 years and 11 months
Rubrico vs Arroyo on the day before the 2016 Elections is true.
Is there criminal liability under “command The Constitution requires presidential
responsibility”? NO. But the doctrine of candidates to have 10 years residence in
command responsibility may be used to
the Philippines before the day of the
preliminary determine whether respondents are
accountable for and have the duty to address
the enforced disappearance.
The Vice President.
SECTION 3. There shall be a Vice-
Rule of Thumb
President who shall have the same
- Command responsibility is not a basis for qualifications and term of office and be
avenue criminal liability of the President. elected with and in the same manner as
presidential liability the President. He may be removed from
- Command responsibility can, however, be office in the same manner as the
an avenue for preliminary determination of President.
presidential liability.
The Vice-President may be appointed as a
- Presidential immunity still applies for a
Member of the Cabinet. Such appointment
sitting President, notwithstanding command requires no confirmation.
The Cabinet.
Presidential Qualifications. - Is an extra-constitutionally created body
SECTION 2. No person may be elected consisting of heads of departments who
President unless he is a natural-born
have formed a body of presidential advisers
citizen of the Philippines, a registered
voter, able to read and write, at least forty who meet regularly with the president.
years of age on the day of the election, and - Serves at the pleasure of the President
a resident of the Philippines for at least ten - Have no authority over the President
years immediately preceding such
election. SECTION 4. The President and the Vice-
President shall be elected by direct vote of
Grace Poe vs COMELEC the people for a term of six years which
As a foundling and as to her citixenship, is shall begin at noon on the thirtieth day of
Grace Poe qualified to run for President? June next following the day of the election
- YES. The fact is that Poe’s blood and shall end at noon of the same date six
relationship with a Filipino citizen is years thereafter. The President shall not
be eligible for any reelection. No person
DEMONSTRABLE. The factual issue not
who has succeeded as President and has
who the parents of petitioner are, as their served as such for more than four years
identities are unknown but whether such shall be qualified for election to the same
parents are Filipinos. office at any time.
- As a matter of law, foundlings as a class
natural-born citizens. While the 1935 No Vice-President shall serve for more
Constitution’s enumeration is silent as to than two consecutive terms. Voluntary
renunciation of the office for any length of
foundling’s, there is no restrictive language
time shall not be considered as an
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
interruption in the continuity of the service President capable of making correct even
for the full term for which he was elected. if unpopular decision.

Unless otherwise provided by law, the Pormento vs Estrada. Following the results of
regular election for President and Vice- that elections, Past President Estrada was not
President shall be held on the second
elected President for the second time. Thus, any
Monday of May.
discussion of his “reelection” will simply be
The returns of every election for President hypothetical and speculative.
and Vice-President, duly certified by the
board of canvassers of each province or Presidential Tie.
city, shall be transmitted to the Congress,
directed to the President of the Senate. Supreme Court as PET. The Supreme Court,
Upon receipt of the certificates of canvass, sitting en banc, shall be the sole judge of all
the President of the Senate shall, not later contests relating to the election, returns and
than thirty days after the day of the qualifications of the President or Vice-President,
election, open all certificates in the and may promulgate its rules for the purpose.
presence of the Senate and the House of
Representatives in joint public session,
Makalintal vs PET. Is the PET an illegal and
and the Congress, upon determination of
unauthorized progeny of Sec 4, Article VII of the
the authenticity and due execution thereof
in the manner provided by law, canvass Constitution?
the votes. No. The PET was constituted in implementation
of Sec. 4, Art. VII, and it faithfully complies, not
The person having the highest number of unlawfully defies, the constitutional directive.
votes shall be proclaimed elected, but in
case two or more shall have an equal and Fernando Poe Jr vs COMELEC. Does the PET
highest number of votes, one of them shall have jurisdiction on challenges of qualifications
forthwith be chosen by the vote of a of presidential candidate?
majority of all the Members of both No. The rules categorically speak of the
Houses of the Congress, voting jurisdiction of the tribunal over contests relating
separately. to the election, returns and qualifications of the
“President” or “Vice President”, of the
The Congress shall promulgate its rules
Philippines, and not of “candidates” for
for the canvassing of the certificates.
President or Vice President.
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall
be the sole judge of all contests relating to AC: Grace Poe vs COMELEC
the election, returns, and qualifications of Which court or tribunal has jurisdiction over
the President or Vice- President, and may challenges on qualification of candidates for
promulgate its rules for the purpose. President and Vice President?
Held. None. The Comelec, however, can
Election and Term. disqualify a candidate after prior
determination of his qualification by statute,
by executive order or by a judgment of a
Can the President run again?
competent court of tribunal.
- A President is not eligible for any re-election
for that office, that is, either immediately
The tribunals which have jurisdiction over the
after his term or even after an interval of one question of the qualifications of the President,
or more terms. the Vice-President, Senators and the Members
- The elimination of the prospect of re- of the House of Representatives was made
election would make more independent.

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
clear by the Constitution. There is no such If at the beginning of the term of the
provision for candidates for these positions. President, the President-elect shall have
died or shall have become permanently
Presidential Oath. disabled, the Vice-President-elect shall
SECTION 5. Before they enter on the become President.
execution of their office, the President, the
Vice-President, or the Acting President Where no President and Vice-President
shall take the following oath or shall have been chosen or shall have
affirmation: qualified, or where both shall have died or
become permanently disabled, the
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will President of the Senate or, in case of his
faithfully and conscientiously fulfill my inability, the Speaker of the House of
duties as President (or Vice-President or Representatives shall act as President
Acting President) of the Philippines, until a President or a Vice-President shall
preserve and defend its Constitution, have been chosen and qualified.
execute its laws, do justice to every man,
and consecrate myself to the service of The Congress shall, by law, provide for the
the Nation. So help me God.” (In case of manner in which one who is to act as
affirmation, last sentence will be omitted.) President shall be selected until a
President or a Vice-President shall have
Presidential Residence and Salary. qualified, in case of death, permanent
SECTION 6. The President shall have an disability, or inability of the officials
official residence. The salaries of the mentioned in the next preceding
President and Vice-President shall be paragraph.
determined by law and shall not be
decreased during their tenure. No increase SECTION 8. In case of death, permanent
in said compensation shall take effect until disability, removal from office, or
after the expiration of the term of the resignation of the President, the Vice-
incumbent during which such increase President shall become the President to
was approved. They shall not receive serve the unexpired term. In case of death,
during their tenure any other emolument permanent disability, removal from office,
from the Government or any other source. or resignation of both the President and
Vice-President, the President of the
Presidential Salary Senate or, in case of his inability, the
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
1987 2004 2010
shall then act as President until the
25k/month 57,750/month 95k/month
President or Vice-President shall have
300k/year 688k/year 1.140M/year
been elected and qualified.
SECTION 7. The President-elect and the The Congress shall, by law, provide who
Vice-President-elect shall assume office at shall serve as President in case of death,
the beginning of their terms. permanent disability, or resignation of the
Acting President. He shall serve until the
If the President-elect fails to qualify, the President or the Vice-President shall have
Vice-President-elect shall act as President been elected and qualified, and be subject
until the President-elect shall have to the same restrictions of powers and
qualified. disqualifications as the Acting President.
If a President shall not have been chosen,
Section 7 vs Section 8
the Vice-President-elect shall act as
Section 7 applies if Section 8 applies if
President until a President shall have been
the vacancy occurs at the vacancy occurs
chosen and qualified.
the start of the term at during mid-term, i.e.,

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
noontime of June 30 after noontime of days enact a law calling for a special
following every June 30 following election to elect a President and a Vice-
presidential election. every presidential President to be held not earlier than forty-
election. five days nor later than sixty days from the
time of such call. The bill calling such
Rule of Thumb. special election shall be deemed certified
- In case of temporary vacancy, the VP-elect under paragraph 2, Section 26, Article VI of
shall take his oath as Vice-President, then this Constitution and shall become law
upon its approval on third reading by the
serve as Acting President.
Congress. Appropriations for the special
- In case of permanent vacancy, the VP-elect election shall be charged against any
shall take his oath as President. current appropriations and shall be
exempt from the requirements of
Mid-term Succession, Section 8. paragraph 4, Section 25, Article VI of this
- The Vice-President shall serve as Acting Constitution. The convening of the
President in case of temporary vacancy. Congress cannot be suspended nor the
special election postponed. No special
- The Vice-President shall become
election shall be called if the vacancy
President in case of permanent vacancy, occurs within eighteen months before the
by reason of death, permanent disability, date of the next presidential election.
removal from office, or resignation of the
President. SECTION 11.
(Temporary Disability). Whenever the
Line of Succession. President transmits to the President of the
1 Vice-President Senate and the Speaker of the House of
2 President of the Senate Representatives his written declaration
3 Speaker of the House of Representative that he is unable to discharge the powers
and duties of his office, and until he
4 Whoever is designated by law
transmits to them a written declaration to
Exception: When the VP shall assume as the
the contrary, such powers and duties shall
new President, the others assume as acting be discharged by the Vice-President as
President. Acting President.

Vice-Presidential Vacancy (At the Instance of the Cabinet). Whenever

SECTION 9. Whenever there is a vacancy a majority of all the Members of the
in the Office of the Vice-President during Cabinet transmit to the President of the
the term for which he was elected, the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of
President shall nominate a Vice-President Representatives their written declaration
from among the Members of the Senate that the President is unable to discharge
and the House of Representatives who the powers and duties of his office, the
shall assume office upon confirmation by Vice-President shall immediately assume
a majority vote of all the Members of both the powers and duties of the office as
Houses of the Congress, voting Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits
Total Mid-Term Vacancy to the President of the Senate and to the
SECTION 10. The Congress shall, at ten Speaker of the House of Representatives
o’clock in the morning of the third day his written declaration that no inability
after the vacancy in the offices of the exists, he shall reassume the powers and
President and Vice-President occurs, duties of his office.
convene in accordance with its rules (Counter Transmittal). Meanwhile, should
without need of a call and within seven a majority of all the Members of the

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Cabinet transmit within five days to the conflict of interest in the conduct of their
President of the Senate and to the Speaker office.
of the House of Representatives their
written declaration that the President is The spouse and relatives by
unable to discharge the powers and duties consanguinity or affinity within the fourth
of his office, the Congress shall decide the civil degree of the President shall not
issue. For that purpose, the Congress during his tenure be appointed as
shall convene, if it is not in session, within members of the Constitutional
forty-eight hours, in accordance with its Commissions, or the Office of the
rules and without need of call. Ombudsman, or as Secretaries,
Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
(Congressional Determination). If the bureaus or offices, including government-
Congress, within ten days after receipt of owned or controlled corporations and
the last written declaration, or, if not in their subsidiaries.
session, within twelve days after it is
required to assemble, determines by a Funa vs Bautista. As DOTC Undersecretary,
two-thirds vote of both Houses, voting Bautista was covered by the stricter prohibition
separately, that the President is unable to under Sec. 13, Art. VII. She cannot invoke the
discharge the powers and duties of his exception in Sec. 7, par. 2, Art. IX-B where
office, the Vice-President shall act as the
holding another office is allowed by law or the
President; otherwise, the President shall
primary functions of the position. Neither was
continue exercising the powers and duties
of his office. she designated OIC of MARINA in an ex-officio
capacity, which is the exception recognized Civil
Serious Presidential Illness. Liberties Union.
SECTION 12. In case of serious illness of
the President, the public shall be informed Funa vs Agra. Was the designation of Agra as
of the state of his health. The Members of Acting Solicitor General and Secretary of
the Cabinet in charge of national security Justice, valid and constitutional?
and foreign relations and the Chief of Staff No, in view of the application of the stricter
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, prohibition under Sec. 13, Art. VII, Agra did not
shall not be denied access to the validly hold the position of Acting Secretary of
President during such illness. Justice concurrently with the position of Acting
Solicitor General.
SECTION 13. The President, Vice- Acting President’s Appointment
President, the Members of the Cabinet, SECTION 14. Appointments extended by
and their deputies or assistants shall not, an Acting President shall remain effective,
unless otherwise provided in this unless revoked by the elected President
Constitution, hold any other office or within ninety days from his assumption or
employment during their tenure. They reassumption of office.
shall not, during said tenure, directly or
indirectly, practice any other profession,
Midnight Appointments
participate in any business, or be
SECTION 15. Two months immediately
financially interested in any contract with,
before the next presidential elections and
or in any franchise, or special privilege
up to the end of his term, a President or
granted by the Government or any
Acting President shall not make
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
appointments, except temporary
thereof, including government-owned or
appointments to executive positions when
controlled corporations or their
continued vacancies therein will prejudice
subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid
public service or endanger public safety.

