Rhythmic Timing in Aging Adults: On The Role of Cognitive Functioning and Structural Brain Integrity

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Psychology and Aging

© 2020 American Psychological Association 2020, Vol. 35, No. 8, 1184 –1200
ISSN: 0882-7974 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pag0000575

Rhythmic Timing in Aging Adults: On the Role of Cognitive Functioning

and Structural Brain Integrity

Annett Schirmer Rafael Romero-Garcia

The Chinese University of Hong Kong University of Cambridge

Man Hey Chiu Nicolas Escoffier

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Neurolandscape, Warsaw, Poland
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Trevor B. Penney Benjamin Goh

The Chinese University of Hong Kong National University of Singapore

John Suckling Jasmine Tan

University of Cambridge Goldsmiths, University of London

Lei Feng
National University of Singapore

Here we asked whether impaired timing in older adults results from an aging clock or a more general brain
and cognitive decline. Healthy aging adults (N ⫽ 70, aged 62– 83 years) tapped to the beat of a periodic and
a syncopated rhythm. Analyses focused on performance differences between rhythms (periodic-syncopated),
which reduced the impact of timing unrelated processes. Apart from tapping, participants completed a
cognitive assessment and neuroimaging of gray matter volume (GMV) and fractional anisotropy (FA) globally
as well as regionally (cortical: auditory, premotor, paracentral; subcortical: putamen, caudate, cerebellum).
The rhythm difference showed no significant age effects for tapping asynchrony and an age-related decrease
for tapping consistency. Additionally, age reduced cognitive functioning, global GMV/FA, and, beyond this,
auditory GMV. Irrespective of age, the rhythm difference in tapping asynchrony was linked, not to GMV, but
to caudal, premotor, and paracentral FA after controlling for global FA. Tapping consistency was associated
with global rather than regional brain integrity. Additionally, age differences in tapping consistency were
mediated by a decline in global brain integrity as well as cognitive functioning. Together these results agree
with previous proposals differentiating between timing accuracy and reliability and suggest that aging largely
preserves the former but not the latter. Whereas timing accuracy may depend on an internal clock supported
by robust striatocortical circuitry, timing reliability may depend on global brain and cognitive functioning,
which show a pronounced age-related decline.

Keywords: relative timing, motor entrainment, striatum, human development

Supplemental materials: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pag0000575.supp

This article was published Online First October 1, 2020. The study, Choral Singing for the Prevention of Dementia: A Random-
X Annett Schirmer, Department of Psychology and Brain and Mind ized Controlled Trial, was supported by the National Innovation Challenge
Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Rafael Romero-Garcia, on Active and Confident Ageing Programme, Ministry of Health of Sin-
Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge; Man Hey Chiu, gapore (Award MOH/NIC/COG06/2017); the National Medical Research
Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Council of Singapore (Award NMRC/TA/0053/2016); the National Uni-
X Nicolas Escoffier, Neurolandscape, Warsaw, Poland; Trevor B. Penney, versity of Singapore Society Choir Dementia Research Fund. The work
Department of Psychology and Brain and Mind Institute, The Chinese associated with the data analysis and reporting of the present results was
University of Hong Kong; Benjamin Goh, Department of Psychological supported by a grant awarded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council
Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of to Annett Schirmer (14612318). This research has not been presented in
Singapore; X John Suckling, Department of Psychiatry, University of any format previously.
Cambridge; X Jasmine Tan, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, Uni- Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Annett Schirmer,
versity of London; Lei Feng, Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 3rd Floor,
Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Sino Building, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong. E-mail: schirmer@cuhk.edu.hk


Most of our bodily processes are rhythmical. From the overall after the researchers controlled for cognitive performance. Studies
cycle of birth and death down to short-timescale behavioral and that directly manipulated the cognitive effort associated with a
physiological patterns such as walking, breathing, or blinking, timing or secondary task corroborated these results (Droit-Volet,
regular temporal recurrence organizes our existence (Buhusi & Lorandi, & Coull, 2019; Meijer & Krampe, 2018). Age differences
Meck, 2005; Merchant, Grahn, Trainor, Rohrmeier, & Fitch, 2015; depended largely on an explicit instruction to time or on the
Schirmer, Meck, & Penney, 2016). Similarly, the world around us demands of a secondary task, thus suggesting that they reflect a
is rhythmical and by adjusting internal to external rhythms, we can more general cognitive deficit and that timing itself may be a
optimize the outcomes of our actions. Here we explored how aging fundamental primitive activity that remains fairly preserved later
changes such rhythmic processes by combining a paced tapping in life (Droit-Volet et al., 2019).
task with assessments of cognitive functioning and brain morphol- Yet the absence of evidence for age effects on a timing-specific
ogy in a group of seniors varying in age. Moreover, we asked mechanism is not evidence that such effects do not exist. More-
whether potential age effects on the ability to synchronize motor over, some findings do point to an internal clock that declines with
output with an auditory rhythm are better explained by general age. For example, an age-related decrease in spontaneous motor
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

cognitive and brain decline or by the deterioration of a dedicated tempo has been interpreted as a reduction in clock speed (Turgeon
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

