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Define an organisation

A group of people who are organised with a particular goal or a purpose, with a
structure in how things work inside their group such as a business is called an

1. Define organisation structure, it’s components and explain

Organisation structure is nothing but, a pattern or a template in which various

activities of an organisation is carried over towards the success or achievement of
the organisation. It acts as a foundation for how an organisation is supposed to

Components of an organisation
• Complexity is getting to know and analyse the difficulties which may happen
in the day to day operations of a business through horizontal, vertical and
spatial ways.
• Formulation is the procedures, rules, vision and mission an organisation
comprises of
• centralisation talks about how are decisions taken in an organisation. Mostly,
the decisions are taken only by the higher rank people.

1. Define organisation effectiveness

It mainly deals with how and through what means has an organisation achieved its
goals by everybody playing their roles and responsibilities well. The four main criteria
to assess organisation effectiveness would be Return on value, customer satisfaction,
Employee satisfaction and culture.

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