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Midnight Appointments.  Appointments in the Judicial
 It should be noted that this provision is a Department. (De Castro Case)
limitation on the President’s power of  Temporary appointments (Article VII) to
appointment. executive positions in view of the
 There is no similar limitation on the power exigency of public service and public
of appointment of local executives. safety.
 It applies even to appointments to the
judiciary, but does not apply to Executive Power
appointments to the Supreme Court. Appointing Power Section 16, Art. VII
Control Power Section 17, Art. VII
Can an Acting President issue presidential Military Power Section 18, Art. VII
appointments? Pardoning Power Section 19, Art. VII
Everything the president can do, the acting Borrowing Power Section 20, Art. VII
president can do as well. It is considered vaild Foreign Relations Section 21, Art. VII
and permanent appointments, but acting Power
Budgetary Power Section 22, Art. VII
president can also issue acting appointments.
Residual Power Section 20, EO 292
AC: Garafil vs Office of the President
Whether or not the petitioner appointment SECTION 16. The President shall nominate
violate Sec. 15, Art. VII of the 1987 and, with the consent of the Commission
Constitution? on Appointments, appoint the heads of the
Held: YES. Petitioners have failed to show executive departments, ambassadors,
compliance with all four elements of a valid other public ministers and consuls, or
appointment. Petitioners admit that they took officers of the armed forces from the rank
their oaths of office during the appointment of colonel or naval captain, and other
ban. officers whose appointments are vested in
him in this Constitution. He shall also
De Castro vs JBC
appoint all other officers of the
Was the nomination and appointment of CJ
Government whose appointments are not
Corona covered under the ban set forth in otherwise provided for by law, and those
Section 15, Article VII? whom he may be authorized by law to
NO. Had the framers intended to extend the appoint. The Congress may, by law, vest
prohibition contained in Section 15, Article VII to the appointment of other officers lower in
the appointment of Members of the Supreme rank in the President alone, in the courts,
Court, they could have explicitly done so. or in the heads of departments, agencies,
commissions, or boards.
Garafil vs Office of the President
Is EO No. 2 which withdrew and revoked The President shall have the power to
appointments dated after March 11, 2010 and make appointments during the recess of
even those dated before but the appointee the Congress, whether voluntary or
compulsory, but such appointments shall
accepted, took his oath or assumed only after
be effective only until after disapproval by
March 11. 2010---unconstitutional? the Commission on Appointments or until
YES. EO No. 2 ordered the withdrawal and the next adjournment of the Congress.
revocation of midnight appointments, pursuant
to Sec. 15, Art. VII of the Constitution. Nature of Appointing Power.
- Executive in nature
Rule of Thumb - An executive function, therefore the
The appointment ban under Section 15, Article
legislature may not usurp such function
VII covers all appointments in the Philippine
bureaucracy except:
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
- The legislature may create an office and The presidential power to appoint carries with it
prescribe the qualifications of the person the power to “disappoint”, or the power to hire
who may hold the office, but may neither includes the power to “fire” except:
specify who shall be appointed to such • Appointees in the civil service who can only
office nor actually appoint them be removed for cause wand with due
Scope of the Power of the Commission on • Appointees that can only be removed by
Appointments. impeachment
The ONLY presidential appointments that need
the consent of the Commission on Garafil vs Office of the President
Appointments under Section 16: Is acceptance by an appointee necessary to the
- The heads of the executive department validity or completion of an appointment?
- Ambassadors YES, it is necessary to the validity and
- Other public ministers and consuls completion of an appointment. The concurrence
- Officers of the armed forces from the rank of all steps in the appointment process must be
colonel or navel captain strictly applied on appointments made just
- and other officers whose appointments are before or during the appointment ban
vested in him in this Constitution
Gonzales vs OP
“all other officers of the government whose
Can the President remove the Deputy
appointment are not otherwise provided by
Ombudsman and the Special Prosecution?
law” – mean that when a law creating an office
- YES. The President can. For lack of
does not specify who shall appoint the officer,
majority vote, the challenge of
the appointment must be made by the
President. unconstitutionality and Sec, 8 (2) od RA
No. 6770 is denied. (2012)
Appointments of officers in lower rank - QUALIFIED YES. He can remove the
- The appointing authority may also be given Special Prosecutor but not the Deputy
to other officials than the president. Ombudsman so as to protect the
- When the authority is given to head of independence of the latter. (2014 MR)
collegial bodies, it is to the chairman that Ad-interim Appointments.
the authority is given and not to the body. • These are permanent appointments made
But he can appoint only officers “lower in by the President during the recess of
rank” and not officers equal in rank to him. Congress (during which the Commission on
Thus, a chairman may not appoint a fellow Appointments does not meet)
member of a board. • Can be made only when congress is not in
Types of Presidential Appointments • Effective immediately without the need of
1. Appointments requiring CA confirmation by the Commission on
confirmation Appointments, but the effectivity lasts “only
2. Appointments authorized by law until disapproval by the Commission on
3. Appointments not otherwise provided Appointmens or until the next adjournment
for by law of the congress.
4. Appointments of officers lower in rank
which the law may vest in the President Acting Ad-Interim
to appoint Extended any time Extended only
there is a vacancy during congressional
Rule of Thumb
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Not submitted to the submitted to the
Commission on Commission on “He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully
Appointments for Appointments for executed” - this means that the President can
confirmation confirmation do whatever is needed to ensure that laws,
Temporary in nature Permanent/ general or special be followed.
AC: Degamo vs Relampagos
Pimentel vs Ermita In withdrawing SARO, can an undersecretary
While Congress is in session, can the President invoke the qualified political agency doctrine?
issue acting appointments to department Held. Secretary Abad can invoke the doctrine
secretaries without the consent of CA? of qualified political agency. Thus, this Court
YES, the President can issue appointments, in rules that private respondent, under Abad’s
an acting capacity, not exceeding one year, to authority, may exercise the power to withdraw
department secretaries without CA’s consent the Special Allotment Release Order through
even while Congress is in session the letter-advice sent to petitioner

Guevarra vs Inocentes AC: Psalm vs. CIR

How should ad-interim appointments be treated Can the President’s constitutional power of
if CA was not constituted upon adjournment? control over all the executive departments,
bureaus and offices cannot be curtailed or
Whether the Commission on Appointments
diminished by law?
have been constituted or not, all unacted ad-
Held. NO. Since the Constitution has given
interim appointments shall be deemed by the President the power of control, with all its
passed upon adjournment of Congress. awesome implications, it is the Constitution
alone which can curtail such power.
SECTION 17. The President shall have
control of all the executive departments, Faithful Execution Clause
bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure that BIRAOGO VS. PTC. Is the creation of the
the laws be faithfully executed. PTC is justified by the President’s power of
Power of Control. The power of an officer to NO, but it finds justification under Section 17,
alter, modify or nullify or set aside what a Article VII of the Constitution, imposing upon
subordinate officer had done in the performance the President the duty to ensure that the laws
of his duties and to substitute the judgement of are faithfully executed.
the former for that of the latter.
- includes the power to reorganize SAGUISAG VS. OCHOA. Is the faithful
executive officials execution clause a grant of separate power
- Reorganization – can involve the to the President?
reduction of personnel, consolidation of NO. The faithful execution clause is an
offices, or even abolition of positions by obligation imposed on the President, and not
reason of economy or redundancy of a separate grant of power. The duty to
function faithfully execute the laws of the land is
inherent in executive power and is intimately
Qualified Political Agency related to the other executive functions.
Save in matters on which the constitution or the
circumstance require the President to act SECTION 18. The President shall be the
personally, the acts and decisions of the Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of
secretaries of the different departments are acts the Philippines and whenever it becomes
and decisions of the President, unless and until necessary, he may call out such armed
reprobated or overruled by the President. forces to prevent or suppress lawless

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
violence, invasion or rebellion. In case of
invasion or rebellion, when the public During the suspension of the privilege of
safety requires it, he may, for a period not the writ, any person thus arrested or
exceeding sixty days, suspend the detained shall be judicially charged within
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or three days, otherwise he shall be released.
place the Philippines or any part thereof
under martial law. Within forty-eight hours Power of the President
from the proclamation of martial law or the - Calling out powers to prevent or supress
suspension of the privilege of the writ of lawless violence, invasion, or rebellion
habeas corpus, the President shall submit
- Power to suspend the privilege of WHC.
a report in person or in writing to the
Congress. The Congress, voting jointly, by - Power to place the country or part thereof
a vote of at least a majority of all its under martial law, in cases of invasion or
Members in regular or special session, rebellion when public safety requires it
may revoke such proclamation or
suspension, which revocation shall not be As a Commander-in-chief, the President:
set aside by the President. Upon the - Is not a member of the armed forces, he
initiative of the President, the Congress
remains a civilian
may, in the same manner, extend such
proclamation or suspension for a period to - Action is not subject to judicial review
be determined by the Congress, if the (unlike his suspension of the privilege of the
invasion or rebellion shall persist and writ of habeas corpus)
public safety requires it.
Padilla vs Congress
The Congress, if not in session, shall, Has the Congress the mandatory duty to
within twenty-four hours following such convene jointly upon the President’s
proclamation or suspension, convene in proclamation of martial law on the suspension
accordance with its rules without any need
for the privilege of the privilege of the writ of
of a call.
habeas corpus?
The Supreme Court may review, in an NO. Congress is not constitutionally mandated
appropriate proceeding filed by any to convene in joint session except to vote jointly
citizen, the sufficiency of the factual basis to revoke the President’s declaration or
of the proclamation of martial law or the suspension
suspension of the privilege of the writ or
the extension thereof, and must Checks and Balance
promulgate its decision thereon within The Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of at least
thirty days from its filing. a majority of all its Members in regular or special
session, may revoke such proclamation or
A state of martial law does not suspend suspension, which revocation shall not be set
the operation of the Constitution, nor aside by the President.
supplant the functioning of the civil courts
or legislative assemblies, nor authorize
the conferment of jurisdiction on military Blending Powers
courts and agencies over civilians where Upon the initiative of the President, the
civil courts are able to function, nor Congress may, in the same manner, extend
automatically suspend the privilege of the such proclamation or suspension for a period to
writ. be determined by the Congress, if the invasion
or rebellion shall persist and public safety
The suspension of the privilege of the writ requires it.
shall apply only to persons judicially
charged for rebellion or offenses inherent PADILLA V CONGRESS
in or directly connected with the invasion.
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Has the Congress the mandatory duty to
convene jointly upon the President’s State Martial Law
proclamation of martial law on the suspension - Section 18 (4)
for the privilege of the privilege of the writ of - The suspension of the privilege of the
habeas corpus?
writ of habeas corpus shall apply only to
NO. Congress is not constitutionally
mandated to convene in joint session except persons judicially charged for rebellion or
to vote jointly to revoke the President’s offenses inherent in, or directly connected
declaration or suspension with, invasion. During the suspension of the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, any
Institutional Duty to Convene person thus arrested or detained shall be
The Congress, if not in session, shall, within judicially charged within three days,
twenty-four hours following such proclamation otherwise he shall be released.
or suspension, convene in accordance with its
rules without need of a call. FORTUN VS. ARROYO
Is the power to declare martial law or suspend
LAGMAN V PIMENTEL the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus a
How many times and for how long can shared power of the President with Congress?
Congress, upon the initiative of the President, The Supreme Court must allow Congress to
may extend the proclamation of martial law or
exercise its own review powers on the martial
the suspension of the privilege of habeas
corpus? law declaration first, before exercising its own
Held. Subject to constitutional limitations, review powers.
Congress has the plenary to make that
determination as to the number of times and LAGMAN VS. MEDIALDEA
the period of time of the extension. Whether or not the exercise of the power of
judicial review by this Court involves the
Did the President and the Congress have calibration of graduated powers granted the
sufficient factual basis to extend Proc. No. President as Commander-in-Chief?
216? - NO, as it would be tantamount to an incursion
Held. YES. Because (a) the imvasion or into the exclusive domain of the Executive and
rebellion persists; and (b) public safety an infringement on the prerogative that solely at
requires the extension.
least initially, lies with the President.
Citizen’s Suit.
Whether or not nullifying Proc. No. 216 will (a)
- Section 18 (3)
have the effect of recalling Proc. No. 559 or (b)
also nullify the acts of the President on calling
LAGMAN VS. MEDIALDEA out the AFP to quell lawless violence on Marawi
Whether or not the petitions are the “appropriate and other parts of Mindanao region?
proceeding” covered by par. 3, Section 18, - NO. The President may call out the AFP
Article VII of the Constitution? independently of the power to suspend the
YES. “Appropriate proceeding” appearing on privilege pf the WHC and to declare martial law.
the third par. of Section 18, Article VII refers to
any action initiated by a citizen questioning the Whether or not public safety requires the
sufficiency of the factual basis of the exercise of declaration of martial law and the suspension of
the Chief Executive’s emergency powers. - The the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in the
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the third whole of Mindanao?
paragraph of Section 18, Article VII is sui - YES, there is reasonable basis to believe that
generis. It is a special and specific jurisdiction Marawi is only the staging point of the rebellion.
of the Supreme Court different from those
enumerated in Sections 1 and 5 of Article VIII.
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Marawi may not be the target but the whole of
Mindanao. AC: Vidal vs COMELEC
Can the pardoning power of the President be
SECTION 19. Except in cases of limited by legislative action?
impeachment, or as otherwise provided in Held. NO. The pardoning power of the
this Constitution, the President may grant President cannot be limited by legislative
reprieves, commutations and pardons, action. Subject to the limitations imposed by
and remit fines and forfeitures, after the Constitution, the pardoning power cannot
conviction by final judgment. be restricted or controlled by legislative
He shall also have the power to grant
amnesty with the concurrence of a Rule of Thumb
majority of all the Members of the • A pardon may be granted not only on a
Congress. criminal conviction but also on a lesser
administrative conviction.
Purpose of executive clemency • The power to extend executive clemency by
• exists as an instrument for correcting
the President does not apply to
infirmities in the administration of justice
administrative cases involving employees
and for mitigating whatever harshness
in the judiciary and in Congress.
might be generated by a too strict
application of law SECTION 20. The President may contract
• Clemency is not a function of the judiciary, or guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the
it is an executive function. Republic of the Philippines with the prior
• The power of executive clemency is a non- concurrence of the Monetary Board, and
delegable power and must be exercised by subject to such limitations as may be
the President personally provided by law. The Monetary Board
shall, within thirty days from the end of
every quarter of the calendar year, submit
Pardon vs Amnesty to the Congress a complete report of its
• Pardon – is an act of grace, proceeding decisions on applications for loans to be
from the power entrusted with the execution contracted or guaranteed by the
of the laws, which exempts the individual on Government or government-owned and
whom it is bestowed, from the punishment controlled corporations which would have
the law inflicts for a crime he has committed the effect of increasing the foreign debt,
• Amnesty – commonly denotes the “general and containing other matters as may be
provided by law.
pardon to rebels for their treason and other
high political offenses” or the forgiveness
SECTION 21. No treaty or international
which one sovereign grants to the subjects agreement shall be valid and effective
of another, who have offended by some unless concurred in by at least two-thirds
breach of the law of nations. of all the Members of the Senate.
Pardon Amnesty
- Pardon looks to the - Amnesty looks SECTION 22. The President shall submit to
future. backward. the Congress within thirty days from the
- Given to individuals. - Given to a group. opening of every regular session, as the
- Final conviction - No need of final basis of the general appropriations bill, a
required. conviction. budget of expenditures and sources of
- No need of - Required concurrence
financing, including receipts from existing
congressional of majority of all
concurrence. members of Congress. and proposed revenue measures.