clock mechanism. et al., 2012). Changes in the temporal discrimination threshold

Much research has pursued the aging of mind and behavior. support this view (Ramos, Esquenazi, Villegas, Wu, & Hallett,
Efforts directed specifically at timing showed that older adults 2016). In line with a slowing clock, for every additional year of
perform more poorly than younger adults (for a review see Tur- age, individuals required, on average, an additional 0.66 ms to
geon, Lustig, & Meck, 2016). However, our ability to time com- discriminate between two successive stimuli (Ramos et al., 2016).
prises a heterogeneous set of functions and the aging of rhythmic In addition to speed, however, other clock mechanisms may be
timing in particular has attracted limited attention to date (e.g., implicated including, for example, the accuracy and reliability of
McAuley, Jones, Holub, Johnston, & Miller, 2006). Thus, it re- clock ticks (Turgeon et al., 2012) or the kind of information (e.g.,
mains debated what aspects of rhythmic timing might be compro- previously learned vs. locally cued intervals) that biases temporal
mised in late adulthood and whether apparent deficits reflect the decisions (Droit-Volet et al., 2019).
deterioration of timing-specific or domain-general functions. In
Behavioral evidence concerning an aging clock is comple-
what follows, we will shortly review relevant work on rhythmic
mented by insights from neuroscience. Listening to an auditory
timing and introduce current accounts of the role of age in timing,
rhythm aligns and/or amplifies associated oscillations in neural
drawing on evidence from rhythmic and other timing functions.
activity (Escoffier, Herrmann, & Schirmer, 2015; Schirmer et al.,
Research on the role of age for rhythmic timing is grounded in
2020), and older age dampens this response (Sauvé, Bolt, Fleming,
the literature on motor synchronization (Repp, 2005; Repp & Su,
& Zendel, 2019). Additionally, it appears that regions thought to
2013) and relies on self-paced and continuation finger tapping
support timing show a pronounced age-related decline. Prominent
tasks. In a self-paced tapping task, participants are asked to tap
models of time perception consider a striatocortical network to be
regularly without being exposed to a tapping stimulus. Hence, they
central to our ability to perceive and represent temporal intervals
must find their own rhythm. In a continuation tapping task, par-
and rhythms (Buhusi et al., 2005; Leow & Grahn, 2014; Repp et
ticipants are given a rhythm and asked to continue its pace for
some time after the rhythm has stopped. Across both paradigms, al., 2013). Moreover, age appears to compromise this network both
older age increases the variability of tap-to-tap intervals and de- functionally and structurally (Wild-Wall, Willemssen, Falkenstein,
creases tapping speed (Baudouin, Vanneste, & Isingrini, 2004; & Beste, 2008). Functional change entails, perhaps compensatory,
McAuley et al., 2006; Thompson, White-Schwoch, Tierney, & hyperactivity in a range of regions associated with higher-order
Kraus, 2015; Turgeon & Wing, 2012; Turgeon, Wing, & Taylor, conceptual processing such as the middle/inferior frontal gyrus and
2011). Moreover, these age effects are more pronounced for more fusiform gyrus (Di, Rypma, & Biswal, 2014; Kleerekooper et al.,
complex, anisochronous rhythms (Krampe, Engbert, & Kliegl, 2016). Structurally, gray matter volume (GMV) declines fastest in
2001, 2002; Krampe, Mayr, & Kliegl, 2005). sensorimotor regions in pre- and postcentral gyrus, inferior frontal
In addition to self-paced and continuation tapping some studies gyrus, and insula (Gorbach et al., 2017; Schippling et al., 2017;
explored paced tapping (Schirmer, Wijaya, Chiu, Maess, & Taki et al., 2013). Some studies, furthermore, highlight the caudate
Gunter, 2020). Here participants are provided with a continuous (Bauer, Toepper, Gebhardt, Gallhofer, & Sammer, 2015; Di et al.,
rhythm, which they are asked to follow. To date, studies adopting 2014; Taki et al., 2013), which forms part of the striatum. How-
this paradigm are very limited, and their results suggest that pacing ever, the locus within the caudate as well as the consistency with
one’s own movement to a regular pacing signal remains well which this structure is implicated vary.
preserved into older age (Turgeon et al., 2012; Turgeon et al., To summarize, aging affects how we perceive, represent, and
2011). interact with time. Yet we know little about the relation between
There is no consensus explanation of age effects on timing. age and rhythmic timing and the mechanisms underlying age-
Some evidence suggests that timing deficits are a byproduct of related timing deficits. It remains unclear whether and to what
general functional decline. Supporting this possibility is research extent such deficits result from a general decline in cognitive and
exploring the relationship between timing and cognitive perfor- brain functioning or from emerging deficits in a dedicated clock
mance. A study of 647 participants ranging in age from 18 to 67 mechanism. Although the idea of an internal clock changing with
years used a variety of timing tests that revealed a negative age is popular in neuroscience, there is still no evidence that
correlation between timing performance and age (Bartholomew, directly links age-related timing deficits to the brain system
Meck, & Cirulli, 2015). Importantly, this correlation disappeared thought to support timing.

The present study was aimed at addressing this situation. Using FA should show an age-related decline and explain the tapping
a paced tapping task thought to minimize cognitive demands data. A mediation of age-related timing deficits via variation in
(Turgeon et al., 2016), we tested rhythmic synchronization in a global cognitive functioning and brain structure would underline
group of healthy older adults ranging in age from 62 to 83 years. the role of timing unspecific aging in the rhythmic tapping of older
Participants were asked to tap regularly to the beats (not notes) of adults. By contrast, an absence of such effects in the presence of a
one periodic and one more challenging syncopated auditory mediation via striatocortical GMV/FA would support the idea that
rhythm. In the latter condition, only two of the four measure beats such deficits engage aging of an internal clock.
were acoustically marked, which likely prompted internal and
more active temporal processes typically associated with self- Method
paced and continuation tapping. The comparison between the two
rhythms was used to isolate these processes while reducing a
contribution of timing-unspecific aspects of the task, including
auditory processing and motor preparation. We acknowledge that This experiment was part of a longitudinal study aimed at
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

this two-rhythm manipulation probably entailed more general dif- investigating possible cognitive and health benefits of choral sing-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ferences in task difficulty and consider this as a caveat in the ing. All participants were interviewed in person by a trained nurse
discussion. prior to participation in this research and excluded if they self-
Our goal was to expand on existing research in two ways. First, reported a hearing deficit or if such a deficit became apparent
published studies simply focused on the interta interval irrespec- during the interview. No standardized hearing assessment was
tive of how this interval aligned with the external rhythm (e.g., conducted. The project recruited 93 participants for a baseline
Bangert & Balota, 2012; McAuley et al., 2006; Tobin, Mador, assessment and then assigned these individuals to an experimental
Guenther, Lodato, & Sackner, 1988; Turgeon et al., 2011; Van- (choral singing) or a control (health education) group and assessed
neste, Pouthas, & Wearden, 2001). Others also examined the them again after 1 year and 2 years. The data reported here were
asynchrony between beats in the rhythm and the closest tap by collected during the baseline assessment. Specifically, a total of 71
subtracting the former from the latter (Thompson et al., 2015). participants performed the baseline tapping task and had artifact-
Both approaches are problematic: the first because a person may free baseline MRI recordings. Of those, one female participant
tap at a target rate but still be misaligned and this misalignment tapped less than 10 times in the two conditions and was excluded
would go unnoticed; the second because it makes the interpretation from all analyses. The remaining participants had a mean age of
of results challenging because ordinary averaging of subtraction 70.3 years (see Figure 1).
values may imply a convergence on the beat that is not actually Of the final sample, 58 individuals were female and 12 were
there. By adopting a circular statistics framework, the present male. Participants had a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 14 years
study circumvented these issues and elucidated two functional of education with a mean of 6 years. They reported having re-
properties of an alleged internal clock. The mean angle or asyn- ceived on average 1.6 years of formal musical training (vocal
chrony between taps and the beat afforded insights into temporal and/or instrumental) with a range of 1–2.5 years. All participants
accuracy, whereas angular consistency from tap to tap afforded completed the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index (Müllen-
insights into temporal reliability (Oprisan & Buhusi, 2013). siefen, Gingras, Musil, & Stewart, 2014). A performance histo-
The second contribution of this study is the inclusion of both gram of the summary score is illustrated in Figure 1. For analyses
cognitive and brain structural measures as to pin age effects to a detailing the relation between tapping and education/musical so-
general functional and structural decline and/or a central clock phistication, please refer to the online supplementary materials.
mechanisms supported by striatocortical loops (Buhusi et al.,
2005; Grahn & Brett, 2007; Merchant et al., 2015). Of primary
Behavioral Procedure
interest were changes in GMV, derived via structural magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), and fractional anisotropy (FA), derived This study was approved by the National University of Singa-
via diffusion tensor imaging. GMV indexes the volume of neuro- pore Institutional Review Board. All participants provided written
nal cell bodies present in the brain and, as discussed above, shows informed consent prior to study procedures commencing. An over-
a salient age-related reduction. FA indexes the directional anisot- view of the study paradigm is illustrated in Figure 2.
ropy of gray and white matter; that is, the degree to which there is Participants performed a tapping task as part of their initial
a preferred direction of water diffusion. As age changes the brain study assessment. During the task, they sat in a quiet room on a
by, for example, reducing neurite density (Cox et al., 2016) and comfortable chair facing a laptop computer. The computer played
neurite orientation dispersion (Nazeri et al., 2015), age also a simple periodic rhythm at a sound level that was clearly audible
changes FA (Cox et al., 2016; Garcia-Lazaro, Becerra-Laparra, and that could be adjusted if needed. The rhythm was presented by
Cortez-Conradis, & Roldan-Valadez, 2016; Nazeri et al., 2015; a synthesized snare drum with a sound onset asynchrony of 750 ms
Rathee, Rallabandi, & Roy, 2016). with four beats per measure for a total of 24 measures. Sound
Our hypotheses were as follows. In line with prior behavioral intensity and duration, as measured with Praat (Boersma &
work, we expected little or no age effects in tapping accuracy Weenink, 2013), were 0.18 Pa and 214 ms, respectively. The
and/or reliability for the periodic and strictly paced condition but sound had a rise time of 7 ms and a decay time of 185 ms. The total
an age-related performance decline for the syncopated condition. duration of periodic tapping was 1.2 min. Participants were in-
Thus, the performance difference between the periodic and the structed to listen to the rhythm, and, when comfortable, to begin
syncopated rhythm was our main interest and was expected to tapping along to its perceived beat on the laptop’s space bar. They
increase with age. Additionally, cognitive functioning, GMV, and were given 12 practice measures prior to the actual tapping task.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 1. Participant age and musicality. Illustrated on the left is the age distribution in the current sample, and
illustrated on the right is the musicality distribution as measured with the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication

