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Introduction/Problem Background: (150-200 words)Identify at least three reasons why this topic

is significant and must be addressed based on your historical analysis.Formulate and include a
● Democracy a government system that we can conclude that acknowledges the freedom
and decisions of all eligible member of it state. Having respect for our human rights and
fundamental of what truly is freedom when it comes on election of deserving politicians
that will lead the constitution to better stage.
● An open Philippines, once heard this phrases we can visualize how good it will be once
implemented. Back to the day when marcos remove it and put the Philippines to Martial
law, where all of the laws to be consider is on militaries decisions, We might remember
how cruel is that. Our freedom to speak to what is right and show what our side and
insight is prohibited. How cruel is that.
● Giving some insight on what I observed here in our country ( Philippines ). We are a
broken democratic country. We can notice something is wrong with the system.
Separation of powers in our country is quite unbalanced. Just like in 2019 PDAF

Background: (150-200 words)Set the scene; background information, relevant facts, and the
most important issues.Demonstrate that you have researched the problems through a historical
● Well, here in Philippines, democracy been also challenged. Way back 6 years ago, 27th
of March year of 2017. Remember the time Mindanao put into martial law by former
president Duterte? It’s because the terrorism in Marawi City is so severe to stage that
many agricultural, buildings, and lives been already in line. I resemble that situation as “
it’s now or never”. For me, I support what Former President Duterte decisions. We can
also break the democracy in different ways and reasons.

Proposed Solutions: (200-250 words)

* Provide specific and realistic solution(s) or changes needed.
* Explain why this solution was chosen.
• Support this solution with solid evidence, such as:Concepts from class (text readings,
discussions, lectures)Outside researchPersonal experience (anecdotes)- as evidence
● I watch some insights in social media applications ( Youtube) about some ideas and
concrete proof how good democracy is. Rappler youtube channel to be exact, The host
says that “ there is so many country is well grown and successful under the Democratic
institution than Dictatorship countries.

● Imagine, In Turkmenistan that dictatorship is ruling over them. It’s really hard to live
there. There’s no freedom of speech there. In every places, like example in airport you
will be facing immediately by military personnels. The needs and wants of the people in
said country is being ignored and just consider what os the decision of the dictator. So
why not try to fight and stand for the freedom? It’s the people who can decide and
choose what leader they want. The leader that will help them to achieve what country
they’ve dreaming for.

Recommendations: (200-250 words)

Determine and discuss specific strategies for accomplishing the proposed solution.
> If applicable, recommend further action to resolve some of the issues.What should be done
and who should do it?
● I watch some insights in social media applications ( Youtube) about some ideas and
concrete proof how good democracy is. Rappler youtube channel to be exact, The host
says that “ there is so many country is well grown and successful under the Democratic
institution than Dictatorship countries.
● An increase in the judicial system's integrity. In order to uphold justice in our nation, the
DOJ, Office of the Ombudsman, PNP, NBI, courts, and the civil society should work
together to strengthen the integrity of our judicial system.crime prevention, detection,
and investigation. Use actionable analytics to identify patterns of possibly fraudulent
behavior and protect program integrity and resources. Analyze data to locate, thwart,
and minimize fraud. To protect programs, limit unlawful donations and focus your
investigative efforts where the danger is highest.
● Strengthen the systems in place to combat corruption and hold corrupt actors
accountable. The Anti-Corruption Bureau is the one that we most urgently required to
make all of our anti-corruption strategies work.

My speech:

Democracy a government system that we can conclude that acknowledges the freedom and
decisions of all eligible member of it state. Having respect for our human rights and fundamental
of what truly is freedom when it comes on election of deserving politicians that will lead the
constitution to better stage.

An open Philippines, once heard this phrases we can visualize how good it will be once
implemented. Back to the day when marcos remove it and put the Philippines to Martial law,
where all of the laws to be consider is on militaries decisions, We might remember how cruel is
that. Our freedom to speak to what is right and show what our side and insight is prohibited.
How cruel is that.
Giving some insight on what I observed here in our country ( Philippines ). We are a broken
democratic country. We can notice something is wrong with the system. Separation of powers in
our country is quite unbalanced. Just like in 2019 PDAF VIOLATES THE SEPERATION OF

RAYMONS FORTUN ( Attorney ) statements :

● The problem is they all hold funds so we can't trust them.
● Ever since CDF, we gave them a chance to correct themselves.
● We gave them 13 years to change the PDAF system.
● They put in the policies, the safeguards- what happened to those safeguards?
Some politician takes advantage with their holding power to get ahead to other for own benefits.
They use positions and power to rule over the system. In that, democracy been by passed.

I watch some insights in social media applications ( Youtube) about some ideas and concrete
proof how good democracy is. Rappler youtube channel to be exact, The host says that “ there
is so many country is well grown and successful under the Democratic institution than
Dictatorship countries.

Imagine, In Turkmenistan that dictatorship is ruling over them. It’s really hard to live there.
There’s no freedom of speech there. In every places, like example in airport you will be facing
immediately by military personnels. The needs and wants of the people in said country is being
ignored and just consider what os the decision of the dictator. So why not try to fight and stand
for the freedom? It’s the people who can decide and choose what leader they want. The leader
that will help them to achieve what country they’ve dreaming for.

But on the other hand;

Well, here in Philippines, democracy been also challenged. Way back 6 years ago, 27th of
March year of 2017. Remember the time Mindanao put into martial law by former president
Duterte? It’s because the terrorism in Marawi City is so severe to stage that many agricultural,
buildings, and lives been already in line. I resemble that situation as “ it’s now or never”. For me,
I support what Former President Duterte decisions. We can also break the democracy in
different ways and reasons.

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