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W Unscromble lhe jumbled Ietters to form meoningfulwords to complele the following


Sunil is ploging his electric ,ll'


Mg fother enjogs ploging ond bodminton.

Iom $ mg room ond moking the bed.

Toufiq likes

I joined the school

I don't do ong

Theg like to plog :,:W,Lffi$l:;:u.r,r|S- - in the evening.

The children olwogs do the

I enjog rollerbloding ond ploging

The bogs ore 1B$:$;q,,ir,n.i$t(i the bolls ot their friends.

Anne is ||*.!,$,tg'd)!L:,:,,o coke for her fother on Fother's Dog.

Soro is

He is doing his 6:y,1,9:,*;h.$7b,,M o fte r h o v in g h i s l unch .

I trg to keep heolthU bU

Tom is

The kids ore hoving o lot of fun

Fother took us ffi$tht6i:S:rlfi lost weekend. I cought o big fish.

Mg grondporents ore strong ond heolthg. Theg love to go

rrrr:r'[1] if]

lg Bernodette hos o lush gorden becouse she is good ot

20 Gobe is i..l'to his fovourite song.

@ EPH Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd.

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