The Presentation software from Neurobehavioral Systems (https:// (Kaplan, Goodglass, Weintraub, & Goodglass, 1983), the Color
www.neurobs.com/) was used to present the rhythm and record the Trail Test (Parts 1 and 2) (Maj et al., 1993), the Symbol Digit
timing of taps relative to the rhythm. Modality Test (Smith, 1973), and the Montreal Cognitive Assess-
Following this simple tapping task, participants were presented ment (Nasreddine et al., 2005). All testing was done individually
with a syncopated rhythm used previously (Escoffier et al., 2015; in a quiet room.
Escoffier, Sheng, & Schirmer, 2010). This rhythm was played at
the same tempo as the isochronous rhythm. It comprised one
four-beat measure that was looped 24 times. Its first two beats Brain Imaging and Analysis
were regularly marked, its third beat was surrounded by a synco- Brain imaging was conducted on a separate day at the National
pation, and its fourth beat fell within a silent interval. Nevertheless, University of Singapore Clinical Imaging Research Center using a
all beats could be felt based on the rhythm’s overall structure. The 3-Tesla Siemens MRI machine. T1-weighted, magnetization-
rhythm entailed a snare drum sound with 214.5 ms duration, 7 ms prepared, gradient-echo images (MPRAGE) were acquired using
rise time, 185 ms fall time and either 0.17 or 0.04 Pa. There was the following parameters: echo time ⫽ 2.03 ms, repetition time ⫽
also a bass sound with 224 ms duration, 9 ms rise time, 201 ms fall
2300 ms, flip angle ⫽ 9°, 1 mm3 isotropic voxel resolution, field
time, and 0.17 Pa.
of view ⫽ 256 ⫻ 240 mm2 and 176 contiguous slices. Each
The reason for including this second tapping task was that it
MPRAGE image was processed and segmented using FreeSurfer
required more sophisticated rhythmic processing and as such was
version 6.0.0 (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/).
potentially more sensitive in the assessment of age and choir
An echo planar imaging sequence was used to acquire diffusion
training effects. Moreover, by comparing tapping to the beat (not
weighted images (DWI) in 60 gradient directions with b values
notes) of a syncopated and an isochronous rhythm, we sought to
ranging from 350 to 1600 mm/s, and one unweighted B0 image,
isolate active temporal processes from more basic functions related
echo time ⫽ 96 ms, repetition time ⫽ 8,500 ms, 63 slices, field of
to auditory perception and motor programming. We tested the
view ⫽ 192 mm, and 2 mm3 of voxel resolution. Diffusion images
syncopated rhythm after the isochronous rhythm because we an-
were corrected for B0 field inhomogeneity, Gibbs artifacts, and
ticipated it being difficult and performance potentially too poor for
eddy-current distortions using MRtrix 3 and FSL 5.0 (http://fsl
a circular analysis if participants had not already established the
.fmrib.ox.ac.uk). FA was computed by fitting a diffusion tensor to
beat for the simple rhythm.
DWI data using FSL FDT (https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/
FDT). The B0 image was linearly coregistered to the MPRAGE,
Cognitive Assessment and the inverse transformation was used to map gray matter and
On the first study visit, a trained nurse conducted a computer- white matter masks into DWI space. All scans were quality con-
ized version of the Mini-Mental State Examination. Only two trolled by an experienced researcher to reduce the impact of
participants had scores lower than 24, indicative of a mild cogni- motion artifacts. Two MPRAGE and three DWI scans were re-
tive impairment. However, because their score fell just one point moved because of motion artifacts. As mentioned above, affected
below the cutoff, we decided to include these individuals in this participants were excluded from the data analyses.
research. The analyses reported below were based on brain parcellations
On a separate day, a research assistant assessed each of the following the method of Desikan and colleagues (Desikan et al.,
participants again using paper-and-pen versions of the Digit Span 2006). For each parcellated region, we obtained mean GMV and
Test forward and backward, Block Design (from the Wechsler FA. To facilitate cross-measure comparison and to reduce the
Intelligence Scale; Wechsler, 1955), the Boston Naming Test number of statistical tests, no analyses were done on white matter
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 2. Stimuli and procedure. The upper panel illustrates the distribution of sounds for one measure in each
of the two stimulus rhythms. The colored bars mark the sound duration, and the black lines within each bar mark
the duration of the steady-state period. The magenta bar at 3,000 ms marks the first note of the next measure.
In the experimental blocks, measures were looped for 1.2 min. The lower panel illustrates the different study
phases. Initial screening interviews and cognitive testing were conducted on separate days prior to the actual
experiment. During the experiment, participants tapped along the tapping stimuli beginning with a short practice,
which was followed by two short experimental blocks comprised of 96 beats each. See the online article for the
color version of this figure.