Borrowing Power. Section 20.

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
• The president has the constitutional power the right to travel, it being a temporary
to contract and guarantee foreign loans but measure.
ONLY with the concurrence of the Monetary
Board Presidential SONA
SECTION 23. The President shall address
the Congress at the opening of its regular
Foreign Relations Power, Section 21
session. He may also appear before it at
• Only a President alone can abrogate a
any other time.
Budgetary Power, Section 22
• the basis of the General Appropriations bill SECTION 1. The judicial power shall be
• prepared by the President and submitted to vested in one Supreme Court and in such
Congress within 30 days from the opening lower courts as may be established by
of every regular session law.
• Congress cannot increase the
(Expanded Certiorari Jurisdiction).
appropriation recommended by the
Judicial power includes the duty of the
President courts of justice to settle actual
• “source of financing” - the phrase implies controversies involving rights which are
that financing can come from sources other legally demandable and enforceable, and
than revenue measures to determine whether or not there has
been a grave abuse of discretion
Araullo vs Aquino amounting to lack or excess of
The four phases of comprising the Philippine jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government.
budget process:
1. Budget Preparation
What is Judicial Power?
2. Budget Legislation
• Judicial power is the totality of powers a
3. Budget Execution
4. Budget Accountability court exercise when it assumes jurisdiction
and hears and decides a case.
RESIDUAL POWER (SEC 20, E.O. 292, • It includes the duty of the courts of justice to
ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987) settle actual controversies involving rights
Unless Congress provides otherwise, the which are legally demandable and
President shall exercise such other powers and enforceable.
functions vested in the President which are • To determine whether or not there has been
provided for under the laws and which are not a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
specifically enumerated above, or which are not lack or excess of jurisdiction on the art of
delegated by the President in accordance with any branch or instrumentality of the
law. government. (Expanded Certiorari
AC: Zabal vs Duterte
If it was a police power measure, did the
What are its inherent limitations?
President usurp legislative power by
• cannot attempt to assume nor be
temporarily closing Boracay through Proc No.
475? compelled to perform non-judicial
Held. Proclamation is not a law and functions
conversely, the President did not usurp the • cannot render advisory opinion
law-making power of the legislature. Proc No
475 does not actually impose a restriction on

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Note: The SC cannot be abolished without violative of, the doctrine of separation of
amending the Constitution. However, inferior powers.
courts can be abolished by law. The court’s exercise of its jurisdiction over
quo warranto proceedings does not preclude
Expanded Judicial Power. Congress from enforcing its own prerogative
Jardeleza vs CJ Sereno. Can the Supreme of determining probable cause for
impeachment, to craft and transmit the
Court exercise its expanded certiorari
Articles of Impeachment, nor will it preclude
jurisdiction over the JBC which does not
Senate from exercising its constitutionally
exercise judicial or quasi-judicial function? committed power of impeachment.
Yes. The invocation of the “unanimity rule” on
integrity violated Jardeleza’s right to due SECTION 2. The Congress shall have the
process, thus, the Court is of the position that it power to define, prescribe, and apportion
can exercise the expanded judicial power of the jurisdiction of various courts but may
review. not deprive the Supreme Court of its
jurisdiction over cases enumerated in
Cudia vs PMA. Can the court exercise the Section 5 hereof.
judicial power to determine whether the AFP
and the members of the court martial acted with No law shall be passed reorganizing the
grave abuse of discretion in their military Judiciary when it undermines the security
investigation? of tenure of its Members.
Yes. The Court has been entrusted with both the
duty and the obligation of determining the Role of Congress. The Congress shall have
validity of any assailed legislative or executive the power to define, prescribe, and apportion
action. the jurisdiction of various courts but may not
deprive the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction
Grave Abuse of Discretion. over cases enumerated in Sec. 5 hereof.
- Act is done contrary to the Constitution,
the law, and jurisprudence; or Congress has the power to:
- Define, prescribe, and apportion the
- Act is executed whimsically, capriciously
jurisdiction of various courts except the
or arbitrarily our of malice, ill will or
personal bias
- Define such enforceable and
demandable rights and prescribe
AC: Arroyo vs People
Considering Sec. 23, Rule 119 of the Rules of remedies for violations of such rights.
Court, can the Supreme Court review on (Includes the power to abolish courts)
certiorari the Sandiganbayan Order denying - Create courts inferior to the SC
accused’s Demurrer to Evidence (motion to
dismiss)? SECTION 3. The Judiciary shall enjoy
Held. Yes, so as to correct grave abuse of fiscal autonomy. Appropriations for the
discretion which cannot be thwarted by rules Judiciary may not be reduced by the
of procedure to the contrary or for the sake of legislature below the amount appropriated
the convenience of one side. for the previous year and, after approval,
shall be automatically and regularly
AC: Republic vs Sereno released.
Is the SC’s exercise of its jurisdiction over a
quo warranto petition violative of the doctrine Judiciary Fiscal Autonomy
of separation of powers? - The basic aim of Judicial Fiscal
Held. No. The court’s authority to issue a writ
Autonomy is to assure its independence
of quo warranto is complementary to, and not

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
- Does not prevent Congress from looking decision rendered en banc or in division
into the additional allocation may be modified or reversed except by the
- The Judiciary should not be exempt from court sitting en banc.
the budgetary process of submitting and
What cases can be heard by the Supreme
justifying its budget.
Court en banc?
- Appropriations for the Judiciary may not
• All cases involving the constitutionality of a
be reduced by the legislature below the
treaty, international or executive
amount appropriated for the previous
agreement, or law;
year and, after approval, shall be
• All cases involving the constitutionality,
automatically and regularly released
application or operation of PD,
- Judiciary has the plenary authority on
proclamation, orders, instructions,
how to segregate and spend the money
ordinances and regulations;
subject to existing COA rules and
• All cases where the Supreme Court
regulations, not the DBM
modifies or reverses a doctrine or principle
of law;
SECTION 4. (1) The Supreme Court shall
• All administrative cases where the vote is
be composed of a Chief Justice and
fourteen Associate Justices. It may sit en dismissal of a lower court judge or justice;
banc or in its discretion, in divisions of • Election contests for the President and VP;
three, five, or seven Members. Any and
vacancy shall be filled within ninety days • Cases heard by the division when the
from the occurrence thereof. required majority is not obtained in the
(2) All cases involving the constitutionality
of a treaty, international or executive
agreement, or law, which shall be heard by Supreme Court in division.
the Supreme Court en banc, and all other • Those cases where en banc is not required
cases which under the Rules of Court are • In divisions of 3, 5 or 7 (Sec 4, 1)
required to be heard en banc, including • Decisions or resolutions of a division of the
those involving the constitutionality, court are not inferior to an en banc decision
application, or operation of presidential • In division is for speedy disposition of
decrees, proclamations, orders,
instructions, ordinances, and other
regulations, shall be decided with the
concurrence of a majority of the Members Is the Supreme Court only a trier of law?
who actually took part in the deliberations No. But petitions must be questions of law or
on the issues in the case and voted else it will be dismissed.
Can the SC in division’s decision be
(3) Cases or matters heard by a division appealed to the SC en banc?
shall be decided or resolved with the No. SC en banc only when the required number
concurrence of a majority of the Members of votes is not obtained in a division—3 votes.
who actually took part in the deliberations The rule applies to the initial decision of a case
on the issues in the case and voted
and not to a reconsideration of the initial
thereon, and in no case, without the
concurrence of at least three of such
Members. When the required number is But a filing of a motion for reconsideration is
not obtained, the case shall be decided en allowed.
banc: Provided, that no doctrine or
principle of law laid down by the court in a Fortich vs Corona

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
- Cases are “decide” while matters, which (c) All cases in which the jurisdiction
include motions for reconsideration, are of any lower court is in issue.
(d) All criminal cases in which the
penalty imposed is reclusion
perpetua or higher.
May the Court entertain PAL’s second motion
for reconsideration (MR)?
(e) All cases in which only an error or
Held. Yes. Since the Court granted PAL’s
question of law is involved.
motion for leave to file a second MR, the
second MR ceases to be a prohibited
(3) Assign temporarily judges of lower
pleading. Besides second MR may be
courts to other stations as public interest
allowed in the higher interest of justice.
may require. Such temporary assignment
shall not exceed six months without the
Note: consent of the judge concerned.
- Both Division and En Banc can lay
down a doctrine or principle of law but (4) Order a change of venue or place of
only the SC En Banc can modify or trial to avoid a miscarriage of justice.
reverse the same.
- Under the rules, if there is a tie vote (2- (5) Promulgate rules concerning the
protection and enforcement of
2-1) in a motion for reconsideration in a
constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
Division, the motion is deemed to have and procedure in all courts, the admission
been denied. to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar,
and legal assistance to the
SECTION 5. The Supreme Court shall have underprivileged. Such rules shall provide
the following powers: a simplified and inexpensive procedure for
the speedy disposition of cases, shall be
(1) Exercise original jurisdiction over uniform for all courts of the same grade,
cases affecting ambassadors, other public and shall not diminish, increase, or modify
ministers and consuls, and over petitions substantive rights. Rules of procedure of
for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo special courts and quasi-judicial bodies
warranto, and habeas corpus. shall remain effective unless disapproved
by the Supreme Court.
(2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or
affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the law or (6) Appoint all officials and employees of
the Rules of Court may provide, final the Judiciary in accordance with the Civil
judgments and orders of lower courts in: Service Law.

