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Majors Outline
Approaches/phases to SAD
System Development Methodologies
Traditional Method
Rapid application Development
Agile Development
Selecting the Right Methodology

• Nowadays, system approaches can be
applied to the solution of many types of
• Development of information system
approaches proceed several steps to
applied a solution to the problem.
• Organizations use a standard set of
steps, called a information system
development cycle, to develop and
support their information systems.

• The cycle also known as system development
life cycle or SDLC.
• The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is
the process of understanding how an
information system (IS) can support business
needs, designing the system, building it, and
delivering it to end users.
• It includes the entire process of planning,
building, deploying, using, updating, and
maintaining an information system.
• So, the development of a new
information system involves
several different, but related
• The activities or the phases of
SDLC includes:-
• S-Planning
• S-Analysis
• S-Design
• S-Implantation and Operation.


• Basically, building an Information

System is similar to building a

• It starts with a basic idea, to

simple drawing, to blueprint
plan, then to building.

Approaches/Phase of SDLC
• Different projects may
emphasize different
parts of the SDLC or
approach the SDLC
phases in different ways,
but all projects have
elements of these four

Approaches/Phase of SDLC
SDLC: S-Planning
• The planning phase is the fundamental
process of understanding why an
information system should be built and
determining how the project team will go
about building it.
• Two main activities (phases):
• Identification and Selection
• Initiation and Planning

Approaches/Phase of SDLC
SDLC: S-Planning
A. Identification and Selection

First, someone or group of individuals

identifies the need for a new or
enhanced system.
The IS dep’t or the system priority
board selects one of the systems based
on the priority set by the analyst.

SDLC: S-Planning
B. Initiation and Planning
The second task systems initiation and
planning phase is to investigate the system
and determine the proposed system’s
The team of systems analysts then
produces a specific plan for the proposed
project for the team to follow.
A feasibility study is conducted.
This baseline project plan (BPP)
customizes the standardized SDLC and
specifies the time and resources needed
for its execution.
SDLC: S-Analysis
• The second phases of SDLC is analysis.
• In this phase, the analyst thoroughly
studies the organization's current R-
procedures and the information systems Structuring

used to perform organizational tasks.

• Analysis has several sub phases.
A. Requirements determination System
B. Requirement Structuring
C. Alternative Initial Design (system proposal)
D. Compare Alternatives Alternatives

SDLC: S-Analysis
A. Requirements determination:
• In this sub phase, the analyst work with
users to determine what the users want
from a proposed system.
• This sub phase usually involves a
careful study of any current systems
(manual and computerized), that might
be replaced or enhanced as a part of
this project.

SDLC: S-Analysis
B. Requirement Structuring
• It is the structuring the requirements
according to their interrelationships
and eliminate any redundancies.

C. Alternative Initial Design (system

• System analysts generate alternative
initial designs to match the requirements.
• The system proposal is the initial
deliverable that describes what business
requirements the new system should
SDLC: S-Analysis
D. Compare the Alternatives
• System Analysts compare these
alternatives to determine which best
meets the requirements within the:
• cost, labor and technical levels
the organization is willing to
commit to the development

The output of the analysis phase is a

description of (but not a detailed
design for) the alternative solution
recommended by the analysis team.
SDLC: S-Design
• The third phase is devoted to designing the
new or enhanced system.

• During design, the description of the

recommended alternative solution will be
converted into logical and then physical
system specifications.
• You must design all aspects of the system:
• from input and output screens to reports,
databases, and computer processes.

SDLC: S-Design
• You must then provide the physical
specifics of the system you have
• either as a model or as detailed
documentation, to guide those
who will build the new system.
• That part of the design process that is
independent any specific hardware
of software platform is referred to as
logical design.
• Turning the logical specifications
into physical ones is referred to as
physical design.
SDLC: S-Design
• During physical design, the analyst team must
determine many of the physical details
necessary to build the final system.

• The final product of the design phase is the

physical system specifications in a form ready
to be turned over to programmers and other
system builders for construction

SDLC: S-Implementation and Operation
The final phase of the SDLC is a two-step process:
System Implementation and operation.
Implementation includes coding, testing, and
During coding, programmers write the programs
that make up the system.
During testing, programmers and analysts test
individual programs and the entire system in order
to find and correct errors.
During installation, the new system becomes a
part of the daily activities of the organization.

SDLC: S-Implementation and Operation
The second part of the fourth phase of
the SDLC is operation.
During operation, programmers make
the changes that users ask for and
modify the system to reflect changing
business conditions (maintenance).
Provide a training and support plan for

Approaches/Phases of
• In summary, system evolves through
gradual refinement.
• Once the system is implemented, it may
go back into a planning phase for its next
revision, a follow-on system, or
maintenance releases.