FA. Instead we focused on gray matter FA, which was previously ing (Jahn, Nee, Alexander, & Brown, 2016). We also examined the
shown to characterize brain development (Dudink et al., 2010; cerebellum as another candidate region with potential relevance
Jonkman, Klaver, Fleysher, Inglese, & Geurts, 2016) and to have for rhythmic timing (Ivry & Keele, 1989).
a morphometric topological organization that resembles other To control for general brain decline in our regional analyses, we
gold-standard connectivity approaches such as axonal tract tracing divided the GMV and FA of each cortical region by the GMV and
(Seidlitz et al., 2018). FA of all other cortex, excluding that region. The same was done
GMV and FA were analyzed as follows. For each measure, we separately for subcortical regions such that measures were ex-
explored cortex and subcortical gray matter globally and for four pressed as a ratio relative to other subcortical gray matter. We
regions of interest (ROIs) including the caudate and putamen as separately controlled for cortical and subcortical global morphol-
major components of the striatum as well as the lateral precentral ogy because they could be expected to show different aging
cortex (including supplemental and other motor-related areas) and trajectories and, for FA, differed substantially, irrespective of age.
the auditory cortex as key cortical components of a striatocortical All global and globally controlled regional measures were then
system thought by some to support the rhythmic timing of auditory separately normalized across participants to a mean of 0 and a
events (Merchant et al., 2015; Teki, Grube, Kumar, & Griffiths, standard deviation of 1. This served to facilitate the detection of
2011). In addition to these ROIs, we explored a potential contri- outliers and the comparison of effects across regions. Participants
bution of a medial sensorimotor region (i.e., paracentral) and the with scores deviating more than 3 SD from the mean were ex-
caudal anterior cingulate because of their role in conflict monitor- cluded from a given test.

Statistical Analysis as the beat position. We then subtracted mean angles of the
syncopated from the periodic condition. To ensure that the result
Statistical analyses were conducted in R (R Core Team, 2015) had the original range of ⫺␲ to ␲, we subtracted 2 ␲ if the angular
and approached using a circular statistics framework in which time difference was greater than ␲ and added 2 ␲ if the angular
is not a linear but a circular phenomenon (for an introduction see difference was smaller than ⫺␲. Last, we tested whether the
Cremers & Klugkist, 2018). Such an approach is particularly resulting values differed significantly from 0 using a bootstrap
suited for data with regular temporal recurrence like, for example, approach with 5,000 repetitions (Canty & Ripley, 2017). This
the recurrence of days, months, years, and, in this present case, a indicated that the mean angle in the periodic condition differed
beat. Specifically, the present stimuli were characterized by a significantly from that in the syncopated condition (CI of angular
recurrent beat at 750 ms, which we mapped onto 360° with the difference ⫽ ⫺1.72 to ⫺.75).
0/360° position coinciding with the beat. Regression analyses exploring age differences in tapping angles
To accomplish this, we centered our interbeat interval at each revealed a significant effect for the periodic condition (ß ⫽ .01,
beat to obtain a beat-locked analysis window extending from 375 SE ⫽ .002, p ⬍ .0001). With increasing age, participants were less
ms before to 375 ms after each beat. For each participant and
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

likely to tap at an optimal prebeat position and more likely to tap

condition, we then aggregated taps falling within this window
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

with delay at or after the beat. Also for the syncopated condition
using the mean.circular function (to compute the mean angle did age predict tapping (ß ⫽ ⫺.01, SE ⫽ .004, p ⫽ .0003).
relative to the beat) and the rho.circular function (to compute the However, as illustrated in Figure 3, the mean tapping angles of
mean resultant vector length from the individual angles, i.e., the younger participants clustered shortly after the beat position,
consistency of angles) of the circular package (Agostinelli & Lund, whereas older participants tended to tap earlier with the oldest
2017). The first variable is referred to as tapping asynchrony and individuals being almost half a period too early. Importantly, the
the second variable as tapping consistency. Tapping asynchrony angular difference between the periodic and the syncopated con-
reflects the extent to which tapping angles differ from 0/360°, the dition failed to differ as a function of age (ß ⫽ .0002, SE ⫽ .002,
beat position. Note that within a linear framework, taps falling p ⫽ .136).
symmetrically below ⫺187 and above ⫹ 187 ms (i.e., 270° and Tapping consistency. We examined tapping consistency by
90°) would yield a misleading tapping average coinciding with the computing for each participant the mean resultant length of the
beat position. By contrast, within a circular framework, they would vector derived from tapping angles in the periodic and the synco-
more appropriately produce a mean tapping angle of 180°, the pated condition and by subjecting both sets of scores to a paired t
farthest point away from the beat. Moreover, taps falling directly test. Tapping consistency was greater in the periodic (0.625)
at ⫺187 and ⫹ 187 ms would fail to produce a central tendency compared with the syncopated condition (0.238, difference CI
because their resultant vector length would be 0. The term tapping [.306, .468]; t[69] ⫽ 9.55, p ⬍ .0001).
consistency describes the resultant vector length. It marks the The relationship between age and tapping consistency is illus-
degree to which tapping angles were the same from tap to tap. trated in Figure 3. To examine this relationship, we conducted a
Tapping asynchrony, a circular variable, was explored using a regression analysis with tapping consistency as the dependent
circular-linear regression analysis implemented in the circular variable and age as the independent variable for each rhythm
package. Tapping consistency was explored using a linear-linear condition and the condition difference. For the periodic condition,
regression analysis. In both cases, the tapping measure served as we found a significantly negative relationship (ß ⫽ ⫺.014, SE ⫽
the dependent variable. .007, p ⫽ .044), indicating that older age was associated with less
The present study also explored global and regional GMV and consistent tapping. For the syncopated condition, the effect sur-
FA. Regional analyses entailed seven tests, one for each region prisingly reversed (ß ⫽ .01, SE ⫽ .005, p ⫽ .0423). Moreover, the
examined here, thus increasing type I error. Therefore, we cor- difference in tapping consistency derived by subtracting the syn-
rected the p value of regional analyses using the p.adjust function copated from the periodic score correlated negatively with age
from the stats package with the false discovery rate (FDR; Ben- (ß ⫽ ⫺.02, SE ⫽ .007, p ⫽ .001). Thus, with increasing age,
jamini & Hochberg, 1995) setting (R Core Team, 2015). Where participants were less likely to show a reduction in tapping con-
relevant, we provide 95% confidence intervals. sistency from the periodic to the more difficult syncopated rhythm
Effects of Age on Cognition and Brain Morphology
Effects of Age on Tapping Performance
Cognition. Cognitive test results and exploratory correlation
Tapping asynchrony. The relation between age and tapping analyses (p uncorrected) with age and tapping are presented in
performance is illustrated in Figure 3. Because we opted for a Table 1.
circular statistics approach, we first used a Rayleigh test (for The nine test results were normalized to a mean of 0 and a
nonuniformity) with mu set to 0 to determine whether tapping standard deviation of 1. The normalized values were subjected to
clustered unimodally around 0, the beat position. This was the case a principal component analysis. Tests for which a greater score
for the periodic (R ⫽ .45, p ⬍ .0001, confidence interval [CI: reflected better performance loaded positively and tests for which
0.3060, 0.5989]) and, but to a lesser degree, in the syncopated a greater score reflected weaker performance loaded negatively on
condition (R ⫽ .24, p ⫽ .002, CI [0.0795, 0.4068]). To test the first principal component, which accounted for 50% of the total
condition differences, we computed the mean angle for each par- variance (with other components accounting for 18.5% or less).
ticipant and rhythm on a scale ranging from ⫺␲ to ␲, with 0 again We then normalized the participants’ individual scores for this first
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 3. Age effects on rhythmic timing (top row). Distribution of taps around beats in a measure. The 0
position indicates the time of the beat. The time between beats is expressed in degrees. Mean participant tapping
angles are illustrated as rose petals using transparent colors. The larger the petal the more participants had a mean
tapping angle at this position. Participants were sorted by age and divided into three nonoverlapping age groups
of similar size. The groups are marked with different colors (middle row). Age is plotted as a function of tapping
asynchrony expressed as the mean tapping angle for each participant. In blue we show a polynomial regression
line with one quadratic term (lm[Age ⬃ poly(Angle,2)])—which facilitates the illustration of circular data if
angles are plotted on the x-axis (bottom row). Age is plotted as a function of tapping consistency. The tapping
consistency measure rho varies between 0 and 1, with larger values indicating greater consistency. A linear
regression line is shown in blue. See the online article for the color version of this figure.

