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 An article written by the editorial board

 expresses the publication’s opinion on a specific issue or topic
 influence the reader’s opinion and encourage action
 heart and soul of the news paper

 Never use “I”

 one word titles
 should be brief, broad, definite
 one sentence paragraphs are acceptable

Types of Editorial
 Informative
- give information, review or announce certain facts abt certain events
 Interpretative
- explain and bring out the significance of an event, situation or idea
 Crusade
- criticize certain conditions, then suggest a solution or change or persuade the people to
take part in the action
 Occasion
 Comment
- express appreciation for a worthy action
 Entertainment
 Tribute
- provide recognition of a person’s notable work
- commonly written for the dead

Standard Parts of an Editorial (Not Suggested)

 The Lead: The Most Important Info

- who, what, where, when, why, how
- 30 words
- opening statement of the editorial which may consist only of the problem the background
on news on which the editorial is based, or the topic or problem to be taken up.
- Ways on writing leads:
o Emphatic statement or Maxim (Truth)
o A striking statement about the topic
o A quotation
o Narration (A BIG YES!)
o Order
o A question
o Poetic
o Reaction (A YES!)
o Prophecy
o Mixture of Facts and Opinion
o A News Peg (YES!)
 The Body: The Crucial Info
- includes basic facts
- causes and effects behind incidents and situations
- never preachy
- provide arguments (suggested: 3)
 The Tail: Extra Information
- ending of the editorial
- clinch
- Ways on writing conclusions
o Proverb
o Quotations
o Advice
o Comparisons
o Contrast
o Crusading
o Argumentative
o Formal and Standard Forms

Recommended Parts of an Editorial (The Editorial Man)

 Head (Lead)
- start with the explanation of the issue
 Neck (Main Argument)
 Left Arm (Argument Support 1)
 Right Arm (Argument Support 2)
 Body (Argument Support 3)
 Left Leg (Counter Argument)
- persuade the reader to have the same argument or opinion as the writer’s
 Right Leg (Conclusion)
- clinch
- provide course of action

Tips on Writing Editorials

1. Write in active voice
- subject should be the doer of the action
2. Be direct to the point
- avoid hodge-podging or flip-flopping
3. Substantiate arguments
- support arguments with the right facts
4. Make it brief
- it covers what it intends to cover
5. Make it broad
- it covers everything
6. Make it definite
- use simple words
 Never ever ever ever use “I”
 Do no be preachy (Must, Should)
Editorial Example (On the spot writing)

Small, Simple Ways

The school year 2023-2024 is now fast approaching, however the school still lacks
Classroom shortage contribute to the decreased quality of student learning.
Firstly, because of the shortage of classrooms, the students are forced to practice shifting of
classes. In shifting classes, the student gets to attend instruction for 5-6 hours only. It is 2-3 hours
short the usual classroom hours. Studies show that reduced class hours contribute to reduced student
Classroom shortage also result to crowded classrooms. Students in crowded classrooms
would feel distracted and they have very little space to work on their output or assignments.
Distracted students and students who cannot accomplish assignments or outputs usually have lower
Another issue with classroom shortage is the lack of comfort. Students who are comfortable
in their classroom would have short attention span. Attention and focus are important components of
learning. Without focus, there will be little learning.
While it is true that we have very little budget now in education, but our stakeholders could
help in financing the construction of the classrooms, only if they are mobilized.
In the end, classroom shortage is everybody’s concern, but we can all address this problem if
we could help in our small simple ways.

Write an editorial whether or not cellphones should be banned in SRNHS.

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