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1. Do you work or are you a student?
=> I’m a full-time student at HUFI now. My major is….
2. Have you ever applied for a job?
=> No, I havent’t because I’m a full-time student at HUFI now. / Yes, I have. I
applied to work as a (job)… at…(name) company
3. If you are a student, what job would you like to do?
=> I would like to work as a… at ….company because my major is… at HUFI.
4. If you are already working, what job do you do?
=> I’m currently working for…(name) company as a …(job).
5. What would your ideal job be?
=> My ideal job is to become a…(job) because my major is… at HUFI.
6. Would you move to another country to do your job?
=> Yes, I would. I would like to move to…(country) to work because…
7. Are there many job opportunities for young people in your country?
=>Yes, there are because VN is a developing country now and it offers a lot of
opportunites for young peope to work such as…
8. Would you do a job you didn't like just because the money was good?
 No, I wouldn’t because I think I would work well when I love my job. / Yes, I
would because I work to earn money to support my life.
9. Would you do a very badly-paid job if you loved it?
 Yes, I would because because I think I would work well when I love my job./ No, I
wouldn’t because I work to earn money to support my life.
10. Do you like working with other people or do you prefer to be independent?
I love working with other because I think I can learn a lot from other people.
11. Have you ever had a part time job?
 Yes, I have. I’m working for A/B/C now. / No, I haven’t because I’m a full-time
student at HUFI.
12. Why did you choose that job?
 because I love this job and it helps me to earn money to support my life.
13. Have you travelled to another country?
 No, I haven’t because I don’t have much money.
14. Where did you go on your last vacation?
 I went to…( place) with my…
15. How long have you known your best friend?
 I have known my best friends for…(number) . years
16. What kind of job do you want in the future?
 I would like to become a… (job) in the future because my major is…(name) at
1. What's your favorite gadget?
 My favorite gadget is the laptop/ computer/ mobile phone because it helps me a
lot for my study. For example…
2. What do you think is the most important advance in technology?
 I think the most important advance in technology is the laptop/ computer/
mobile phone because it helps me a lot for my study. For example…
3. Are there any gadgets that you think are a waste of money or time?
 No, I don’t think so, because I think all gadgets help improve our lives.
4. In what ways can technology be bad?
 technoly can be bad if we overuse them, when we spend too much time using
5. How often do you get a new mobile phone?
 I sometimes get a new mobile phone when my phone is broken.
6. Do you have a laptop or tablet?
 I have a laptop, I use it for studying online and….
7. Do you ever listen to music on an MP3 player?
 No, I haven’t. I listen to music from Youtube.
8. What do you think about people downloading music, films and TV series?
 I think it helps me save much money because I don’t spend money buying
MP3/MP4 player.
9. Who is the inventor you like best?
 I like Thomas Edison the best because he is the most famous and influential
inventors of all time. Prominent inventions like the phonograph, the electric light
bulb, the motion picture camera, and the mass communication system are a few of
his transcendent works. He is often credited as America's greatest inventor.
10. What do you think is the most important invention?
 I think the most important invention is the electric light bulb invented by
Thomas Edison because this invention shaped the foundation for the scientific
development in the modern era. We just have to look at the electric lights in our
house to understand how rich this inventio still is in our life.
11. What is your favorite piece of technology?
 I don’t have many gadgets, just a computer, a laptop and my mobile phone but
I’ll talk about my computer as it’s so useful. Thanks to my computer, I know how
to use email, send attachments and how to access websites. I’ve become a
competent computer user now.
12. What are some problems that come with new technologies?
 some problems that come with technologies are that the users spend too much
time on using it, so I may cause some health problems like eye-sights.
1. Have you ever been camping? What was it like
Yes, I have. I went camping ... years ago with my... and It was a good/ great
camping trip because i had a wonderful time with my ....
2. What’s your favorite kind of holiday?
I love camping/ a package holiday to the beach with my... because i feel...
3. Do you prefer to visit places with a tour guide or on your own?