(a) All cases in which the What is the Power of Judicial Review?
constitutionality or validity of any - An aspect of judicial power
treaty, international or executive - Specially refers to both the authority and
agreement, law, presidential decree,
the duty of this Court to determine
proclamation, order, instruction,
ordinance, or regulation is in whether a branch or an instrumentality of
question. government has acted beyond the scope
of the latter’s constitutional powers.
(b) All cases involving the legality of
any tax, impost, assessment, or toll, What are political questions?
or any penalty imposed in relation • Questions, which, under the Constitution,
thereto. are to be decided by the people in their
sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
discretionary authority has been delegated Imbong vs Ochoa. Considering that the RH law
to the legislative or executive branch of the has yet to be implemented, do the petitions
government. (Tanada vs Cuenco) present actual controversy ripe for adjudication?
• If there is grave abuse of discretion, power Held. Yes, considering that RH Law and its
of judicial review can be used implementing rules have already taken effect
• In the 1987 Constitution, it was not and that the budgetary measures to carry out
abolished. the law have already been passed.
AC: PHAPI vs Medialdea
In challenging the constitutionality of the Anti-
Imbong vs Ochoa. Can SC exercise its power
Hospital Deposit Law (R.A. No. 10932), did
of judicial review over the RH law: a social the petitioners satisfy the threshold issues of
legislation which is “a product of a majoritarian actual controversy and locus standi?
democratic process” and “characterized by an Held. No. PHAPI failed to allege that they
inordinate amount of transparency”? suffered an actual or direct injury as a result
Held. Yes. Not on its wisdom, justice or of a grave abused of discretion. In the
expediency but on its attendant absence of an actual and direct injury, any
unconstitutionality. pronouncement by the Court would be purely
advisory or sheer legal opinion, in view of the
Ocampo vs Enriquez. Does Duterte’s decision mere hypothetical scenarios which the instant
to have the remains of Marcos interred at the petition presents. Since PHAPI is not a
LNMB involve a justiciable controversy? hospital, it is an association, and it has not
been duly authorized by its members to
Held. No. Duterte’s decision to have the
represent them in their behalf, it has no legal
remains of Marcos interred at the LNMB standing.
involves a political question that is not a
justiciable controversy. 2. Locus Standi. A personal and substantial
interest in a case such that the party has
Saguisag vs Ochoa. Did the 1987 Constitution sustained or will sustain direct injury as a result
limit or expand the power of judicial review? of the challenged governmental act.
- The power of judicial review has since been
strengthened in the 1987 Constitution Legal Standing Based on the Nature of the
extending to the determination of whether in Case to be Filed:
matters traditionally within the sphere of • A citizen’s suit must make a specific
appreciation of another branch of assertion of a particular public right that
government, an exercise of discretion was would be violated by the enforcement of law
with grave abuse. or order.
- The expansion of this power has made the • As taxpayer’s suit must establish that the
political question doctrine “no longer the law involves the exercise by Congress of its
insurmountable obstacle to the exercise of taxing or spending powers.
judicial power or the impenetrable shield • A legislator’s suit must show how
that protects executive and legislative impairment of its constitutional prerogatives
actions from judicial inquiry or review.” and powers.

Threshold issues. Saguisag vs Ochoa. Will the present petitions

1. Actual Controversy. Controversy must be qualify as citizens’ taxpayers’, or legislators’ suit
justiciable-definite and concrete, touching on and, thus, the petitioners have legal standing?
the legal relations of parties having adverse - No. as a citizen suit, petitioners failed to
legal interests. make any specific assertion of a particular

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
public right that would be violated by the Saguisag vs Ochoa. Does this petition involve
enforcement of EDCA. matters of transcendental importance?
- As taxpayers, petitioners failed to establish Held. Yes. Petitioners have presented serious
that EDCA involves the exercise by constitutional issues that provide ample
Congress of its taxing or spending powers. justification for the Court to set aside the rule on
- As party list congressmen, co-petitioners standing. The transcendental importance of the
issues presented here is rooted in the Section
failed to prove that EDCA impairs the
25, Article XVIII of the Constitution.
constitutional prerogatives, powers, and
privileges of their office.
Hierarchy of Courts Doctrine
• In the absence of special reasons, parties
3. Very lis mota. It is when the principal action
cannot seek reliefs directly from the
is to seek the declaration of the
Supreme Court in cases where the latter
unconstitutionality of a law, treaty, etc. In other
exercises concurrent original jurisdiction
actions, if the case cannot be resolved without
resolving the issue of constitutionality. with the RTC and CA like in the issuance of
the writ of certiorari, prohibition and
Liban vs Gordon mandamus.
This court should have exercised judicial • Cases will have to go through a filtering
restraint in voiding certain sections of the PNRC process.
Charter, especially since these was some other
ground upon which the Court could have based Republic vs Sereno. In view of the doctrine of
its judgment. The issue of constitutionality of RA the hierarchy of courts, is direct resort to this
No. 95 was not the very lis mota of the case. Court justified?
Held. Direct resort to the Supreme Court is
4. Raised at Earliest Opportunity. As soon as justified considering that the action for quo
the issue of constitutionality becomes manifest warranto questions the qualification of no less
and clear, it must right away be raised. than a Member of this Court.
The questions of constitutionality must be raised
at the earliest opportunity so that if not raised in AC: GIOS-Samar vs DOTC
the pleadings, ordinarily it may not be raised in What is the “common thread” for direct
the trial, and if not raised in the trial court, it will recourse to the Court under the Angara
not be considered on appeal. model?
Held. Under the Angara model, the “common
Garcia vs Drilon. threat” or the common denominator of all
these cases directly brought before this Court
The question of constitutionality must be raised
is that the threshold questions presented
at the earliest opportunity. Courts will not
before us are ones of law and not of facts.
anticipate a question of constitutional law in
advance of the necessity of deciding it. Operative Fact Doctrine
• Prior to the declaration of unconstitutionality
5. Matters of Transcendental Importance are
of any legislative or executive measure, its
matters that illicit public interest in view of:
“actual existence” is an operative fact. The
• The character of the funds/assets involved
declaration of nullity of the legal
• Disregard of a constitutional or statutory
consequence it may have created during its
prohibition by the public respondent, and
“actual existence”
• Absence of directly affect parties
• Applies to laws, executive and
Only locus standi is waived in case of MTI.
administrative issuances declared

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
• Operative Fact Doctrine applies to laws,
Hacienda Luisita vs PARC. Does the operative Executive Orders and other Presidential
fact doctrine apply only to laws subsequently Proclamations.
declared unconstitutional or unlawful and not to
executive acts subsequently declared as Rule-Making Power
invalid? • Protection and enforcement of
Held. The operative doctrine applies to laws and constitutional rights (writs of amparo and
executive acts subsequently declared as invalid. habeas data).
• Pleading, practice, and procedure in all
Araullo vs Aquino. As a general rule, the
courts (Rules of Court; The Code of
nullification of an unconstitutional law or act
Professional Responsibility).
carries with it the illegality of its effects.
• Admission to the Bar.
However, in cases where nullification of the
effects will result in inequity and injustice, the • The IBP and Legal Assistance
operative fact doctrine may apply to projects
(PAPs) that cannot be undone. Limitations to the SC’s Rule-making power:
- But the operative fact doctrine cannot apply 1. Shall provide a simplified and inexpensive
to authors, proponents and implementors of procedure for the speedy disposition of
the DAP, unless there are concrete cases
findings… 2. Shall be uniform for all courts of the same
- The court has agreed during its grade, and
deliberations to extend to the authors, 3. Shall not diminish, increase or modify
proponents and implementors of the DAP substantive rights (this is a power of the
the benefit of the doctrine of operative fact. Congress)
This is because they had nothing to do…
SC’s Rule-Making Power Writs:
AC: Mandanas vs Ochoa • Writ of Amparo
With the declaration of the unconstitutionality • Writ of Habeas Data
of some portions of Section 284 of the LGC, • Writ of Kalikasan
are the LGUs entitled to recover the arrears in
their just share or should the operative fact As it now stands, the 1987 Constitution textually
doctrine apply? altered the old provisions by deleting the
Held. No. The SC’s declaration of the concurrent power of Congress to amend the
constitutionality of some portions of Section rules, thus solidifying in one body the Court’s
284 of the LGU, shall have prospective rule-making powers, in line with the framers’
application. The adjusted amounts shall be vision of institutionalizing a stronger and more
given to the LGUs starting with the 2022 independent judiciary.
Budget Cycle.
Carpio-Morales vs Binay. Is the first paragraph
Rule of Thumb
of Sec. 14, RA 6770 insofar as it prohibits all
• Prior to the declaration of unconstitutionality
courts (except the SC), form issuing provisional
of any legislative or executive measure, its writs of injunction to enjoin an Ombudsman
“actual existence” is an operative fact. investigation, valid and constitutional?
• The declaration of nullity shall not carry with • The first paragraph of Sec. 14, RA 6770 is
it the nullity of the legal consequences it declared ineffective as it intrudes into the
may have created during its “actual rule-making power of the SC.
existence”. • While Congress has been vested with the
authority to define, prescribe, and apportion

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
the jurisdiction of the various courts as well • The Ombudsman cannot dictate findings
as to create statutory courts, it does not that a case before it does or does not have
result in an abnegation of the court’s own administrative implications. To do so is to
power to promulgate rules of pleading, deprive the Court of the exercise of it
practice, and procedure under Sec. 5(5), administrative prerogatives and to arrogate
Art. VIII of the 1987 Constitution. unto itself a power not constitutionally
AC: Estipona vs Judge Lobrigo
Is Sec 23 of RA No 9165, which prohibits plea AC: Agcaoili vs. Fariñas
bargaining in drug cases, unconstitutional for Does the Court's administrative supervision
being contrary to the rule-making authority of over lower courts allow it to assume
the Supreme? jurisdiction over a petition pending before the
Held. Yes. Plea bargaining is a rule of lower courts?
procedure and well within the exclusive rule- Held. No, administrative supervision emrely
making power of the Supreme Court. involves overseeing the operations of
agencies to ensure that they are managed
SECTION 6. The Supreme Court shall have effectively, efficiently and economically, but
administrative supervision over all courts without interference with day-to-day activities.
and the personnel thereof.
AC: OCA vs Judge Ruiz
Power of Administrative Supervision of the Is respondent judge administratively liable for
Supreme Court includes: acts he is alleged to have committed while he
Section 11: was still the mayor of Dapitan City?
 Power to [sitting en banc] discipline judges Held. Yes. It is immaterial that the respondent
was not yet a member of the Judiciary when
of lower courts he allegedly committed the acts imputed for
 Power to order their dismissal by a vote of acts committed prior to their appointment to
a majority of the Members who actually took the judiciary.
part in the deliberations on the issues in the
case and voted thereon AM NO. 13-09-08-SC. (2013)
Is the requirement of seeking a Clearance of
Maceda vs Vasquez. Pendency/Non-Pendency of Admin. Case from
- Ombudsman may not investigate a judged the CSC embodied in Sec. 7, Rule III, IRR of RA
independently of any administrative action 10154, applicable to retiring Judiciary
of the SC employees?
- Only the SC can oversee the judges’ and Held. No. to deem it otherwise would disregard
then Court’s constitutionally-enshrined power of
court personnel’s compliance with all laws,
administrative supervision over its personnel.
and take the proper administrative action
against them if they commit any violation
SECTION 7. (1) No person shall be
thereof. appointed Member of the Supreme Court
or any lower collegiate court unless he is
Judge Caoibes v. Ombudsman: a natural-born citizen of the Philippines. A
• The Ombudsman cannot determine for Member of the Supreme Court must be at
itself and by itself whether a criminal least forty years of age, and must have
complaint against a judge, or court been for fifteen years or more a judge of a
employee, involves an administrative lower court or engaged in the practice of
law in the Philippines.
matter. He must refer to the SC for
determination as to whether an (2) The Congress shall prescribe the
administrative aspect in involved therein. qualifications of judges of lower courts,
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
but no person may be appointed judge accompanying laws and its implementing
thereof unless he is a citizen of the rules and regulations
Philippines and a member of the
Philippine Bar. Can the qualifications under the Constitution
be waived by the JBC?
(3) A Member of the Judiciary must be a Held. No. the JBC’s exercise of discretion is
person of proven competence, integrity, limited by the Constitution itself when it
probity, and independence. prescribed the qualifications absolutely
required of a person to eligible for
Qualifications of members of the SC: appointment as a Member of the Court.
Section 7(1) and (3):
• Natural-born citizens of the PH; SECTION 8. (1) A Judicial and Bar Council
• At least 40 years of age; is hereby created under the supervision of
• Must have been: the Supreme Court composed of the Chief
Justice as ex officio Chairman, the
o A judge of a lower court for 15 years Secretary of Justice, and a representative
or more; or of the Congress as ex officio Members, a
o Engaged in the practice of law in the representative of the Integrated Bar, a
PH; and professor of law, a retired Member of the
• Of proven competence, integrity, probity, Supreme Court, and a representative of
and independence (CIPI). the private sector.
o Competence – passed the bar;
(2) The regular Members of the Council
number of years practicing the law shall be appointed by the President for a
o Integrity, probity and independence term of four years with the consent of the
– neutrality of one seen by the public Commission on Appointments. Of the
Members first appointed, the
Qualifications of judges of single-member representative of the Integrated Bar shall
courts: Section 7(2) and (3): serve for four years, the professor of law
• Either natural-born or naturalized citizens for three years, the retired Justice for two
years, and the representative of the private
o Intent:
sector for one year.
 to open up courts lower than
collegiate courts to naturalized (3) The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall
citizens on the subject be the Secretary ex officio of the Council
 Congress cannot require that judges and shall keep a record of its proceedings.
of courts lower than collegiate courts
be natural-born citizens (4) The regular Members of the Council
shall receive such emoluments as may be
determined by the Supreme Court. The
Practice of law. Anything that has to do with the Supreme Court shall provide in its annual
knowledge of law. Legal consultant is qualified budget the appropriations for the Council.
under the practice of law.
(5) The Council shall have the principal
AC: Republic vs Sereno function of recommending appointees to
Does compliance with the constitutional and the Judiciary. It may exercise such other
statutory requirement of filing of SALN functions and duties as the Supreme
intimately relates to a person's integrity? Court may assign to it.
Held. Yes. SALN requirement is imposed no
less than Section 17, Article XI of the Judicial and Bar Council
Constitution and made more emphatic by its  Principal function of the JBC:

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
o Recommend to the President  Pres may not appoint anybody who is not in
appointees to the Judiciary the list
 From among the nominees the  If Pres is not satisfied with the names in the
President appoints judges without need list, he may ask for another list
for confirmation by a Commission on  There is NO NEED OF FURTHER
Appointments CONFIRMATION, once the appointment is:
 Under the supervision of the SC o Issued by the President; and
 Composition: o Accepted by the nominee
o 3 ex-officio members:  Constitution provides that the Pres is
 Chief Justice, as ex-officio authorized to appoint Justices and judges
Chairman o Not the authority merely to designate a
 Secretary of Justice non-member of the SC temporarily to
 Representative of Congress sit as Justice of the SC
o 4 regular members:
 Representative of the AC: Aguinaldo vs. Aquino
Integrated Bar Whether or not President Aquino violated the
 A professor of law Constitution or committed grave abuse of
 A retired Member of the SC discretion in disregarding the clustering of
 Representative of the private nominees into six separate shortlists for the
sector six vacancies for Sandiganbayan Associate
 Regular members are appointed by the
Held. NO. the President was not limited to
President for a term of four years with
appoint from the nominees in the shortlist
the consent of the Commission on submitted by the JBC for each specific
Appointments vacancy.
o Allows a political check on the
President’s appointing authority AC: Aguinaldo vs. Aquino
 W/c legislative member—Senate or Did the clustering of nominees for the six
HoR? vacancies in the Sandiganbayan by the JBC
o A member each comes from both impair the President's power to appoint
Houses but they each have only members of the Judiciary and to determine
half a vote. the seniority of the newly-appointed
Sandiganbayan Associate Justices?
Held. Yes. His option for every vacancy was
SECTION 9. The Members of the Supreme
limited to the five to seven nominees in each
Court and judges of lower courts shall be
cluster. Clustering can be used as a device to
appointed by the President from a list of at
favor or prejudice a qualified nominee.
least three nominees prepared by the
Judicial and Bar Council for every
vacancy. Such appointments need no SECTION 10. The salary of the Chief
confirmation. Justice and of the Associate Justices of
the Supreme Court, and of judges of lower
For the lower courts, the President shall courts shall be fixed by law. During their
issue the appointments within ninety days continuance in office, their salary shall not
from the submission of the list. be decreased.

 The JBC forms a list of nominees to the Compensation. Does not prohibit the
judiciary out of which the President chooses imposition of a tax on the salary of the Justices
appointees as Justices and judges and judges.
 For every vacancy, the JBC submits to the
Nifatan, et al. v. Commissioner of Internal
Pres a list of at least 3 names
Revenue. The true intent of the framers of the
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
1987 Constitution … was to make the salaries  A decision en banc is needed only when the
of the members of the Judiciary taxable. penalty to be imposed is
o Dismissal of a judge;
SECTION 11. The Members of the Supreme o Disbarment of a lawyer;
Court and judges of lower courts shall o Suspension of either for more than one
hold office during good behavior until they year; or
reached the age of seventy years or o A fine exceeding 10,000Php
become incapacitated to discharge the o
duties of their office. The Supreme Court Vargas v. Rillaraza
en banc shall have the power to discipline
The guarantee of security of tenure is against
judges of lower courts, or order their
dismissal by a vote of a majority of the “actual removal” and “uninterrupted continuity in
Members who actually took part in the tenure.”
deliberations on the issues in the case and
voted thereon. OCA vs. Judge Usman
Are Judges required to file their SALN? Can the
This section assures security of tenure. be subjected to lifestyle check?
 Members of the SC can be said to have Held. Yes, in order to supress any questionable
failed to satisfy the requirement of “good accumulation of wealth, eradicate corruption,
behavior” only if they are guilt of the promote transparency in gov’t and to ensure that
offenses which are constitutional grounds all gov’t employees and officials lead just and
for impeachment modest lives.
 Constitution does not say when judges of
lower courts may be said to have failed to OCA vs. Judge Ruiz
satisfy the requirement of “good behavior” Is the administrative case against him
o SC alone can determine this since the premature since his criminal convictions by the
SC alone can order their dismissal Sandiganbayan are not yet final?
o Such power is EXCLUSIVE Held. No. It is not sound judicial policy to await
 Incapacity to discharge duties = not defined the final resolution of a criminal case before an
by the Constitution administrative complaint against a lawyer may
o Power to determine such is part of the be acted upon where only substantial evidence
overall administrative power w/c the Is required.
SC has over its members and over all
members of the judiciary OCA vs. Judge Flora
o Practice for SC is to create a panel of Can a judge who circulate calling cards
Drs. Who can assist the SC in making containing self-laudatory statements who
the proper decision. believe in psychic visions and in “duwendes” be
 Power of the SC to discipline judges of administratively sanctioned?
inferior courts or to order their dismissal is Held. We do not denigrate such belief system.
EXCLUSIVE. However, such belied are so at odds with the
o May NOT be vested in any other body critical and impartial thinking required of a judge
nor the Congress. under our judicial system.
 Security of tenure can sometimes be
circumvented by indirection (Ex. Abolition of AC: Anonymous vs Judge Buyucan
Whether or not respondent Judge Buyucan is
office. Like the power of the Congress to
guilty of gross misconduct?
create courts which include the power to
Held. Yes. While respondent Judge Buyucan
abolish such.) denies the DA’s ownership, he nevertheless
admitted on record that he is encroaching on
People v. Gacott, Jr. what he claims to be the RRW of the DPWH

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
which he bought from an accused before his Purpose of the requirement that each
sala, which criminal case he also earlier dissenting Justice must state the reasons
dismissed for his dissent
o Ensures personal study by each Justice
SECTION 12. The Members of the Supreme o Recognition of the fact that dissenting
Court and of other courts established by opinions sometimes become the majority
law shall not be designated to any agency opinion
performing quasi-judicial or
administrative functions.
The requirement for justices who took no
part or abstained from a decision to give an
Non-designation. This provisions merely
explanation for their inaction is
makes explicit an application of the principle of
separation of powers.
o Also applies to Justices of intermediate
collegiate court
Decision-Making Process.
SECTION 13. The conclusions of the
Supreme Court in any case submitted to it
for decision en banc or in division shall be Must a dissenting Justice explain his dissent?
reached in consultation before the case is Held. Yes. Any member who took no part or
assigned to a Member for the writing of the dissented or abstained from a decision or
opinion of the Court. A certification to this resolution must state the reason therefore.
effect signed by the Chief Justice shall be
issued and a copy thereof attached to the AC: Highpoint Dev. Corp. vs. Republic
record of the case and served upon the Whether or not the pro hac vice ruling in
parties. Any Member who took no part, or Republic of the Philippines vs. Vega, et al.
dissented, or abstained from a decision or can be applied in favor of petitioner?
resolution must state the reason therefor. Held. No. A pro hac vice ruling is a ruling
The same requirements shall be observed expressly qualified as such cannot be relied
by all lower collegiate courts. upon as a precedent to govern other cases.

 Obliges all Justices of the SC to study every Form and Substance.

case to be decided en banc or by the SECTION 14. No decision shall be
division to which they belong rendered by any court without expressing
o Purpose: to ensure the implementation therein clearly and distinctly the facts and
of the constitutional requirement that the law on which it is based.
decisions of the SC and lower
No petition for review or motion for
collegiate courts are reached after
reconsideration of a decision of the court
consultation with the members of the
shall be refused due course or denied
court sitting en banc or in division without stating the legal basis therefor.
before the case is assigned to a
member thereof for decision-writing. Contents of decisions of courts
 Decisions referred to the final determination
Effect of the absence of certification made by a court of the substantive issue
o Only serves as evidence of failure to brought for resolution
observe certification requirement o Does not apply to a resolution refusing
o May be basis for holding the official due course, which is treated in the 2nd
responsible for the omission to account paragraph, or to disposition of
thereof incidental matters.
o Would not have the effect of invalidating the

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Petitions for review and motions for Sulpico vs NEDA, “What happens when case
reconsiderations becomes moot and academic?”
 Merely requires a statement of the “legal Held. Kapag wala nang buhay ang kaso, wala
basis” for denying due course nang dahilan para magdesisyon and Husgado.
Unless the court issues an extended decision as
Agoy vs Araneta, “Do minute resolutions a symbolic function of educating the bench and
comply with the requirements on form and the bar.
Held. While they are the results of the Period to Decide: 3-12-24
deliberations by the Justices of the Court, they SECTION 15. (1) All cases or matters filed
are promulgated by the Clerk of Court whose after the effectivity of this Constitution
duty is to inform the parties of the action taken must be decided or resolved within
on their cases quoting verbatim the resolutions twenty-four months from date of
adopted by the Court. submission for the Supreme Court, and,
unless reduced by the Supreme Court,
twelve months for all lower collegiate
De Castro vs JBC, “Is the SC bound and courts, and three months for all other
controlled by precedents?” lower courts.
Held. The Court, as the highest court of the land
may be guided by it is not controlled by (2) A case or matter shall be deemed
precedent, and only when its reasoning and submitted for decision or resolution upon
justification are relevant and applicable to the the filing of the last pending, brief, or
case before it. memorandum required by the Rules of
Court or by the court itself.
“Is the resolution dated Ocy 4, 2011 in AM No (3) Upon the expiration of the
11-10-1 SC vpod fpr failure to comply with corresponding period, a certification to
Section 14 Art VIII of the 1987 Constitution?” this effect signed by the Chief Justice or
Held. No. The constitutional provision the presiding judge shall forthwith be
contemplates only of a decision, which is the issued and a copy thereof attached to the
judgement or order that adjudicates on the record of the case or matter, and served
merits of a case. The October 4, 2011 upon the parties. The certification shall
resolution did not adjudicate on the merits of state why a decision or resolution has not
G.R. No. 178083 been rendered or issued within said
Moot and Academic Case.
(4) Despite the expiration of the applicable
 Even if moot, the court decides if:
mandatory period, the court, without
o There is grave violation of the prejudice to such responsibility as may
Constitution; have been incurred in consequence
o The situation is of exceptional thereof, shall decide or resolve the case or
character and paramount public matter submitted thereto for
interest is involved; determination, without further delay.
o The constitutional issue raised requires
formulation of controlling principles to Period for making decisions
guide the bench, the bar, and the  Supreme Court – 24 months
public; and  Lower collegiate courts – 12 months
o The case is capable of repetition yet  Lower courts – 3 months
evading review.
Basic rule
 Section 15(1)
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
 Respective periods are MANDATORY A. Common Provisions
o Failure to comply subjects SC Justice SECTION 1. The Constitutional
to impeachment for culpable violation Commissions, which shall be
of the Constitution and lower court independent, are the Civil Service
justice to disciplinary action Commission, the Commission on
Elections, and the Commission on Audit.
 Applies only to cases filed AFTER the
effectivity of this Constitution
Key functions:
 CSC – personnel office of government
Determination whether the prescribed
period has been complied with  COA – auditing office
 Section 15(3), requires certification  COMELEC – charged with
administration of all the important
 Section 15(4) = failure to decide the case
electoral process
w/in the reglementary period, does not
decide the case either way
Reason why they are made INDEPENDENT
BODIES: To protect their integrity
Code of Judicial Conduct
 Requires judges to decide cases and
SECTION 2. No Member of a Constitutional
matter pending before them within a period
Commission shall, during his tenure, hold
fixed by law
any other office or employment. Neither
 Failure to do so = gross inefficiency and shall he engage in the practice of any
warrant administrative sanctions profession or in the active management or
 Exception: heavy case load or poor health control of any business which in any way
may partially excuse such lapses, only if the be affected by the functions of his office,
judges concerned request reasonable nor shall he be financially interested,
extensions directly or indirectly, in any contract with,
or in any franchise or privilege granted by
Hebron vs Judge Garcia, “Does the failure to the Government, any of its subdivisions,
decide cases/matters within 90-day agencies, or instrumentalities, including
government-owned or controlled
reglementary period constitute gross
corporations or their subsidiaries.
inefficiency warranting the imposition of
sanction against the erring judge?”
Prohibitions. A list of prohibitions against
Held. Yes. Judge Garcia failed to meet this
engaging in activities which can distract them
three-month deadline and should be
from their responsibilities or subject them to
sanctioned, a blatant transgression of the
pressure and temptations.
Constitution and the Code of Judicial Conduct.
o “practice of profession” does not include
SECTION 16. The Supreme Court shall,
o Prohibition of “active management” of a
within thirty days from the opening of each
business does not prohibit a Commissioner
regular session of the Congress, submit to
the President and the Congress an annual form owning a business
report on the operations and activities of  only from being a managing officer or a
the Judiciary. member of the governing board of a
business “which in any way may be
Purpose: to enable the judiciary to inform affected by the functions of his office”
government about its needs. o Prohibition of financial interest in
government contracts or franchises
ARTICLE IX:  Applies to contracts with “subsidiaries”
CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS of government corporations, formed
not by special law but by mother
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
corporations through the general such Commission rules violate the
corporation law. Constitution
o Congress may not assume power
Primary Protective Measures. to review the rules promulgated by
SECTION 3. The salary of the Chairman the Commission
and the Commissioners shall be fixed by  Commissioners are, given a fixed term and
law and shall not be decreased during are removable only by impeachment
their tenure.
Rule of Thumb
SECTION 4. The Constitutional
 The protection of non-diminution of the
Commissions shall appoint their officials
and employees in accordance with law. salaries during their tenure does not
prohibit legitimate income tax deduction.
SECTION 5. The Commission shall enjoy  While constitutional commissions have the
fiscal autonomy. Their approved annual power to appoint their officials, such
appropriations shall be automatically and appointments are not exempted from Civil
regularly released. Service Law and Rules.
 COAs “no report, no release” policy does
SECTION 6. Each Commission en banc not apply to constitutional commissions
may promulgate its own rules concerning enhoying fiscal autonomy.
pleadings and practice before it or before  The certiorari jurisdiction of the SC is limited
any of its offices. Such rules however shall to decisions rendered by constitutional
not diminish, increase, or modify
commissions in the exercise of their
substantive rights.
adjudicatory or quasi-judicial powers.
 Section 3 protects their salary from
AC: Funa vs. Duque
diminution during their continuance in office
Does the designation of Duque as member of
o Does not prohibit its increase. the Board of Directors or Trustees of the
 Section 4, independent powers of GSIS, PHILHEALTH, ECC and HDMF, in an
appointment but in accordance with law. ex officio capacity, impair the independence
 Section 5, fiscal autonomy of the CSC and violate the constitutional
o Their approved annual appropriations prohibition against the holding of dual or
shall be automatically and regularly multiple offices for the Members of the
released and shall not be subject to Constitutional Commissions?
pre-audit. Held. Yes, provisions for per diems is
 Section 6, authority to promulgate rules contrary to ex officio principle; (b) his
designation impares the independence of
of procedure, sitting en banc.
CSC; and (c) it amounts to prohibited multiple
o In case of conflict between rules of offices.
procedure promulgated by a
Commission and a Rule of Court, Is Section 14, Chapter 3, Title I-A, Book V of
 Rules of Court prevail if the EO 292 valid and constitutional?
proceeding is before a court Held. Yes. Because matters affecting the
 Rule of the Commission should career development rights and welfare of
prevail if the proceeding is before government employees are among the
a Commission primary functions of the CSC and are
o SC has no power to disapprove consequently exercised through its
Commission rules. Chairman
 EXCEPT through the exercise of
the power of “judicial review” when SECTION 7. Each Commission shall
decide by a majority vote of all its