component, confirmed the absence of outliers (more than 3 SD variable and age as the independent variable. As mentioned above,
away from the mean), and used the normalized scores for all for each analysis we removed outliers for whom one or more
analyses reported below. variables exceeded 3 SD from the mean. This concerned the
A simple linear regression of age against the summary cognitive analysis of premotor cortex (N ⫽ 1), caudate (N ⫽ 2), and
score indicated that older age was associated with weaker cogni- cerebellum (N ⫽ 1).
tive performance (ß ⫽ ⫺2.47, SE ⫽ .56, p ⬍ .0001, ␩p2 ⫽ .22, An analysis of age effects on global GMV revealed a negative
Figures 4 and 5). relationship for both the cortex (ß ⫽ ⫺.06, SE ⫽ .02, p ⫽ .012, ␩p2 ⫽
Gray matter volume. To analyze the relation between age .088) and subcortical matter (ß ⫽ ⫺.04, SE ⫽ .02, p ⫽ .046, ␩p2 ⫽
and brain morphology, we conducted a series of univariate linear .057). An analysis of age effects on our ROIs revealed a negative
regression analyses with a given brain measure as the dependent relationship for auditory cortex (ß ⫽ ⫺.06, SE ⫽ .02, pFDR ⫽ .036,

Table 1
Cognitive Control Measures

Correlations with other variables

Tapping asynchrony Tapping consistency
Test M (range) Age PC1 Per Syn Dif Per Syn Dif

MMSE 28.2 (23–30) ⫺.15 .22 ⫺.06 .22 .17 .08 .01 .07
Digit span forward 10.44 (5–16) ⫺.29ⴱ .34 ⫺.06 ⫺.07 ⫺.06 .03 ⫺.01 .04
Digit span backward 5.9 (2–14) ⫺.29ⴱ .34 ⫺.06 ⫺.07 ⫺.06 .03 ⫺.01 .04
Block design 26.9 (3–45) ⫺.44ⴱⴱⴱ .35 ⫺.03 .29ⴱ .03 .11ⴱⴱ ⫺.007 .12ⴱⴱ
Boston naming 21.7 (10–30) ⫺.32ⴱⴱ .35 ⫺.02 ⫺.34ⴱ .22ⴱ .08ⴱ ⫺.02 .1ⴱ
Color trail test part 1 69 (33–184) .33ⴱⴱ ⫺.34 ⫺.07 ⫺.15 ⫺.1 ⫺.09ⴱ .004 ⫺.09ⴱ
Color trail test part 2 139 (63–270) .38ⴱⴱ ⫺.38 ⫺.01 ⫺.39ⴱⴱ .1 ⫺.09ⴱ ⫺.02 ⫺.06
Symbol digit modalities test 38.7 (9–63) ⫺.56ⴱⴱⴱⴱ .39 .01 .3ⴱ .2 .11ⴱⴱ ⫺.02 .13ⴱⴱⴱ
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Montreal cognitive assessment 85.4 (57–100) ⫺.13 .24 ⫺.11 ⫺.41ⴱ .22 .04 ⫺.02 .07
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Note. PC1 ⫽ first principal component of the principal component analysis done on the cognitive measures; Per ⫽ periodic rhythm condition; Syn ⫽
syncopated rhythm condition; Dif ⫽ syncopated minus periodic condition difference; MMSE ⫽ Mini-Mental State Examination.

p ⬍ .05. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .01. ⴱⴱⴱ p ⬍ .001. ⴱⴱⴱⴱ p ⬍ .0001.

␩p2 ⫽ .11, other psFDR ⬎ .209), indicating that this region declined 68. Outliers were identified for auditory cortex (N ⫽ 1) and excluded
above and beyond the rest of the brain. For the considered regions, we from analysis.
observed a numerical age-related increase in caudal anterior cingulate Age negatively predicted overall subcortical (ß ⫽ ⫺.05, SE ⫽ .02,
that did not reach conventional standards for significance (ß ⫽ .05, p ⫽ .037, ␩p2 ⫽ .064) but not cortical FA (ß ⫽ ⫺.04, SE ⫽ .02, p ⫽
SE ⫽ .02, pFDR ⫽ .082, ␩p2 ⫽ .073). Likely this region remained fairly .107, ␩p2 ⫽ .039), albeit both parameters showed a fairly similar
intact with age, thus tending to be proportionately larger for older pattern. Older age was numerically positively associated with a
individuals in whom other brain regions had declined. Other explor- greater caudate FA, albeit the effect failed to reach significance (ß ⫽
atory analyses yielded nonsignificant results (psFDR ⬎ .35). .06, SE ⫽ .02, pFDR ⫽ .079, ␩p2 ⫽ .093). As overall subcortical FA
Fractional anisotropy. The relation between age and FA was declined, caudal FA probably remained fairly intact. Effects were
pursued as described for the relation between age and GMV. For two nonsignificant for all other ROIs (psFDR ⬎ .588) and the exploratory
participants no FA measures were available, reducing the sample to regions (psFDR ⬎ .588).

Figure 4. Age effects on cognitive functioning (first principal component), global brain GMV, and FA as well
as proportional region-specific GMV and FA. The y-axis shows the normalized score range. GMV ⫽ gray matter
volume; FA ⫽ fractional anisotropy; ROI ⫽ regions of interest; AC ⫽ anterior cingulate. See the online article
for the color version of this figure.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Age 1
Periodic Tapping Consistency 2
Per-Syn Tapping Consistency 3
Cognitive Score 4
Cortical GMV 5
Subcortical GMV 6
Auditory GMV 7
Premotor GMV 8
Paracentral GMV 9
Caudal AC GMV 10
Caudal GMV 11
Putamen GMV 12
Cerebellar GMV 13
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Cortical FA 14
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Subcortical FA 15
Auditory FA 16
Premotor FA 17
Paracentral FA 18
Caudal AC FA 19
Caudal FA 20
Putamen FA 21
Cerebellar FA 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Figure 5. Correlation matrix illustrating the relationship between age and the different linear variables
measured in this study. Numbers above the diagonal show the Pearson correlation coefficient and indicate the
significance of p values smaller than .001, .01, .05 and .1 with symbols ⴱⴱⴱ, ⴱⴱ, ⴱ, and ., respectively. Font size
and correlation coefficient size are proportionate. The diagonal shows the variable distribution. Below the
diagonal are dot plots with a robust locally weighted regression fit indicated in red. GMV ⫽ gray matter
volume; FA ⫽ fractional anisotropy; AC ⫽ anterior cingulate. See the online article for the color version
of this figure.

