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The graph illustrates how much fish, chicken, lamb, beef a person can consume per week in

one country in Europe in grams over the period of 25 years.

First of all, there is only one upward trend visible. The demand for chicken has grown from
140 grams per person to 250 grams and the number of grams has fluctuated throughout the
25 years.

Conversely, the intake of beef, lamb and fish was decreasing over the years. The demand for
beef fluctuated from 220 grams to 240 for the first 10 years and even reaching 175 grams
after 1980, after which the demand gradually decreased. While eating beef fluctuated for
the first years, eating lamb fell erraticaly from 150 grams in 1979 to 70 in 2004. In contrast,
the popularity of fish decreased slightly from 60 grams to the lowest point: 45 grams.

To conclude, although, beef and lamb were the most popular in 1979, the rise of chicken
consumption surged overtook after 1989. Therefore, the demand for beef and lamb fell
down constantly all over the period. The most insignificant changes are visible in fish
consumption: demand remained consistently low compared to other indicators.

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