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Members any case or matter brought  Now, judgments or final orders of quasi-
before it within sixty days from the date of judicial agencies may be appealed to the
its submission for decision or resolution. Court of Appeals within fifteen days from
A case or matter is deemed submitted for notice thereof, pursuant to Section 7 –
decision or resolution upon the filing of “Unless otherwise provided by this
the last pleading, brief, or memorandum Constitution.”
required by the rules of the Commission or
by the Commission itself. Unless
otherwise provided by this Constitution or B. The Civil Service Commission
by law, any decision, order, or ruling of
each Commission may be brought to the SECTION 1. (1) The Civil Service shall be
Supreme Court on certiorari by the administered by the Civil Service
aggrieved party within thirty days from Commission composed of a Chairman and
receipt of a copy thereof. two Commissioners who shall be natural-
born citizens of the Philippines and, at the
SECTION 8. Each Commission shall time of their appointment, at least thirty-
perform such other functions as may be five years of age, with proven capacity for
provided by law. public administration, and must not have
been candidates for any elective position
in the elections immediately preceding
Decisions of the Commissions
their appointment.
 Promulgating a rule which requires
UNANIMITY is not allowed. (2) The Chairman and the Commissioners
 Majority vote of “all its members” shall be appointed by the President with
o Not only those who participated and the consent of the Commission on
took part in the deliberations. Appointments for a term of seven years
 No express rule requiring the submission of without reappointment. Of those first
a dissenting opinion appointed, the Chairman shall hold office
 No decision UNTIL the draft is SIGNED & for seven years, a Commissioner for five
years, and another Commissioner for
three years, without reappointment.
 If decision is not reached within the Appointment to any vacancy shall be only
reglementary period, such failure DOES for the unexpired term of the predecessor.
NOT affect the merits of the case In no case shall any Member be appointed
o Case must still be decided at the or designated in a temporary or acting
earliest time capacity.
o “Overly strict adherence to deadlines
might induce the Commission to General objective of a civil service system.
resolve election contacts hurriedly by To establish and promote professionalism and
reason of lack of material time” – efficiency in public service.
Alvarez vs COMELEC
Organization of the Commission
Review of Decisions  Composed of a Chairman and two
 In ABS-CBN vs COMELEC, the SC Commissioners appointed by the President
dispensed with the need for reconsideration with the consent of the omission on
since elections were already very close and Appointment
there was no more time for another speedy  The Chairman and Commissioners must be
remedy. (1) Natural-born citizens,
 “certiorari may be resorted to when there is (2) At least 35 years of age at the time fo
no other plain, speedy and adequate their appointment,
remedy.” (3) “with proven capacity for public
administration,” and
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
(4) “must not have been candidates for any and who served the entire period, are
elective position in the elections barred from reappointment to any position
immediately preceding their in the Commission. The first appointees in
appointment.” the Commission under the Constitution are
 Natural-born citizen requirement also covered by the prohibition against
o Commission was too powerful a body reappointment.
to entrust to naturalized citizens 4 rule
 Term of seven years cannot be o A commissioner who resigns after serving
reappointed in the Commission for less than 7 years is
o Applies even if the Commissioner has eligible for an appointment to the position of
served for less than seven years Chairman for the unexpired portion of the
o Staggering the terms of the first term of departing Chairman, provided that:
appointees is to achieve continuity by  The aggregate period of the length of
not allowing the term of all service as commissioner and the
Commissioners to expire all at on time unexpired period of the term of the
 “in no case shall any Member e appointed predecessor will not exceed seven
or designated in a temporary or acting years, and
capacity.”  The vacancy in the position of
o This is evidence of the desire to plug Chairman resulted from death,
ways of avoiding the seven-maximum resignation, disability or removal by
term impeachment
o Should there be a vacancy in the office 5th rule
of Chairman, it must not be filled by the o Any member of the Commission cannot be
President designating one of the appointed or designated in a temporary or
Commissioners a temporary Chairman acting capacity
 The Commission itself must
choose the temporary Chairman Matibag vs Benipayo
o An ad interim appointment is not a
Funa vs Villar prohibited temporary appointment. It is
1st Rule permanent in character, until disapproved
o Funa vs Villar: The appointment of or by-passed by the Commission on
members of any of the three constitutional Appointments
commissions, after the expiration of the o A second ad-interim appointment is not a
uneven terms of office of the first of prohibition re-appointment because the
commissioners, shall always be for a fixed previous appointment was not confirmed by
term of seven (7) years; an appointment for the CA
a lesser period is void and unconstitutional.
2nd Rule SECTION 2. (1) The civil service embraces
o Funa vs Villar: Appointments to vacancies all branches, subdivisions,
resulting from certain causes (death, instrumentalities, and agencies of the
resignation, disability or impeachment) Government, including government-
shall only be for the unexpired portion of the owned or controlled corporations with
term of the predecessor, but such original charters.
appointments cannot be less than the
(2) Appointments in the civil service shall
unexpired portion as this will likewise
be made only according to merit and
disrupt the staggering of terms
fitness to be determined, as far as
3 Rule practicable, and, except to positions
o Members of the Commission, who were which are policy-determining, primarily
appointed for a full term of seven (7) years
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
confidential, or highly technical, by  Person having authority to do
competitive examination. particular act or perform a
particular function in the exercise
(3) No officer or employee of the civil of governmental power, includes
service shall be removed or suspended any Government employee, agent,
except for cause provided by law. or body having authority to do the
act or exercise the function in
(4) No officer or employee in the civil
service shall engage, directly or indirectly,
in any electioneering or partisan political
campaign. AC: Cerilles vs. CSC
Do R.A. No. 6656 and the Civil Service
(5) The right to self-organization shall not Commission intrude into the discretion of the
be denied to government employees. appointing authority?
Held. Yes. Totality of circumstances support
(6) Temporary employees of the such conclusion. First, the sheer number of
Government shall be given such appointments found to be violative if RA 6656
protection as may be provided by law. is astounding, Second, respondents were
replaced by either new employees or those
Scope of the Systems, Section 2 (1) holding lower positions in the old staffing
pattern. (Sec. 20, PD 1146, GSIS Act of 1987)
 “all branches, subdivisions,
instrumentalities, and agencies of the AC: Torres vs. De Leon
Government” can escape the reach of the Does the CSC have appellate jurisdiction over
Civil Service Law dismissal orders of PNRC employees by its
o The status of being primarily Board since PNRC is sui generis?
confidential merely exempts an office Held. Yes. As ruled by this Court in Liban vs.
from the rules of appointment but not Gordon, the PNRC, although not a GOCC, is
from other rules sui generis in character, thus, requiring this
 “all government-owned or controlled Court to approach controversies involving the
corporations but only those “with original PNRC on a case-to-case basis
charters” The CSC has jurisdiction over the PNRC
because the issue at hand is the enforcement
o Such are created by special law, not
of labor laws and penal statutes, thus, in this
through the general corporation law
particular matter, the PNRC can be treated as
o Test for determining whether officers a GOCC.
and employees of a government Having jurisdiction over the PNRC, the CSC
owned corporation comes under the had authority to modify the penalty and order
Civil Service System: the dismissal of petitioner from service.
 Manner of creation of the
corporation to which they belong. Classification and appointments
o Employee – persons in public service,  Section 2 is the basis for classifying
includes any person in the service of positions in the civil service into the
the Government or any branch thereof competitive and non competitive
of whatever grade or class positions.
o Officer – officials whose duties, not  Non-competitive positions – by their
being of a clerical or manual nature, nature are policy-determining, primarily
may be considered to involve the confidential, or highly technical.
exercise of discretion in the o Policy determining position – charged
performance of the functions of with the duty to “formulate a method of
government. action for the government or any of its
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
o Highly technical position – occupant is  Reason for the grant of security or tenure:
required “to possess a technical skill or Guarantees against arbitrary impairment,
training in the supreme or superior whether total or partial, of the right to
degree.” continue in the position held.
o Primarily Confidential – (1) when the  Section 2(3) guarantees that suspension
President, upon the recommendation or dismissal can be made only “for
of the CSC, has declared the position cause provided by law.”
to be primarily confidential, and (2) o Dismissal – demotion or transfer which
when the position, by its nature, is involves reduction of pay or rank
primarily confidential. – Salazar vs o A guarantee of both procedural and
Mathay substantive due process
 Primary purpose of the classification into o “provided by law” means that law must
PD, PC, and HT position – “to exempt these already be in existence when the act for
categories from competitive examination as which a person is being subjected to
a means for determining merit and fitness.” disciplinary action was committed.
 SOT may not be circumvented by resort to
Nepotism. One is guilty of nepotism if an abolition of office. Abolition of office to
appointment is issued in favor of a relative within escape the taint of unconstitutionality must
the third civil degree of consanguinity or affinity be made
of any of the following: (a) appointing authority o In good faith,
(b) recommending authority (c) chief of the o Not for personal or political reasons,
bureau of the office, or (d) person exercising and
immediate supervision over the appointee. o Not in violation of the law.
(CSC vs Dacoycoy)  Temporary appointees are removable any
time even without cause
The prohibition and rule against nepotism is not o Not anybody can remove him but only
only limited to original appointments but also the appointing authority
includes promotions as in this case when the  SOT covers not just removal or other
City Mayor promoted his wife, an employee for disciplinary actions but also transfers.
32 years, as head of the Office of the General o If transfer is without consent of the
Services. (Debulgado vs CSC) employee, it violates SOT
o Temporary transfer is allowed without
Role of the Civil Service Commission in consent if:
appointments  It is not a preliminary step toward
 Limited to the determination of the his removal
qualifications of the candidates for  Not a scheme to lure him away
appointment from his permanent position
 Plays no role in the choice of the person to  Not designed to indirectly
be appointed. terminate his service
 Lapinid vs CSC, “the most that the  Not force his resignation
Commission can do is certify to the  Permanent appointment bears with it the
qualification of those being considered for qualification for the position
Security of tenure, Section 2 (3) Do probationary employees enjoy security of
 Efficiency of a civil service system depends tenure?
largely on the morale of the officers and Held. Yes, during his 6-month probationary
employees in the service. period. During their 6-month probationary
employment, probationary employees cannot
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
be dismissed except for cause or failure to political problems or issues, or from
qualify as regular employees. expressing his views on current political
public office whom he supports.”
CAMARINES NORTE VS GONZALES  Nor does it prohibit a person from voting or
Being a primarily confidential employee, does from joining civic organizations that are
Gonzales have the security of tenure? non-partisan in character.
Held. Yes. But as a provincial administrator and  Cabinet members may engage in partisan
holder of a primarily confidential position, political activity.
Gonzales’ tenure of office ended when the
confidence in him by the Governor ended. The right to self-organization, Section 2 (5)
 Does it include the right to strike?
Feliciano & Gonzales vs. DND o No. We are only talking about
Were petitioners illegally terminated in view of organizing uniting as a union. With
their security of tenure? regards to the right to strike, in the Bill
Held. No. the petitioiners were undisputedly of Rights there is the right to form
not yet holders of CSEE. The effect is that
associations or societies whose
their appointments remained temporary, a
purpose is not contrary to law shall not
status that denied them security of tenure.
be abridged.
AC: PCSO vs. COA o Employees of the SSS and public
Under R.A. No. 6758, what allowances are school teachers do not have a
expressly excluded from in the standardized constitutional right to strike but it does
salaries? not mean that they may not be given
Held. Generally, all kinds of allowances are the right to strike by statute.
integrated into the prescribed standardized
salary rates, except: SECTION 3. The Civil Service
a) Representation and transportation Commission, as the central personnel
allowances agency of the Government, shall establish
b) Clothing and laundry allowances a career service and adopt measures to
c) Subsistence allowance of marine officers promote morale, efficiency, integrity,
and crew on board government vessels and responsiveness, progressiveness, and
hospital personnel courtesy in the civil service. It shall
d) Hazard pay strengthen the merit and rewards system,
e) Allowances of foreign service personnel integrate all human resources
stationed abroad development programs for all levels and
f) And such other additional compensation as ranks, and institutionalize a management
may be determined by the DBM. climate conducive to public
accountability. It shall submit to the
President and the Congress an annual
Electioneering or partisan political activity report on its personnel programs.
 Section 2(4) is intended to keep the Civil
Service free of the deleterious effects of  Enumerates the key functions of the
political partisanship Commission
 Partisan political activity – every form of  This sections subsumed the power to
“solicitation of the elector’s vote in favor of” “promulgate and enforce policies on
a specific candidate personnel actions, classify positions,
 Electioneering – well describes the prescribe conditions of employment except
prohibited activity as to compensation and other monetary
 Does not “prevent any officer or employee benefits which shall be provided by law.”
form expressing his views on current  CSC may revoke a certificate of eligibility
motu proprio
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
SECTION 8. No elective or appointive
SECTION 4. All public officers and public officer or employee shall receive
employees shall take an oath or additional, double, or indirect
affirmation to uphold and defend this compensation, unless specifically
Constitution. authorized by law, nor accept without the
consent of the Congress, any present,
SECTION 5. The Congress shall provide emolument, office, or title of any kind
for the standardization of compensation from any foreign government.
of government officials and employees,
including those in government-owned or Pensions or gratuities shall not be
controlled corporations with original considered as additional, double, or
charters, taking into account the nature of indirect compensation.
the responsibilities pertaining to, and the
qualifications required for their positions. Additional or double compensation
 Purpose of the prohibition:
SECTION 6. No candidate who has lost in o Not avail the public officer of devious
any election shall, within one year after circuitous means to increase the
such election, be appointed to any office remuneration attached to his position
in the Government or any government-
 Additional compensation
owned or controlled corporations or in
any of their subsidiaries. o For one and the same office for
which a compensation has been
SECTION 7. No elective official shall be fixed there is added to such fixed
eligible for appointment or designation in compensation an extra reward in
any capacity to any public office or the form of a bonus
position during his tenure. o Not allowed in the absence of a
law specifically authorizing such
Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the extra reward
primary functions of his position, no  Double Compensation
appointive official shall hold any other o Two sets of compensations for
office or employment in the Government
two different offices held
or any subdivision, agency or
instrumentality thereof, including concurrently but one officer
government-owned or controlled o No general prohibition against
corporations or their subsidiaries. holding two offices which are not
Political opportunism and spoils o President ay authorize double
 Section 6 together with Section 7 is compensation in some cases like
intended to help eradicate the “spoils bar examinations.
 Section 7 (1) governs elective officials C. The Commission on Elections
o Prohibits elective officials from
SECTION 1. (1) There shall be a
accepting appointments during their
Commission on Elections composed of a
tenure (other than members if
Chairman and six Commissioners who
Congress) shall be natural-born citizens of the
 Section 7(2) deals with appointive officers Philippines and, at the time of their
o Prohibition is not absolute appointment, at least thirty-five years of
o They may hold another office, if age, holders of a college degree, and
“allowed by law or by the primary must not have been candidates for any
functions of their positions.” elective position in the immediately
preceding elections. However, a majority