4. Have you ever been on a cruise?
 No, I haven’t because I don’t have much money.
5. Do you enjoy sightseeing in a new place?
Yes, I do. I love travelling and discovering new places and new things
6. Would you ever go on a self-catering holiday?
 No, I haven’t. I love going on a package holiday because it saves me a lot of time
and money.
7. Is the place you come from a tourist area?
 Yes, it is. I come from.... city/province where there are a lot of intersting tourist
destinations such as....
8. Would you like to work in the tourist industry?
 Yes, I would because i love meeting new people and travelling.
9. What do you do first when you travel to a new city/country?
 The thing I want to do first is to take pictures of that place because I love
spending hours of a trip to taking a lot of photos to keep my memories of the place I
10. What has been your best vacation?
 My best holiday was my last holiday. Last summer, I went to Nha Trang beach
with my family. Nha trang is a wonderful island of Vietnam. I went go to Nha Trang
by train. I was happy when I was here because the water of the sea was fresh and
cool. At the bottom of the sea, we could see the corals. They’re so beautiful. I also
took the motorbike to ride along the beach and and enjoyed the seafood there. I love
this holiday so much and I hope to come back Nha Trang someday.
11. Where would you like to travel to?
I would like to go to Nhatrang because Nha trang is a wonderful island of Vietnam
because the water of the sea was fresh and cool. At the bottom of the sea, we can see
the corals. They’re so beautiful. We can also take the motorbike to ride along the
beach and and enjoy the seafood there.
12. What is your dream vacation?
 My dream vacatio is a holiday to Nha Trang because Nha trang is a wonderful
island of Vietnam because the water of the sea was fresh and cool. At the bottom
of the sea, we can see the corals. They’re so beautiful. We can also take the
motorbike to ride along the beach and and enjoy the seafood there.
13.What do you like to do when you are on vacation/visit a new place?
 I want to take pictures of the place i visit because I love spending hours of a trip
to taking a lot of photos to keep my memories of the place I visit.
14.What should tourists see or do in your town or city?
 When tourists visit my town, or city i think they should visit...(name) because
they are the symbols of my city/ towns.
15.Are you planning to go anywhere nice on vacation this year?
 Yes, I am. I’m planning to.. with my ...We will go there by... and stay there for...
1. What was the last thing you bought?
 The last thing I bought was… I bought it because….
2. Do you usually buy things from small local producers or big interactional companies?
 I usually buy things from small local producers because the prices are cheaper.
3. Do you think logos are important in business?
 Yes, I think so because logoes help customers to recognize the companies.
4. What kind of clothes do you like to buy?
 I like to buy… because I feel …. When I wear them.
5. Which types of technology do you have at home?
 I have a computer, a laptop and my mobile phone at home.
6. Do you think people have too much stuff? Why? / Why not?
 it depends. As for me, I don’t have much stuff because I don’t have much money
to buy the stuff.
7. How often do you buy something you don't need?
 I never buy anything that I don’t need because I don’t have much money to do
8. What's your favorite website, and why?
 I favorite website is…. because it helps me….
9. What is something you used to do, but don’t anymore?
 I used to use casste players, now I don’t use it anymore, I use computer/ laptop
10. What is something you do now, that you didn’t used to do?
 I used to play hide and seek/ walk in the rain/ play chess with my dad… but now
I don’t do it anymore.
11. Can you describe the logo of your favorite product?
 The logos of my favorite product is apple. The job of creating the company's
first logo fell to Ronald Wayne, who decided to use Isaac Newton's image sitting
below a tree – the same Isaac Newton who discovered gravity when an apple fell
out of a tree onto his head.
12. How can we convince someone to shop less/spend less time Online?
 I offer several tips to help you spend less time online. For example I advise
them to start a new hobbies such as reading books or listening to music , and they
should disable their internet connection, and they should spend time with their
friends and family.
1. Would you like to go on an expedition somewhere?
 Yes, I would. I would like to go to.(name) because...
2. Where would you not like to go exploring and why?
 I would not like to explore (name) because it’s very far from my place and it’s
very dangerous/ boring.
3. What three personal things would you put in a time capsule?