Mediation of Age Effects on Rhythmic Timing as a global brain measure in the following analyses. Addition-
ally, we probed auditory GMV as the only regional measure
We conducted a series of mediation analyses to explore the role
significantly negatively related with age.
of cognitive functioning, GMV, and FA in explaining age-related
Periodic rhythm. Focusing on the periodic condition, we
changes in tapping performance. For tapping asynchrony, a circu-
observed an effect of age on both tapping asynchrony and consis-
lar variable, we relied on the approach developed by Baron and
tency and hence pursued both. Please see Figures 6 and 7 for an
Kenny (1986) using an in-house– developed R function. For tap-
illustration of the relation between tapping and the various indi-
ping consistency, we used the mediate function from the mediation
vidual brain measures. For an illustration of the relation between
package (Tingley, Yamamoto, Hirose, Keele, & Imai, 2014). Be-
tapping and the cognitive summary score, please refer to the online
cause our cognitive and brain measures were correlated (see Figure
supplementary materials.
5), we did not pursue them jointly but instead conducted separate
analyses. Age effects on tapping asynchrony approached significant me-
For the analysis of brain measures, we first conducted a diation via cognitive functioning (rdiff ⫽ .074, CI [⫺.007, .22],
principal component analysis to reduce data dimensionality and p ⫽ .062) but not via global brain morphology (p ⫽ .158) and
the number of tests (two participants without FA scores were auditory GMV (p ⫽ .389).
excluded from this analysis). The global measures of cortical Analysis of tapping consistency pointed to a mediation via the sum-
and subcortical GMV and FA entered this analysis, resulting in mary cognitive score (ß ⫽ ⫺.008, CI [⫺.018, ⫺.0002], p ⫽ .043) and
a total of four input variables. All variables loaded negatively global brain morphology (ß ⫽ ⫺.005, CI [⫺.012, ⫺.0003], p ⫽ .038).
on the first principal component (cortexGMV ⫽ ⫺.51; subcor- Effects were nonsignificant for auditory GMV (p ⫽ .88).
texGMV ⫽ ⫺.54, cortexFA ⫽ ⫺.39; subcortexFA ⫽ ⫺.53), Periodic minus syncopated rhythm. Focusing on perfor-
which accounted for 64% of the variance (other components mance differences between the periodic and the syncopated
accounted for 22% or less). To facilitate its interpretation, we rhythm, we observed nonsignificant age effects for tapping asyn-
switched the component sign and subjected the result to two chrony making a mediation analysis moot. However, tapping con-
Pearson correlation analyses with age (r ⫽ ⫺.32, df ⫽ 66, p ⫽ sistency was affected by age and thus pursued.
.008) and cognitive functioning (r ⫽ .32, df ⫽ 66, p ⫽ .008, The analysis with age as the independent variable, the cognitive
respectively). The results indicated that the resigned component score as the mediator, and the condition difference in tapping
scores predicted age and cognitive functioning in the expected consistency as the dependent variable returned a small indirect
directions. We hence proceeded to use the resigned component effect that, although nonsignificant (ß ⫽ ⫺.006, p ⫽ .078,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 6. Cognitive functioning (first principal component) and brain morphology in relation to tapping
asynchrony. Lines represent a polynomial (quadratic) fit. GMV ⫽ gray matter volume; FA ⫽ fractional
anisotropy; AC ⫽ anterior cingulate; ROI ⫽ regions of interest. See the online article for the color version of
this figure.
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 7. Brain morphology and its relation to tapping consistency. Lines represent a linear fit. GMV ⫽ gray
matter volume; FA ⫽ fractional anisotropy; AC ⫽ anterior cingulate; ROI ⫽ regions of interest. See the online
article for the color version of this figure.

CI [⫺.015, .0007]), hinted that cognitive functioning may not be beats of our stimulus rhythm to fall on the 0 mark of a circle and
irrelevant in explaining age deficits in tapping consistency. There determined the angle between that mark and taps. In this manner,
was also small and significant indirect effect via global brain we measured not only whether participants tapped at an interval
morphology (ß ⫽ ⫺.004, p ⫽ .041, CI [⫺.01, ⫺.0002]). Media- corresponding to the interbeat interval but also whether tapping
tion via auditory GMV was nonsignificant (p ⫽ .322). was beat aligned. Our summary statistics yielded, for each partic-
ipant, (a) a mean tapping angle reflecting tapping asynchrony or
Exploring the Neural Underpinnings of Rhythmic the mean accuracy of finding the beat and (b) tapping consistency
reflecting tap-to-tap differences in angle and thus temporal reli-
Because tapping performance may have been shaped by age- Contrary to previous reports (Turgeon et al., 2012; Turgeon et
irrelevant differences in brain morphology, we subjected tapping al., 2011), examination of tapping to a periodic rhythm revealed
asynchrony and consistency to an additional set of analyses ad- age effects. Tapping to a consistently marked beat, a relatively
dressing their relation with measures of brain morphology. Our simple task, became harder with increasing age. Whereas our
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

focus here was on explaining tapping differences between the youngest individuals were likely to tap shortly before the beat,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