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
thereof, including the Chairman, shall be SECTION 2. The Commission on Elections
Members of the Philippine Bar who have shall exercise the following powers and
been engaged in the practice of law for at functions:
least ten years.
(1) Enforce and administer all laws and
(2) The Chairman and the Commissioners regulations relative to the conduct of an
shall be appointed by the President with election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum,
the consent of the Commission on and recall.
Appointments for a term of seven years
without reappointment. Of those first (2) Exercise exclusive original jurisdiction
appointed, three Members shall hold over all contests relating to the elections,
office for seven years, two Members for returns, and qualifications of all elective
five years, and the last Members for three regional, provincial, and city officials, and
years, without reappointment. appellate jurisdiction over all contests
Appointment to any vacancy shall be only involving elective municipal officials
for the unexpired term of the predecessor. decided by trial courts of general
In no case shall any Member be appointed jurisdiction, or involving elective
or designated in a temporary or acting barangay officials decided by trial courts
capacity. of limited jurisdiction.

Composition & Qualification. There shall be Decisions, final orders, or rulings of the
a COMELEC composed of a Chairman and six Commission on election contests
(6) commissioners who shall be natural-born involving elective municipal and barangay
citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of offices shall be final, executory, and not
their appointment, at least thirty-five (35) years
age, holders of a college degree.
(3) Decide, except those involving the right
to vote, all questions affecting elections,
Additional Qualification including determination of the number and
 Must not have been candidate for any location of polling places, appointment of
elective position in the immediately election officials and inspectors, and
preceding elections. registration of voters.
 Majority of the Commissioners, including the
(4) Deputize, with the concurrence of the
Chairman, shall be members of the
President, law enforcement agencies and
Philippine Bar who have been engaged in the instrumentalities of the Government,
practice of law for at least ten (10) years. including the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, for the exclusive purpose of
Powers Withheld ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful,
 Transfer a municipality from one district to and credible elections.
(5) Register, after sufficient publication,
 Canvass of votes for the election of
political parties, organizations, or
President and VicePresident coalitions which, in addition to other
 Determine the right to vote requirements, must present their platform
 Inclusion and exclusion of voters or program of government; and accredit
 Decide on qualification of members of citizens’ arms of the Commission on
Congress after proclamation and Elections. Religious denominations and
sects shall not be registered. Those which
seek to achieve their goals through
violence or unlawful means, or refuse to
uphold and adhere to this Constitution, or
which are supported by any foreign
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
government shall likewise be refused
registration. Note: Only decision of COMELEC en banc can
be the subject of a judicial review. (Section 7(2),
Financial contributions from foreign Article IX-A)
governments and their agencies to
political parties, organizations, coalitions, DIOCESE OF BACOLOD VS COMELEC
or candidates related to elections
Does the COMELEC have legal and
constitute interference in national affairs,
constitutional bases to regulate expressions
and, when accepted, shall be an additional
ground for the cancellation of their made by private citizens who are not
registration with the Commission, in candidates?
addition to other penalties that may be Held. No. Its authority to regulate expressions
prescribed by law. are generally limited to those made by
candidates and political parties.
(6) File, upon a verified complaint, or on its
own initiative, petitions in court for 1-UTAK VS COMELEC
inclusion or exclusion of voters; Does the power of the Comelec to regulate
investigate and, where appropriate, franchises extend to regulating the posting of
prosecute cases of violations of election campaign materials on PUVs, private vehicles
laws, including acts or omissions and transport terminals?
constituting election frauds, offenses, and
Held. No. Not only because of their private
ownership but because this is an aspect of the
(7) Recommend to the Congress effective freedom of speech and expression.
measures to minimize election spending,
including limitation of places where Three-Fold Powers of COMELEC
propaganda materials shall be posted, and 1. Quasi-Executive or Administrative
to prevent and penalize all forms of  Mandated to enforce and administer all
election frauds, offenses, malpractices, laws and regulations relative to the conduct
and nuisance candidacies. of an election, plebiscite, initiative,
referendum, and recall (Sec. 2, 1)
(8) Recommend to the President the  The power to register political parties,
removal of any officer or employee it has
organizations or coalitions (Sec. 2, 5)
deputized, or the imposition of any other
disciplinary action, for violation or  Accredit citizen’s arms of the Commission
disregard of, or disobedience to its (Sec. 2, 5)
directive, order, or decision.  Prosecute election offenses (Sec. 2, 6)
 Recommend to the President the removal
(9) Submit to the President and the or imposition of any other disciplinary action
Congress a comprehensive report on the upon any office or employee it has
conduct of each election, plebiscite, deputized for violation or disregard of its
initiative, referendum, or recall. directive, order or decision (Sec. 2, 8)
 Has direct control and supervision over all
SECTION 3. The Commission on Elections
personnel involved in the conduct of
may sit en banc or in two divisions, and
election (Sec. 2, 4)
shall promulgate its rules of procedure in
order to expedite disposition of election
cases, including pre-proclamation ROQUE VS COMELEC
controversies. All such election cases Is the Poll Automation Law unconstitutional for
shall be heard and decided in division, being a wholesale abdication of the
provided that motions for reconsideration COMELEC’s mandate to enforce election laws?
of decisions shall be decided by the Held. The proviso in Art 3-3 of the automation
Commission en banc. contract designating Smartmatic in charge of
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
the technical aspect of the counting and in Art. IX-C, Sec. 4 of the Constitution,
canvassing wares does not translate to ceding among others.
control of the electoral process.  An election survey is formative as it is
descriptive. It can be a means to shape the
AC: Bagumbayan vs COMELEC: preference of voters and the outcome of
Whether or not the fear of vote buying justify elections as it partakes of the nature of
the Comelec to deactivate the “voter verified election propaganda. The imperative of
paper audit trail” function of the voting “fair” elections impels their regulation.
counting machine?
 No. A mechanism that allows the voter to The holding of exit polls and the dissemination
verify his or her choice of candidates will
of their results through mass media constitute
ensure a free, orderly, honest, peaceful,
an essential part of the freedom of speech and
credible and informed election.
of the press. The Comelec cannot ban them in
 The Comelec cannot opt to breach the
requirements of the law to assuage its the guise of promoting clean, honest, orderly
fears regarding the VVPAT. Vote-buying and credible elections. (ABS CBN vs Comelec)
can be averted by placing proper
procedures. Comelec has the power to Rule of the Thumb
choose the appropriate procedure in  While the Comelec cannot ban election
order to enforce the VVPAT requirement surveys and exit polls, but it can regulate
and balance it with the constitutional the same.
mandate to secure the secrecy and  Comelec’s power to regulate surveys and
sanctity of the ballot. exits polls can only be exercised during
election period.
AC: Bagumbayan VS COMELEC (MR)
Is a voter’s receipt requirement only
Prosecution Powers
necessary when Comelec uses a direct
The Commission on Elections shall file, upon a
recording electronic election system?
Held. No. The law is clear. A voter’s receipt is verified complaint, or on its own initiative,
necessary to fully comply with the requisites petitioners in court for inclusion or exclusion of
of Section 6(e), (f), and (n) of Republic Act No. voters; investigate and, where appropriate,
8436, as amended. It is a safety feature. The prosecute cases of violation of election laws
paper ballots cannot substitute for the voter’s including acts or omissions constituting election
receipt. frauds, offenses and malpractices. (Sec. 2(6),
Article IX-C)
Did the Supreme Court rule in Roque vs
Comelec, that “the paper ballots satisfies the Banat vs COMELEC
VVPAT requirement”? Did the Constitution give the COMELEC the
Held. There is no categorical ruling in Roque, “exclusive power” to investigate and prosecute
Jr. that the paper ballot satisfies the VVPAT
cases of violations of election laws?
requirement. The discussion only mentions
that the PCOS machine affords auditability.  No. Sec 2 (6), Art IX-C of the Constitution
vests in the COMELEC the power to
SWS & PULSE ASIA vs COMELEC: “investigate and, where appropriate,
Does the State have compelling state interest to prosecute cases of violations of election
regulate election surveys? laws, etc.”
 Yes. It is settled that constitutionally  The Phrase “where appropriate” leaves to
declared principles are a compelling state the legislature the power to determine the
interest. The regulation of election surveys kind of election offenses that the
effects the constitutional policy articulated COMELEC shall prosecute exclusively or
concurrently with other prosecuting arms of
government. The grant of the “exclusive
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
power” to the COMELEC can be found in within 30 days from receipt of a copy thereof
Section 265 of BP 881. (Syllabus, p. 218)