4. Which three objects do you think best illustrate our lives at the moment?
 three things which best illustrate our lives at the moment are mobile phones,
laptops and motorbikes. I need to use all three everyday. I use moblie phone for, i
use m laptop for and i use my motorbike for.....
5. Is the place you come from a place of historical interest?
 Yes, there is. I’ve lived my whole life here in Ho Chi Minh City. There’re several
buildings that hold significant meaning in our cultures. Among these, the one
which I enjoy visiting the most is Duc Ba Cathedral. It’s located in District 1 –
right in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. Even though there’re plenty of churches
around here, this one is quite unique for it was built by French colonizers before
they left Vietnam. There’re several activities take place at this place. For example,
Christians go there to say their prayers, tourists pay a visit to this must-visit
structure, husband-and-wife-to-be pose for their wedding photos while young
people just sit around for a chit-chat and take in the view. I guess I love this
building not only because of its distinct look but also due to the memories I have
had there with my friends and loved ones.
6. Which ancient civilization would you like to have lived in?
 That is Ancient China 2100 – 221 BC: Along with the Four Great Inventions of
Ancient China – printing, paper-making, the compass and gunpowder – the
Ancient Chinese have also been credited with inventions ranging from kites to
toilet paper. The first recorded observations of solar eclipses and comets were also
made in China.
7. If you went back in time for a short visit, what would you miss most?
 If i had a short visit, the things I would miss much that were that I didnt’t visit
all the tourist attractions and enjoy all the local food there.
8. List three things that you used to do when you were younger.
 when I was a child, I used to play hide and seek, I used to walk in the rain, I used
to drink a lot of milk and candies, but now I don’t do anymore because I’m
mature now.
9. What sorts of games do you like to play?
 I play chess because playing chess makes me relax. I often play chess with … in
my free time. I think playing chess helps me refresh my mind and I will spend less
time surfing the net.
10. What is your favorite game?
 my favorite game is chess. I love playing chess because it makes me relax. I often
play chess with … in my free time. I think playing chess helps me refresh my mind
and I will spend less time surfing the net.
11. How often do you play games?
 I play chess once a week. I usually play chess with my… at the weekend. I think
playing chess helps me refresh my mind and I will spend less time surfing the net.
12. What is your town famous for?
 My town is… (name) and it is famous for its beautiful landscapes and delicious
food such as… the people there are also very friendly.
13. What is a museum you have enjoyed visiting? Why?
 I enjoy visiting hochiminh museum in HCM city. The museum consists of a
collection of artifacts, miniatures, and various gifts gathered nationally and
internationally. In addition to Vietnamese, the museum also provides descriptions
written in English as well as French.
14. Do you like visiting historical places?
 yes, I do. I want to visit Duc Ba Cathedral. It’s located in District 1 – right in the
heart of Ho Chi Minh City. There’re several activities take place at this place. For
example, Christians go there to say their prayers, tourists pay a visit to this must-
visit structure, husband-and-wife-to-be pose for their wedding photos while young
people just sit around for a chit-chat and take in the view. I guess I love this
building not only because of its distinct look but also due to the memories I have
had there with my friends and loved ones.
1. Have you ever been to a zoo?
 Yes, I have. I went to the zoo... years ago. I went to the zoo with my..
2. Does your hometown have a zoo nearby?
 No, it doesn’t because I come from... city/province and there is no zoo there.
3. What kind of animals do you like best?
 i love dogs/ cats... because they’re so cute and I play with them in my freetime.
4. Are there any insects or reptiles that you're afraid of?
 Yes, there are. I’m afraid of snakes... because i think they’re dangerous.
5. What's your favorite type of natural location?
 I love Ha Long Bay/ Son Doong cave because this place is very beautiful and
interesting to visit.
6. Is there a park that you like to spend time in?
 Yes, there is. I like to spend time in Le Van Tam/Le Thi Rieng/ Dam Sen park
because I love jogging/ playing soccer/ badminton in the park.
7. What can you see from the windows in the place you live?
 Now, i live in... city/ province and I can see beautiful views of my city/ town from
the place I live.
8. Do you belong to a conservation or environmental Club or society?
 No, I don’t, but now I’m a member of HUFI dance/ English Speaking Club at
my universiy.
9. Would you live in another country if you could? Which one and why? (*)
 If I could live in another country, I live in… name because this country has many
beautiful landscapes and delicious food such as. The people there are also friendly.

10. What would you ask someone famous if you met them? (*)
 When I met a famous person, I would ask him/her what makes them famous, how
they spend time practicing every days and how often they meet their friends or

11. If you won a lot of money, would you stop working or studying? (*)
 If I had a lot of money, I would stop studying and I would open my own company
which produce... I always want to do this as I love producing this product a lot. I
hope I will get success in this field so that I can earn enough money to support my
future family.

12.Would you like to be famous? If so, what would you want to be famous for doing?
 Yes, i would. i want to become a famous singer/ actor/ actress/ director/painter
13.Do you like wild animals?
 Yes, I do. I like elephants because I like its giant body and it is difficult to find a
such huge animal in the world. It looks like cute, gentle and tame animals as
compare with other fierce animals.
14.What is your favorite wild animal?
 I like elephants because I like its giant body and it is difficult to find a such huge
animal in the world. It looks like cute, gentle and tame animals as compare with
other fierce animals.
15. What is the best place in Vietnam to enjoy nature like waterfalls, beaches, lakes,
mountains, or forests?
 There are so many natural attractions in my country, for example, the best one, in
my opinion, is Ha Long Bay. Halong Bay is one of the most beautiful stops in all of
Vietnam. It’s located in the north, about a three-hour drive from Hanoi. Pillars of
limestone jut from the blue-green bay. On a boat tour, your guides will tell you what
locals believe the formations most resemble — use your imagination to spot the
fighting roosters and the dragon. Boat trips to the bay also stop at caves, which
come with man-made stairs and railings to make for easy exploring.

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