syncopated and the periodic condition using a simple regression indicating that they could anticipate its occurrence (Leow et al.,
approach with the tapping measure as the dependent variable and 2014; Repp et al., 2013), this likelihood decreased in older partic-
the global or ratio-corrected regional GMV and FA as the inde- ipants. Additionally, older participants tapped less consistently.
pendent variable. The difference between the present and previous findings for
Analysis of the relation between tapping asynchrony and the paced tapping may be due to the advantages associated with
brain emphasized regional over global effects, especially for FA. circular statistics.
For GMV, we obtained nonsignificant effects for subcortical re- We explored performance differences between the periodic and
gions (ß ⫽ .17, SE ⫽ .13, p ⫽ .098) and cortical regions globally syncopated rhythms as to probe the possibility of an internal clock
(p ⫽ .335). Among our ROIs, the putamen seemed most relevant, mechanism deteriorating with age. Compared with the periodic
albeit its effect was also nonsignificant (ß ⫽ ⫺.24, SE ⫽ .13, rhythm, the syncopated rhythm engaged similar sensory and motor
pFDR ⫽ .092; other psFDR ⬎ .423). Similarly, among our explor- processes but was temporally more challenging because the beat
atory regions, the cerebellum seemed most relevant but again was not consistently marked. In conflict with our predictions,
effects were nonsignificant (ß ⫽ .32, SE ⫽ .14, pFDR ⫽ .092; other however, age effects for the condition difference were nonsignif-
psFDR ⬎ .423). For FA, we found nonsignificant global effects icant for tapping asynchrony and opposite expectation for tapping
(ps ⬎ .409). Among our ROIs, premotor cortex (ß ⫽ ⫺.34, SE ⫽ consistency.
.15, pFDR ⫽ .039) and caudate (ß ⫽ .33, SE ⫽ .13, pFDR ⫽ .039; Given these results we reason that the mean accuracy of rhyth-
other psFDR ⬎ .224) were significant. Our exploratory analyses mic tapping remains fairly preserved in older age and that its
revealed a significant effect in the paracentral region (ß ⫽ .29, underlying temporal function might well be a psychological prim-
SE ⫽ .14, pFDR ⫽ .041) with no other effects (psFDR ⬎ .158). itive (Droit-Volet et al., 2019). Indeed, age differences in the
Tapping consistency emphasized global over regional effects, periodic condition are a likely index of processes secondary to
again especially for FA. For GMV, the global effect was signifi- timing that will be discussed in more detail below. By contrast, age
cant for subcortical (ß ⫽ .09, SE ⫽ .04, p ⫽ .021) but not cortical
does not seem to spare the reliability of rhythmic tapping. When
matter (p ⫽ .165). No effect showed among our ROIs (psFDR ⬎
tapping to an easy rhythm, the interval between taps increasingly
.481). Effects were also nonsignificant for our exploratory regions
varied in older relative to younger participants. When tapping to
(psFDR ⬎ .609). For FA, the global effect was significant for both
the more difficult rhythm, for some older participants, consistency
subcortical (ß ⫽ .11, SE ⫽ .04, p ⫽ .009) and cortical matter (ß ⫽
could not decrease further because of a floor effect. For others,
.09, SE ⫽ .04, p ⫽ .021). Again, all ROI and exploratory analyses
difficulty may not have mattered because of impoverished auditory
were nonsignificant (psFDR ⬎ .331).
representations, reducing distraction from off-beat acoustic ele-
ments. Thus, with increasing age, the difference between periodic
Discussion and syncopated tapping consistency decreased.
This study examined the aging timer by exploring temporal
performance in conjunction with more general cognitive function- Age Difference in Cognition and Brain Morphology
ing and brain morphology. In the following discussion, we first
describe how age predicted rhythmic tapping in the present sam- Apart from examining tapping, we assessed participants on a
ple. We then reflect on the association between age and cognitive range of cognitive measures and used a principal component
as well as brain structural measures and discuss the role of timing- approach to identify shared variance representative of an individ-
specific and general mental processes in explaining our ability to ual’s overall cognitive status. Additionally, we quantified the
time events in late adulthood. participants’ brain integrity as reflected by GMV and FA for the
whole brain and for four regions with potential relevance for an
internal clock. As expected, age and cognitive status were strongly
Age Differences in Rhythmic Timing
negatively related. Additionally, age negatively predicted GMV
We examined tapping performance in the present experiment and FA globally—albeit effects were relatively weak. Both brain
using a circular statistics approach. Thus, rather than looking measures indexed a fairly broad decline and the only regional
simply at the duration of tap-to-tap intervals, we considered the measure surpassing this was auditory GMV.

The observed age effects on auditory GMV corroborate existing periodic and the syncopated condition. Please note, however, that,
work highlighting that sensory processing declines with age (Jaya- although consistent, these effects were small and hovered above
kody, Friedland, Martins, & Sohrabi, 2018; Lalwani et al., 2019). and below the traditional significance threshold of p ⫽ .05. Au-
However, that striatal decline failed to exceed that of other brain ditory GMV was again statistically irrelevant.
regions with respect to GMV and FA seems at odds with previous On this backdrop, we conclude that global changes in mental
evidence (Bauer et al., 2015; Di et al., 2014; Taki et al., 2013). For functioning and their brain basis underpin age-related changes in
caudal FA in particular, we observed a numerically positive age tapping consistency. As discussed farther below, this could entail
effect that, although nonsignificant, may index caudal integrity in a decline in the reliability of an internal clock. Additionally,
older age. A potential explanation is that the present approach tapping consistency may be affected by changes in not strictly
presents a more stringent test of regional decline relative to what temporal processes including, for example, sensorimotor represen-
has been done before. Our sample was substantially larger than the tations, which may have been more demanding in the syncopated
samples of most earlier studies and we used a continuous measure than the periodic condition.
rather than an extreme group design (e.g., Bauer et al., 2015; for a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

meta-analysis see Di et al., 2014). We also tested whether ROIs

Insights into the Brain Substrate of Rhythmic Timing
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

declined above and beyond the decline seen elsewhere in the brain.
Thus, the present results are perhaps more robust and informative Different opinions exist as to how temporal processing is im-
as concerns an accelerated striatal deterioration. Yet we acknowl- plemented in the human mind and brain. According to one popular
edge that such a conclusion must remain tentative until probed perspective (Gibbon, Church, & Meck, 1984; Treisman, Faulkner,
with a wider age range, including middle-aged adults (Taki et al., Naish, & Brogan, 1990), humans possess a specialized timing
2013). module that, in its simplest form, consists of a pacemaker emitting
pulses, which are then accumulated in memory and form the basis
Mechanisms Underpinning Age Effects on Rhythmic for temporal decisions. An attentional switch connecting pace-
maker and accumulator may be in a closed or opened state, thus
determining whether pulses are successfully stored (Lejeune,
The present study identified age effects on measures of asyn- 1998). Within this framework, timing depends on timing specific
chrony and consistency in the periodic tapping condition and on processes but interfaces with more general cognitive functions
measures of consistency for the condition difference. In an effort such as attention and memory.
to explore a potential role of cognitive and brain changes in Another popular perspective sees time as an emergent property
explaining these effects, we conducted a series of mediation anal- of more general mental functioning (for a review see Coull, Cheng,
yses. & Meck, 2011). Object specific mental operations simply have
Analysis of tapping asynchrony revealed that age effects in the time as an additional dimension. Thus, for example, auditory
periodic condition were clearly unrelated to global GMV and only processing engenders the temporal representation of sounds (Jant-
weakly explained by general cognitive functioning and global FA zen, Steinberg, & Kelso, 2004, 2005). Whereas the first perspec-
with effects failing to meet the traditional threshold of signifi- tive allows for age to alter temporal performance in a multimodal
cance. Moreover, results were nonsignificant for auditory cortex— manner, potentially preserving a core timer, the second perspective
the only region that deteriorated above and beyond the deteriora- accommodates modality-specific deficits but holds that associated
tion seen globally. Unlike for the periodic condition, age had a performance deficits are pervasive in that they affect both timing
nonsignificant effect on the asynchrony difference between the accuracy and reliability.
periodic and the syncopated condition. Thus, no mediation was To address these possibilities, we explored the relation between
pursued. rhythmic tapping and brain morphology both as a function of age
We speculate that changes in tapping to a periodic and synco- as reported above and independently of age. The latter was based
pated rhythm with increasing age reflect a fairly circumscribed on the rational that there may be age-unrelated individual variation
motor slowing as reported previously (Falkenstein, Yordanova, & in brain morphology that could help us further specify the neural
Kolev, 2006). Indeed, early work has differentiated motor from underpinnings of rhythmic timing. Examination of asynchrony
cognitive timing processes and raised the possibility that the for- differences between the periodic and the syncopated rhythm re-
mer could be affected without the latter (Ivry & Hazeltine, 1995). vealed a nonsignificant global effect for both GMV and FA.
The absence of age effects for the condition difference converges However, when controlling for global brain measures, premotor,
with evidence that this difference is unrelated to more general caudal, and paracentral FA emerged as relevant with small effects
cognitive functioning (online supplementary materials). It suggests for GMV in the putamen and cerebellum that did not cross signif-
that the accuracy of rhythmic timing, thought to be highlighted by icance. By contrast, examination of consistency differences be-
the condition difference, remains fairly unaffected by ongoing tween the periodic and the syncopated rhythm revealed significant
cognitive and brain structural decline. global effects for GMV and, more robustly, for FA. Regional
Our mediation results for tapping consistency were fairly com- effects, however, were nonsignificant.
parable for the periodic condition and the condition difference. The Together these results converge with the age effects reported
first principal components derived from combining the different above and disagree with the notion of a distributed and function-
cognitive measures and from combining the different brain mea- ally embedded timing system supporting object-specific temporal
sures, respectively, statistically accounted for the age-related in- representations. Indeed, the auditory cortex, which would have
crease in tapping variation in the periodic condition and the age- supported rhythm perception here, showed pronounced changes
related reduction in the difference in tapping variation between the with age but failed to predict rhythmic tapping. Instead, our

