Career Report

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Career Report


During this career report, I learned many new skills. The most notable one is

professionalism. More specifically, I learned how to write a professional email, conduct

myself over the phone, and write a proper thank you note. I also learned more about nonprofit

organizations and the details that go into them. These newfound skills add up to allow me to

grow my interest in nonprofit recreation.


The person I chose to interview is Bobby McClarin, Founding Executive Director of

The Five Star Heart Project. We sat down to have our conversation on October 24, 2023. I

selected Bobby because he runs a non-profit, sport-backed program for children that are

underprivileged. In 2013, Bobby ran his first clinic through the project, however the title,

Five Star Heart, was created in 2009. He played football at the United States Naval Academy,

where he considered the idea of being a “five star person.” This idea carried into his

entrepreneurial career as he implemented this value into the kids he coaches.

Mission/Purpose of the Agency/Department

The mission statement, as listed on their website, is “The Five Star Heart Project

Corporation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization compassionately dedicated to serving the

Lehigh Valley and beyond by building youth leaders of character on and off the athletic

fields, especially those who come from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. We

are focused on energizing, influencing, and inspiring the next generation of non-prospective

student athletes” (Five Star Heart, 2023).

Clientele Served
The clientele is considered underserved middle school student athletes. Generally, the

kids are between the ages of 12-14, and there are no membership requirements. Kids are

welcomed and encouraged to show up when they are available. The project is based

specifically in Allentown, PA, however, the services extend to all of the Lehigh Valley, PA

area. There are no other qualifying demographics to participate. The project is directed

towards student-athletes, or kids that have any interest in sports.

Services and Programs Provided

The project provides sports camps and clinics for kids. They also come to colleges to

recruit student-athletes that may be interested and qualified in coaching the camps. There is a

mentorship program that goes along with the camps that allows the kids to connect with

collegiate student-athletes. It provides them with someone to look up to and to receive advice

from. Another service they provide is taking the kids on trips to different universities and

businesses to expose them to new real-life experiences. It gives them a line of sight to

success. There are no specific facilities provided for the project, however, they do utilize any

spaces that allow use such as schools or non-profits that are willing to share a space.


The staff relies on Bobby, his board of directors, and volunteers. Bobby basically runs

everything himself, and relies heavily on his volunteers to work camps and clinics. The entire

business is considered a recreation department, so the staff is included in that.

Funding Source

Since they don’t have any staff to pay, they do not need to worry about that aspect. In

order to maintain the program, services and facilities, finances come from corporate sponsors,

individual donors, and grants for being a non-profit.

Professional Issues

Some of Bobby’s challenges are fundraising and time management. He has to do a lot

of funding in order to put on camps and clinics for these kids. He also has to find ways to

balance his personal life with his work, while trying to put the kids first. His excitement

stems from seeing the impact that this project has on these kids and the positive changes

made in their lives.

Works Cited

The five start heart project. The Five Start Heart Project. (n.d.).

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