Mid - Test of Teen and Youth Intermediate 1

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Teen & Youth Program

Intermediate 1


Date of

I. Listening Comprehension

You are going to listen an article about THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA
twice. Listen carefully and answer the questions by choosing the word
TRUE or FALSE based on the passage.

1. Social media has made has made it easier for us to connect with people
from all around
The world. True or False
2. Social media has No. impact on our mental health. True or False
3. Social media can be a platform for cyberbullying and harassment. True or
4. Spending too much tim eon social media has No. effect on our self-
esteem. True or false

Teen & Youth Program
Intermediate 1

5. Social media has No. effect on our ability to stay updated on current
events. True or false.
6. Social media has provided a platform for activism and raising awareness
about social issues. True or False
7. Social media has had No. impact on marketing and business
communication. True or False
8. Social media platforms do not collect and store personal data. True or
9. Social media can be a source of misinformation and fake news. True or
10. It is not important to use social media responsibly ang in moderation.
True or False

II. ReadingComprehension

Teen & Youth Program
Intermediate 1

Answer the questions

1. How long has Antony Gormley been creating sculptures ?
2. What kind of material does he often use ?
3. How long has Tracy Emin been making drawings and prints of birds ?
4. What’s her Roman Standard bird made of ?
5. How long has Rachel Whiteread been making sculptures of every items ?
6. What was House made of ?
7. What other materials does Whiteread use ?
8. What’s unusual about Chris Ofili’s work ?

III. Translate the following sentences into English by using the given words .

1. Tampaknya Anita semakin bijaksana dari cara dia mengungkapkan


2. Apakah kamu cukup siap untuk bersaing mendapatkan posisi manajer di

perusahaan ini ?

Teen & Youth Program
Intermediate 1



Teen & Youth Program
Intermediate 1

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