Approaches/Phases of SDLC
• In conclusion each phase consists of steps that lead
to specific deliverables.
Process Product

Planning Project Plan

Analysis System Proposal

Design Physical System


Implementation New System and

Maintenance Plan
Approaches/Phases of SDLC
In some projects, phases and steps
proceed in a logical path from start to
But in many projects, the project
teams move through the steps
consecutively, incrementally,
iteratively, or in other patterns.
So, numerous types of system
development methods have emerged.
Each methodology must provide a
solution for the four stages of SDLC.
System Development Methodologies
 A methodology is a formalized
approach to implementing the SDLC
(i.e., it is a list of steps and
 There are many different systems
development methodologies and each
one is unique and difference.
 The most common categories of
methodologies are:
• Structured Design
• Rapid Application Development
• Agile Development
Methodology: Structured design

 Structured design methodology adopt a

formal step-by-step approach to the SDLC
that moves logically from one phase to the The main goal of
next. traditional model is
doing each phase
 This methodology became dominant in the thoroughly before
1980s, and it is known as Traditional SDLC. moving to forward
 Traditional software development models ensures correct and
is regarded as the proper, structured and high-quality
disciplined approach to the analysis and outcomes.
design of software applications.
 Such models included the waterfall and
Parallel models
1. Waterfall Development
• Waterfall development is very
structured and organized approach.
• In this model, analysts and users
proceed sequentially from one phase to
the next in a downward fashion.
• Its functionality is similar to the water
flowing over the edge of a cliff. Once
you go down, you can’t go back up.
• Waterfall model state that one should
switch to another phase only when the
previous phases are completely tested,
reviewed, and verified.

1. Waterfall Model
Problems of waterfall model
• The two key advantages of
• Documentation: each phase
waterfall development-based requires developing fully
methodologies are: elaborated documentation, which
takes too much time.
• The system requirements • Frozen User requirements: hard to
are identified long before change user requirements once set
programming begins. during early phase of projects
• The design must be completely
• Changes to the specified before programming
requirements are begins.
minimized as the project • Product not visible until the end of
proceeds. project, where it will be hard to
correct mistakes if uncovered

2. Parallel Development

• This methodology attempts to

address the long time interval
between the analysis phase and
the delivery of the system.
• A general design for the entire
system is performed, and then
the project is divided into a
series of distinct subprojects
that can be designed and
implemented in parallel.
• There is a final integration of
the separate pieces, and the
system is delivered.
Methodology: Rapid Application Development (RAD)
In actual project implementation, it is
difficult to follow the waterfall principle.
Waterfall development has some big
The development process often took a long
time to see working products.
In any given SDLC phase, the project can
return to an earlier phase if necessary.
Sometimes the life cycle is iterative; that is
phases are repeated as required until an
acceptable system is found.
So, a new method emerged called Rapid
Application Development (RAD). In
many ways, RAD was the opposite of the.
waterfall method
Methodology: Rapid Application Development (RAD)

RAD emerged in the 1990s in

response to Traditional model
weaknesses. RAD is based mostly
on prototypes,
RAD-based methodologies adjust the meaning that the
SDLC phases to get some part of the goal of is to produce
system developed quickly and into a working version
the hands of the users. of the application as
quickly as possible.
In this way, the users can better
understand the system and suggest
revisions that bring the system close
to what is needed.

Methodology: Rapid Application Development (RAD)
The fundamental principle of any
RAD methodology is to delay
producing detailed system design The main goal of
documents until after user RAD is to get some
requirements are clear. portion of system
If changes are expected, RAD will be developed quickly
able to accommodate these much and in the user
faster than waterfall. hands.
RAD includes:
1. Phased Development
2. Prototyping
3. Throwaway Prototyping

1. Phased (Iterative) Development
• The phased development-based
methodologies break the overall
system into a series of versions
that are developed sequentially.
• The analysis phase identifies the
overall system concept, and the
project teams then categorize the
requirements into a series of
• Once version 1 is implemented,
work begins on version 2. this
process continues until the system
is complete or is no longer in use.

2. Prototyping

• The prototyping-based
methodologies perform the
analysis, design, and implementation
phases concurrently, and all three
phases are performed repeatedly in
a cycle until the system is
• Designing and building a scaled-down
but working version of a desired system
is known as prototyping.
• A prototype can be developed with a
computer-aided software engineering
(CASE) tool.
3. Throw-away- Prototyping

Methodology: Agile Development

 The most recent (even today) method of

SDLC. Several iteration of full “mini- The main goal of
SDLC” over a period of time. Agile is to get early
customer satisfaction,
 They focus on streamlining
priority allowing
(modernizing) the SDLC by eliminating
changes, priority
much of the modeling and
communication over
documentation overhead and the time
spent on those tasks in favor of Face to
face communication.
 The most common examples of Agile
Development methodologies is
extreme programming
1. Extreme Programing (XP)

• XP is found on four core values:

• Communication
• Simplicity
• Feedback
• Courage

• XP projects deliver results sooner

than even the RAD approaches

Waterfall VS Agile Development

• Agile is flexible and

unstructured, and
both iterative and
• Waterfall is more
structured and
• Let see an example
in modeling a car.

Selecting the Right Methodology
Usefulness Waterfall Parallel Phased Prototyping Throwaway Extreme
Prototyping Programming
Unclear user Poor Poor Good Excellent Excellent Excellent

Unfamiliar Poor Poor Good Poor Excellent Poor


Complex Good Good Good Poor Excellent Poor


Reliable Good Good Good Poor Excellent Good

Short time Poor Good Excell Excellent Good Excellent
schedule ent

Schedule Poor Poor Excell Excellent Good Good

visibility ent

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