Vlog 02

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In the years following the war, Marie worked/ to raise money for her research

institute, but she became/ increasingly sick. Long exposure/ to radioactive

materials/ without any safety measures/ had damaged her body. She died on
July 4, 1934, from an illness/ caused by radiation. Marie Curie made/ many
scientific breakthrough/s in her lifetime. She was the first woman/ to win a
Nobel Prize/, the first person/ to win two Nobel Prizes, and the only person in
history/ to earn them/ in two different sciences. Marie and Pierre/ had many
things named after them: /a unit radioactivity is measured with /is called the
curie. There are/ three radioactive minerals/ and an element named after them.
Marie’s research laboratory, /now called the Curie Institute, is one of the
leading medical research centers in the world. Today Marie Curie is
remembered as one of the most well-known scientists in history. I hope you
enjoyed learning about the famous scientist Marie Curie, and learning about her
important work.

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