Jesus Books Bible

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Jesus IS the New Testament

Matthew ... Jesus is God-with-us.

Mark ... He is the Son of God.
Luke ... He is the Son of Mary, feeling what you feel.
John ... He is the Bread of Life.
Discover JESUS
Acts ... Jesus is the Savior of the world.
Romans ... Jesus is the Righteousness of God.
1 Corinthians ... He is the Resurrection.
In Every Book
2 Corinthians ... He is the God of all comfort.
Galatians ... He is your liberty, He sets you free. of the Bible
Ephesians ... Jesus is the Head of the Church.
Philippians ... Jesus is your Joy.
Colossians ... He is your Completeness.
1 & 2 Thessalonians ... He is your Hope.
1 Timothy ... He is your Faith.
2 Timothy ... Jesus is your Stability.
Titus ... Jesus is Truth.
Philemon ... He is your Benefactor.
Hebrews ... He is your Perfection.
James ... He is the Power behind your faith.
1 Peter ... He is your Example.
2 Peter ... Jesus is your Purity.
1 John ... Jesus is your Life. Jesus is Life, Love, Longevity and Law.
2 John ... He is your Pattern.
He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness and Love.
3 John ... He is your Motivation.
He is Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful, Good.
Jude ... He is the Foundation of your Faith.
His Way is Right, His Words Eternal.
Revelation ... Jesus is your Coming King..
His Rules Unchanging, and His mind is on me.
He is my Redeemer, His is my Savior,
Jesus said: He is my God, He is my Priest,
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, He is my Joy, He is my Comfort, He is my Law,
and all these things shall be added to you.” and He rules my life.
~Matthew 6:33
The Most Excellent Way

Jesus Is In the Old Testament

Genesis ... Jesus is the Seed of the Woman. Isaiah ... Jesus is the suffering Servant.
Exodus ... He is the Passover Lamb. Jeremiah ... He is the Righteous wronged.
Leviticus ... He is the Priest, the Altar and the Lamb of Sacrifice. Lamentations ... He is our Weeping Prophet.
Numbers ... He is the cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night. Ezekiel ... He is the One with the right to rule.
Deuteronomy ... Jesus is the Prophet like Moses. Daniel ... Jesus is the fourth man in the fiery furnace.
Joshua ... Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation. Hosea ... He is the Faithful Husband forever married to the saints.
Judges ... He is our Judge and Law-Giver. Joel ... He is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, fire.
Ruth ... He is our Kinsman and Redeemer. Amos ... He is the Restorer of Justice.
1 & 2 Samuel ... He is our trusted Prophet. Obadiah ... He is Mighty to Save.
Kings & Chronicles ... He is our reigning King. Jonah ... He is our great foreign Missionary.
Ezra ... He is Rebuilder of the broken-down walls of human life. Micah ... Jesus is the feet of one who Brings Good News.
Nehemiah ... Jesus is our Restorer. Nahum ... Jesus is our Stronghold in the day of trouble.
Esther ... He is our Advocate. Habakkuk ... He is God my Savior.
Job ... Jesus is our Ever-Living Redeemer. Zephaniah ... He is the King of Israel.
Psalms ... He is our Shepherd. Haggai ... He is the Signet Ring.
Proverbs ... He is our Wisdom. Zechariah ... He is our humble King riding on a colt.
Ecclesiastes ... He is our Hope of Resurrection. Malachi ... Jesus is the Son of Righteousness.
Song of Songs ... He is our loving Bridegroom. Selah!

Shortest Chapter:
Jesus is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Psalm 117
He is the Keeper of Creation and the Creator of all. The world can’t understand Him, Longest Chapter:
He is the Architect of the Universe and the Manager of all Time. Armies can’t defeat Him, Psalm 119
He always Was, He always Is and He always Will Be, Schools can’t explain Him Center Chapter:
Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated and never undone. And the leaders can’t ignore Him. Psalm 118
Herod couldn’t kill Him, 594 Chapters Before
Jesus was bruised and brought healing, The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him, 594 Chapters After
He was pierced and eased pain, The people couldn’t hold Him, 1188 Bible Chapters
He was persecuted and brought freedom, Nero couldn’t crush Him, Center Verse:
He was dead and brought life. Hitler couldn’t find Him, “It is better to trust
He is risen and brings power, The New Age can’t replace Him in the LORD than put
confidence in man.”
He reigns and brings peace. And Oprah can’t explain Him away.
~ Psalm 118:8

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