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1. Gregarious (adj) : sociable

2. Gene pool (phr): the characteristic gene of a specific species or tribe, etc
3. Genetic mix (phr): a combination of genes
4. Mark sb out : make sb look clearly different from others
5. Tumbling (n): acrobatic exercises on the floor
6. Pitch in ( Phr) = help out
7. Flipside (n) = opposite
8. Picked on (phr) = bullied
9. Overwhelmed (adj)= stunned
10. Go to great length (phr) = make great efforts
11. Bash (n) = party
12. Rapport (n) = a good relationship
13. Get hitched (phr) = get married
14. Right as rain(idm) = perfectly healthy
15. Cry the house down (idm) = burst into tear loudly
16. Diametrically opposed (phr) = completely opposite
17. The spitting image of (phr) = sb’s lookalike
18. It’s a wind-up (phr) = it’s a joke that you tell to make sb angry
19. Like chalk and cheese ( phr) = (of two people) totally different
20. Keep one another at arm’s length (phr) = to not have a good relationship with sb
21. Solidarity (n) = help and support for each other
22. Offpring (n)= children
23. Guardian (n) = a person who has the legal right and responsibility of taking care
of someone who cannot take care of themselves, such as a child whose parents
have died
24. Prejudice (n) = an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when
formed without enough thought or knowledge
25. Laid-back (adj) = highly- strung
26. Opinionated (adj) = open-minded
27. Headstrong (adj) = very determined to do what you want without listening to
28. Submissive (adj) = describes someone who allows themselves to be controlled
by other people
29. Get on like a house on fire (phr) = like each other very much and become
friends very quickly
30. Fight like cat and dog (phr) = to argue violently all the time

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