Script Short Movie English (Cuma Mimpi)

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Theme : Cuma Mimpi (Just A Dream)

Narrator sound (black screen) :

One day in an area in west Java, there was a village where lived a 20-year old teenager who
lived his life "just ordinary". Yes, maybe nothing special, nothing exciting for him, the
activities he does are just very ordinary activities; getting up, eating, bathing, studying, going
home and taking a shower, eating again, playing on his cellphone, then sleeping. That's what
he does every day. Is it normal? Yes, of course it's just normal, like this is the life of
teenagers today. For example, this young man, just look at him, will soon start his usual

Take 1 :

Adegan : Baring di kasur terpejam

Voice Over (Suara Rekam)

Ade : "Hello, my name is Ade Rahman. I'm a teenager who has normal activities. Just look at
it like what the narrator said just now. "

Adegan : Bangun pergi ke kamar mandi untuk cuci muka, sikat gigi. Lanjut buka
tudung saji.

Ade : “This morning there was no breakfast. When you're really hungry, let's just make
coffee first to fill your stomach.”

Adegan : Bawa kopi keluar terus duduk di teras depan rumah menikmati kopi.

Narrator :

That is the life experienced by the ordinary young man who has dreams of many big dreams
that he wants, but until now he is still confused about where to start.

Adegan : Masuk ke kamar untuk mengerjakan tugas.

Ade : “arghhhhh!!!!!, the task is really difficult, I've tried this method and the car still can't
find the problem where the error is. I've tried looking for it on YouTube, but I still can't find
it, the deadline for submitting the assignment is 12 at night again, ahhhhhhhhh. “ (wajah
kesal/annoyed face)

Adegan : mutusin untuk istirahat bentar dari tugas yang dikerjakan dan berbaring di
kasur sambil menatap langit kamar.
Ade : "Haaaaa, why is my life like this, there are so many problems that I'm going through,
I'm already living my life like this and I feel like there's no progress at all. If this continues,
the future that I want can't be achieved, Even though I have several dreams that I want to
achieve so that those dreams can come true".

Adegan : lambat laun terpejam dan memasuki mimpi

Take 2

Dream 1 (Pakaian Kemeja Kantoran Rapih dengan posisi memeragakan seorang

pebisnis yang sedang rapat)
Inggri : “I want to become a successful businessman, to have a well-known business known
to many people and to increase his business shares.”

Dream 2 (Pakaian seorang pemilik kebun yang sedang memeragakan mengurus

kebunnya, memberi makan ternak ikannya)

Inggri : “ I want to become a farmer, having a lot of land and being successful in the several
crops he planted every harvest day.”

Dream 3 (Pakaian bebas seorang programmer adegan depan teras rumah sedang
memainkan codingan dan menjalankan program tersebut)

Inggri : “ I want to become a reliable programmer who can work in a well-known company.”

(terdengar adzan maghrib yang membuat nya terbangun dari mimpi tersebut)

Ade : “ Oops I fell asleep, it's already evening again. ”

Narrator (black screen ) :

And he gets up from his bed and then he takes a shower and prays maghrib (scene of bathing
and praying maghrib) after praying and praying he returns to his laptop and continues the task
until it is finished.

Adegan : Bangun ke kamar mandi, solat, lanjut kerjain tugas buka laptop.

Ade : “ Haa, I'll continue until the task is finished. But it's good to enjoy the dream earlier,
then I'm sure I'll be very happy with my future"(smiles while looking up then sighs). But it
was just a dream, you can only enjoy it in a dream hahahaha.”

Narrator (black screen) :

That's a piece of the story about an ordinary young man who has many dreams, but he is
confused about where he should go to make those dreams come true because every day he
does is complain without trying harder. The message we can convey from the film is that if
we have a dream in life, never give up on achieving it. No need to be confused about how to
go in the future; just live it and believe it. Try hard, and one day we will be able to achieve
this dream. Don't forget to pray to God. Thanks.

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