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BCCI Scandal (1991)

The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was found to have laundered money for
drug traffickers, terrorists, and arms dealers. The bank was eventually shut down by regulators
and several individuals were convicted of money-laundering and other crimes.

RJR Nabisco (1992)

The tobacco and food conglomerate RJR Nabisco was accused of money laundering in
connection with the sale of cigarettes to organized crime figures in Russia. The company
eventually settled the case with the government for $15 million.

Corruption in the past: Limited access to information and education hindered public awareness
and engagement in combating corruption. Citizens often felt resigned to the presence of
corruption, perceiving it as an inherent part of governance.


Money laundering

In 2016, the government investigated the biggest documented case of money-laundering in

Philippine history – where about $81 million stolen from the Bank of Bangladesh's account at
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was coursed through Rizal Commercial Banking
Corporation (RCBC), converted into pesos.

Corruption in the present: Increased literacy rates, improved education, and the advent of social
media have empowered citizens to challenge corrupt practices. The rise of investigative
journalism, whistleblower protections, and civil society organizations has exposed corruption
scandals and mobilized public opinion. Citizens' demand for transparency and accountability
has become a driving force for reform.

Solution: Improved integrity in our justice system. To improve the integrity of our justice
system, there should be a collaboration among the DOJ, Office of the Ombudsman, PNP, NBI,
courts, and the civil society to uphold justice in our country.prevent, identify, and look into crime.
Utilize actionable analytics to spot trends of potentially fraudulent conduct and safeguard
program integrity and resources. To identify, stop, and reduce fraud, analyze data. Reduce
unauthorized contributions to safeguard programs and concentrate investigation efforts on the
areas with the greatest risk.

Strengthen Regimes to Prevent Corruption and Bring Corrupt Actors to Justice.

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