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Joint and Connection Design Committee

PCI Convention 2023

Columbus, OH
8:00 am EST





Tim Cullen

David Nasser, Chairman, welcomed everyone and brought the meeting to order at 8:04 am EST,
February 23rd, 2023.


David Nasser reviewed the PCI Anti-Trust Policy.


David Nasser reviewed the PCI Code of Conduct.

o PCI Convention PowerPoint Introduction Slides
 Tim Cullen reviewed the PCI Introduction Slides
o PCI Connection Design Webinars for the public
 Tim Cullen stated that the webinars are being reviewed and should be ready to
be offered to the public this summer (2023).
o PCI Connections Manual
 Chapter 3 of the manual was updated per the previous ballot in 2019 and for
code updates and will need to be updated once more per the most recent ballot
(January/February 2023).
 The other remaining chapters of the connections manual will need to be updated
once more following the latest chapter 3 ballot comments (code references, etc.),
balloted by the committee, resolve the comments and then sent to TAC.
 Chapter 3 passed balloting with 9 affirmative votes, 6 affirmative votes with
comment, 2 negative votes, 1 abstention, and 6 not returned votes. Comments
were reviewed with the hope of resolution during the meeting.
 David Larson’s ballot comments reviewed and agreed upon by the committee:
• David Larsen commented that for the examples to be updated to match
the 8th edition of the PCI Design Handbook, the examples should
reference the correct editions of AISC and ASCE 7.
• 0.75 should be the Phi factor used for a hairpin resisting a shear breakout
• Pg 3-47 there is a typo in the word “force”
• Examples that use coil rod should have a note added about special
consideration being required.
• Example 3-7 should have the rebar on the double tee embed be updated
so that the loads in the bar align with the C.G. of the C-shaped weld
group. Dimensions were provided in the ballot comment to help with this.
• Example 3-8 should be eliminated from the manual for the time being.
• Examples 3-9, 3-10 and 3-11 should use the truss analogy for the double
tee embed capacity. The jumper plate should be 3” x 4”.
• Examples 3-12 needs a note regarding eccentricities on the connection.
o Tim Cullen provided a page from the PCI Connection Design
Webinar Series (Webinar 1) that can be helpful in providing a
 Ali Shrih’s ballot comments reviewed and agreed upon by the committee:
• TAC would like bearing pad capacities added
o The suggestion was made to add a capacity calculation added to
one example and then reference that capacity going forward with
the other examples and add a note that the bearing pad should be
• ACI 318-19 should be referenced as ACI CODE 318-19
• Typical all examples, development length should be reviewed and bars
made longer if they do not have adequate cover or are used as a top bar.
• Typical for embed sketches, a blow up should be provided of the bar
bends occurring 2” or 2*db past the end of the weld to the embed plate.
o Harry Gleich (TAC) would like to see the location of the weld on
the embed sketches.
• Example 3-3 should be updated so that the stud plate is designed to bend
with two-way bending.
• Example 3-5 should be updated to have washers/nuts instead of J-bolts
in the foundation.
o Dusty Andrews recommends being consistent with the latest
edition of the PCI Design Handbook
• Example 3-6 should be updated to show angles for the double tee
• Example 3-7 should be updated to show a single assembly between both
faces of the IT-beam web and/or hooks on IT-beam embed bars as an
 Lyle Bowman’s ballot comments reviewed and agreed upon by the committee:
• Editorial comments will be addressed by PCI
• The word “strap” plate should be changed to “erection” plate on all
• Load nomenclature (i.e. Hu, Nu, Pu) will need to be considered. Committee
agreed to review this at a later date.
• Weld symbols should point from the direction that the weld is to be made
across all examples.
 Clay Putnam’s ballot comments reviewed and agreed upon by the committee:
• Example 3-3, the word “grout” should be eliminated and the word
“adhere” changed to “place”. Design considerations should be updated to
discuss preventing the loosening of the nuts.
• The order of eccentricity calculations should be organized earlier in the
order of the calculations for each example to help the flow of the example.
 Karen Laptas’s ballot comments reviewed and agreed upon by the committee:
• Example 3-2, pg 3-14, needs a note discussing the calculation of the
• Example 3-6, the embed in the IT-beam should be updated to be smaller
with rebar being used instead of jumper plates.
 Chapter chairs are to update their chapters similar to what was done for Chapter
3 and upload their latest documents to Committee Central.
 Clay Putnam stated that examples 4-1 and 4-2 are good, they just need the latest
updates for code references.
 Brent Kriha is going to chair Chapter 2 and be switched from a Consulting
Member to a Voting Member.
 John Cerva needs help on Chapter 6. James Gerloff to check his old notes for
who is on that chapter.
 Dusty suggested committee vote to approve comment resolution after receipt of
updated Chapter 3 examples.

 No new business at this time.
PCI Committee Days, October 4th – 8th, 2023 – Tampa, FL

Meeting was adjourned at 11:41 am EST on March 3, 2022.

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