AC: Grace Poe vs. Comelec SECTION 4. The Commission may, during
Can the COMELEC, in the same cancellation the election period, supervise or regulate
of COC case, decide the qualification or lack the enjoyment or utilization of all
thereof of the candidate? franchises or permits for the operation of
Held. No. The COMELEC cannot itself, in the transportation and other public utilities,
same cancellation case, decide the media of communication or information,
qualification or lack thereof of the candidate all grants, special privileges, or
since the issue of the qualifications of the concessions granted by the Government
candidate for the position is undecided or or any subdivision, agency, or
undetermined by the proper authority. instrumentality thereof, including any
government-owned or controlled
corporation or its subsidiary. Such
2. Quasi-Legislative supervision or regulation shall aim to
 The power to promulgate rules and ensure equal opportunity, time, and space,
regulations implementing the provisions of and the right to reply, including
reasonable, equal rates therefor, for public
the Omnibus Election Code or other laws
information campaigns and forums
which the Commission is required to among candidates in connection with the
enforce or administer objective of holding free, orderly, honest,
 Pursuant to its rule-making power, the peaceful, and credible elections.
Comelec has promulgated the following:
o Comelec Rules of Procedure Pardon of Election Offenders
o Rules on Continuing Voter’s SECTION 5. No pardon, amnesty, parole,
Registration or suspension of sentence for violation of
o Rules on Automated Election System election laws, rules, and regulations shall
o Rules on Suspension of Public Works, be granted by the President without the
Gun Ban, Limited Bank Withdrawal, favorable recommendation of the
Free and Open Party System
3. Quasi-Judicial SECTION 6. A free and open party system
 Has exclusive original jurisdiction over all shall be allowed to evolve according to the
contests relating to the elections, returns free choice of the people, subject to the
and qualifications of all elective municipal provisions of this Article.
officials decided by trial courts of general
jurisdiction, or involving elective barangay LP vs COMELEC:
officials decided by trial courts of limited Do political parties include political
jurisdiction (Sec. 2, 2) organizations and coalitions?
 May sit en banc or in division (Sec. 3)  Yes, Political parties should be understood
 The decisions, final orders, or rulings of the in its generic sense that covers political
Commission on election contests involving organizations and political coalitions as
elective municipal and barangay offices well. Thus, NP-NPC’s petition for
shall be final, executory, and not registration as a coalition was time-barred.
appealable (Sec. 2, 2)  As if to rationalize its folly, the COMELEC
 Any decision, order or ruling of the invokes the constitutional policy towards a
COMELEC may be brought to the Supreme free and open party system. When the
Court on certiorari by the aggrieved party Constitution speaks of a multi-party system,
it does not contemplate the COMELEC
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
splitting parties into two. For doing just that,  For Members of the House of
this pretender to the throne of King Representatives and elective provincial,
Solomon acted whimsically and city and municipal officials – 45 days before
capriciously. the election
 Barangay officials – 15 days before election
SECTION 7. No votes cast in favor of a
political party, organization, or coalition Rule of Thumb
shall be valid, except for those registered  The power to fix the election period belongs
under the party-list system as provided in to Commission on Elections.
this Constitution.
 The power to fix the campaign period
SECTION 8. Political parties, or belongs to the Congress.
organizations or coalitions registered  There is no more administrative or criminal
under the party-list system, shall not be offense of “premature campaigning”.
represented in the voters’ registration
boards, boards of election inspectors, Javier vs COMELEC
boards of canvassers, or other similar For fixing a longer election period for the 2013
bodies. However, they shall be entitled to Election, is Comelec Res. No. 9851 valid?
appoint poll watchers in accordance with Held. Yes. The 120-day period is merely the
law. default election period. The Commission is
not precluded from fixing the length and the
Election Period: 90/30 starting date of the election period to ensure
SECTION 9. Unless otherwise fixed by the free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible
Commission in special cases, the election elections. This is not merely a statutory but a
period shall commence ninety days before constitutionally granted power of the
the day of the election and shall end thirty Commission.
days after.
SECTION 10. Bona fide candidates for any
PEÑERA VS COMELEC: public office shall be free from any form of
What is premature campaigning? harassment and discrimination.
Held. Sec. 80, BP 881, on premature
campaigning, explicitly provides that “it shall be SECTION 11. Funds certified by the
unlawful for any person, whether or not a voter Commission as necessary to defray the
or candidate, or for any party, or association of expenses for holding regular and special
elections, plebiscites, initiatives,
persons, to engage in an election campaign or
referenda, and recalls, shall be provided in
partisan political activity, except during the
the regular or special appropriations and,
campaign period.” once approved, shall be released
automatically upon certification by the
PEÑERA VS COMELEC (MR): Chairman of the Commission.
A person who files a certificate of candidacy is
not a candidate until the start of the campaign D. Commission on Audit
period. Section 15 of Ra 8436, as amended by
RA 9369, allowing political partisan activities SECTION 1. (1) There shall be a
before the start of the campaign period is Commission on Audit composed of a
consistent with freedom of expression or Chairman and two Commissioners, who
speech. shall be natural-born citizens of the
Philippines and, at the time of their
Campaign Period: 90-45-15 appointment, at least thirty-five years of
age, certified public accountants with not
 For President, Vice-President and Senators
less than ten years of auditing experience,
– 90 days before the election
or members of the Philippine Bar who
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
have been engaged in the practice of law (d) such non-governmental entities
for at least ten years, and must not have receiving subsidy or equity, directly or
been candidates for any elective position indirectly, from or through the
in the elections immediately preceding Government, which are required by law or
their appointment. At no time shall all the granting institution to submit to such
Members of the Commission belong to the audit as a condition of subsidy or equity.
same profession. However, where the internal control
system of the audited agencies is
(2) The Chairman and the Commissioners inadequate, the Commission may adopt
shall be appointed by the President with such measures, including temporary or
the consent of the Commission on special pre-audit, as are necessary and
Appointments for a term of seven years appropriate to correct the deficiencies. It
without reappointment. Of those first shall keep the general accounts of the
appointed, the Chairman shall hold office Government and, for such period as may
for seven years, one Commissioner for be provided by law, preserve the vouchers
five years, and the other Commissioner for and other supporting papers pertaining
three years, without reappointment. thereto.
Appointment to any vacancy shall be only
for the unexpired portion of the term of the (2) The Commission shall have exclusive
predecessor. In no case shall any Member authority, subject to the limitations in this
be appointed or designated in a temporary Article, to define the scope of its audit and
or acting capacity. examination, establish the techniques and
methods required therefor, and
FUNA vs VILLAR: promulgate accounting and auditing rules
Is Villar’s promotional appointment as COA and regulations, including those for the
Chairman, after having served for four years of prevention and disallowance of irregular,
his seven-year term as COA Commissioner unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or
unconscionable expenditures, or uses of
government funds and properties.
Held. No, since the vacancy in the position of
COA Chairman, when Carague stepped down in
De la Llana VS COA:
Feb. 2, 2008, was by reason of the expiration of
Did the Commission on Audit violate Sec 2 Art
his 7-year term and not by reason of death,
IX-D when it lifted pre-audit by a mere circular?
disability, resignation or impeachment.
Held. No. The conduct of a pre-audit is not a
mandatory duty that this Court may compel the
SECTION 2. (1) The Commission on Audit
COA to perform. This discretion on its part is in
shall have the power, authority, and duty
to examine, audit, and settle all accounts line with the constitutional pronouncement that
pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, the COA has the exclusive authority to define
and expenditures or uses of funds and the scope of its audit and examination.
property, owned or held in trust by, or
pertaining to, the Government, or any of Note: Nothing can stop the COA from pre-
its subdivisions, agencies, or auditing. COA lifted pre-audit because they
instrumentalities, including government- have a problem with personnel.
owned or controlled corporations with Authority of COA is plenary. Anyone and
original charters, and on a post-audit anything that receives public funds will always
basis: (a) constitutional bodies, be within the reach of COA.
commissions and offices that have been
granted fiscal autonomy under this
Can COA audit NGOs and GOCC?
Constitution; (b) autonomous state
Yes. COA’s audit jurisdiction extends to the
colleges and universities; (c) other
government-owned or controlled following entities:
corporations and their subsidiaries; and
Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
 The government, or any of its subdivisions, rendered in pursuance of the provisions
agencies and instrumentalities; thereof, as attested to by the proper officer
 Autonomous state colleges and 4. Whether payment thereof has been
universities; authorized by the officials of the
 GOCCs with original charters corresponding department or bureau
(Constitutionally made);
 GOCCs without original charters Classification of functions of COA:
1. To examine and audit all forms of
(Subsequent act of Congress) that receive
government revenues
2. To examine and audit all forms of
 Constitutional bodies, commissions and
government expenditures
offices that have been granted fiscal 3. To settle government accounts (settle
autonomy under the Constitution; and liquidated accounts which may be adjusted
 Non-governmental entities receiving simply by ab arithmetical process. It does
subsidy or equity, directly or indirectly, from not include the power to fix the amount of
or through the government, which are an unfixed or undetermined debt.)
required by law or the granting institution to 4. To promulgate accounting and auditing
submit to the COA for audit as a condition rules (including those for the prevention and
of subsidy or equity. disallowance of irregular, unnecessary,
excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable
COA’s visitorial authority over the following expenditures)
non-governmental entities (authority extend 5. To decide administrative case involving
insofar as the latter receives financial aid from expenditures of public funds
the government):
 Non-governmental entities “subsidized by Private auditors
the government”;  COA’s power to examine and audit is non-
 Non-governmental entities “required to pay exclusive
levy or government share”;  COA’s authority to define the scope of its
 Non-governmental entities that have audit, promulgate auditing rules and
“received counterpart funds from the regulations, and disallow unnecessary
government”; and expenditures is exclusive.
 Non-governmental entities “partly funded  COA’s findings and conclusions necessarily
by donations through the Government.” prevail over those of private auditors, at
least insofar as government agencies and
Functions. To examine the accuracy of the officials are concerned. DBP v. COA, G.R.
records kept by accountable officers and to No. 88435, January 16, 2002
determine whether expenditures have been
made in conformity with law. AC: FUNA vs MECO
Is MECO a governmental entity? If not, are its
Function is limited to: accounts subject to the COA audit?
1. Whether there is a law appropriating funds Held. No. it is sui generis as it performs
for a given purpose functions impressed with public interest for
2. Whether a contract, made by the proper facilitating unofficial Philippine relations with
Taiwan. But MECO’s accounts covering
officer, has been entered into in conformity
verification and consular fees are subject to
with said appropriation law COA audit.
3. Whether the goods or services covered by
said contract have been delivered or AC: Paraiso-Aban vs COA

Reviewer by Lawst Students Constitutional Law 1 Silliman University
Is AFP-RSBS within the general audit power
of COA?
Held. Yes. Under Sec 2 (1), Art IX-D, the COA
has “the power, authority, and duty to
examine, audit, and settle all accounts
pertaining to the revenue and receipts of or
any of its subdivisions, agencies, or
instrumentalities, including GOCCs with
original charters.

AC: Fernando vs COA

Does the COA have the audit jurisdiction of
the funds of the Executive Committee of the
Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) which is
not a public office?
Held. Yes. The Court finds that any such
funds, though coming from private sources,
become public upon receipt by the Executive
Committee, for use in the purpose for which it
was created. For all intents and purposes, the
Executive Committee, an office under the
MMDA and created pursuant to Presidential
Proclamation No. 1459, as donee, has
already become the owner of the funds and
may dispose of the same as it deems fit; thus,
such funds are considered public funds.
Being public in character, the COA can
therefore validly conduct an audit over such
funds in accordance with its auditing rules and

SECTION 3. No law shall be passed

exempting any entity of the Government or
its subsidiary in any guise whatever, or
any investment of public funds, from the
jurisdiction of the Commission on Audit.

SECTION 4. The Commission shall submit

to the President and the Congress, within
the time fixed by law, an annual report
covering the financial condition and
operation of the Government, its
subdivisions, agencies, and
instrumentalities, including government-
owned or controlled corporations, and
non-governmental entities subject to its
audit, and recommend measures
necessary to improve their effectiveness
and efficiency. It shall submit such other
reports as may be required by law.


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