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asthma band aid bandage chickenpox crutch disease doctor family doctor flu heart attack heart disease hepatitis hospital injection injury medicine mumps nurse painful painless plaster prescription smallpox to be allergic to to be constipated to be exhausted to be tired to blow one's nose to break one's arm to catch a cold to cough to faint to feel dizzy to feel good to feel sick to get a bruise to get burnt to have a black eye to have a cold to have a headache to have a rash

salud y enfermedad (en general) asma tirita, curita venda varicela muleta enfermedad (especfica) mdico mdico de cabecera gripe infarto cardiopata hepatitis hospital inyeccin herida medicina paperas enfermera doloroso indoloro yeso receta mdica viruela ser alrgico a estar estreido estar agotado estar cansado sonarse la nariz quebrarse el brazo atrapar un resfro toser desmayarse estar mareado sentirse bien tener nuseas magullarse quemarse tener un ojo morado tener un resfro tener dolor de cabeza tener erupciones, sarpullido

to have a sore throat to have a stomach-ache to have a temperature to have backache to have constipation to have diarrhoea to have earache to have spots to have toothache to hurt to lose one's appetite to lose one's voice to pass out to sneeze to sprain one's ankle to suffer from to swell to take a medicine to take an aspirin to throw up to twist one's ankle to vomit ulcer wheelchair wound

tener dolor de garganta tener dolor de estmago tener fiebre tener dolor de espalda tener estreimiento tener diarrea tener dolor de odos tener granitos tener dolor de dientes doler perder el apetito quedarse afnico desmayarse estornudar tener un esguince en el tobillo sufrir de hincharse tomar un medicamento tomar una aspirina vomitar torcerse el tobillo vomitar lcera silla de ruedas herida (por un arma)


LEG - PIERNA ankle buttock calf femur foot, feet heel heelbone instep knee kneecap metatarsus patella phalanges tobillo nalga pantorrilla fmur pie, pies taln calcneo empeine rodilla rtula metatarso rtula falanges

shin shinbone splint bone tarsus thigh thighbone toe ARM - BRAZO elbow finger fingertip fist forearm hand humerus index finger knuckle little finger middle finger nail palm phalanx ring finger radius second phalanx shoulder third phalanx thumb ulna upper arm wrist HEAD - CABEZA beard brain canine tooth cheek chin dimple ear eye eyebrow eyelash

canilla tibia peron tarso muslo fmur dedo del pie codo dedo yema del dedo puo antebrazo mano hmero ndice nudillo meique dedo medio ua palma de la mano falange anular radio falangina hombro falangeta pulgar cbito brazo mueca barba cerebro colmillo mejilla mentn hoyuelo oreja ojo ceja pestaa

eyelid forehead freckle gum hair hard palate incisors lips lower jaw lower lip molars moustache mouth neck nose nostrils palate premolars pupil sideburns tongue tonsil tooth, teeth throat upper jaw upper lip uvula wisdom tooth abdomen armpit back belly bladder breasts chest groin heart hip kidney liver lung

prpado frente peca enca cabello paladar duro incisivos labios mandbula inferior labio inferior molares bigote boca cuello nariz agujeros de la nariz paladar premolares pupila patillas lengua amgdala diente, dientes garganta mandbula superior labio superior campanilla muela de juicio TRUNK - TRONCO abdomen axila espalda vientre vejiga pechos pecho ingle corazn cadera rin hgado pulmn

loins navel nipple spleen stomach thorax waist backbone breast bone carpal clavicle, collarbone eye socket femur hipbone humerus kneecap mandible pelvis phalanx radius rib scapula shinbone shoulder blade skull spine sternum

zona lumbar ombligo pezn bazo estmago trax cintura SKELETON - ESQUELETO columna vertebral esternn carpo clavcula cuenca del ojo fmur ilion hmero rtula mandbula pelvis falange radio costilla omplato tibia omplato crneo columna vertebral esternn

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