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Segundo Capitulo

Arma fue un cuchillo

Motivo del juicio – doble asesinato (Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman)
lead attorney – Robert Shapiro
O.J´s one close friend and attorney – Robert Kardashian
El comisario dice la frase frente a la prensa “He will be prosecutive” quiere decir que
será enjuiciado
Trial – proceso o examen formal ante un tribunal a fin de determinar la cuestión - es
usado por Marcia Clark cuando fue arrestado O.J.
Felony – delito

O.J.'s escape
They interrupted the final game of the NBL
Tercer Capitulo

A man on the TV uses “plea deal” – acuerdo on la fiscalia

A man in a room uses “without eye witnesses” – sin testigos oculares

Johnnie Cochran – possible lawyer

The O.J.´s legal team want to became the case in a racist thing
Cuarto capitulo
judge – Lance A. Ito
Were joined to the O.J.´s legal team

- Johnnie Cochran (lead attorney)

- Robert Shapiro
- Carl Douglas
- Shawn Chapman
White people believes that O.J. did the murder meanwhile black people believe
Other legal team
- Maria Clark
- Christopher Darden (lead attorney)
- Bill Hodgman
Quinto capitulo

The most important thing “lawyers face off over race”

Bill Hodgman sufre un ataque que lo vuelve incapaz de seguir con el juicio, es
remplasado por Christopher Darden
Sexto capitulo
Marcia Clark has her own issues respect her family and ex-husband who wanted to take
their kid away from her
The statement of one cop take the evidence to his house for 6 hours aprox in Simi
Valley, where there live more racist cops (involved in other controversial cases over the
Was used the vocabulary “cross-examine” the legal team didn´t expect it from another
five months, for Rosa Lopez, the housekeeper, she said that saw the white bronco
outside Simpson´s house at 10:15
The newpaper exposed a picture of Marcia naked on the beach
Septimo capitulo

were used – razzle dazzle
“I mean we have hard evidence and they razzle dazzle a bunch of conspiracy nonsense
in the big moments”
“You have to help me to talk again to everyone about the plea” – plea (son los
razonamientos que son vertidos en un documento con la intención de convencer al juez
o tribunal de justicia de las pretensiones sobre las que están llamados a decidir)

Johnnie´s ex-wife was in TV, being intervewed saying that Johnnie assaulted her during
their marriage
octavo capitulo
The jury has been in a hotel for 8 months
Several members of jury were remove because they lied at the test to became a jury
It is said that the jury was suffering “Stockholm Syndrome”
Noveno capitulo

Encuentran grabaciones donde el official Fuhrman usa la palabra “nigger” en varias

ocasiones confirmando el caso racista en LAPD

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