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Endo Exam Y3 T2 2020

MCQ (Every question had 5 statements and then you had to

pick the combination of correct statements)
1. When you do a pulp test where you place the probe
a. As close to the pulp horns
b. On the buccal middle 3rd
c. Buccal gingival 3rd etc.
2. Root canal sealers which is false
a. Highly toxic when freshly prepared
b. Larger contact greater intensity of chemical damage
c. All extrusions require surgical treatment
d. Extrusions can be minimised with an adequate apical stop
e. Root canal sealers should fill the entire root space with the master GP and
accessory GP points.
3. You perform a test cavity when:
a. Testing to see whether a tooth is ready for a restoration
b. Testing to see whether treatment can be done with or without local anaesthesia
c. Done when all other pulp tests are inconclusive and you are not sure whether
the tooth is vital or not
d. Something wrong
e. Something wrong
i. I and II
ii. I, II and III
iii. II and IV
iv. I, IV and V
v. None of the above combinations
4. Flare ups what’s true
a. Positive pressure bring blood and pus into canal
b. Negative pressure extrude bacteria and debris past apex
c. Disturbance between host response and bacterial agression
d. Should take the tooth out of occlusion
5. Patient came in with hockey injury to the tooth, what test do you use as only a baseline
for future appointments
a. Hard tissue exam
b. Soft tissue exam
c. Pulp test
d. Medical History
e. Radiograph
6. Regarding A delta and C fibres:
a. A delta fibres are myelinated and therefore travel faster than C fibres
b. A delta fibres are found in the core of the pulp
c. A delta fibres are found in the periphery of the pulp
d. A delta fibres travel faster than A Beta fibres
7. Definition of flare up
a. A flare-up is an acute excerbation of a symptomatic pulp or a periapical pathosis,
after the initiation or continuation of root canal treatments.
b. A flare-up is an acute excerbation of an asymptomatic pulp or a periapical
pathosis, after the initiation or continuation of root canal treatments.
8. Woman came in angry after you treated her yesterday with root canal saying tooth now
has pain what are the possible causes of flare up:
9. Biofilm Q
a. Complex communities of bacteria embedded in polysaccharide matrix
b. Protect microorganisms from antibiotics by up to 1000 times when compared
bacteria in planktonic state
c. Has different growth stages and metabolic requirements
10. CHX
a. Effective antimicrobial between pH 5.5-7.0
b. Bacteriostatic at low pH
c. Bacteriocidal at high pH
d. Works via adsorbtion to mucous membrane and dental tissues to release at a
therapeutic level over time
e. Adsorbed onto cell wall of microorganism cause leakage of intracellular
11. NaOCl Q
12. You should do a pulp test scenario
13. 36 has a large amalgam and its suspect what do tooth do you use as a baseline for pulp
a. 37 virgin
b. 26 gold crown
c. 17 minor cavitation
d. 35 virgin
14. Latex allergies
a. Provide a immune and non-immune response
b. People cannot be allergic to nitrile
c. Should use nitrile gloves for patient with latex allergy
d. If patient had an contact dermatitis response it is not necessary to put it in your
15. All of the symptoms except for which can you expect for a tooth with reversible pulpitis
a. Sharp intermittent pain
b. Tender to percussion
c. Lingering pain during thermal testing
d. No remarkable radiographic findings
16. Which is most likely to be a vital response during pulp testing
a. Primary periodontic lesion
b. Primary endodontic lesion, secondary periodontic
c. Primary periodontic, secondary endodontic
d. True combined lesion
e. None of the above
17. CaOH question
a. Optimum antimicrobial effect above pH11
b. pH is usually 11-12.5
c. Has good antibacterial properties below pH 10
d. Action dependant on OH ions
e. It is a biocide so it is impossible to get antibiotic resistance
18. Smear layer question
a. Inhibits medicaments and should be removed
b. Organic and inorganic components
c. NaOCl alone is enough for it etc.
d. If present CaOH is useless
19. Which of the following most likely to cause false positive
a. Severe obliteration of pulpal space
b. Incomplete root formation
c. Anxious patient
d. Patient taking oral sedative
e. Dehydrated tooth
20. Patient has 36 and 37 proximal contacting amalgams what does not cause a false
a. Amalgam resto touching other teeth can conduct current through adjacent tooth
and periodontium
b. Metal resto in contact with another metal resto can conduct through adjacent
tooth and periodontium
c. Tooth too wet
d. Tooth had trauma and nerve is concussed
21. Patient has radioopaque lesions and radiolucent lesions in the anterior mandible. No
paint or sensitivity.
a. Refer to oral surgeon for ressection
b. Refer to endodontist for root canal
c. Do nothing and monitor it

Case: 25-year-old news reader has a cervical horizontal fracture extending sub-gingivally
on the buccal surface of the upper right canine. The canine root is extremely long on
radiograph (approximately 27mm). The patient is keen to save the tooth and is concerned
about aesthetics and pain management.

1a) Discuss the considerations prior to and during chemo-mechanical preparation of this
tooth. (10 marks)
1b) Discuss the options and reasons for temporisations of this tooth and why. (5 marks)

Q2) A 20 year old patient has a history of trauma as a child to his upper right central
incisor. Upon radiograph examination you find an immature open apex. The tooth is
responded negatively to pulp tests and is not painful. Discuss the management of this tooth
(15 marks).

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