findings corroborate the existence of a dedicated central timer that uted to the condition difference. This is because it is well estab-
interfaces with other mental processes (Gibbon et al., 1984; Tre- lished that older age makes the suppression of unwanted responses
isman et al., 1990). As suggested elsewhere and supported by the harder (Bialystok, Craik, Klein, & Viswanathan, 2004; Juncos-
present data, such a timer might depend on striatocortical circuitry Rabadán, Pereiro, & Facal, 2008). Additionally, we explored a role
(Leow et al., 2014) and the striatal integration of cortical processes of conflict-monitoring regions (i.e., paracentral, caudal anterior
as proposed by the striatal beat frequency model (Buhusi et al., cingulate) in the association between age and the performance
2005; Matell & Meck, 2004; Oprisan & Buhusi, 2011, 2013; differences between the periodic and syncopated rhythm obtaining
Petter, Lusk, Hesslow, & Meck, 2016). This latter model offers a nonsignificant results. We observed only a paracentral FA effect
physiologically plausible framework for how a central timer might on tapping accuracy, irrespective of age. Moreover, both paracen-
be implemented in the brain. It assumes a role for dopaminergic tral area and cingulate played no special role in accounting for
neurons in the ventral tegmental area to synchronize cortical tapping consistency, which instead showed a robust dependency
activity. Medium spiny neurons within the striatum are believed to on global brain integrity. Nevertheless, future research should use
monitor cortical synchronization and the ensuing relaxation of a continuation tapping task, which rules out the possibility of a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

phase coherence. As such, these neurons are believed to integrate response conflict contributing to task performance.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

temporal information and to register the passage of time. Third, it is important to acknowledge shortcomings associated
Based on the present results and in line with current perspec- with the between-subjects design implemented here. For one, age
tives, different processes may underpin the accuracy and the reli- was nonuniformly distributed, with fewer participants in the higher
ability of rhythmic timing. We speculate that timing accuracy age range, thus potentially compromising power. Additionally,
depends largely on the integrity of striatal mechanisms and their results may have been affected by other variables that vary within
interaction with the cortex. However, given that we also identified our sample such as education or musical sophistication. This can
timing accuracy effects in the paracentral area and, but nonsignifi- be addressed with a cohort design that follows up the same group
cantly, in the cerebellum, a striatocortical system likely interacts of individuals for a number of years. Apart from being challenging
with both timing-specific and -unspecific processes in other parts to set up, however, such an approach has other issues including
of the brain. The reliability of rhythmic timing may be a function study dropouts.
of noise present globally in both cortical and subcortical oscilla- Lastly, we want to highlight that the present study focused on
tory patterns (Oprisan & Buhusi, 2011, 2013). Thus, aging, which only one of possibly two different timing modes. Apart from the
emphasizes global over localized striatal decline, may be less rhythmic timing examined here, studies have explored the timing
detrimental to the mean accuracy than to the reliability of internal of intervals by, for example, asking participants to judge or repro-
time. duce a stimulus duration (Lui, Penney, & Schirmer, 2011; Penney,
Gibbon, & Meck, 2000; Schirmer, Ng, Escoffier, & Penney, 2016).
At present, opinions divide as to whether rhythmic and interval
Caveats and Future Directions
timing can and should be theoretically differentiated. There are
Before closing, we want to highlight a few caveats associated proposals of both being separate functions supported by segregated
with the present study that limit our conclusions. First, this work brain circuitry (Grahn & Brett, 2009; Grube, Cooper, Chinnery, &
would have benefited from an assessment of sensory and motor Griffiths, 2010; Teki, Grube, & Griffiths, 2012; Teki et al., 2011).
functions. Apart from timing-specific and -unspecific cognition, However, other proposals, like the striatal beat frequency model,
tapping performance also depended on the participants’ hearing as consider them in an integrated manner, assuming that rhythms
well as motion planning and execution. Because both domains depend on the representation of intervals, thus making it impossi-
decline with age, they create additional performance challenges ble to meaningfully separate the two (Buhusi et al., 2005;
that could have impacted the present results. Please note, however, Schirmer, Meck, et al., 2016; Turgeon et al., 2016). On this
that their impact would have been more severe for the periodic backdrop, future research is needed to determine whether the
tapping results than the tapping difference between the periodic present findings characterize rhythmic timing specifically or speak
and the syncopated condition because the latter would reduce to timing more broadly.
impact from timing unspecific processes.
A second shortcoming concerns our comparison of tapping with
a periodic with tapping to a syncopated rhythm. Although this
comparison offered a range of advantages as detailed in the intro- Here we explored whether and how cognitive and brain struc-
duction, we cannot exclude the possibility that it also captured tural measures explain rhythmic tapping in a group of aging adults.
nontemporal processes. For example, some of the difficulty asso- Focusing on the difference between a periodic and a syncopated
ciated with the syncopated rhythm may have been due to a natural rhythm, we found the mean timing accuracy to remain fairly intact
bias to tap at a sounding rather than a silent moment. For the with older age. Additionally, timing accuracy dissociated from not
syncopated rhythm, such a bias would have created a response strictly temporal cognition and, irrespective of age, showed a
conflict (Praamstra, Turgeon, Hesse, Wing, & Perryer, 2003) that number of regional effects including correlations with caudal,
participants would have needed to suppress on some but not other premotor, and paracentral FA. By contrast, timing reliability sig-
points in a measure. Although we cannot rule out this possibility, nificantly differed by age, and this difference was weakly statis-
the following observations make it unlikely. For one, impairments tically explained by a global reduction in cognitive functioning and
in tapping accuracy and reliability for the syncopated relative to brain integrity rather than by regional effects. Together these
the periodic condition failed to increase with age. Yet such an results suggest that age largely preserves the workings of a central
increase should have materialized if a response conflict contrib- timer supported by the striatum but increases noise in timing

relevant information represented throughout the brain in sensory, Droit-Volet, S., Lorandi, F., & Coull, J. T. (2019). Explicit and implicit
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